Local Government TV

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Callahan Ejection Story Has No Byline

The Express Times has reported that Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan, who is running for Northampton County Executive, was ejected from a wrestling tournament on Saturday night. But what I find even more interesting is the lack of a byline.

There's no question that Callahan was ejected. He admitted so himself. But what are the circumstances? Was Callaham being a jerk, which sometimes happens when a parent is watching his children play sports? Was the referee being a jerk, which also sometimes happens with some referees? A byline credits the reporter who submitted the story, and also makes it more credible because he or she is taking responsibility. But "staff reports" is an indication to me that the newspaper does not know what the hell happened, beyond the ejection itself.

While this kind of thing happens all the time, it's rare to see it happen to a County Executive candidate in a three-way primary. It will hurt.

I've already seen two ridiculous explanations:

"Hey, election season has begun, so maybe Glen Reibman slipped the ref a couple bucks?"


"He can't control his emotions and he wants to run the county. Didn't we just get rid of Ron Angle, the crazy uncontrolable clown, and now we get Callahan.

My God are there any grownups around? How can we elect someone like this?"

If you want to see parents thrown out of games every three seconds, watch girls' basketball.

Updated NOON: A Morning Call account of the ejection is bylined.

Callahan's wife Mafalda, who was there, explains what happened in a comment to The Express Times:

When my husband ran for Congress I sat back and watched silently as the anonymous bloggers posted ridiculous lies. I decided, for better or for worse, that I am not going to do that this election cycle. The opposing candidates will have to run on the issues and will not have a forum to post rumors fabricated to tarnish his reputation - not this time boys, so sorry. You are especially not going to do that when it involves my children and the Freedom High School wrestling team.

John and I have a tremendous amount of respect for referrees and the job that they do. However, like any profession, you have a few bad refs and some great refs that sometimes make bad calls. If I make a mistake at work, I'm held accountable and the refs should be held accountable too. Now put into the mix that wrestling is a unique sport & a bad ref or a bad call can cost a senior a spot at regionals and/or impact their seeding, the refs need to feel that pressure and they need to be on top of their game. As a result, many spectators are very vocal at wrestling matches and, as a fan, you're allowed to disagree with calls.

Now, I was sitting next to my husband during the match with our "Freedom Family" and we were all frustrated. My husband is a leader, so when he sees a bad call he's going to hold the ref accountable to the call. He was not inappropriate at all, from his seat he simply screamed "that was an awful call, just awful." He was defending not my son, but another freedom wrestler. He was singled out and asked to leave and he got up and left. It was not barbaric, is was not an embarrassment, it wasn't anything like some of you have been blogging about & quite frankly if you weren't there you have no business portraying the incident in any manner OR making any false correlations. I'm surprised it was even a story.


  1. I don't know the details, and the "staff reports" story does not identify the ref. Therein ies the problem. as the ref out of line? was Callahan? We don't know. All we know is that a ref is God, and his word rules.

  2. @ "My God are there any grownups around? How can we elect someone like this?"


  3. Having refereed high school sports I think it would have been unfair for the ref to have been named and interviewed. There's a reason why refs in professional sports aren't interviewed. They shouldn't be accountable to the media or public.

    On the youth/high school front, there is a better reason: there is a shortage of officials and the idea of being drug through the press for a bad call or throwing an unruly parent out would deter people from what are effectively volunteer positions.

    Its a thankless job and the parents (not the kids) are truly horrible sometimes. "I'm a passionate fan" is a terrible excuse.

    I have thrown parents out and two things always happens: (i) the parents don't think its their fault; and (ii) every time I have been approached by parents and coaches afterwards thanking me for doing it.

    I like Callahan a lot and think he has helped the city of Bethlehem tremendously. You recently posted the concept that every time you go to Bethlehem it seems like a better place to live and I think that's true.

    That said, whoever wrote the story, this is embarrassing for the mayor. I can't comment on the journalistic ethics of a staff byline, but it detracts from what happened. The story doesn't cast opinions and simply reports the facts. Nobody has contested any portion of it.

