Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Slate Belt Republicans Unanimously Endorse Jennifer Sletvold

Last night, the Slate Belt Republican Committee unanimously decided to endorse Jennifer Sletvold for Judge. Her sole Republican opponent is Tom Carroll, a lawyer practicing law in Montgomery County.

It's highly unusual for a County Committee, or one of its areas, to endorse a  candidate in a contest primary. But resentment has been building for months over the perception, correct or incorrect, that Party Boss Bob Kerr is backing Carroll.


  1. Well isn't that typical of the aristocratic-top-down-type-of-Republicans. Makes me hope, and now will vote, for Tom Carroll. Tom Carroll should win, just to show those fat cat republicans they don't pick who is in my government, we the voters do. Guessing 2008 and 2012 taught them nothing.

  2. Does this mean she's not endorsed by the rest of the Republicans in the county? Do they have more than one Republican committee in the county?

  3. The Slate Belt Republican Ass. is in no way a part of the Northampton County Republican Committee. Other than SOME of the members also happen to be Committeemen.

  4. The Slate Belt Republican Assoc. is an idependent Republican group. There is only one Northampton COunty Republican Committe and their by-laws forbid endorsing in a primary.

    This endorsement means that the members of the independent Republican group endorse Jennifer Sletvold. The voters will speak in May, but it would seem that she does have overwhelming support countywide,

  5. The Northampton County Republican Committee is ridiculous.

    A former, 34-year NorCo R until two weeks ago, who became an independent over the Mezzacappa embarrassment.

  6. Wow! Talk about misinformation! First of all the NORCO chairman is ROBERT KERR! Im sure being disrespectful is amusing to some but come on...dont belittle yourself here. Second of all the Slate Belt Republican ASSOCIATION is a group of Republicans that get together and talk about politics...kind of like a book club. Keeping in mind this club is also full of committee people who were the biggest endorsers of theosing races 2 years ago. Clearly this is a group with its own agenda or yhey woulfnt have to have made their own club. On another note that Sletvold woman has also been running on the fact tgat shes a woman and mother so thats what the bench needs because she is caring....? Yet she has been repeatedly not following the rules of the election process at events that have been held by the REAL repiblicans! Haha Even funnier is that the SLATE BELT association is alsohome of most of the Republican Womens group (another book club formed) who are supporting her because shes a woman! These are individuals saying they support her NOT a part of the actual committee. Maybe you need yo check your sourcesMr. OHare...sounds like they are desperately using you as a tool for their own agenda!

  7. "kind of like a book club"

    "that Sletvold woman"


    The Party Of Nigger-Hating Mezzacappa, the NorCo R Committee has spoken. Is it any wonder they're bleeding membership, getting slaughtered in elections and are a laughing stock. You have the money. Buy a clue. Racism and sexism may get some votes. But it isn't a winning strategy. Perhaps if "that woman" railed with Mezzacappa against niggers, she'd be more to your liking. What a rare breed of assholes.

  8. Yeah...true. or maybe the 3 of you can get together and work out your daddy issues.

  9. Is there a Slate belt democratic association?


  10. She looks fragile and weak;

  11. Northamptron County REpublican Women have been chartered since the late 1970's by the PA federal of Republican WOmen and the National Chapter aas well. They are hardly newcomers to the politcal scene. They have not endorsed anyone in the primary. They support both men and women in elections, and promote young women in government through scholarships.

  12. She looks smokin hot!! If I am up on a murder rap.... I want her as my judge! Got my vote!!!

  13. Jennifer is very attractive, and has a very large husband who eats bloggers for breakfast.

  14. She's only running because they're broke and she wants a taxpayer funded lifestyle. She's a corporate lawyer and probably only ever saw the inside of a court room during her internship days. Every speech she gives she claims that she will be a "caring judge".

    Oh, and if she can't use you in some way she'll be nasty and rude to you. I guess her philosophy is that if you're a criminal you'll get a hug from the bench, but if you're a law abiding person who she doesn't like you'll have the book thrown at you.

  15. Nasty. I think all the judicial candidates are good and decent people, and it troubles me to see any of them disparaged.


  16. If she can handle a large Husband, then she can handle a criminal.

  17. Mezzacappa was a circulator for her. She's stated in public how much she supports Slatvold. Why don't you report on that?

    I think it's hilarious how the two of you (and Ron Angle) are so supportive of this unhinged woman for judge.

  18. Actually, I had no idea Mezzacappa was a circulator for Sletvold bc I did not examine the judicial positions. She also circulated for Brown.

    I considered posting that fact in my write-up of him, but decided against it. The reason I decided against slamming Brown over Mezzacappa is that I personally don't think the sins of the circulator should be visited upon the candidate. The party should know about her bc I have warned them, but Brown is not a party officer and I did not think it would be fair.

    I would say the same about Sletvold.

    Incidentally, although I think Jennifer would make an excellent judge, do would Chris Spadoni. I have not made up my mind who I am supporting in that race.

  19. 11:00 AM, I presume by "stating in public", you mean at a Republican event. That is the only place where Mezzacappa has been speaking. I am not a Republican, so I would have no idea what she said.

    But you apparently are, and are anonymously trashing Sletvold as an "unhinged woman." Would the other Republican in this race, Tom Carroll, approve of your anonymous comments?

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