Local Government TV

Saturday, February 02, 2013

"God Hates Fags" Candidate a No Show at Defamation Deposition

Northampton County Council candidate Tricia "God Hates Fags" Mezzacappa was a no-show at a video-tape deposition yesterday in the defamation action I've filed against her. Instead, at the appointed hour, she  began spamming this blog with over 100 repetitive and vulgar comments, posted anonymously. Mezzacappa has denied posting these comments, but they are full of the same phrases and same misspelled words I only ever see on her blog.

She has told my attorney, "IF ORDERED by a judge to attend a deposition in Lehigh County at your office, I will be armed. I am licensed to carry a firearm."

For now.


  1. What does this woman do for a living? Is she employed?

  2. That's an implied threat. Bernie, who exactly makes the call to revoke this nut's carry permit? She's clearly warning us all through her threats and behavior that she's going to shoot someone. Stay safe. You're likely putting those around you in public situations at risk from this armed menace.

  3. It's one of the questions she would have been asked at her deposition.

  4. "You're likely putting those around you in public situations at risk from this armed menace."

    I have no intention of placing any one in harm's way. In fact, I was not at the scheduled deposition yesterday for that precise reason. No reason to egg her on. But at the same time, I have every intention of making sure that she will be held accountable for her misconduct and will be forced to take responsibility.

  5. I thought being served to attend a deposition is the same as a court order?

  6. A party who is noticed to appear at a deposition is required to do so. One can object and seek a protective order, but I do not think Mezzacappa filed one for that.

  7. Alert ALERT Alert

    Gov. Corbett's Son-in Law, a Narcotic's Detective for Philly Police is under invest. by the FBI (stealing drugs and money.
    His wife is a Deputy Attorney General......Check it out(Nepotism)

  8. She is obviously going to try to drag this out and use every delaying tactic to postpone the inevitable. Should be a simple task now, to get a subpoena for her next appearance. If she misses that one she'll face a Judge's wrath.

    I'm assuming there was no subpoena in place for this first scheduled interview?

  9. You do not have to subpoena a party. A party must appear if he or she is provided with reasonable notice.

  10. Tricia Mezzacappa should not be representing herself. She is ignorant of the law, and she is very disrespectful of the plaintiff's counsel. I'd be interested to know what attorney Rick Orloski's next move will be. One option would be a motion for sanctions under Rule 4019 that includes payment of his legal fees and expenses. Maybe he also should ask the court for a well-deserved mental examination of the defendant. Too bad. This case probably could have been settled long ago with an apology to Bernie O'Hare and the removal of her offending blog posts. Instead, the defiant one chooses to double down on her irrational behavior. Her statement proclaiming she "will be armed" is chilling.

  11. Wrong wrong wrong, and wrong again. Two motions are pending...dismissal and protective order...didnt Sicko forward them to you?

    They are in the docket file?

    Didnt sicko tell you that he refused to allow me in the building armed, and concocted a ruse that he sits in a "gun free zone"

    Didnt he inform you that even though I filed 2 separate motions, I offered to be deposed by teleconference?

    He never called asshole.

  12. I am well aware that three, not two, "motions", if you can call them that, are pending.

    The first is a frivolous motion to dismiss for failure to file an amended complaint, even though one was timely filed. You falsely claimed that no complaint had been filed without bothering to check the docket.

    The second is a frivolous motion to dismiss based on failure to serve, even though you have been served twice by mail and once by email.

    The third is a borderline psychotic motion for protective order from the Interrogatories and Motion to Produce. You filed no motion for a protective order from the depositions. So basically you thumbed your nose and refused to appear at a proceeding where your presence is mandatory.

    Attorney Orloski has every right to refuse to allow people to bring guns into his private property, especially whackos like you who fantasize about putting hollow point bullets thru my skull and who post pictures of Attorney Orloski with all kinds of injuries.

    This is no game. It is one thing to lie an your blog, but you are now making false statements on court documents, which is a crime. You are spamming this blog, which is another crime.

    I suspect Att'y Orloski will ask the court to enter default judgment against you. And then you will still be required to answer the discovery. I also intend, very soon, to file a malicious prosecution action against you over your bogus action against me.

    Now go take your drug cocktail and fantasize about shooting 14 year-old girls, you pathetic piece of shit. I am fed up with your nonsense. Like it or not, you are going to be held accountable for your lies and the time you have wasted.

  13. Has Earl been discussed at all by Attorney Orloski in the settlement negotiations? Would owning a famous pot bellied pig suite your current lifestyle Bernie?

