Local Government TV

Monday, February 11, 2013

Centralized NorCo Human Services Q&A

Last month, Northampton county administrators published a "Q & A" concerning a long-term lease for a proposed consolidated human services building. Council members are talking their time with this one. Without question, it is a major undertaking, and some claimed to still have questions.

Below is the latest Q & A prepared by County administrators, addressing some recent question/ Why Emrick Boulevard Why not Gracedale? Wouldn't ownership be better? Does it make fiscal sense? Why the hurry?

Council members John Cusick, Tom Dietrich and Ken Kraft have publicly expressed their support for this proposal. Lamont McClure is a definite No because he will oppose anything Stoffa want to do. Peg Ferraro and Bob Werner have raised questions about Gracedale.

Werner, who has never sat on a zoning or planning board, seems to think building in Upper Nazareth would be a breeze. He was disabused of that notion on Thursday night by Council members who do have that experience. Ken Kraft told Werner that if he thinks there's no problems in Upper Nazareth, tell officials you want to build a prison and see what happens.

Even under a best case scenario, the planning process would be one to two years, and during this time, emolyees would have to work somewhere because the Wolf building is that bad.


  1. WOW, I was in the Wolf Building about a month ago (I though voter registration was still there) and it looked good to me. I am seeing a lack of maintenance and repair over the years but nothing substantial -- and I am a contractor by trade.

  2. Really? As a contractor by trade, are you willing to vouch for the buildings's structural integrity? With your real name and business reputation?

  3. The Pope's retiring and the Irish end-of-days soothsayer St. Malachy predicted the next Pope will be the last.

    I believe him. Let's spend like there's no tomorrow because there's no tomorrow.

  4. The State and Federal Government are both cutting back on Human Service Programs. You will not need that large facility and should not rent the space for five years yet alone fifteen years. Stop the damn bleeding of the tax payers. Use your head for once. We do not need a facility that large. Had Stoffa moved as fast on the swaption we could have saved about 20 million. He drug his feet on that issue but moves quickly on this issue. When are you going to finally admit that this guy is the worst County Administrator that we have ever had hold office in Northampton County? Honesty be damned on this issue. Nice guy be damned. I want efficiency. Stoffa doesn't provide that.

  5. Just last week, I published a story about Governor Corbett's budget next year. He is proposing increases in Human Services spending. So it is time for you to play another record. As the county grows, so will the need for human services. Even if draconian cuts are made (and it likes like that's not happening), the increase in population will create the need for more services.

  6. @ Anonymous "Let's spend like there's no tomorrow because there's no tomorrow."...would recompence matter? You can't take it with you, can you? Cut the cards up & Live with-in the boundries of-your-means

  7. You can't take it with you, but who said this is fiscally unsound? the evidence that exists suggests it might be a savings and at worst, is a wash.

  8. This Wolf building will be the rallying cry for the county election for Eastonians. If you think that Stoffa is going to evacuate that structure and leave a blighted building on Easton's landscape you have not seen a real political war. I guarantee you that This town will come out of the woodwork to challenge any candidate who thinks they are going to dump an eyesore on this town.

  9. Now we go from one ridiculous argument to another. Nobody has suggested, not even for a moment, that some sort of eyesore be dumped on Easton. There already is a potential buyer, Council has been told. As for vacating a blighted building, county employees should not be forced to work in unsafe environments just to make some politico happy.

  10. 6:03. You are a complete fool.

  11. Sal said today that Easton should not be in the real estate business. This must be the lesson he learned after putting Easton in the real estate business. His learning curve has been painfully long and expensive. The county should strive to learn faster than Sal and follow his example.

  12. I would never suggest that someone work in an unsafe building. So, who is the mystery buyer. There is no one who has put dollars on the table. Someone has expressed interest. Do you know how many wacky purchasers have shown interest in the Wolf Building? Remember the Italian cooking school that was going to construct dormitories. Let's deal with reality and 6:11, I know politics. Start coun ting votes. Werner will never vote for anything that hurts the city. Ferraro wants to get elected. I am telling you that there is no deal on a new building until the old one is sold.

  13. They are very smart to do a lease purchase. They don't elaborate in the Q&A but the reality is that if they build it themselves it will cost 25% more because of paying prevailing wage. And to renovate the existing 2 buildings they would also have to pay prevailing wage and trying to renovate buildings while they are still occupied drives up the costs enormously. The difference between what a private company can build it for and lease it to the County vs. what the county would have to pay for it is significant. This is a no brainer.

