Local Government TV

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fake Rev Turns On All Of Council Except McClure

Fake Rev. smiles after photographing himself
Fake Rev Mario Martinez has issued a fatwā against every member of Northampton County Council, with the exception of Lamont McClure. Reason? They let Executive John Stoffa get away with "lawlessness." 

Martinez and his mob are unhappy that neither the DA nor the courts would malign Stoffa, as they have, with false accusations of criminal misconduct. So they want Council to go after Stoffa and demand he resign or something.

With the exception of Lamont McClure, the mob's patron, Council has remained silent, and this is more than the mob can bear. Martinez has yet to state whether they Council members will burn in Hell, but he is speaking ex cathedra as "We the People." So every one of them should probably resign or something. 

Here's part of his screed:

County Executive John Stoffa today received a rewarded [sic] for his corruption - his desired Human Services building, and they will surely put his name on it to further reward  him for his lawlessness. So does he care that we're saying this about him? NO!!! Absolutely not...because he believes he has  gotten [sic] away with his lawlessness.

YES...he thinks he has. 

Is the current council at fault?
John Cusick
Peg Ferraro
Tom Dietrick
Ken Kraft
Bruce Gilbert
Scott Parson
Barbara Theirry
Robert Werner

Yes, in our opinion they are all responsible for John Stoffas [sic] actions because they have failed to speak up against his questionable acts of public mistrust. And yes, they know about it because it was presented to them by the County Controller Stephen Barron. No...we do not place Lamont McClure in the list because he did state publically [sic]  that what Stoffa did was wrong.


  1. At the very least Stoffa should have ben censured for his inappropriate and unethical behavior.

  2. RMM is closer to JC than most of his original disciples were, godless heretics can't stand that.

  3. The evil devil Reverend lives in Northampton County.

  4. Bernie how can we get him to return his mail order Reverend degree?

  5. Jebediah McMulligantyFebruary 25, 2013 at 7:01 AM

    Jack D looks like he's sizing you up with the ole stink eye, I've heard rumors back that in the day he could brawl like a prime Patrick Swayze circa "Road House" good thing there was plenty of Law Enforcement on hand to keep you two studs separated.

  6. A false prophet if there ever was one.

  7. Pompous ass that he is..why does he have any support at all? I now wish him into the cornfield..may he never utter another word in the name of God.

  8. Check out his latest blog, its a doozey.

  9. Compassionate Fiscal ConservativeFebruary 25, 2013 at 8:33 AM

    This blog spat is weak, bring back BOH vs WWWWE! Whens the next hearing?

  10. Mario has extended an olive branch to you in his latest blog post Bernie, please take him up on so we are not distracted by these petty feuds. He seems sincere.

  11. the fatwā issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, created a major international incident.On 7 March 1989, the United Kingdom and Iran broke diplomatic relations over the Rushdie controversy for saying "if someone has access to the author of the book but is incapable of carrying out the execution, he should inform the people so that [Rushdie] is punished for his actions. Rouhollah al-Mousavi al-Khomeini."

    Words connote action's. Are you serious? Ever hear of the Separation-of-Church-n-State?

  12. @ "Anonymous said... Pompous ass that he is..why does he have any support at all? I now wish him into the cornfield..may he never utter another word in the name of God. 7:52 AM"
    Sounds like the scene in Goodfella's w/ Joe Pesci....are you Avocating Violence?

  13. If wishes were horses....then Beggar's would ride!

  14. "Jebediah McMulliganty said...
    Jack D looks like he's sizing you up with the ole stink eye, I've heard rumors back that in the day he could brawl like a prime Patrick Swayze circa "Road House" good thing there was plenty of Law Enforcement on hand to keep you two studs separated. 7:01 AM"

    Dirty Fighter w/ a Razor-in-his-Boot tip.....He was also a killer!

  15. Wasn't Angle president when this was going on? So he along with Bernie who was assisting Angle spoke to the law firm involved in the sale of Gracedale for a couple of hours. Where is the problem here? The fake rev is just that and worse. He is blinded by hate or he would see there is a side here other then his. On one side we have Angle who was doing the council and Stoffa's bidding which is legal and reasonable and then we have this this fake man of the cloth type who for some reason wants heads to roll. He will not get his way. Thank God and the reasonable ones here. Lamont is running for exec. People. See how he works with and for the unions. He knows who butters his bread. We need to be smarter.....

  16. Hey Bernie, I have never seen you get your jackass handed to you the way these people have handed it to you. You were once a feared mad-blogger, but they have done a wonderful job of shutting you down. Not matter what you throw at them, they hit you back harder. Has it occurred to you that maybe you have met more than your match?