    It reports that (i) he was thrown our; (ii) that he responded to the story.

    I'm not going to say that you would report this differently if it was King Edwin because I think you are a pretty fair and uniform critic of the press, but I think you gloss over what happened here and give him a pass.

  4. I agree with your assessment. It is quite sound. As someone who goes to many youth sporting events, I appreciate what you do and most of you are very fair and neutral. there are a few jerks, but very few.

    This incident will not help Callahan.

    My point about the byline is that the reporter who submitted the story either did not witness it or was not really confident aut the circumstances.

  5. First, agree with ruggerbo he's spot on regarding being an official.

    Second...oh boy, the last thing Callahan needs is his wife getting into the mix, especially when she starts out in such a condescending fashion. If she had skipped the first paragraph entirely it might have been bearable, but to talk down to people like that won't be well received.

    The Banker

  6. I will be more interested to see how Callahan deals with this. I want to see his true character, now. There are several ways that this can play out. Hopefully, he will take the high road.

    Also, regardless if the official/referee was wrong or correct, it is always bad sportmanship to display contempt against them and their judgment, less voicing your opinion.

    This is a teachable moment to all, especially teachable against poor sportmanship. The referee and his "unjust" decision can either build character or cause an endless spiral of making excuses.

    Hopefully, we will learn about the better part of Mr. Callahan's character and judgment within these next few days.

  7. If I were advising Callahan I would tell him and his wife to not say another word on this. Let it go. Drop it. If his opponents use it negatively it will actually help him. What parent myself included hasn't yelled at a referee and felt stupid afterward. He still has my vote

  8. I'm in agreement with the Anon 1:44.

    The last thing he should have is his wife speaking for him. I'm sure she had the best of intentions in explaining (defending) the incident, but it would have been better received if he made the statement. Now it gives the impression that he needs his wife to protect him from criticism, as if he were a child.

    I do have difficulty believing a ref would be so thin-skinned as to eject Callahan for the single action his wife says he committed. It's easy to lose your calm when watching your child subjected to a bad call from a referee. In my own past (20 years ago), I acted like an ass once. It didn't get me ejected, but I quickly realized how I must have appeared to others. Thankfully, I wasn't under the light of politics. My embarrassment was a lesson learned and I never let it happen again when my kids played sports.

    If Callahan apologized and it doesn't occur again, that will be the end of it.

  9. Read this over at the Gracedale blog. I know the post is about Callahan, but this seemed pretty good, too:

    "Fred the Anonymous
    February 24, 2013 at 2:26 PM
    You are all hypocrites. Talk about childish behavior that Mr. Callahan demonstrated? Look at yourselves first before casting a stone from your glass houses, myself included.

    You want childish? Just look at this blog. And you blame this blog on BO and his behavior. Kind of like Callahan blamed the referee. Who posts picture and spews hate venom like you do on this blog. Oh that's right, blame your actions on BO.

    Is this the way you want YOUR children to behavior? Instead of hate you should be more worried about the teachable moment here and how one can make amends. Christ did die for our sins, correct? There isn't any Christian tolerance on your part. I wouldn't want to be standing in your shoes on the day of judgment.

    It is funny how Christ forgave, you preach forgiveness, but you want to crucify anyone that stands opposite your political opinions - Stoffa, Angle, BO, and now Callahan.

    Lamont McClure should distance himself from you and your horrible messages.

    But this comment won't last long. In your childish behavior, you will take it down and blame BO because it doesn't kowtow to your agenda."

  10. The wrestling official was the former Allentown Police Officer and former mayor candidate for the City of Allentown, Tony Phillips. He claimed that King Edwin gave him some greenbacks to get Callahan tossed and muddied up.

    Who said politics don't play out in local high school athletics?!

    1. Are you sure that it wasn't a campaign departure gift, or just another one of Allentowns king BULLY tactics¿

  11. 2:13,

    Nearly every weekend, as well as weeknights, I am involved in youth sports as a spectator, watching my grandson play and develop. In all that time, the worst incidents have involved parents who think their kids can do no wrong or who are using their children for their own ego gratification. It totally ruins the sport for the kids. Let them have fun first, and then worry about the other crap.

