Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Congressman Cartwright Delivers Ringing Endorsement For Callahan

Easton's Bank Street Annex Building was packed with nearly one hundred people last night, but not for a wedding banquet. They ate little pierogies and spring rolls as LV Congressman Matt Cartwright gave a ringing endorsement of Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan. According to Cartwright, upon learning that Callahan was on a quest to become the seventh Northampton County Executive, the Congressman disregarded the advice of political handlers and pundits and actually asked if he could endorse Callahan.

Easton Mayor Sal Panto complimented Callahan's performance in Bethlehem, calling it "one of my favorite suburbs of Easton." Callahan shot back, "You know what? It's funny the first five times you hear it."

Here's part of what Cartwright had to say:

"The value of Mayor Callahan to everybody in Northampton County is that he is a committed, progressive Democrat, somebody who will stand up for the rights of the middle class and the working people; somebody who really cares about economic development in a responsible, environmentally conscious way; somebody who really cares about regular working people; somebody who has passion and energy; and that's what really stuck out for me when I met John Callahan on the hustings in 2012. And that's why I am here to say, I'm Matt Cartwright; I am your Congressman; and I am very, very proud to endorse, for Northampton County Executive, Mayor John Callahan."

At this point, a referee popped up out of nowhere and ejected Callahan. But after apologizing and doing twenty push ups, Callahan was readmitted back into the hall. Like he did when he announced at Gracedale, Callahan introduced his greatest asset - his family. He apologized to them in advance for the tough campaign road ahead.

It's hard to believe, but his 14 year old son is 6'1".

We all, myself included, tend to forget that these candidates are people just like the rest of us, and have families, just like the rest of us.

I've heard Callahan called an arrogant frat boy, Johnny Casino. But as he explained last night, the real reason he's running is because when he was a Head Start kid and needed help overcoming a speech impediment, he got it, thanks to our system.

"I'm a very proud resident of Northampton County, and this is just an opportunity for me to take some of the things I've learned as mayor and some of the progress we've made there, and apply them at the County level.

"I was a Head Start kid growing up. I stand before you as an example of the positive role government can have in people's lives. I started kindergarten with a little bit of a speech impediment. I didn't speak too well. It wasn't until about second or third grade that I worked through my problem because we had great speech therapy classes at the Bethlehem Area School District. I wasn't a kid that showed up to kindergarten on the first day of school, and the teacher pointed and said, 'You know what? Some day that kid's gonna' be Mayor of his home town.' I promise you that.

"For me, public service and being an elected official is really an opportunity for public service and a way for me to give back."

Callahan will file his petition today. He was proud to note that he has signatures from each of the County's 38 municipalities.

It was a diverse crowd that included many of Easton's very powerful Democratic committee members, as well as party stalwarts like Joe Long. I was sure he'd be backing McClure or Reibman, but he told me he started with Callahan and knew him long before he knew the others.

Jerry Seyfried was in the house, looking quite dapper. So was Kerry Myers, who filed hs Petitions for County Council today. School Director Frank Pintabone was there. So was John Robinson, a past President of the Easton NAACP and former member of the Prison Advisory Board.

Danny Cohen, Mike Perrucci and Gary Asteak represented the legal establishment.

The evil Jim Hickey and I had a staring contest until monkeys began flying out of his ass.

I also saw fellow blogger Donald Flad, but missed a chance to torment him.

Although it's hard to gauge a campaign from one event, there was an air of inevitability last night.

Callahan is squaring off against former Exec Glenn Reibman and asbestos lawyer Lamont McClure, who now and then attends Council meetings.


  1. Once a Long Dem, always a Long Dem.

  2. That's the thing. The Long Dems are all in Lamont McClure's camp.

  3. Bernie... You attendance arguement against McClure is BS. If you count the committees that McClure is on and his attendance it has been counted at 87% by the Express Times and even Bill White has his attendance at 78%. The attendance argument is old.

    I'd consider the Express Times number more accurate though as they tend to be more accurate. Hell the Call messed up Daylight Savings Time and all.

