Local Government TV

Friday, April 26, 2013

Republicans Opposing Mezzacappa Branded "Traitors"

The NorCo GOP infighting continues. Someone calling himself or herself "David Jones" is mad as hell that tea party extremists like Robert Kerr and Tony Simao have failed to take over their party and get rid of party stalwarts like Peg Ferraro, Dottie Niklos and Lee Snover. 

Kerr and Simao, the former Chair and Treasurer, have resigned, taking their marbles home. No longer able to gavel down responsible Republicans, these extremists have decided instead to attack, anonymously, the "traitors", in an email you can read for yourself. 

From: David Jones <your.ncrc@gmail.com>
Date: April 25, 2013, 6:53:42 PM EDT
To: David Jones <your.ncrc@gmail.com>
Subject: Truth & Justice
Yesterday the Express Times ran an article entitled "Republican Party dissolves into infighting over Northampton County Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa".  A portion of the article reads as follows. . .

When asked to elaborate, Craig DeFranco, the acting chairman of the Republican committee, said the statement came regarding alleged threats Mezzacappa leveled against blogger Bernie O'Hare and her disorderly conduct conviction for a tirade at West Easton Borough Hall, where she allegedly threatened to drown West Easton Council President Kelly Gross.

"We do not think a public official should be threatening to kill people.
We are trying to distance ourselves from those statements,"
- -Craig DeFranco

It now seems this former Police Chief Craig DeFranco wants to convict someone on the hearsay of another and he feels perfectly comfortable putting our Committee's name, reputation and financial resources on it.  Since when does the Northampton County Republican Committee start listening to the local gossip blogger, disbarred attorney and admitted alcoholic Bernie O'Hare and taking his word as gospel!  What is unusual is that Bernie O'Hare is a Democrat Committeeman and several of our Executive Committee members have had almost a decade long political relationship with this man (and I use that term loosely).  Stay tuned there is more coming about this because you deserve the truth and the facts not gossip.

I think I am right to assume almost everyone reading this email is an intelligent and compassionate Republican who really cares about our nation so all I want you to do is to decide should we be condemningANYONE without having our facts straight?  This isn't about Tricia Mezzacappa or Bernie O'Hare it is about TRUTH and JUSTICE!  I am betting on you to come to the right conclusions after reviewing the facts and that you will vote accordingly in the May primary.

Please save this great organization Northampton County Republican Committee from the likes of Bernie O'Hare and his co-conspirators and traitors on our Executive Committee!

 Inline image 1

Who would you rather leave your wallet or your small child with?

This email is NOT an endorsement of anyone! 


  1. He makes great points. This will bakfire on the Republicans, since Mezzacappa will will undoubtably be nominated.

  2. Yes, the supposed allegations are actual facts, and all one need do is visit Mezzacappa's own hate-filled blog to see numerous examples.

    If Mezzacappa is nominated, she will bring down every Republican seeking a county office, if not every Republican seeking any other office in the county. She has already damaged them.

  3. David Jones IS either Robert Kerr or a white supremacist upset that David Duke was repudiated by the Republican Party. Citing Mezzacappa in another ANONYMOUS missive, he actually quoted Reagan’s eleventh commandment ‘not to speak ill of other Republicans,’ as if it were some kind of suicide pact.

  4. If he were smart he would have sited the County Seal--Mercy and Justice.

  5. Is Robert Kerr so broke that he had to sell NCRC data to Aristotle or some other data house? Or, it could just be him—sounds like sour grapes to me.

  6. Republicans do not like to be told what to do by those who hate someone based on the word of a Dem committeeman.

    This is a shame and many Republicans will vote for this young lady because the "executive committee" thinks it can tell people what to think and do.

    Ferraro is usless as a Republican and should be thrown out of office.

  7. Kerr and his minions like delBacco, should just come OUT of the closet. This angst from denying their homosexuality caused irratinal thinking. Come on Ronnie, just out yourself. You will feel better. Tony does.

  8. 12:57

    This is not the first time I have heard Kerr sold the PA GOP data base to a private data house. It also makes you wonder what information he grabbed for the politcal consulting business he was running but failed to disclose to the committee.

  9. The repeated attacks from O'Hare's poison posse represent the lowest common denominator in todays political realm, they detract from the core issues that staunch Republican like Tricia Mezzacappa advocates; lower taxes, less regulation, open government and protection of the second Amendment.

