Local Government TV

Friday, April 26, 2013

Flight of the Turkey Vultures

On Saturday, I developed an ear infection. I tried ignoring it, hoping it would go away, but it got worse as the week went on. I finally broke down and went to the doctor and have antibiotic ear drops laced with a little prednisone for the inflammation. But I'm still tired, a little dizzy and have had a slight fever for an entire week. But I'm no longer in Winter hibernation. Sick or not, I'm still out on the bike path every day, mostly walking with a little running.

That's what we highly-conditioned, well-trained athletes do.

Today, about half way through, I did some core work. When done, I just lay there on my stomach. The warm Sun felt good and very relaxing, and I think I fell asleep for a minute or two. When I woke up and stood, I noticed that three turkey vultures were circling above. They hopefully followed me along the Lehigh Canal, but I finished without keeling over.

Since I've lost my license to practice, I can't expect the professional courtesy that buzzards usually extend to lawyers. But as a bottom-feeding gossip blogger who can't be trusted with a wallet or child, I'm insulted.

Maybe they wanted some tips.


  1. They can smell carrion from miles away. Besides you they must know an election is going on. Which county were you in?

  2. So you were laying down on the towpath? You know what they say about imitation.

  3. Bernie Baby
    Turkey Vultures use professional courtesy. You were safe! Sure hope you wore your sexy green Italian biking shirt.

  4. I can't understand why you come down so hard on yourself. You made a mistake. You paid the price, and you have more than paid your dues. It's been proven many times over that aloholism is hereditary and you've defeated that demon. Stop beating yourself up and get on with the rest of your life. You are a pauper because you choose to be. Now get on with the rest of your life. No self respecting turkey vulture would pick your bones.

  5. "So you were laying down on the towpath? You know what they say about imitation."

    Not on it, off to the side. I am not insane. Well, not tht cRaZy.

  6. Are you sure they weren't just Fleck Consulting employees?

  7. Wow! That live blog on the Lehigh Valley Times website regarding questions and answers of Lamont McClure has some vulture comments. It started at noon today and is still going. For one thing, he claims that Wayne Grube was his mentor. Nice! Wayne Grube is dead and can't verify that or not. Nice way to claim something against his legacy.

  8. Lamont's answers are getting better as the questions roll along. There are some real humdingers! I thought he represented the people. Now he doesn't want anything to do with his constituency.

  9. Wayne Grube had no use for Lamont McClure.

  10. Was that live blog on McClure a bunch of vulture double talk if I ever saw it!

  11. "Wayne Grube had no use for Lamont McClure."

    For what it is worth, I know this statement is accurate. Wayne Grube's closest friend, Rich Grucela, supports Callahan.

  12. I hope you are feeling better Bernie.

  13. Thank you. It took some time, but I feel much better tonight.


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