    JOHN M

  14. Don't forget the history. Hartzell bought that building in Panto's first term to help out a near death downtown Easton. Hartzell authorized the construction of the elevator to make use of the parking lot and moved a number of offices to the facility. So, if the county was that willing to help out the city, there is no way that the county is going to walk away from this structure and hurt the city. Will never happen. By the way it was Seyfreid and Reibman who gave the city the money to move to the Alpha building to save that structure. The county has a history of protecting its county seat.

  15. Since when did Life,Liberty & The Pusuit-of-Happiness lose prominence as the driving force/over Basic Human Needs only to be subjugated By a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy-of-Self-Generating-Insatiability....your words{Promises} bind you to your actions{Admin.-of-Duties}...Please be careful with the words as written....with no ambiguos loop-holes. Concise, Mathmatically Provable formulae would be helpful as you know most of us is stoopid 'round these here parts.

  16. Peter J Cochran said...
    Bernie, you as many may not be aware that this county , under one SHERIFFS control paid off about 7 or 8 young men TO GO AWAY because they were INTERVIEWED BY A man named KUNKLE that came to their houses for a personal interview. The county had to pay them to go away! The Sheriff denied that he knew that his COL.,he worn the birds on this shirt unauthorized -was having relations --FONDELING with a guy in the a park. This guy could not have been a E-3 in the NAVY for Christ sake. The Sheriffs ID clocked him in the court house after hours., and he denied he was there,to know about this situation. Anyway KUNKLE went to jail,I think two side of the boarder,Nj and PA as the result .Anyway get out your rubber gloves if any questions in an interview

  17. I say move the entire county seat to gracedale land, courts, human services, prison, everything and let Easton rot and fester and turn into Newark NJ. It is 2/3 of the way now

  18. When was this dude!

  19. Politik's-is-miasmal-in-effect anyway!!! Bye!!!

  20. Seigfreid & Roybman are involved in this too? Lions, White Tigers & Bears ohhhh My!

  21. Whats is new here? The same folks who told you why you "MUST' do this project and do it right now, are now telling you agai,n why you "MUST,MUST" do this project.

    Remember these are the same folks who said if yiu kept Gracedale you would now have a 30% tax increase. Now they have a deal you just can't pass up.

    County counoil should have learned how much credibility these folks have by now. They claim the buildings are uninhabitable but Stoffa let them that way for eight years. Stoffa says help the poor employees, yet he and Bernie bitched when Steve Barron pointed out the asbestos problems. You really think Stoffa gives a crap about the employees.

    The Human Services operation is not like a supermarket with lines of people at checkouts. Few people go to the buildings and few employees spend a day there. Work is done out in the neighborhoods. This is anotehr Stoffa scam. He hasn't even budget money for the exisitng buildings maintence in the budget and won't do anything if he doesn't get his way. That is emplyee concern?

    The big joke is the line that we have an Adnminstration and a county council knowledgable about Human Services. So knowledgable they wanted to sell Gracedale. This is Stoffa's inside joke. Another council would laugh this overpriced unnecessary white elephant out of the meetings. Stoffa is counting on this councils lack of human servies knowledge to get this through. Of course in the past few years, county councilhas become just an extension of the Adminisrtation, do why not do what they are told. After all Stoffa has "proven" they need the building.

    It is sad that in an age of decressiung resources and increasing need for "real servies", the coutny counil will give John Stoffa a legacy, the taxpayers a huge burden and the Human Services consumers bricks.

    Ther sly leading the blind. By the way, both Bechtel and Gracedale could accomodate the exisitng staff and, no Mr. Kraft no one is pitcheing a prision, so stop the BS and the shouting bullying. It is an existing use.

    The rush to sign this lease and the Bullshit surrounding it will send another group of County council memebers packing. So much for conservative Republicans, with conservatives like that please lets get some liberal Democratson to save money.

    Same crap, different day.

    "Give me my Legacy"


  22. "Sal said today that Easton should not be in the real estate business. This must be the lesson he learned after putting Easton in the real estate business. His learning curve has been painfully long and expensive. The county should strive to learn faster than Sal and follow his example."

    This is not about the real estate business. This is about providing essential and centralized human services in a growing county. This is a core governmental function.

  23. "I would never suggest that someone work in an unsafe building."

    Yeah, you did.

    "So, who is the mystery buyer. There is no one who has put dollars on the table. Someone has expressed interest."