    The voters and taxpayers of Northampton County would be lucky to have someone like Tricia Mezzacappa as a councilwoman, sadly it seems her candidacy has been derailed not only by the Gross family cartel but the spineless minions that lurk on the port side of our noble vessel.


  10. Dave Jones is doing some unethical things to get his email addresses.I am not too involved, but even my dauhter in Oregon and my nephew in Illinois got the emails too. Dave Jones is invading my family. Now I must shut down my email address to stop this vulture and my family is not safe either.Where did Dave Jones get my private information?

  11. Ferraro is a great council woman and she will get mine and m entire family's vote. Both in primary and in the general

  12. Shouldn't the Express-Times article have mentioned that the E-T is involved in litigation with Mezzacappa? Unless that lawsuit has been dropped. What ever happened to full disclosure?

  13. Has the NorCo GOP found Davey Jones' locker? May be foreshadowing.....

  14. No sane person could defend this woman. The taxpayers would be lucky to have this fine lady on council. Are you kidding me? There is nothing fine about her and she is no lady. Does she even have a job? She may be living off of the taxpayer. I seem to remember hearing she does massage...hummm. And I bet she pays her taxes. No boyfriend, no anyone except a pig. She has shown she can be many things but none of them exceptable behavior. The proof is there for all to see. She comes on this site pretending to be someone else defending her. That in itself is telling. Republicans purge people less evil then this so she does need to go. Last I heard the D's would not even touch her with a 10 ft. pole. She is a bigot, racist, unstable and on meds so not responsible for her behavior as stated by her. This chick needs to go away. Far away. As a woman I am disturbed by her irrational behavior and embarrassed for her. No one has a history with her because once they spend a little time withher they run for the hills. You don't reward this behavior by giving her what she wants and you certainly don't put her in a position where she makes decision for others. Any good parent knows this. I believe she is gay. Kinda fits much of the behavior. If the gays thought so they would defend and reward her. Just watch.....

  15. Whatever happened to Acceptance of Responsibility for personal action's? Political candidate's appear exempt these day's.

  16. @7:30 Your accusation homosexuality is a red herring, designed by fringe members of the Republican party to shame and shun party members who don't carry your fetid water.

    Additionally questioning whether or not TM pays taxes on her massage income is scurrilous, baseless, and potentially libelous. Can't wait for November and the nuclear launching pad of hate to go ballistic, it's diminutive operator foaming at the mouth and grasping at straws with the hope of derailing the Tea Party's femme fatale.

  17. It don't matter if your gay or straight, when you're straight up nuts! Birds of a feather obviously still flock together. People are starting to wonder if this group didn't come from the tea party, but from some mental health recovery group.
    This caption to the picture should read "which one of these two are more likely to boil the family pet?"

  18. @ 7:50

    Dude....seriously? Politic's & Taxes are synonomus. No libel there.

    As for derailing the Femme Fatale'....most Political career's end after they are caught in a compromising position. Ever hear of Bill, Monica & El Producto?

  19. Wasnt surprised when i read Delbacco defending TM, hes a racist wackadoo as well. The R's, like Ferraro and others, must stand up to these crazies!!!!!

  20. The "David Jones" email says: "It now seems this former Police Chief Craig DeFranco wants to convict someone on the hearsay of another and he feels perfectly comfortable putting our Committee's name, reputation and financial resources on it."

    On November 15, 2012, Tricia Mezzacappa was tried in a Court of Law and convicted of disorderly conduct. There was direct testimony (not hearsay) that she threatened two public officials. The investigating police officer and three witnesses testified against her. Mezzacappa also had the opportunity to testify. She was represented by experienced criminal defense lawyer Phil Lauer. If she didn't think the conviction was just, she could have filed an appeal. She did not. She paid a fine and later wrote about it, saying the conviction was nothing more than "a hangnail on a gorilla." She also wrote that the case would have been worth it if only she had been able to "crack" one of the officials she threatened in "her dirty mouth."

    The facts are the facts. It seems to me that Craig DeFranco had it right.

  21. The comment made by 6:52 AM sounds an awful lot like Tricia Mezzacappa. She often uses the term "poison posse." She often refers to the Gross family as a "cartel." Tricia is coming on this blog telling everyone the county "would be lucky" to have her as a councilwoman without disclosing her identity. What a phony!

