Local Government TV

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Barron Using Campaign Fund to Pay For His Cell Phone

Northampton County Controller Steve Barron better have a fundraiser or something, or he's gonna' have to start paying for his own cell phone. He raised no money in 2012, but spent $568.84 of his $1,119.44 campaign fund exclusively on his cell phone.

You see, if he uses his campaign to pay for his cell phone, bottom-feeding bloggers like your truly are unable to tell you about his numerous political calls on the County dime.

To those of you who thought you gave money to Barron so he could run for office, you might be interested he's instead using the money in a non-election year to pay for his cell phone use and keep the public from watching his activity.


  1. meh....

    ain't no fan of barrons, but every pol does this.

    and he's not making political calls on the county dime, it's take-out

  2. Most pols do this. I single Barron out bc it is the only item on his report. It bothers me when campaign funds are used to enable a politician to avoid being transparent. If Barron were unable to use campaign funds, he'd be using a county-owned phone. While the public would be paying for it, he'd have to make sure it was used only for county business. And we'd be able to make certain that he is not playing politics while he's supposed to the county's fiscal watchdog.

  3. It's a shame it had to come to this.

  4. It's legal and most do..Where's the controversy?

  5. ee my comment at 8:01. Just bc something is legal does not make it right.

  6. Barron von FootinmouthFebruary 2, 2013 at 8:59 AM

    ur just jealous I dint have 2 pay 4 my own Angry Birds. i also downloaded a very swell bagpipe ringtone for $2.99 in campaign ca$h. life is good - lol.


  7. Bernie... I don't care how many political calls he makes. He is holding Stoffa accountable and I love it. I know you preferred Barron as Stoffa's lap dog, but most of us prefer him doing the job he is currently doing. That is why we reelected him overwhelmingly!

  8. A kittle revisionist history here. I don't call 54% against an underfunded candidate an "overwhelming" re-election. I call it lucky. But it's no surprise to me that you don't mind a political Controller as long as he is going after a man who has stood for integrity.

  9. Teletubby Barron should have a controller watching his unethical butt.

  10. Do you realize how easy it is to get a 2nd phone, and call whoeverthehell you want to with out the public knowing?

    No story here, but it was a valiant effort!!

  11. Anything to attack Barron. This is one of the more involved stretches.

  12. Anytime public funds, or campaign funds are used for acquistion, or paying for cell phone services, that becomes public information. You may request to see the records to make sure they fall under the reporting guidlines related to reportable donations and that those funds have been properly spent. That is case law, Bernie. He may not have personal gain from donated campaign funds and if he is using the phone for personal use he is trying to cumcervent the law. Go git em.

  13. Bernie, if he purchased a cell phone or cell phone services and is paying for it with campaign donations while using it for anything other than campaigning, he is in violation of the law. You may not use the monies from your campaign fund for personal use. Ask for the records. they like all reporting expenses are public information.go get em.

  14. What exactly is "the public dime"? Are you still clinging to this belief that salaried individuals are exclusively beholden to their employers during particular hours? You need to venture into the real world and not 1952 Mayberry.

  15. Gee, what I mean by the public dime is that Barron should spend more time doing his job and less time acting as a union organizer and engaging in political with hunts as he did this afternoon.

  16. Is his job not being done? Be more specific. Please let us know what is not being done before you accuse someone of doing something else on our "dime".

  17. His job his not being done. Just yesterday, he was harassing one of my business associates while on the public dime. For the third time. I believe it is bc they use me. It was an obvious retaliation for my blog about his cell phone use.

  18. Because this man spoke to one of your associates, he isn't doing his job? Please document what is not done instead of just insinuating.

  19. You know what I';'m talking about, Barron, and I am preparing a blog about it.


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