    I have seen refs and umps make many bad calls, but my attitude is that bad calls go both ways. Also, life is not fair, and it's best that kids learn that sooner rather than later.

    A few weeks ago, a ref kept calling a boy for travelling when he clearly was not. Everyone (from our side) was yelling at him, and after about the sixth time, I started, too. I caught myself and stopped. The ref ignored me and the others, but would have been within his rights to tell any one of us to leave. He is just doing his job.

    I suspect Callahan and other parents were caught up in the moment and he was singled out as an example to all the others. He abided by the referee's wishes and left.

    It's not good for his campaign, but it's not a big deal.

  12. @ "Anonymous said...
    If I were advising Callahan I would tell him and his wife to not say another word on this. Let it go. Drop it. If his opponents use it negatively it will actually help him. What parent myself included hasn't yelled at a referee and felt stupid afterward. He still has my vote 2:23 PM"

    What soldier/officer/police....hasn't made a snap/quick/rash decision that caused irre-parable harm? Childrem MIMIC what they see/hear/feel. If you can't act like an "ADULT"....you shouldn't be around children, whether they are your's or not. Lack-of-Mannerism's is #1 in aqualung Politic's.

  13. Anything done to advance the concept of self above others to be the selfish type of ego is as an excess of self love. To make yourself feel better about yourself - to brag about your ability - instead of love of self experience for YOUR child.....Are you Stumping-for-votes based on Drama? Controversially what's next? Vice??? Inappropriate Behavior displayed around Children....while you justify & mis-direct RESPONSIBILITY (your action/your feelings/your fault/your consequence) is Unseemly (wrong message)
    If you will misdirect responsibility for you Actions @ a Youth sports Event......Can you be TRUSTED while-in-Office?

    NO! I think not.

    Another might be the pleasure received from making fun of someone, though this example does not distinguish ego gratification from self gratification as well.

  14. Our judgement is only as good as the information that we have been given. If you were not there then how can you possibly judge?

    Wrestling is a different animal, it both requires and inspires passion. John and his wife should absolutely just drop it and not feed the media. Anyone who uses this for political gain will only make Callahan look better.

    Best of luck to all candidates...keep it clean and honorable.

  15. Condescencion is the Callahan
    middle name. They put on a smile for the public. Over the last ten years in Bethlehem it is the
    Callahan way or the highway. His wife should not have written the letter. You have it because you are supporting Callahan. They know you will spin ithe incident for them. Problem is, he did exactly what people who screw up youth sports do. He was "that" obnoxious parent. People there saw. We have enough parents screwing up our yoputh sports woiithout the Mayor joining them. How about some self-control. He and his wife can defend bad behavior because Callahan behavior is never bad, it is only bad when others do it. Also woe to those who publically go after the Mayor

    He not only was ejected but in his childish petulent way he mocked the official on the way out. As another person who frequents youth sports you know this is a real problem Bernie and we don't need the Mayor defending and making excuses for this behavior. Our kids feel over provledged so as it is, he isn't helping. He is a man child and has been for ten years in little old bedlam. Should he be the next county executive? He needs to grow up first.

  16. Well said Mrs. Callahan! Anyone who knows her knows she doesn't have a condescending bone in her body. She put up with enough crap from this blog and people regurgitating BS from 20 years ago. Stand up for yourself! The Callahans are good people. Mr. Callahan loves this city. Not sure I know anyone who could have done a better job!

  17. The Mayor clearly showed the problem with kids sports. It is good the ref tossed him. It is ok to cheer but to berate an official is over the top. A ref does not need to take that nor is it good for the sport. As a poster mentioned over on the ET, these parents including the Mayor are living vicariously through their kids. Perhaps they ought to just stay away and the experience for the kid will probably be a lot better.

  18. I agree that we parents need to set an example for our children. I have failed that in the past but am trying to do so now. Part of that example is taking responsibility for what we write. You wish to condemn Callahan's for being over the top at a wrestling tournament, but think nothing of posting anonymous attacks. Between the two, I'd say the example set by you is far worse.