    I can only tell you what I know, an i know what Ken Mohr said at a Council meeting. There is a serious proposal. He offered to provide more information in an exec session, but Mcclure spurned that suggestion.

    The notion that there must be money on the table is ridiculous. No business will do that until it knows the Seller is serious.

  24. " The county has a history of protecting its county seat."

    Protecting a county seat, i.e. a financially struggling city, is not a core county function. Providing human services is. That is 70% of the County's budget. While what is good for Easton is important, the County should be guided by what is good for all the people in the county, not just some.

  25. "Anyway get out your rubber gloves if any questions in an interview"

    My rubber underwear is always ready.

  26. 9:25 is another insulting argument, claiming that Stoffa is only doing this bc he wants a legacy. You are judging him based on what you would want in his place, not reality.

  27. Ralphie, learn to spell and word check if you hope to impress readers with your inane and vitriolic arguments.

  28. I do not really care where human services is located. Timbucktwo is fine with me. But, let's be real. As far as interest in the real estate, show me the money. Until then, there's nothing. With this exception. I will make an offer: The county carries this building at a value of 2.2 Million. It needs 3.3 million in repairs. If the county pays me 1.1 million, I'll take the Wolf Building off their hands.

    Besides, I know that someone in the courthouse thinks we are all fools. Look at that list of repairs and the double counting, For the wolf building there are a number of double listings HVAC repairs are listed twice. Exterior repairs are listed twice at 100,000 each. You need slate replacement and roof repairs? I thought they would be the same. The Bechtel building has two listings for generator upgrades. Exactly how many generators do they have. I would think that they bought their electricity from a utility. Problem is there is a lot of work. And, a lot of those needs at Wolf are code. Fix them immediately or the county joins the ranks of other Easton slumlords. There is no way that NC is going to leave a broken building in downtown Easton. If the building is that dangerous, then get out tomorrow and fix it the next day. The fact that employees report to the building daily suggests one of two facts: The issues are not as dire as stated or the person in charge is a fool. Which is it?
    And, as far as what is important to Easton and NC: find me a candidate that will quote you word for word and I'll show you the election's biggest loser.

  29. Where is Emercik Boulevard???

  30. 10:33, I'll give you credit for checking the estimated capital improvements, and if you're right, I'll give you a pop tart. But i suspect you're wrong. They are probably not doubles, but different systems. Good question, though. as for conditions at Wolf, they are pretty bad. If you want them out of there tomorrow, then you need to support the lease.

  31. 10:36, Emrick blvd is close to the Barnes and Noble and Panera and new St. Luke's It bisects Wm Penn Highway and Freemansburg Ave. It is a good location.

  32. "And, as far as what is important to Easton and NC: find me a candidate that will quote you word for word and I'll show you the election's biggest loser."

    Really? i am sure bethlehem Hellertown and the Slate Belt will think they matter just as much as Easton, and their taxes should not go to prop up a city that is already getting ommuter taxes. Last I checked, Easton was 26,000 and shrinking. It's now smaller than Whitehall.

    What Easton needs is very important, but the County has an obligation to take care of human services, not pay for Easton's pension. Want to put that to the test?

  33. You dont get what i am saying. Simply, this is not about social services or easton's pension or hellertown's votes. It's about a building that the county intends to leave. If the county does not invest the minimum to bring the building into code compliance, then the county leaves blight. No one who lives in Hellertown, Bangor etc. wants their county government hanging a neglected and run down building on any community. The county's analysis is faulty on this issue. It believes it can walk away from this structure and skip its obligation. I say that it cannot for two reasons. The first is the county cannot give the building away in its present condition. Those imaginary buyers are just that, imaginary. The second is that the county's financial computations wrongly conclude that there will be a profit from selling the building and that there will be no future obligation to maintain the structure. An empty building burns cash like a fire. The county needs to hire a consultant who is a realist and not a subdivision salesman.

  34. Oh I get what you are saying. You are threatening political repercussions to those who do not kow tow to Easton. Nobody has suggested for a moment that Easton would be left with an eyesore. The plan would be to sell the building as soon as possible. And it will be much easier to repair the building if it is empty. I figure Werner, who has been looking for reason after reason to kill this, as a No. His interest is his district, but that view is short-sighted, and I hope he overcomes his myopia. McClure is a definite No bc he pretty much opposes everything Stoffa wants. He would rather not provide HS at all, except the nursing home bc of the AFSCME votes. Peg wants it at Gracedale, and that would make sense under many circumstances. But that option was ruled out for the reasons stated in the Q & A.