  22. The comment made by 7:50 AM sounds an awful lot like Tricia Mezzacappa too. The terms "nuclear launching pad of hate" and "foaming at the mouth and grasping at straws" are among her favorites. If you're such a "femme fatale," Tricia, why are you defending yourself anonymously?

  23. @ 9:30 If 6:52 A.M. is TM, then she herself has admitted "sadly it seems her candidacy has been derailed" @ 6:52 A.M.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. On the bright side, thanks to all these emails, this gossip blogger is picking up more readers. Thanks, Bob Kerr, Tony Simao, Tricia MezzaKKKappa and Ronnie delWacko!!

  26. Comments from Pat Wallace are actually from a person whose comments are legally prohibited on this blog. Stay off, Blog Mentor. You can roll around the floor and foam at the mouth on your own hate blog, or those of your pals.

  27. What is wrong with conservatives?!? My goodness is this funny to ready!!!

    Laughing Democrat in Lehigh

  28. "Shouldn't the Express-Times article have mentioned that the E-T is involved in litigation with Mezzacappa? Unless that lawsuit has been dropped. What ever happened to full disclosure?"

    Tom Shortell, who wrote this story, is one of the people Mezzacappa complained about in her lawsuit. Since he is part of the story, he can't ethically writ about himself, according to the goofy rules used by reporters.

    The paper has not reported her suit against them. I honestly don't know the reason. But let me take a guess. Mezzacappa is attempting to avoid the cost of using a Sheriff to serve the complaint, thinking she can do it herself. She can't. If the paper acknowledged the suit, it might put it in a position of waiving that issue.

    Mezzacappa recently sued Angl. Although the case was dismissed days after it was filed, she falsely represented she had served him. She flat out lied. I would not be surprised to see her falsely represent that the newspaper was served.

    anyway, here is a link to her complaint against the newspaper.


  29. Ronnie could be, Delwacko or Delbakkko

  30. On November 15, 2012, Tricia Mezzacappa was tried in a Court of Law and convicted of disorderly conduct. There was direct testimony (not hearsay) that she threatened two public officials. The investigating police officer and three witnesses testified against her. Mezzacappa also had the opportunity to testify. She was represented by experienced criminal defense lawyer Phil Lauer. If she didn't think the conviction was just, she could have filed an appeal. She did not. She paid a fine and later wrote about it, saying the conviction was nothing more than "a hangnail on a gorilla." She also wrote that the case would have been worth it if only she had been able to "crack" one of the officials she threatened in "her dirty mouth."

    The facts are the facts. It seems to me that Craig DeFranco had it right.

    I thought Anon 9:14 was worth repeating. She also declared herself mentally incompentent in court.

  31. The three people pretye4nding to be many are continually repeating the same slurs agaisnt Ms. Mezzacappa. She will win in May and hild liberal Republcans like Peg ferraro accountavble. Tricia is a real Tea Party
    Republican and the fakesd are angry.

    The more you slur her the more popular she gets with working class Republicans.

  32. Yeah, sure she is. Especially when she wants to crack Democrats in the mouth and then drag them and drown them down at the river.

  33. After reading the email from "David Jones" my first impression is that it is exactly the kind of thing Miss Mezzacappa herself would have written.
    Pretending to be a non-existent entity would fit right in line with certain other bloggers I have heard of.
    I am not saying it is her, but as the Blog mentor always claims, the style of writing is familiar.

    Personally, I would love to see her get nominated. I would love to see her on County Council, toting her great big weapon full of hollow points into the courthouse. I wonder how Mr. Callahan would handle that?

  34. "I wonder how Mr. Callahan would handle that?"

    bless you..

  35. Bernie,
    Didn't Tricia Mezzacappa state publicly that she voted for liberal Democrat Barack Obama in 2008? Didn't she say she would consider voting for him again in 2012? That doesn't sound like something a true Tea Party "femme fatale" would say.

    I believe she made the Obama comments after being called out in a police report for shouting the n-word at her African American neighbors. Was she lying about her 2008 vote to deflect accusations of racism?

    Trica reads this blog. Maybe she would like to provide an explanation to "working class Republicans" like Anon 1:17 PM.

  36. "After reading the email from "David Jones" my first impression is that it is exactly the kind of thing Miss Mezzacappa herself would have written."