  19. The difference between parental behavior at youth sports and PIAA high school events is night and day. It's rare for fan behavior to rise to the level of ejection at a high school event.

    John should apologize and admit his emotions got the best of him. His wife should stop making excuses for unacceptable and embarrassing behavior. As a condescending nudnik, she should really shut up and let the politician do the offending. She's not helping him at all.

    As has been stated on this blof countless times, adults often ruin kids' sports. There'd be little to see here if John wasn't making excuses and his dopey wife wasn't being dopey.

    Their poor kid.

  20. PS; I think all three D candidates are poor choices of recycled problems.

  21. "The difference between parental behavior at youth sports and PIAA high school events is night and day."

    Not really. I go to both. There are larger crowds at the high school events, and those tend to overcome the boisterous parents, but they are still there.

  22. the article is bylined in the print edition of ET

  23. At the time I posted this, there was no print edition. When I look at my hard copy, I'll see it. Thanks.

  24. I wonder why it would be included in the hard copy and not online?

  25. "He is a man child and has been for ten years in little old bedlam. Should he be the next county executive? He needs to grow up first"....

    Who's bed have your boot's been under? Every vote counts!

  26. @ "She put up with enough crap from this blog and people regurgitating BS from 20 years ago. Stand up for yourself!".... All's FAIR in Love & War & Politik's!

  27. The ET print edition article is on C-2 and is written by Doug Brill. The print headline reads "Mayor Callahan gets the heave-ho" and is nest to an article about the dist 11 match. The headline was dropped for the internet edition. I assume that it would not have been easily linked to other stories about the tournament. That would explain why the on-line article was ascribed to the "staff".

  28. I don't understand your explanation. Whether it is easier to link to other stories about the tournament have nothing to do with a byline. But then again, I have an inferior intellect.

    I did see the story on the hard copy in the sports section at dinner. I did not see it in the local news and just never looked for it there. To me, "staff" still means the reporter was not there or is unsure what happened, but I guess Doug felt comfortable enough and I guess what you're trying to tell me is that the byline would not work with other stories online about the tourney.

    I just saw the second story about the ref.

  29. The article was placed in the sports section where it probably belongs. Obviously, the editor of the webpage pulled it out and made it part of the news section and I guess-I do not really know-that the article ceased to be a sports article and was turned into campaign fodder. AP rules: "If multiple staffers report the story, the byline is the editor's judgment call. In general, the byline should go to the staffer who reported the key facts. Or, one staffer can take the byline for one cycle, and another for the following cycle." The AP suggests that the source of the facts should get the byline over the actual story writer. But, the final call is up to the editor. There is a chance that the original byline went to the source of the facts and was corrected to give some credit to the writer. That may make sense considering that this story will have impact beyond the sports section. AP rules are on-line.

  30. "Obviously, the editor of the webpage pulled it out and made it part of the news section "

    ... which makes sense to me bc it is a hot little news story. ... It is slowly beginning to sink in.

    I did spend some time looking for by-line rules last night, and found a 538-page Reuters pdf. Suffice it to say that I decided to put off a read. I also saw a NPR blurb which basically said what I said.

    In any event, kudos to the ET for breaking this story and making this 3-way primary even more interesting.

    It does raise an important question concerning the role of parents at athletic contests involving their children, even when there is no cursing or violence.

  31. Poor Bernie, you now have another obnoxious politican to defend. You barely lived through Ron Angle. You outdid yourself defending the incpompetence of Stoffa. Now look what you have. Our boozy, womanizing self-centered mayor of bedlam.

    You have signed on to another campaign of heartbreaks Brenie. Good luck!.

  32. Just saw article on mcall, where eric Evans said he did not think Callahan did anything to deserve being ejected. Evans was sitting in same row as Callahan.

  33. This has absolutely no relation to this man's ability to govern. It actually seems to me that his expulsion was politically motivated.

    I am actually more likely to vote for Callahan because of this.

