Local Government TV

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Reibman Paying Fleck $5,000 Per Month

Northampton County Exec hopeful Glenn Reibman is paying political consultant Mike Fleck $5,000 per month, according to the annual campaign finance report he filed last week. Although he raised just $390 last year, he started with a $61,050.00 warchest.

Reibman has spent $22,431.54, leaving him with $39,008.46.

He spent $10,000 on Pawlowski campaign manager Fleck, with $5,000 monthly payments in December and January.

He also gave $1,000 donations to Allentown City Council member and Pawlowski bobblehead Julio "I speak 3 languages" Guridy; NorCo Council hopeful Ron Heckman; and Bethlehem Mayoral candidate J. Willie Reynolds. Bob Donchez, who is also running for Bethlehem Mayor, got $500, too.


  1. Well, that explains why my newspaper is late this morning. Now, Fleck can afford his own dumpster.

  2. Okay, Reiby gave to both mayor candidates in Bethlehem. Nothing like playing both ends against the middle. He also gave to Heckman ($1,000). This according to you. Heckman and Reibman are from the same mold. Heckman now owes his soul to Reiby. Did you check Heckman's finance report? Does he show the donation. Oh what tangled webs we weave.

  3. Heckman's finance report does show the contribution. In fact, it is the only money he raised in 2012.

  4. r doesn't care whose butt he kisses

  5. FLECK will be his losing card

  6. Wow, Reibman, Heckman, Pawloski, all in bed together. Bernie, Can't you get Mad Dog Angle to run at large. He would win along with Peg Ferraro.

  7. Nice how you coddle Callahan and go after Reibman. As to Heckman, they have known each other since college and are still friends. Is it that surprising he would donate to his campaign.

    Heckman has never hid his friendship with Reibman. I guess he should throw him under the buss like some of our current politcal heroe's do.

  8. If you're going to through him under the bus, please do it before the election.

  9. Go ahead and smear Ron all you want. He will be sitting on county council next year and will be voting on the Callahan clan proposals. The county council ticket Callahan is putting together won't all win. This isn't Bethlehem.

    What a bunch of hating idiots.

  10. If reporting that Reibman gave Heckman $1,000 is a smear, then what does that say about Reibman? That's all I said, and you go from there to conclude that I must be smearing him. Am I smearing Willie Reynolds and Bob Donchez, too? They got money from him, and I doubt they would consider my report of that to be a smear.

    You create attacks that don't exist. You're a little twisted, aren't you? Are you Mezzacappa's cousin?

  11. i was just gonna say....how the heck is any of this a smear against heckman?

    Ron has support from all around the County. I suspect he'll get money from folks in all of the various executive's camps. will that be a smear too?

  12. Hackman is Reibman's sock puppet. He is running interference for his android mentor on the human services building. They want to preserve as much county reserve as possible for Reibman's pet projects in the unlikely event he rises from the dead and returns to the executives office. Those projects generally involve political payoffs and kickbacks. He and Hackman are tweedle-dum and tweedle-dumber.

  13. Heckman gave good reasons for not leasing the John Stoffa Human Services Palace on John Stoffa Blvd. One, it is too expensive; two, Human services funds are dwindling and why spend more on a building while you are already cutting services; three, it is a monument to the past; four, under Stoffa more employees in HS have been layed off and outsourced so you need a new big building? Whi is getting paid on the back end?

    The building should be built in Easton, if it is built and not in the middle of an Industrail park. You Stoffa hacks have had a field day for seven years with the most incompetent Adminstration in county history.

    Word to you, neither Reibman nor Callahan think this building lease is a good idea. Just ask them.

    If you think Heckman is so stupid, why not tell him. Or if he runs for county council, debate him. I would love to see you look like an even bigger ass than what you sound like now.


  14. well fleck has to continue stealing from Northampton county he isn't making any money in Lehigh county

  15. Just a quick heads up...Reibman your getting fleeced and Fleck, your going down hard. Much like the last crew that was thrown to the wolves when the indictments came down.

    Well Bern your going to have tons to write about as we disassemble this dinosaur that for some reason god only knows is trying to drag Northampton County back to the free wheeling 90s.

    Spending out of control to buy a seat doesnt work. Now it's about improving services, utelizing best practices, unleashing the workers to do what they do best.

    I'm salivating!


  16. Seamus, the Callagan record will be revealed to Northampton County and they will love it. The Dent mailers are just the appetize,r wait for the main course. A city brought to its knees by corruption and insider deals. Yes, it will be fun. Even Bethleehems most beloved and successful mayor, Mr. Cunningnham won't endore Calligan. Why is that Seamus?

  17. Reibmans first mistake

  18. What Don does or does not do matters not to me, have not approached him but sure he would. He is in the private sector now. Don is in no way the best mayor in cities history, put the pipe down. He even testified against Bethlehem getting the casino that enabled redevelopment of one of the largest brown fields in the nation. That's what he did for Bethlehem.

    We.of course will have many big name endorsements, but its really the people that matter. The constituents of Northamton county need to only look at what happened last time Rube was there. We need to move forward not back. You are going to run against mailers that in no way are relevant anymore? Really? Great we will see how it works for you. The cities finances are in an excellent place, that is quite clear from many recent articles.

    How's the bridge commission and what was the attendance records? Was it no show for two years straight like county meetings?


  19. Bethlehem's finest Mayor was its first, Archibald Johnston. I can't get over that guy. In recent history, Cunningham is a great Mayor, too. He held the City together when BS abandoned ship and the City lot 14 of its tax base. Callahan will have an excellent legacy as well, when many of the tings he did will begin to pay dividends, like paying off $90 MM in debt and pensions for new hires.

  20. Yet he still has to borroew money to meet a payroll. What a guy!

  21. Yet he still has to borroew money to meet a payroll. What a guy!

  22. The amusing thing is Callahan's legacy in Bethleehm is due in part to Reibmans policies. Now that will be intersting.

  23. What policies? The $25 MM swaption? Solomon's federal prison sentence The widfe-swapping? The 70% tax hike? The sexual harassment by an administrator?

    It should be very interesting.


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