  4. Lamont McClure's attendance at actual county council meetings is satisfactory. It is the other meetings where his attendance is abysmal. In 2012, his overall attendance record is 47%, and that is pathetic. His legal and judicial committee has not met for over three years.

    As Bill White has stated, "he almost never attends committee meetings, where much of council's preliminary work is done."

    I do this every year, and every year, McClure is at the bottom of the pack. The numbers are what they are.

  5. You count him absent from committees he is not even on. It's a convenient sample to fit your political agenda. If attendance is all Callahan has got he's in trouble!

  6. Long is the Long in Long Democrats and he endorses Callahan, nuff said on that! People have been talikng about Jerry being bought by Callahan but no one beieved it, I guess it is true. Shame, I always thought Jerry was his own man. Apparently, Callahan is going to finance the entire Seyfried race.

  7. Every Council member is invited to and expected to attend every committee hearing that he or she can, regardless whether he or she is a member. I apply the exact same standard to McClure that I apply to every other Council member. His attendance is pathetic. It's an embarrassment, and what he ends up ding is asking questions at full meetings that have already been answered in committee.

    I am applying no standard to him that I do not apply to every other Council member, so your claim of a political agenda is just pure horseshit.

    That's his record, and he has to live with it.

    And now, we see the DA has trouble bc McClure's legal committee has not met in over three years to go over the Home Rule Charter.

  8. I don't think Jerry needs to spend a dime to win.

  9. Governemnt by committee is bullshit. People want and deserve councilmemebers to ask questions at the "real" meeting. Elected council memebers have every right to make up their own minds and not be told what to do by a committee.

    What you suggest is not very transparent. So some committee meets on a tuesdfay at 10am and agrees on a policy and that means any council memeber not there has no right to ask questions or debate an opposing view? That is crap!

    Bulllshot,. I hope that is never the case in Nortyhmapton County. The way the Stoffa building issue was handled was an affront to open and transparent government.

  10. 1:14,

    Committee meetings are public meetings advertised in accordance with the Sunshine Act. They are all televised, the public is welcome and has every right to comment. They are completely transparent. It is where most of the heavy lifting is done. Their recommendations do not bind Council. The objection to McClure is not that he asks questions, but that he asks questions that have already been answered, and that he could learn himself if he bothered to even watch the hearing online.

    This is open and transparent government, and allows for a complete vetting of issues facing council. The objection to committees is essentially an objection to democracy, and an objection to work.

    The human services building went thru several committee hearings and at least three full council hearings. it was by no means an affront to open and transparent government. It was an example of it.

    You just don't like the result.

    You also don't like the truth being told about McClure.

    Too bad.

  11. When will we get the TRUTH about Callahan? I hope Mr. Reibman and Mr. McClure gives us that. We won't get it from you or the mainstream media.

    To bad Callahan doesn't practice all the false humility he preaches.

  12. Too bad you talk about truth but can't identify yourself.

  13. Holden had all those elected leaders behind him and well we have Congressman Cartwright. How ironic it is to have Callahan running the same type of campaign Holden did. Cartwright taking part in it...

    Interesting to note that Callahan's campaign manager and Holden's campaign manager are the same person.

    My money is on anyone, but Callahan.

    I do agree Jerry does not need any money to win. Even with your endorsement (which will cost him votes) in this field he is a lock.

  14. 1:36

    Not identifying yourself enables you to harass and threaten people. Identifying yourself mean you actually have the courage to accept personal responsibility for your words. That's something you can't do. Getting sued is what happens when persons defame others.

    But we now know that McClure is supported by anonymous trolls like you, who will engage in vicious personal attacks if you don't like the truth being told about your candidate.

    With people like you helping McClure, Callahan can't lose.

  15. 1:39, In other words, Callahan has Holden's supporters, and Cartwright's supporters. Thanks for making that point.

  16. Don't forget Jerry also endorsed Holden. Callahan is going to be throwing major mud since that is how he does business. He may even try and dirty some council candidates, as he did in Bethlehem. He can't be trusted. Too bad for Jerry playing ball. Hopefully McClre and Reibman are ready for the dirt to fly and fire first.

  17. The only dirt I see is what you're tossing out there. You won't say which candidate you support bc you must know somewhere in the deep recesses of what is left of your brain that this negative tactic would only hurt that candidate.