    I agree, and she obviously had help in creating an email list fro someone who had email addresses for all of the Rs.

  37. "Tricia is a real Tea Party

    Democrats have to love that! If only she were really that important. Anyone who doesn't follow blogs, or live in W. Easton, has no idea who she is.

    To the larger point, though... Is this why Priebus talks about the need to "rebrand" the GOP? I feel bad for the Mat Benol and Rand Paul-types out there who, whether I agree or disagree with every point, at least gave/give the "tea party" credibility and respectability by making their case with rational thought. However, the tea party image in the public eye has become increasingly co-opted by more and more extremist elements. But this is the GOP's own doing. They purposely encouraged these grass-root foot soldiers. But unlike the various religious social conservative movements of the past three decades, who easily feel in line behind the GOP leadership, the Tea Party has shown it is not monolithic nor easily controlled. For this reason it will doom itself to gradual insignificance as a political force.

    Didn't Simao make some intimation on here recently that they are trying to form some alternative party organization? From the old RINO hunters who drove out the moderates, to the dysfunction of the "tea party", the numerically minority party is becoming smaller and smaller. Reagan's "big tent" has become a collection of pup tents.

  38. Has anyone actually read Ms. Mezzacappa's lawsuit against the Express-Times? Did she put this together herself or did an attorney do this? If she paid an attorney, she should ask for a refund.

    Item #5 in the complaint is interesting, considering that it refers to events that supposedly happened in the past but refers to a date in the future (8/27/13). It's either an obvious error, or she is a time traveler.

  39. The tea party is being defined by those who hate it. This is not new in American life. It often works. TM is a red herring in politics. Nuts show up and glom on to the latest populist movement all the time.

  40. So Trish gets her panties twisted (above) because someone has rhe nerve to suggest she may not be paying taxes. This would also mean she hides the money so she can steal from the taxpayers in the county. She can lie, falsely accuse, threaten and whatever else but this can't be said about her? if is was wrong she would not be so hot about it......so folks she is more then likely paying for those high heels with our money. Anyone want to say "you're welcome" to her?????? BO you are and were so right about her and SHE causes her own problems.....

  41. Who the hell is:

    Posted by Doug Camaro at 10:53 AM

    Should we ask Mezzacappa? Because Doug Camaro is now posting threads on Mezzacappa's blog, the footprint.

    Amazing names that she comes up with ...

  42. Ron Camaro is half brother to Jeff Pontiac, who has a half sister named Chevy Buick. Her Dad was John Buick, her Mother Pinky Cadillac. It's all in the family!

  43. Kicking TM to the curb was the right thing to do and saner minds have prevailed. When you find out you have cancer..you get rid of it as quickly as possible before it spreads.

  44. At this point she couldn't get elected WE boro pig inspector.

  45. 7:24, I never kicked her to the curb bc I never dated her. While her antics are well known here, and robo calls have gone out to warn GOP voters about her, she could easily win. She is in the #3 ballot position, needs only to finish 5th, and has a good last name in Easton and the slate belt.

  46. She will because of all the hate being directed at her by angry ex O'Hare and his Poison Posse. She is for gun rights as opposed to liberals like Peg Ferraro. Trish is for transparent government.

    You want to keep the country club thing going but it is over. Trisha is a woman of the people and she will end up on county council.

    Don't Tread on Me!

  47. I don't see the SB support Bernie. No flyers or banners up here asking for votes. When she did make a local appearance..she was ignored and beat a hasty retreat to WE.

  48. Who are Trish's political benefactor's/supporter's?

  49. Use of the words "poison posse" indicates that the above comment likely comes from Mezzaccappa.

    She is so transparent that she recently was impersonating a gentlemen, attempting to deceive voters that he supported her.

  50. She has no name recognition up here by the mountain and R's like their candidates to be non controversial and socially acceptable. She doesn't fit the criteria.

  51. "R's like their candidates to be non controversial and socially acceptable"

    Now thats funny!!!

    I guess that means Ron Angle will never get elected up htere again.


  52. "Trish is for transparent government."....unless, of course, the paperwork pertains to politically damaging personal behavior the Public has a Right to know about. What happens when a person strives for Public Office....All personal behavior comes under Public scrunity. Personal Integrity no longer appears to have a place in politic's anymore. Too bad for us, The Taxpayer's!