  34. Keep defending and excusing poor behavior. It is the best example one can give to our youth.

    Next time you see Callaahn give him the rabbit ears for making a "bad call" on handling his own bad behavior. His lyal camp followrs are rushing to his defense.

    Right Bernie, "I am great, the world is wrong".

    What a maroon. You want to know why resonable Democrats would even consider voting for MClure or Reibman, here is your answer.

    This clown has even alienated former friends by his obnoxious behavior not just for this incident but for behavior towards people in this fresh starting campaign. Every day his he alienates more people. Some that were even supportive of him.

    It has been said before and is worth repeating because it is true, it is the Callahan way or the highway. Sorry Bernie, Reibman and McClure may give us nightmares but this guy is just bad news. He really needs to grow the Hell up already.

  35. The word on the street is that another wrestling official working the tournament heard Allentown Republican City Councilman Tony Phillips who was also working as a wrestling official at the tournament tell Dennis Bachman to run Callahan as Bachman came off the mat. Was told you can see the whole thing on the Service Electric feed at the end of the match. Anyone have the Service feed?

  36. Any time a comment starts with "word on the street," what follows is misinformation or outright lies.

  37. "It actually seems to me that his expulsion was politically motivated."

    That's just as ridiculous as the idiotic comments claiming that Callahan's conduct was "inexcusable."

    It's not a good thing, but not that big a deal.

  38. "Now look what you have. Our boozy, womanizing self-centered mayor of bedlam."

    Where is your evidence that Callahan is "boozy." Where is your evidence that Callahan is a womanizer? And when making a charge like this, why can't you sign your name?

    It would seem to me that his conduct on Saturday night, in which he was ejected, indicates that he was with his wife and supporting his son. So much for booze and womanizing. Give it a rest already.

    You complain about his bad judgment and look at you, making charges you can't back up and doing so anonymously.

  39. Wow! How incredible it is to have the Freedom High School Wrestling Team win the AAA Sportsmanship Award that evening, which is sponsored by the wrestling officials. Seems like those Freedom parents should take some lessons from their own children. Mr. Callahan also was very loud and vocal during the semi finals. I know I had the pleasure of sitting near him as he continued to berate a different official in that match too. I almost told him to shut up. Officials fault again? Hmmmm seems to be a pattern.

  40. It is just another day in the pattern of behavior of little big man, Mayor Rabbit Ears.

    "Stay classy, Mr. Mayor"!

  41. I have heard from many people that Callahan is very vocal at athletic competitions. He gets into it.

    Dat's (my grandson's) mother is the same way.

    I do not consider this enthusiasm, by itself, a bad thing. It's a little hard on the hearing, and yes, the refs are blasted, but it's hardly worth more than a raised eyebrow.

  42. Hey Bernie, have you or Dat's mother ever been thrown out of a game?

  43. I was once thrown out of a baseball game when an ump mixed me up with the guy who was actually making the cat calls. He happened to be the coach, and he got tossed a little later.

    I also once complained that an ump was blocking the line of sight for infielders, but was saying it to other parents, not him. The manager overheard me and got into it with the ump and got tossed.

    In baseball, if an ump is blocking an infielder's line of site, the infielder has the right to ask him to move, and he must do so. But the infielders never made the request. I shouted to them to ask the ump to move, but they did not and told me when the inning was over that they could see fine and I was nuts.

    Needless to say, we lost that game.

    I don't argue with officials, no matter how wrong they might be, and always thank them after a game, even if we've lost. They are mostly great guys (and ladies).

    I've told Dat to never argue with a call, either. Besides being poor sportsmanship, it's just a losing proposition.

    Dat's mother has never been thrown out of a game bc she knows the refs she taunts and they are mostly having fun. In boys' basketball, parents and refs tease each other quite a bit. The only time a ref gets mad in basketball is when a fan directs a remark at one of the kids. They are just kids, even at 13.

  44. Stoffa who?

    McClure's attendance record?

    Where were all your comments when Reibman was asleep at the helm and some of his closest dabbled criminal activities?