  18. Callahan will get every endorsement money can buy.

    But will he get the voters endorsement at the polls? The humble, man of the people gambit is coming about ten years too late.

  19. Apparently John has the endorsement of Vladamir Putin.

  20. "It was a diverse crowd that included many of Easton's very powerful Democratic committee members" ... powerful? Who? The same ones who worked for Holden and lost Easton 2-1 to Cartwright? The most powerful Dem committeemen in Easton have been the Flecks, and I do not think that they were there.

  21. Fleck will definitely get Reibman votes. He'll comb every homeless shelter withing 50 miles to drum up door knockers. But many of the people wh supported Cartwright appear to be supporting Callahan. Many of Holden's supporters appear to be behind Callahan. We shall see.

  22. "I'm Matt Cartwright; I am your Congressman;" It is good that he identified himself, because no one would know him if they saw him. I bet you that most of the illiterates in Northampton County including those who try to read this column think that Charlie Dent is still their congressman. So much for this most powerful endorsement.

  23. Bernie, when do you sleep?

  24. I'm up early today bc I have to go somewhere soon. Secret mission.

  25. "So much for this most powerful endorsement."

    Not everyone can have Controller Steve Barron, but Callahan will take it.

  26. You looked like a Giant Cockroach. Ever think of bathing?

  27. I can't believe Callahan wants to do for Northampton County exactly what he did for Bethlehem.

    We're screwed!

  28. As someone who has never contributed to your blog (and I do check it once in awhile for court house news) and also as a contributor and attendee to the "Callahan for Executive Committee" I feel compelled to write this piece. What I saw last night was several candidates for County Council and present members of County Council at Callahans Affair. This doesn't mean that they are in the hip pocket of Callahan. Think about it. You can support Reibman or McClure as an alternative. Never in a thousand years would I support Reibman mainly because of his past record. A record of staff criminal scandal, exorbitant tax increases, macing of staff and employees, sex scandals, and more. Then you have Morganelli puppet McClure who is now also a puppet for the Unions. Poor attendence records and a record of being anti good government. I saw many community leaders and shakers in attendence and was surprised at how many incumbent office holders were there. He was also a member of Council that cut capital projects out of the budget, delayed the swaption buy back by his inactivity, and contributed to the demise of our improperly maintained buildings, leaving no alternative but to go with the Stoffa Plan for a centralized Human Services Building. Where else would you expect to find Community leaders but at an affair of a true Community leader. No other candidate was able to bring together the business community, the economic develop community, the elected leaders of our community and the every day plain Joe (including labor people)to one announcement for "COUNTY EXECUTIVE". Oh yes, one more thing, there were no Reibman Cronies or McClure cronies in attendance.

  29. The unions should pipe down and get in line. This thing's over.

  30. This was a no brainer for our new Congressman. The odds are stacked on Johnny's side. It's all about the money and Mr. Casino has tons. Pay to play anyone? Some things just never change. So much for the issues..let the games begin in earnest. Time to spin the legend of the boy from Bethlehem and his rise to stardom.

  31. What gives you the idea that the people who don't live in Bethlehem think Johnny walks on water? The people in Bethlehem know exactly who and what he is..especially the tax payers who have to ante up more and more every year. If I had a casino in my back yard..I'm passing the savings on..not raising the tax bills of struggling families in the middle of the worst recession in memory. Can't run away from reality..

  32. @Anon 8:46 am -- We now know how John is going to paint McClure and Paint Reibman. Thanks for posting the Callahan playbook for all to see here.

    On another note driving to Easton toeday I saw McCLure's billboard on 22. Wow! For someone who has little money and has been ignored he sure is out there.

  33. I saw the billboard too, WOW it's huge.

  34. Thank Abe Atiyeh for the billboard.

  35. Lamont's billboard is awesome. I saw it on bothsides of 22 (East and Westbound)... It's on!

  36. Lamont's chances are worse than the chances he actually show up at a committee meeting. Stick a fork in him.

    The big guys with money have decided behind closed doors, just the way politics is supposed to happen.