  53. She will win. Deal with it haters!!!

    Becauase of Bernie, Stoffa and Angle she will get lots of votes.
    She may be near the top.

  54. Trish, trash, whatever. You are all reprobates projecting your hateful rhetoric and motives on everyone. Look in the mirror you tea party whack jobs if you want to see the true cancer which the responsible Republicans are trying to prevent from ruining the local GOP. DelWacko is probably the only one writing these pro Trisha comments aside from Trisha herself. You can use fake identities all you want. Not buying that these made up names are real people.

  55. To the twisted souls that inhabit O'Hare's hate hut, please read the latest entry on the WEFP blog and ask yourselves why does the Borough of West Easton fight the release of public information such as meeting minutes and checklists? These practices are costing the taxpayers $95/hr, money that goes to a "lawyer" that many would consider more incompetent (but less depraved) than Sick'O'Rick'O.
    All this criticism of TM comes from a man who constantly brays about the importance of open and honest government? Hope you sue little Napoleon Dynamite after he botches your case against a pro se defendant.

  56. Trish, it is way past your time for your little drug cocktail ...

  57. Funny how "all" the people attacking Ms. Mezzacappa, write in the same style and manner.

    Things that make you go Hmmm!

  58. Point..Ron Angle was sent continually to county government by all the voters..not just Republican voters. You people in the Valley don't seem to understand that dynamic at all. It was out of frustration and to tell the county that we are part of this thing too. Ignore us at your own risk and the bull dog was unleashed for good or bad.

  59. 12:47, Actually, the number of people disturbed by and upset at her antics is large and growing. People who disagree with me about everything else will stop me to tell me that she is nuts. My hope is that enough people find out about her to deprive her of the R nomination to County Council.

  60. 11:58, Actually, Tricia, nobody who visits your blog and reads just some of your filth will ever want to vote for you for anything. You are that disgusting. Thankfully, your LTCF has been revoked. Speaking of transparency, you are trying to hide your efforts to get it back and keep it away from the public eye.

  61. Another question, Tricia. Why have you stopped payments on your fine? You had the money to pay for a lawsuit against the Express Times. You have the money to sue to get your LTCF back. But you are not paying your fine to Judge Yetter? I understand a hearing has been scheduled for 5/29. I hope you don't plan to lie to him and claim you had no money bc you had money for two court actions.

  62. Bernie, you just made some great points. What would really be nice to see in the waning days of the primary would be a long narrative of the past 6 months of TM. They don't seem to be getting the fact how 'out there' she is from the traditional media, and the public needs to know.

  63. "Trish is for transparent government."

    Really? Trish, if you mean what you say about transparency, please contact DA John Morganelli and DEMAND that he drop the criminal charges against the deputy sheriff. Tell him no harm, no foul. Tell him you are for complete transparency in government and that you wanted your application for a license to carry concealed firearms made public. Tell him the people have a right to know since you are a candidate for County Council. Publish a copy of your application on your blog for everyone to see as a way of proving the point. Then, issue a statement saying you WILL NOT SUE the County or anyone else because you truly are committed to transparency. I doubt you will do any of that because you are an opportunist who says one thing and does another.

    Don't Tread on Me either!

  64. At 11:58 PM, Tricia Mezzacappa (anonymously) accuses West Easton's lawyer of being "more incompetent (but less depraved) than Sick'O Rick'O."

    So there you have it folks. Attorney Richard Orloski, the person Mezzacappa chose to list as a character reference on her application for a LTCF, is called "depraved" and "Sick'O Rick'O" by the applicant herself. Is she serious about asking a judge to reverse the decision of the Sheriff and the DA to revoke her firearms license?

  65. nobody answered 11:58's very excellent question about why West Easton forces TM to invoke the RTK procedure in order to secure documents that should clearly be available to the public, additionally these documents should be sent electronically as it costs less and requires less from West Easton's beleaguered crew of heifers. But no they insist upon 30 day delays court action and snail mail. No wonder our country is broke.

  66. Tricia Mezzacappa, writing anonymously at 11:31 AM said: "West Easton forces TM to invoke the RTK procedure in order to secure documents that should clearly be available to the public."

    Ms. Mezzacappa, West Easton doesn't force you to do anything. The Right to Know Law is the legal mechanism for the public to obtain any and all government records. The law contains time deadlines, including the availability of a 30-day extension of time to respond to a request. The law doesn't require that records be transmitted electronically unless they exist in the electronic medium. The law contains exemptions and appeal provisions. If you have a problem with the law, you should contact the state Legislature and work to get it amended. Otherwise, stop your constant whining.