    Where were your voices when Clinton was getting bjs from his intern?

    And I see that you are all silent when Obama has been limiting and taking away our liberties and freedom while lying to us?

    Where were all your comments when Cheney shot that aide in the face while hunting?

    And how about when Bernie kicked that pig? And sent her packing!

  45. "Hey Bernie, have you or Dat's mother ever been thrown out of a game"

    Answer, no.

    Stay Classy, Mayor Rabbit Ears

  46. The mayor did nothing that was out of the ordinary. District11 wrestling incites passion, passion is good. That same passion makes one able to stand up and get things done. Most of the redevelopment in the city is because passion and vision when testifying for redevelopment is good. John is a proud person, when we wrestled for Liberty it was amazing, then the Pburg's, Nazareth, Northampton, and even Freedom (we wrestled for Liberty) was amazing. The people came out to watch our matches because of passion, and I think it helped to build our never quit attitudes. We were undefeated in 86 and needed a police escort out of Northampton. Now a group of 30 or so people commenting on a thin skinned ref is a big story..., its BS. It just happened to be the mayor that was spoken to out of the whole group. Make note he WAS NOT thrown out. As both Iacocca and Rendell's last books make it clear...where have all the leaders gone, and a country full of wusses respectively. We need leaders we need passion and we need it quickly as we are dropping as a world power very fast!


  47. Seamus, Agreed it's no big deal. A little over the top, but not exactly what I would call a character flaw.

  48. "a thin skinned ref"

    or a thin skinned boy mayor. Keep those excuses coming shameus. One need not accept responisbility for ones actions, need one? Not if you are Mayor Rabbit Ears!

    He saved the city and created passionate wrestling in the Lehigh Valley, wow! Better tell the veterans of those super squads at Lehigh and East Stroudsberg, they had nothing on old rabbit ears.

    Stay Classy Shameus!

    Shame less

  49. As a Callahan supporter, I gotta' admit Mayor "Rabbit Ears" is funny. Johnny casino is getting kinda' old, and Callahan takes all the fun out of that one bc he likes it.

  50. I am wondering what nicknames would best describe the other two Dems?

    Glenn Reibman - the Sultan of Swaptions?

    Lamont McMud?

  51. oh...Callahan ELECTION story.

    Election. Now I get it.

  52. @ "We need leaders we need passion and we need it quickly as we are dropping as a world power very fast! Seamus 12:33 AM" Seamus....and a country full of wusses

    Attitude's (such as yours) are the PROBLEM.

    Unbridaled Passion belongs in-the-bedroom, between 2 consenting adults, not displayed in-front-of-children.A child's Mal-Adjustment become's Societies Problem as an Unfunded Mandate to correct the CHILD after the Parent's FAIL-to Properly teach THEIR child/ren how to ACT-IN-PUBLIC
    Thusly....GROW UP! We need Command & Control-in-Office. S.T.O.P. Glorifying negative Behaviour!
    Would you like to Greco-Roman wrestle? They used to use body-oil to annoint themselves before the Match. Pinned to the mat-te-ress, meant something Different....back THEN! I am more of a man than thou.

  53. That's why the Full Nelson was banned!!!

  54. BO....I love how the Gracedale people are salivating over this. Obviously when you see this group you can tell none of them have an athletic bone in their body. Anyone who has been a part of the wrestling family here in the LV knows passions get high especially at Districts. I was there, all the Freedom people were going nuts and rightfully so. The Liberty kid was stalling the whole period. When that happens fans go nuts. It is all part of the sport. I have seen parents and coaches do much more and not get thrown. I have seen wrestlers do worse and not get thrown. Phillips once again stuck his nose into something he should not have and it cost the mayor some wresting watching time. Buchman is a very good ref and well respected but he missed this one and allowed Phillips to once again allow the fans to control the refs.(he is well know for this) BTW I am Liberty fan (bleed red & blue) and not in any way a Freedom fan but his ejection was not warrented. Again I was there unlike any of the Gracedale extortionist.