    Bernie usually rails against this type of thing, unless he's invited to sit on their laps and be made to feel important.

    You can't make this stuff up.

  37. anon 8:46 is typical of the Callahan type pol. Paint everyone who does not kiss your candidates ass as bad. That is one of the many raps on Callahan. Talk about the "shakers" and important people. Don't forget to mention the "every day plain Joe's", becasue you do need the unwewashed masses for their votes before you toss thenm to the curb. It is an old song and we have all heard it before.

    Only certain people were invited and that should tell you a lot right there.

    Does Plain Joe, also mean Old Joe Long. He is very proud of his protege. How many developers were there. They can;t wait. The "County for Sale" signs are already printed.

  38. There were at least four County Council Candidates present last night at Callahans event. None at McClures and at least one at Reibmans. Let's keep our eye on the "one" Council Candidate at Reibmans event. Like the four at Callahans the "one" at Reibmans is obviously in Reibmans hip pocket. Bought and paid for just like the Callahan clan.

  39. Did John explain the cover-up of the police cruiser that was destroyed by his family member? Will Callahan kin be wrecking County assets if he's elected? Will he use sleight of hand accounting and be forced to borrow money in order to make county payroll? This blog exposed a lot of very sleazy, perhaps illegal activity by the mayor.

    He may not be one of those special friends of Bernie who will be getting hammered and strangling the wife in front of the kids, but his past, as documented on this blog, is very tawdry and a cause for great concern about his personal and professional ethics.

  40. "Only certain people were invited and that should tell you a lot right there."

    The public was invited to this event. I posted about it twice here, and mentioned it was open to the public. Are you that desperate that you have to lie?

  41. I like the lets keep our eye on the one at Reibmans event. That would be Heckman, and as much as some of you may hate it, he was clear that Glenn is his long time friend and that he was personally invterd by Glenn to attend his event.

    I guess since the guy won't throw his friends under the bus or avoid them for political gain he should be watcherd. Tried and true Long Dem strategy. It has never worked but it makes them feel good.

    I doubt at this point in Ron's life he is worried about being in anyones "hip pocket". Actually, I beleive the election of the "new blood" and their handling of the entire Gracedale affair was one of the reasons he decided to run.

    Nice try though.LOL

  42. There was more than one candidate a Reibman's announcement. Ismael Arcelay was there.

  43. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION.....Abe Atiyeh is financing McClure and paying for the billboard on 22 for McClure? That's all I need to know about McClure!. Just narrowed my choice down to Riebman or Callahan.

  44. I guess no one from any of the supposed Semitic groups were represented. They must be lending their support to the McClure clan. Since your little plan backfired!

  45. If you're referring to people like Adrian Shanker, a devout Jew, he was present for Callahan and supported him. So did Danny Cohen, Gary Asteak and numerous others of Jewish persuasion.

    I did not think of these people in that way until you brought it up. i thought of them as people. You must think an awful lot about those "semitic" people.

    Numerous members of Easton's proud Lebanese community were there as well. So was the past president of the Easton NAACP.

    I have no idea what you mean by my little plan, but if you're referring to the vicious attacks on Father Alex allowed on the Fake Rev's blog, they are still there. Father Alex is a proud member of Easton's Lebanese community, and I have been getting approached left and right by members of that community, asking me who would dare attack a good and kind man like Father Alex, who would not hurt a fly. I then tell them about the Gracedale blog, and how proud Lamont McClure is of these haters.

    If you're talking about the Fake Rev's claim that I called him an anti-Semite, I have not. I have pointed to his claim that the media has been bought by the highest bidder ("and we all know who that is").

    Those are claims made by the Fake Rev as spokesman for COAF. Is he referring to Jews? I don't know. But I do know that the whack jobs who think everyone is a Fabian Socialist tend to think that the Jews own the press. Interestingly, Martinez has never explained what he meant.

    The Fake, Rev, aka Mario Martinez, and as the COAF spokesperon, has also called President Barack Obama, as well as the Morning Call's Bill White, a "Fabian socialist."

    Lamont McClure is proud to have the support of this hate group, which should be condemned by the Southern Law Poverty Center.

