Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Slate Belt Republicans Slight Mezzacappa

Tricia Mezzacappa is a candidate for the Republican nomination to one of five at-large seats on Northampton County Council. She filed her petitions today, and although I noticed numerous problems with signatures by unregistered voters and Democrats, she still clearly has enough to overcome a petition challenge. She also filed a statement of financial interests, indicating that she has three sources of income: a trust fund established by her father's estate; her massage business; and Sands Casino.

The only incumbent member of Council who signed her petition was Bruce Gilbert. It was also signed by the Northampton County GOP Treasurer, Tony Simao. But at a meeting of Slate Belt Republicans last night, they voted to give all Republican Council candidates a vote of confidence, with the exception of Mezzacappa.

Mezzacappa has also filed a nomination petition for West Easton Borough Council.

Of course, this is great news for Democrats, who must be praying she wins the nomination so they can tie all Republicans to a racist recently convicted of making death threats, and who advocates the use of deadly force against a 14 year old High School girl.


  1. Good for them! TM is a walking,talking, toxic waste dump. At least the SB R's have the courage to jettison her early. When will the county party give her the cold shoulder? Time to man up and do the right thing!

  2. As a Democrat, I'll be telling all my Republican friends to nominate her.

  3. Mezzacappa is in talks with Sunny 1100 WGPA owner Jolly "Joe" Timmer regarding a possible late night talk show to be co-hosted by Jim Gregory, they are going for a local version of Hannity and Colmes which is a dynamite idea if you ask me. They are looking at the midnight slot to compete for Coast to Coast AM listeners, Jolly Joe if your reading this please make it happen!

  4. If Timmer is considering T.M. she'll last at that job as long as any other she couldn't keep. The first time she makes a racist statement, or gives her thoughts on how a cop should kill an unarmed 15 y/o, it will be her last stint on the air.

    His lawyers will probably tell him to find somebody who is mentally stable.

  5. Didn't Ron Angle have a radio show too? Didn't he get fired from it for racist and anti semetic comments?

    Just wondering if the rummors are true.

  6. I thought WGPA was required to be off-the-air after sunset. Then there's that sticky issue about equal time broadcasting by political candidates.

  7. Yeah Jolly Joe had to fire Angle just like every other radio staion Angle was on. But Iannelli still has him on his TV show, bigoted anti-semetism isn't a problem for the chamber of commerce.

  8. "...she has three sources of income: a trust fund established by her father's estate; her massage business; and Sands Casino."

    I thought Mezzacappa was a licensed nurse. What is she doing at the Sands casino?

  9. "Mezzacappa is in talks with Sunny 1100 WGPA owner Jolly "Joe" Timmer regarding a possible late night talk show..."

    ...as long as late night means 4:30 in the winter and 9 pm in the summer.


  10. Dont forget her income turning in beer cans

  11. I will be voting for her and desperately hope she wins for the comedic value. County government is useless and boring anyway. Bring back Angle too.


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