  55. These refs are paid. Not much but suck it up. I can't believe these refs have this latitude.

  56. It totally ruins the sport for the kids. Let them have fun first, and then worry about the other crap.

    I think you are talking about very few. Callahan got thrown out for making a statement about a bad call. No profanity. No interfering in the field of play. The ref overreacted and threw him out. If a ref can't take a "that was a bad call ref" they are in the wrong line of work.

  57. As a Callahan supporter


    After the way you ravaged the guy over the years? Truly a piece of work. Look up the word integrity.

  58. Question: Who ruins youth sports?

    Answer: Parents

  59. Tony Phillips is responsible for this and his name is the only one not attached to it. This is a bigger story. Phillips did ask Buchman to run Callahan out. But that didn't seem to make the paper. Shame.

  60. Lmao...more of a man than I... Not sure what defines that, but if you think so Clinton, have at it. You take the measure, compare the US in its heyday of the late 50's to now. Now go back to sleep and stop showing your ignorance by trying to compare yourself to others. I will embarrass you by stating I am handicapped was not supposed to live to my teens.... Have at it big man

  61. "I love how the Gracedale people are salivating over this. Obviously when you see this group you can tell none of them have an athletic bone in their body."

    What gives them away?

  62. "Tony Phillips is responsible for this and his name is the only one not attached to it."

    i find this very hard to believe.

  63. Shame-less lmao.... Your great! I can't wait to take your man down (nice pun, eh?). It's silly season around here. City just announced the best health it's been in over 10 years and people focus on this, Bernie please write on the state of the city. What do you need to prepare your story?


  64. Seamus, To write about the "state of the city" I needed to be there. I do not believe I was extended an invitation for that address, and the BP would have assigned someone else to cover it. I have written about the progress Bethlehem has made in several posts at then end of last year.

  65. Just watched the Service Electric feed.Watch the end of the Kaufman match. The match is over and Bachman walks over smiling to Mat Billy and Tony Phillips. They look back at the crowd and Phillips says something to Buchman and the camera goes off of them. Really strange to get kicked out for yelling, "thats a horrible call ref, Horrible".
    Are you kidding me? Phillips knows exactly who Callahan is and told Buchman. Watch it for yourself. Really bizarre.

  66. Bernie - Tony Phillips has something to do with this. Watch the video.

  67. Bernie we had the whole thing professionally recorded. I will see to it that you get a copy. I apologize again for not inviting you.


  68. No need to apologize. I can't make many functions during the day.

  69. Shameus, no idea what the "your" guy means. However, your guy, and you seem very, very close, will have problems partially because of oiled up wrestling buddies like you. You deflect all blame from him to others. That has been Mayor Rabbit Ears ten years. Even people that once liked him are turned off. He alienats more folks every week. Already in his new adventrue his "my way or the highway" attitude has neutrals running to help others.

    Keep making excuses for your boy. He is going to need them this campaign. He doesn't have Don Cunningham to do the heavy lifting for him anymore.

    Shame less

  70. 3:03, We will soon have an election in which the people will make the call among Callahan, Reibman and McClure. Then we will see how many people have been turned off.

  71. "One national expert on youth sports said Callahan's behavior was unacceptable, and given his status as mayor, sets a bad example that disrespecting officials is an appropriate way to behave"

    To all you local yokels. This is what Mayor Rabbit Ears brings to the table. A national expert tells it like it is. No excuses no, but..but.. We don't have any real good choices of County Executive but we know that this boy is clearly not sensible enough to be elected.

    Stay in bedlam with you and your greco-roman oiled up buddies and wrestle in the basement.

  72. I believe you're now beating a dead horse. You had your fun. Time to move on.

  73. 3:03 the gay comments don't bother me, I work for the last 22 years at a fortune company (hence the pen name) and was educated against such ignorance. I most certainly don't deflect blame when it's due. We all make mistakes and read through my old posts, I often disagree with the administrations decisions. John has said many times others add opinions but the buck stops with him, he is the man in charge. Since you seem to think your in the know, I can pick up my phone and call Donny whenever I want, but who cares. It's silly season, every little tweak and everyone sees a headline.

