Local Government TV

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Donchez Ahead Of Reynolds in Money Race, 5 to 1

Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Bob Donchez is way ahead of rival Willie Reynolds in the money race.  In reports filed last Thursday, Donchez was sitting on $111,987.47, compared to Willie Reynolds having just $20,274.95.

Both campaigns are funded by all kinds of special interest money, to be sure. But what I found astonishing about Donchez' report is the large number of small donations between $50 and $250. Page after page of grass root support, totaling $17,909.00, makes up a large proportion of the $85,664.46 Donchez raised in 2012. It is bipartisan support, too.

Although I intend to look more closely at Donchez report next week, I believe Bob's largest contributors are Bethlehem law firm Broughal and DeVito ($5,000), which represents the Bethlehem Parking Authority and Bethlehem Housing Authority, and Bethlehem lawyer Dennis Benner ($5,000).

Donchez is a Paul Marcincin Democrat and much of his support also comes from that wing of the Democrat party in Bethlehem.

Updated 4:35 PM, to indicate that Broughal and DeVito represent the Bethlehem Authority, not the Bethlehem Housing Authority.


  1. In other words he will buy the campaign. he certainly won't get elected on his leadship style or his decision making abilities.

    unfortunately the sheep of bethlum are too uninformed and uneducated to see the emptyness behind the smile.

  2. Would you prefer a candidate with a scowl??

  3. The way that Bethlehem power is peacefully transitioned with little voter interference is very cool. Debates on issues can get unseemly.


  4. Who would want this JOB?

  5. I guess Broughal wants to be solicitor for the City. How many boards, authorities, etc. can this guy be on. Get paid for not doing much. Gotta give him credit for gaming the system.

  6. If Donchez does hire Broughal, it will be a good pick. Although I don't care for the pay-to-play aspect of these kinds of donations, Broughal's firm are the best municipal solicitors I've seen in the Lehigh Valley. They do excellent work, and Bethlehem would be lucky to have them. But my guess is that Donchez would ask Leeson.

  7. I had dinner the other night at Edge in Bethlehem. Reynolds was having a fundraiser in the private room there. Looked like a good crowd, maybe 50 people. Several were heavy hitters. I am sure he raised a few bucks that night.

  8. BO 8:05,

    U missed the point. there's nothing behind the smile. he is completely devoid of leadership or the ability to take a decisive action. all he has contributed to bethlum in 17 years is to rubber stamp it's increased debt beyond fixing. He has no agenda except to increase his portion of the public dole.

    all he can do is speak in generalities - no real action

    a paper tiger in a suit with a fake smile

  9. pardon me bo, i did not mean to make my comments at 10:49 anon

  10. BO what is a Paul Marcincin Democrat

  11. If I understand opponents of Donchez correctly, their argument is that Donchez should not be Mayor because:

    1) he is too nice a guy
    2) he likes to carefully consider issues before making a decision
    3) he previously earned a pension working for 35 years as an outstanding public school teacher

    How are any of these characteristics disqualifying? It sounds to me like the best case anyone has made to date against Bob Donchez is actually a case FOR Bob Donchez.

  12. Paul Marcincin is a former Mayor of Bethlehem who mentored many of the people you see today. Including Morganelli, Boscola and Donchez. He was mentioned several times last Saturday.

  13. Hey Bernie, political trivia. Check out who painted Marcincin's portrait that hangs in City Hall.

  14. That's a good question I'll check that out early next week. I'm curious now.


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