  17. Thank God Tricia and the fake Reverand aren`t married.

  18. Callahan made his first major blunder and he isn`t even in office. He agreed to not sell Gracedale under threating REVERAND skies and now they threw him under the buss over his wrestling remark. What did Callahan gain ? Nothing much except to show he hasn`t the wisdom for the job . Too gullible.

  19. "Check out his latest blog, its a doozey."

    I just did. There are two blogs. The first calls me a "nonsensical ignoramus" because I've thrown away my life.

    In the second, the Fake Rev posts a pic of me walking by Peggy D'Alessandro's motorized wheelchair at the McClure announcement. He suggests that, for some reason, I wanted to kick her, in a courthouse hallway, of all places. He contends that I held back only out of fear of her 500-pound husband.

    This is as kooky as some of the Mezzacappa rants.

    Right after making this insinuation, he suggests that we sit down and clear the air.

    I think I understand perfectly and have no need to talk to any of them about anything.

  20. @ "Lamont is running for exec. People. See how he works with and for the unions. He knows who butters his bread. We need to be smarter.....10:31 AM"....are you saying he is beholden to the Unions? Do I "butter his bread" if I do not finance his campain? Will he then work for me, to my satisfaction just as zealously? White-Bread Elite-ists eat butter. The rest of us can only afford margarine.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. He looks more like Rev. Snidely Whiplash. He's some man of God. Then again, so were Jim Jones and Gary Heidnik and David Koresh.

  23. Hey Bernie - you have mixed up your religions. Rev. Martinez is a devout Christian. Muslims do fatwa not Christians. Are you going to sit with him over coffee. I hear he did wonders with Ron Angle.

  24. The Fake Rev is no Christian. He is the kind of phony who makes real Christian hang their heads in shame. No organized religion, Islam or Christian, would condone his hatred. As I've already explained, I understand him and his group very well, and have no desire to talk with any one of them about anything.

  25. but you do know that fatwa has nothing to do with Christianity right?

  26. Neither does the Fake Rev. That's the whole point.

  27. Would love to be the judge of the Rev's character. Would want to hear one of his sermons to see how his ethics stand up against Christianity. What do you say Reverend? Want to post one of your sermons that you give on any given Sunday?

  28. Where is his church? Forks Twp or Easton? how large is the congregation? What time is mass? Can anyone attend?


  29. He has an online church, and you can send him money. "We want you to look into your heart and give as much or as little as you honestly can. Know that God, Jesus, and the Spirit Without Limit love you and thank you for your offerings."


    Praise be Jee-sus!

  30. My Jesus is better than your Jesus and he is better than that Jewish God and Allah too! Atheists need not reply at all.

  31. Bernie, you are continuously trashing Coaf and their spokesperson, even after they offered you love. Why? You say they are so bad, but how r u good?

  32. It's about sincerity my friend. COAF is not the issue here. Martinez is a raving egomaniac and thus he has no credibility as a peacemaker or olive branch carrier. His resume is full of crap!

  33. 10:01, Knock off the crap. You are full of hate. You can't in your name. Every time Martinez posts, he shows he has a black soul. You don't make the false claims that he did today, concerning my supposed desire to kick someone in a wheelchair, and then claim to be offering love. He is a phony, and proves it with every word he writes.

  34. You just don,t like that he hits back.

  35. If that is hitting back, he needs lessons. He is a hateful, semi-literate little man. He is the opposite of what i would expect to see in any person with religious ideals.

  36. You want to give him lessons? maybe I can arrange it

  37. For the third time, I have no interest or desire in engaging with any of those untrustworthy phonies. How many times do I have to say the same thing?

  38. Every month of the year is Movember for RMM, he is a humanitarian and theological titan.

  39. 1:15, good one! I am still wondering if that mustache is real.

    And I am still waiting to get a hold of one of the Rev's sermons. I bet you that is a real eye raiser!

  40. You really kicked at a woman in a wheelchair? Are you nuts?

  41. That is the problem with you haters. Your hatred justifies even the most outrageous lie. I did not kick anyone, in or out of a wheelchair. Th Fake Rev snapped a picture of me walking by someone in a wheelchair, and goes on from there to conclude that i must have been thinking about kicking her, and now you have leaped to the conclusion that I have, or have made the accusation.

  42. He is more typical of these public religious types than not.
    I heard he's converting to LDS?

  43. As I understand it, in the past, during one of the Angle town meetings you said you were going to kick her out of her chair, and that's not just a women in the chair, that's Peg D


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