    If your really interested in oily bodies I recommend the beach or a bodybuilding show for you.


  74. Tony Phillips is the one with rabbit ears. If Buchman didn't hear it than why did he have to put his two cents in? There was a lot of worse things said. Phillips was on an ego trip. He wanted to look better than Buchman. It happens every year with Phillips. Phillips is the only one to be a stickler one referees don't call stalling. So he wanted to show the other referee up. They should go back to the one referee system for all the matches. At least you get beat by the poison you know. This time you can blame it one the refs because Phillips is a trouble maker. Watch the video! I rather have Bobby Colleta or Greg Geiger or old Gene Waas than Tony Phillips any day.

  75. Like I said, let's move on to the next compelling crisis.

  76. Safe to say that the mere fact that a mayor is embroiled in such a kerfuffle, does not bode well for him. A public official needs to be above such nonsense for reasons too obvious to mention here. For what it's worth, I have heard from three people who were present and they witnessed the behavior. For anyone to be asked to leave a high school sporting event is a major embarrassment. I don't need to hear about emotions, his kids, passion, etc. as "reasons" for his enthusiasm. He's a mayor for god's sake.


  77. When it is all said and done, we are talking about a grown man watching young boys roll around on a mat in their underwear! Gross!!!

  78. You just condemned about half of the Lehigh Valley, asshole.

  79. "I work for the last 22 years at a fortune company"

    Ok, Shameus. Just keep making that pizza dough. LOL!

  80. Lol, no Bernie I only wish I could make a good pizza :). I have no redeeming skills to mention outside of Engineering.

    Since I know you know exactly who I am, our mutual friends can attest to my lack of skills :)

    Truth is being a D on any leadership team of powerful Rs does not bode well for ones career advancement. It does however provide the opportunity to hear all sides of issues

    Cheers mate (make it a water)

  81. 4:14 please seek help as you obviously have some deep rooted. Issues to deal with. If you see someone on a singlet and have sexual thoughts, please avoid all children and check yourself in somewhere

  82. You just condemned about half of the Lehigh Valley, asshole.

    Half? Maybe 2% tops. Half the slate belt perhaps. It is a pretty foul "sport". It was eliminated from the Olympics for crying out loud.

  83. Seamus 3:30 PM- For a person "educated" and working for a "Fortune company" [sic], you should learn the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're". It's an extremely embarrassing typographical error if you plan on communicating with other people.

  84. Lol.... That's one of the things the older generation (not raised on the Internet) doesn't get. It's the message that matters. With autocorrect and such sometimes a word will be off here and there. Most people I work with are brilliant but English is a second and in some cases a third language. Does that in any manor diminish their message? I'll help you out, no it doesn't. Though by pointing out a minor grammatical error it tells allot about you.

  85. Of course it does. The message is completely diminished by careless spelling and grammar errors. The internet and technology does not change this basic fact as much as the careless, younger generation would have you believe.

  86. @ "Anonymous said...
    Lol.... That's one of the things the older generation (not raised on the Internet) doesn't get. It's the message that matters. With autocorrect and such sometimes a word will be off here and there. Most people I work with are brilliant but English is a second and in some cases a third language. Does that in any manor diminish their message? I'll help you out, no it doesn't. Though by pointing out a minor grammatical error it tells allot about you.10:33 AM" *ALOT***
    Seamus...How many Language's do you speak??? Your Punctuation is ATROCIOUS!!! T'war but tittle's...how-ever small, are as to Message's-of-Character-Flaw's.

  87. Posted: Monday, February 25, 2013 7:13 pm | Updated: 7:01 pm, Tue Feb 26, 2013.

    Associated Press |

    An eastern Pennsylvania mayor has apologized following his ejection from a high school wrestling tournament after criticizing calls made by mat officials.

    The Express-Times of Easton says (http://bit.ly/XaEHKd ) Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan said he could have handled the situation better no matter how he felt about Saturday night's calls during the 220-pound championship match of the District 11 Class AAA wrestling tournament.

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