  14. I am fed up with her. She posted another fantasy at the ET web age about putting a hollow point bullet thru my skull. She is a criminal thug.

  15. Please link us to it or quote it on here.

  16. I have flagged it for deletion. It was posted after I told her off here. It was obviously done with the intent to annoy, alarm and harass, and serves no legitimate purpose. The disgusting filth is posted here:


    The comment is as follows:

    "I am most happy to see law abiding citizens excercising their 2nd amendment rights. I am sorry that the Sherriff is burdened by the surge and hope people step up to volunteer time.

    I am a licensed firearm carrier who is proud to admit I support a free nation that is void of tyranny of all kinds.

    If I am confronted with armegedon, I will act accordingly. I picture armagedon about 5 ft 8, balding, little eyeglasses perched on the tip of his nose, and enough fat flaps to insulate a bull.

    Deep breath, aim, shoot....one hollow point goes straight through his skull, he's dead before he hits the ground, kersplat, PERFECT.

    No mess for the coroner.

    The castle doctrine was created out of necessity. Amen to that. God Bless, and enjoy the Superbowl !!!! Safe, happy and sober. Dont drink and drive."

  17. Don't see what the problem is. She is stating what she would do "if confronted". The easy answer is don't confront someone in their home.

    She has the same right as anyone else. Those of you who are real defenders of the seconfd amendment would not be attacking this woman.

  18. With the intent to harass, annoy an alarm, she is repeatedly fantasizing about killing me and in graphic terms. This serves no legitimate purpose. She is a disgusting piece of shit, and so are you.

  19. I'm a defender of the 2nd Amendment and own numerous weapons. I've also been in disagreement with O'Hare in his position of banning certain weapons.

    That said, Mezzacappa doesn't do defenders of the 2nd any service by posting as she does. Writing with pleasure of taking a life with your firearm is not an indication of a healthy mental state. Describing a particular individual is even more disturbed. One only needs to completely read her blog to see the woman thinks that the use of deadly force is acceptable in response to any confrontation (such as suggesting the police should have shot a schoolgirl instead of tasering her, when punched).

    Her blog is filled with hate. She is obviously unable to think rationally, or even think ahead to the ramifications of her statements. I would guess she has no family life, or friends, and is unable to maintain a relationship of any kind with anyone. She has been unable to keep a job for the long-term and it's unlikely she'll find another one, now that a simple Google search of her name brings up her personality written by her own hand. No employer would risk having her in the workplace.

    When a person is isolated with only their own warped mind giving them advice they make decisions that not only adversely affect themselves, but can tragically affect others they come in contact with.

    I went to the post on Lehigh Valley Live that O'Hare cited above. I noticed that one commenter stated, "applicants should have to pass a psychlogical (sic) to apply for a carry permit."
    Tricia Mezzacappa indicated that she agreed with it. She doesn't realize, as everyone does, that she wouldn't pass a psych exam that would be designed for gun ownership, let alone a RTCF permit. To her, everything she does, or says, is justified. When she replays accounts of her antics she omits facts, or changes them to suit her position of acceptability.

    The fear of everyone is that Mezzacappa will completely snap one day. Either because the voices in her head direct her to, or that a personal situation (money, health, etc.) will have her lashing out against society with deadly consequences.

    More and more people are contacting the police, the sheriff, and even the FBI about this woman having weapons. Accompanying these notices to law enforcement are her writings and video postings. The hope is that with enough complaints on record, the powers that be will realize that when Mezzacappa snaps they will not be able to hide behind the excuse of, "we weren't aware."

    She is not representative of those who are responsible gun owners and know why the 2nd Amendment exists. She gives fuel to those who argue against it.

  20. Bernie,
    You may want to head over to scribd.com and make a copy of her latest upload before you have them delete it. She's making your case just too damned easy.

  21. 'See Me' apparently has Mezzacappa "foaming at the mouth and rolling on the floor" (I think that is how she says it) with the notice that people are reporting her to authorities. The defiant one has reposted a youtube video and tells those that report her, they will end up in jail.

    That's one crazy bitch!

  22. I generally like crazy people. Most of them are pleasant enough. But her mind, like her Blog Mentor's is full of irrational rage and hatred. It boggles my mind that she would actually fantasize about an Allentown cop shooting a 14 year-old girl. It is totally disgusting that she has twice now fantasized about putting a hollow point bullet thru my skull. And then her Blog Mentor, who is actually happy when other people have cancer, starts hoping I pop an aneurysm.

    They are both pathetic pieces of shit.

    They are already in hell.


    Gee, that makes sense.