    Finally, referring to West Easton's office employees as a "crew of heifers" shows what an insensitive jackass your parents raised. Incidentally, since you are a candidate for public office and the primary is less than a month from now, why aren't you spending your time campaigning instead of screwing around on this and other blogs?

  67. "nobody answered 11:58's very excellent question"

    That's bc it's not an excellent question at all, Blog Mentor.

  68. We all know 11:58 is Trish. The people who blog here may not agree with each other, but none are stupid. There is no defense for her. She needs serious help and won't find it here. There are too many issues and problems to waste time where it achieves nothing....

  69. BULLSHIT! The fact that you poison posse members and Bernie are working so hard to screw her over, many folks are rallying to her support. You three people keep acting like you are many, the hundeds of us who will support any O'Hare attacks, will get her nominated.

    You took away her gun permit in a vicious personal smear attack. When the new council is elected the Sheriff will have to answer for his non-understanding of "shall issue". If he is to weak to defend the law, he should resign.

    Keep living in your hateful ignorance. Trish is in and Ferraro is out. Real Republicans will speak this May!

    You losers can cry on each others shoulders. Don't tell Republicans how to vote Peg!

  70. I was thinking: "Trash Mezzaluna" would be a great name for a soap opera character, let alone a political candidate. It wouldn't be that bad of a name for an all girl rock band either.

  71. Tricia,

    Other than when you were criminally impersonating Matthew Dees, has anyone endorsed you? Anyone? Even the Fake Rev and his kool-aid drinkers are running from you. They're cRaZy, but don't go around threatening to drag people to the river and drown them. They don't call people the "N" word. They don't brag about putting hollow point bullets through other peoples' skulls.

    After your racist remarks to an Easton police officer, you can cross minorities off your list. After attacking Peg Ferraro, as you've been doing, you can cross most Rs off the list. After besmirching the Easton police, you can cross law enforcement off the list. As your vicious slams at innocent West Easton clerical employees become more noticeable, you can cross public sector employees off your list.

    I can't think of a single person who will vote for you, after hearing about you. You best hope is your Italian last name and ballot position. Sadly, that might be enough.

    I notice that even the email defending you is anonymous. Nobody wants to be associated with you publicly.

    Despite your death fantasies and ugly statements, I feel sorry for you. You are a bright person and I do consider you attractive. You did help me when I embarked on physical exercise again, which was very nice of you. It did help me. But you really do need help. You make things up. You hurt people so much.

    As a bottom-feeding blogger, I have very thick skin, but even I have had to sue you over some of the false accusations you've made. But the person I really feel sorry for is a W Easton clerk who gets paid next to nothing and then is heaped with abuse by you. Even if she is wrong, and I don't think she is wrong, there's no reason to treat a low level public sector worker this way.

    You should focus on getting better and making amends to all the people you've hurt.

    If you were a good Republican, as you claim, you would withdraw now. Democrats are going to use you to destroy every other Republican seeking office. You might have mental problems, but you are not stupid. For the good of the party, you should withdraw. For your own sake, you should withdraw.

  72. One would think you would get along better with the heifers in the office Trish, considering your best and ONLY friend is a fellow barnyard animal.

  73. "When the new council is elected the Sheriff will have to answer for his non-understanding of "shall issue".

    If this were a "Valid Issue"....current council would pursue it. Your statement sounds like a Vendetta threat. Seriously.

  74. Wow, Bernie(7:20), I've not often heard you be more eloquent and plain right on!
    Her reluctance to raise & spend even a few bucks does make me wonder just how serious she is.


  75. First of all, The discussion of her Carry permit needs to viewed as the fact that TM committed fraud when she ued Stoffa and Orloski as her reeferences. In that light the whistleblower should not be held liable for anything, and TM's carry permit should remain revoked and she should, at the very least face a HUGE fine.

  76. Bernie, In what way is Mezzacappa hiding her efforts to get back her LTCF? If she is appealing, I hope Orloski and Stoffa are witnesses at her court hearing. A judge needs to hear from her two chosen references just how devoid of good character she is.

  77. Putting peoples names down as references, even if they may not say kind things may be dumb but is not fraud you idiot.