    It appears that, instead of reasons, you are creating problems that don't exist.

  35. Both Paulie and anon 12:42 make sense. Of course the Stoffa robots like O'Hare will make fun of spelling and nitpick. The problems with this plan are many. The biggest problem is it has nothing to do with Human Servcies. It has been demonstrated that most of the counties human segcvies people don't even come into the buildings. So what should we do, letscreate a false need and lease a white elepahnt in Bethlehem twp., why? Becaue Stofffa and Ken Mohr wanted to in 2006 and they are running out of time. On top of the numerous contracts that Mohr has received over the past seven years we have to give him this one as well?

    Also it is ironic that Stoffa decries the condition of the Wolf and Bechtel buildings and uses them as a reason for a new building. Since he has done no repairs or maintenacne in seven years and has no money budgeted in the current budget. So that is his sreason to give him a new building,

    "Hey Dad you nwo the car you gave me seven years ago? I never took care of it and now it is broken, so give me a new car,it is the only sane option. Of course this county council will do anyhting Stoffa asks, so even that crazy tale makes sense.

    It is really sad that all this has been done by a secret committee and once again, like Gracedale, the pulbic is told, "to bad, we want to do this for you without your input.". The city if Easton is getting shafted as well. There are no decent bids for either Wolf or Bechtel, why do you think Stoffa wants that resolution to sign the lease before we get the facts. This is all BS and any other County Executive would be called on it.

    The taxpayers be damned we will lease this uneeded building for union construction jobs and consumers who never go there. Maybe if we are lucky, it will be called the "Taxpayers Gift". That has a nice ring to it.

    You should vote no but you won't.

  36. I see. Paying a living wage is a bad thing? If the building were constructed by illegal immigrants, would you approve?

    As for the "Nobody goes there" argument, that is bullshit, too. First, the employees go there, and should be able to work in a healthy environment if that is OK with you. Second, the VA is located at the Wold building, and about 7 veterans every day visit the office. Many are disabled and have a difficult time negotiating the steps and hill, then walking thru an obstacle course. It' nive to know you have such a poor attitude about our veterans. There are 23,000 of them in this County, and most of them vote. I'm sure they'll be happy to know that the Lamont McClures, Bob Werners and Steve Barrons of this world wanted to stick it to them.

  37. Ok Bernie, why don't we rent a nice office for the seven veterns a day. Or within a week, the Veterns Affairs office could be at the Bechtel Building. It is perfect for a Veterens Affairs officie and has more than ample room amd accessabilty. And then we coulod use some of the uncessary lease money on Veterns programs instead of a building. Check-point, but that is logic and reality and not allowed in the "Stoffa Spin Zone".

    Also it was you and Stoffa pissing on Steve Barron for revealing the asbestos problems, the Stoffa Admisntration wanted to keep hidden.

    You can defelct factual information and project crap for Stoffa like you have for the past seven years but this is a BS project.

    You do veterns a great disservcie using them as a false shield for Stoffa's folly. You should be ashemed of yourself but I am sure you are not.

  38. The County was addressing the asbestos problem, and Barron called in the hounds like an idiot. He was not hammered for blowing the whistle. He was hammered for blowing the whistle on a problem that was being addressed. Now he does not want to blow the whistle and wants people to work with ceilings falling on their heads bc that is what Lamont McClure wants.

    So you're willing to move the veterans but not children and youth. hat's so nice of you. But I guess it's ok to allow little babies lie in unheated buildings with squalor all around.

  39. Better get "Honest" Abe Aiteiyh's approval....first. It'll save $Millions in the future....you know it.

  40. "And then we coulod use some of the uncessary lease money on Veterns programs instead of a building"...the Federal VA should foot the ENTIRE bill.....they fck'd them up!


  41. Ok, Bernie. Sure, the asbestos was being addressed, that is a good one.

    First the veterns, now the poor babies. You are consistently funny. Where was Stoffa's concern for the past seven years. Oh thats right, he needed to let the veterns, babies and staff suffer to make his plan work. Sort of like his promises to the Gracedale folks.

    Not the guy to trust in this one. Neither are you.

  42. I see. After getting nowhere with the facts, you are reduced to the personal attack. Figures.

  43. If the facts are personal attacks, so be it. Your gang uses the arguments you used against Gracedale(union wages) as reasons to build an uneeded building that will sap money from needed servcies.

    For seven years the Savior of Human Servies ignored the Department and now he is to be trusted. Sorry but the facts have a nasty way of just being there.

    Was that an insult?