    I'm sure Democrats will be thrilled to learn that McClure is "proud" to have the support of a group that considers Barack Obama a Fabian socialist.

    I'll be sure to write a blog abot t very soon. Thanks for giving me a good idea.

  46. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION... no one really cares who funds a billboard when they are looking at it while driving down the road. It's name ID baby. Don't hate!

    Stoffa got tons of billboards funded by Atiyeh and he was a 2 term County Exec. How soon we forget!

  47. We get it O'Hare you are a Callahan klan operative. All who do not kiss his azz are evil.

    The only confirmed bigoted anti-semite is your good buddy Ron Angle.

    The COAF saved Gracedale which takes care of people from all backgrounds. Your other buddies Stoffa and Callahan would sell them off to the higest bidder.

    So go ahead and spew your hateful disinformation. Anyone who is crazy enough to take a nut like you seriously is beyond reaching anyway. You were targeted by the Callahan klan as part of their gameplan from day one, you poor schmoe.

  48. I responded to the point attempted at 10:18. I find it interesting that in the two comments that follow, no attempt is made to counter anything I said. Instead, they move on to more attacks.

    On 3/6, the Fake Rev allowed a vicious attack at Father Alex on his blog. It is defamatory per se. Despite numerous complaints, those comments are still there, attacking a member of the clergy from Easton's Lebanese community.

    On 2/28, in a post calling Morning Call columnist Bill White a terrorist and Fabian Socialist, the Fake rev goes on to say, "[W]e now SEE the truth. And what is the truth? In our opinion, it is that "the media" has been bought by the highest bidder, and we all know who that is."

    Who has bought the media, Fake Rev?

    On 7/27/12, the Fake Rev writes, " Most would probably be shocked to find out that Barack Obama is a Fabian Socialist...but he is - just telling the TRUTH."

    Lamont McClure is proud to have the support of this group. So he says on his own web page.

  49. Whats wrong with Fabian socialists you hater? They are better than communists. They are the most laid back of all the Socialists.

  50. Callahan has a good looking family. His daughter is a cutie!!!

  51. Yes she is a very pretty young lady.

  52. A family won't protect you from bad policy. It doesn't mean you are a good manager.

    What crap!

    Why do mainly big money developers support Callahan but the labor unions hate the guy. That should tell Democrats something.

  53. If the unions hate the guy, why was IBEW there? Why was the union representing the corrections officers there? Why were several members of the LGBT community there? Why were several members of the NAACP there?

  54. Labor opposes John Callahan based on his anti-union record. Facts are facts.

  55. I agree, and as i pointed out, there were unions at the Callahan event.

  56. a handful of McClure and Reibma guys keep repeating that Labor is anti-Callahan.

    Bottom line is, it's a lot more complicated than that. The County union leadership will no doubt back McClure, based upon Gracedale. At least one of the Building Trades will back Reibman, while several others will back Callahan.

    Fact is, all 3 candidates have good labor records. But some folks hope that if they repeate the "Callahan is anti-labor" lie, it will become true.

    Those people repeating that lie only do a disservice to the folks in organized labor, who aren't so stupid as to fall for such a simple tactic...

  57. Nor are orgaonzed labor unions stupid enough to fall for the blather of anon 10:25. What did you do to the Bethlehem Firefighters John?

  58. "the blather of anon 10:25"

    facts, not blather.

  59. Bernie numbers are what they are right. Just like 30 percent tax increase that Northampton county tax payers were going to have pay if the county were to retain Gracedale and not sell. Thats right there was no tax increase it was a scare tactic and thats kind of what your doing here. Attacking McClures record tring to scare voters not to vote for the most qualified canidate on the ballot. Good luck with that since it worked so well with the Gracedale campaign.
    Willard Yomanski

  60. This post has nothing to do with McClure or gracedale. But the 30% prediction was actually accurate and was avoided only bc the County dove irresponsibly into the seed corn. When the next Exec is installed, a tax hike will be necessary, and it will be more than 30%.

  61. Stoffa only asked for 5% two years ago and nothing this year. So either you arewrong or Stoffa is wrong or Stoffa is an incompetent boob.


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