    The 26th is argument court on my preliminary objections to her frivolous motion, one which was already dismissed a year ago.

  24. Yet here you are continuing to make ther case as to why this woman should fear you and your moronic followers.

  25. I see. This woman fantasizes about killing me and she fears me? Please. By the way, speaking of moronic, it's "their", not "ther."

  26. She is too busy posting on the Express Times firearms story from this past Saturday!

  27. "Didnt sicko tell you that he refused to allow me in the building armed, and concocted a ruse that he sits in a "gun free zone"

    Ummm PA law is very clear that any private property owner can refuse entry based many reasons including guns. Sorry Trish, if his Attorney says no weapons and you show up armed, you are looking at a defiant trespass charge. Sorry sweetie.

  28. This moron actually believes she has the right to carry a firearm wherever she pleases? Quite the doozy here.

  29. Is this woman affiliated with the West Boro Baptist Church?

  30. "IF ORDERED by a judge to attend a deposition in Lehigh County at your office, I will be armed. I am licensed to carry a firearm."....What if the
    Judge's order included a "NO WEAPONS STIPULATION"???

  31. Hilariously she gives me this impression of a Yosemite Sam – like character.

    A hootin, tootin, shootin, toughest, roughest wild cat of the West….

    An impulsive bully that doesn’t plan appropriately and then becomes irritable and aggressive when she fails.

    She is incapable to help herself or turn away because of her cockiness and egotistic personality traits. Ultimately I suspect that Bernie and Team will use these weaknesses to let her sink her own ship. She is predictable to a large degree because to the people who know….also know what will anger her, knows she will react impulsively, obnoxiously, and that her actions will expose her failures. Similar to Bugs and Yosemite, this Looney Toon is Bugs Bernie and Yosemite Trish.

    Sam was threatening but he never ever won once.

  32. She is harmless, crazy but harmless, yet O'Hare continues to harass her on his blog.

  33. She certainly is mentally disturbed. But she is by no means harmless. On the contrary, she has impulse control problems. She is armed, repeatedly brags about it. She has fantasized twie, o n the ET web site, about putting a hollow point bullet thru my skull, On her blog, she has encouraged Allentown police officers to shoot a 14 year old girl who may or may not have been unruly. She threatened to take Kelly Gross to the Delaware River and drown her. After that, she stated on her blog that she should have cracked Kelly Gross so that the charges would have been worth it. She has acknowledged she's on drugs, and to such an extent as to render her incompetent to stand trial. She has posted numerous comments wishing for my death. She has published pictures of my attorney, battered and bruised. As my defamation against her proceeds, she's getting worse. It is only a matter of time before she hurts someone.

    Your statement that she is harmless or being harassed is pure bullshit, spawned by your own hatred of me.It bears no resemblance to reality.

  34. Bernie she is just trying to protect Earl who has been victimized by many of her lovers, not saying you were one of them but if she does not stand up and show strength Earl's bunghole will be the size of a coke can.

  35. How was she goong to get kelly Gross to the Delaware, with a crane?

  36. Take your drug cocktail, and check your mailbox.

  37. Earl, whom has been victimized by Many of her lovers,_not saying you were one of them_o_O out if she does not stand up and show strength;Earl's bunghole will be tampered with to the size of a coke can,stretched out as a deep bellowing Fog-Horn with No back-pressure. Heinously Anused.......sounds like Tricia is a Man-Hater from The National Organization of Women. What's Next???____Divorce Proceedings on whom gets the poodle}Jim Omenbo can Admin. that

  38. As Chief-of-Staff He can schedule @ "HIS" discretion which judge recieves which cases ;-)

  39. The Devil's Ménage à trois=Tricia Mezzacappa & Bernie O'hare & ERIC
    "Anonymous said...
    Bernie she is just trying to protect Earl who has been victimized by many of her lovers, not saying you were one of them but if she does not stand up and show strength Earl's bunghole will be the size of a coke can. 9:44 PM" o_O
    Laddie I don't whar yez been..........

  40. She is not representative of those who are responsible gun owners and know why the 2nd Amendment exists. She gives fuel to those who argue against it.

    Nonsense. She is perfectly indicative of the majority of "2nd amendment defenders". Just fantasizing with that phrase makes you naive in thinking that those who do not walk lock step with the NRA propaganda somehow do not support the Constitution of the United States.

  41. Still not seeing how she is affiliated with the West Boro Baptist Church.

  42. Nonsense. She is perfectly indicative of the majority of "2nd amendment defenders".

    You just proved me right. The anti-gun moron who uses a nut with a gun in a feeble attempt to paint us all with the same brush.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.