    The deputy, in a position of authority released confidential informartion. Even the DA stated he did that and is not a whistle blower He is toast.

    The Sheriff will have to answer to the judge as to why he let an ex boyfriend determine someone cannot have a gun permit in a "shall issue" state.

  78. Tricia, So as I understand it, your LTCF has been revoked. It can be revoked for good cause, and good cause in this instance would be the danger to public safety that you present. There is a case right out of Berks County on this point,, lost by gun rights lawyer Joshua Prince.

  79. " In what way is Mezzacappa hiding her efforts to get back her LTCF?"

    I believe she is trying to have the case heard privately. Although the application may be confidential, a revocation is not, and an appeal of that revocation should be heard publicly.

  80. are you filing for joint custody of Earl?

  81. She is just wicked BO. Save your breath and brain cells for a cause you can actually help. I understand your plea but this person wouldn't couldn't help herself. She is beyond what is necessary to even begin to think she needs help. Seeking it other then meds is out of the question. She is devoid of all of the characteristics that would enable her to get help. No humility, conscientious, or pride are among the list. She is not the only one out there who is like this. We are just stuck with them until the law takes the decision out of their hands. It's best to size up these people quickly and then head for the hills. Do no business with them either. A simple massage from her coul end your life as you know it.

  82. "There is a case right out of Berks County on this point, lost by gun rights lawyer Joshua Prince."

    The Berks County Sheriff revoked someone's LTCF based on character and reputation evidence. The guy appealed to the County Court. A hearing was held. Several witnesses testified and the revocation was upheld based on the facts of the case. The guy appealed to the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court. In February of this year, the appellate court also upheld the revocation. Neither the appeal to Berks County Court nor the appeal to the Commonwealth Court was private. These were public proceedings.

  83. Bernie-
    Come on, not everyone who disagrees with the Republican Party line are tea party "extremists" It really annoys me when you throw that around. I have yet to recall Robert Kerr ever being at a tea party meeting. How about finding a new tag line?
    This infight at the NCRC is just that, an infight. Just because some of the participants believe in tea party principals (and I say some not all) doesn't automatically make them 'tea party extremists' Do me a favor Bernie, give the rhetoric a rest.

  84. Joan, Robert Kerr was a member of another local tea party, which is probably why you did not see him. He, Simao and their ilk have demonstrated themselves to be extremists of the worst sort, the kind interested in concentrating power for themselves as opposed to furthering the goal of any party by getting its members elected. I saw it myself. What word would you have me use if not extremist? Perhaps egotist is better. They have divided they party by trying to alienate the majority of the membership. I'd suggest that you spend some time talking to ling-time members. Don't take my word for it bc I do not belong to your party.

  85. Didn't Angle alienate the majortiy of the Party a long time ago?

  86. I don't think you're an expert on the local R party, just hate.

  87. The People support you Trish. You have been railroaded and maligned. You have our votes.

  88. Who are "our"? Who has really endorsed her? Aside from impersonating someone and claiming to have that person's support, I can think of no person who has publicly endorsed her. I can think of several members of the GOP who have publicly condemned her.

  89. Even the COAF has distanced their selves away from Mezzacappa. They have endorsed Peg Ferraro. It is on their Save Gracedale blog. WoW! No one will back Mezzacappa!

  90. Of course no one will back TM. She has crossed the line a long time ago and it has caught up to her. The only remarks on these blogs in support of her are from her. Just wish we could find a way to force these people into serious therapy. Guess we have to wait for the law to do it. Just hope it isn't after she follows through with one of her many threats. Good reason to arm yourself.

  91. Hmm, this is the OTHER Lee Snover (male). This is all news to me, as I am not as deep into the County GOP weeds as many of you.

    Let me say this, I know Bob Kerr personally, and I find it offensive that folks here would be accusing him of selling data or being a "white supremest" or any other such non-sense.

    If you have evidence of some wrong doing, or believe he has done ANY of you wrong, you owe it to him to speak to him directly instead of bad mouthing him to one another here or anyplace else.

    Honestly, the comments I'm seeing here would be what I would expect to see from five year olds picking on each other in the play ground, not from those who espouse to represent the citizens of Northampton County on behalf of ANY party.

    I think many here owe apologies to one another for things being said. Start there and act like adults and maybe you can get your collective act together.


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