  44. Yes. Actually. To suggest that Stoffa ignored human services for seven years is ridiculous. First, he devoted his career to that field. Second, one of the first things he did in office was to propose a centralized human services building. Third, he spent close to $1 MM for asbestos remediation at Wolf and Gracedale. Fourth, he brought in a GESA for capital improvements at Wolf and Gracedale. So yes, it is an insult. The proposal to privatize Gracedale was to improve the Q/C for the residents. At all times, Stoffa has supported improving the lives of everyone, from veteran to neglected baby to neglected seniors. You have played on passions and disinformation.

  45. ANd, as they always say one aw sh#$ wipes out 10,000 attaboys. If he intends on leaving an empty, blighted building in downtown Easton, no one will remember any of the good things he did.

  46. The haters who are bashing the new DHS building are geniuses who do not even know how to spell "veterans." Probably breathed in too much asbestos.

  47. Who intends on leaving a blighted vacant building? What r u talking about? Your own Sal Panto came to the meeting and said he is in favor of selling the wolf building to a private developer and they are making it a KOZ to boot. Wow the bullshit just keeps getting crazier and crazier, you must be the fake rev. Or Werner or some other crazy.

  48. No one is opposed to the county finding a private developer for the Wolf building. But, let's review the numbers on this deal. The building, according to the blog, is not habitable. It is unsafe. It needs, according to the blog and the studies done, over $3,000,000 in repair and that is before any fit out to accommodate a new use. The building is not worth more than $2.5 Million. Who in their right mind is going to purchase such a white elephant. So expect the building to remain vacant in needed repair for many years. Thanks Northampton County for all that you have done to the City of Easton. My offer still stands if the county gives me 1.1 million I will take the building off their hands.

  49. Bernie, gooood morning ! That school building on 2nd street will stand way after we are all dead.It is heavy timber and I question the wisdom to lease anything ,because they tend to really be a 'fleece'!Now I admit I don't know anything about much ,but WE have 300,000 people in this county ,about 90,ooo non-farm employment,16% over 65 yrs old 21.5 % under 18 yrs old and about 115,000 households.What the hell do we need to have a $70,000,000 price tag in human services to whom? Please justify why so much and not how to correct lame dependence on the taxpayers.I do think the world of Gracegale but wish it to be reserved for the former residents and not allow carpetbaggers to soak us.Spent 1-5th of this on getting industry to move here from New York and New Jersey, our work force is here and many are trainable good family folks out of work. Just SAY NO!!

  50. The governor incresed DPW funding..Most of that is going to the state facilities..So far there is nothing clear as what they are doing with monies fo MH, C&Y, EI, Aging. D&A and the rest..You are also forgetting about the Federal sequestration..Human Services will take a big hit if that goes through..I think the county would be smart to wait and few months to see what happens..What's the hurry? This is a big project that should be addressed by the next exec and next council..To rush into this now is foolish..

  51. 9:47, Last week, I outlined the proposed increases in C&Y, Aging and other parts of Human Services. The argument then was to wait for the state budget. Now you want to wait for the feds.

    This is bullshit and I will tell you why. The County is not getting smaller. It is growing, every year, and with it the need for HS grows. So even if there are cuts (which do not appear to be the case), the general increase in population means more consumers, a greater need and more reimbursables.

    Try an argument that is logical.

  52. The lease is a terrible idea. Build at Gracedale there is a big difference between a prison and an administrative building at Gracedale. Has anyone checked the zoning? Why would that be a problem a human services building already exists there. I believe government entities are exemptfrom zoning anyway. Given the proper approach and pr Upper Nazareth would approve and expidite.

  53. Did you bother reading the Q&A? It specifically explains why building at Gracedale is a bad idea, especially to those who need the services.


  54. Angle took campaign check from prison group

    Company contributed $3,000, days after council vote on immigrant detention center.

    February 15, 2011|By Peter Hall, OF THE MORNING CALL

    Ron Angle, as Northampton County Council president, received a $3,000 campaign contribution from a company seeking a deal with the county to build a detention center and house illegal immigrants in the Slate Belt.

    The political action committee for the GEO Group Inc. made the payment in October, days after Angle urged colleagues on County Council to act quickly and authorize County Executive John Stoffa to explore the company's proposal.

  55. I read the Q/A and don't agree. Can't I give a 2nd opinion? A strong executive ala Gene Hartzell, Sal Panto and Gerry Seyfried come to mind would have the LANTA bus stop there. The road argument is bogus. The time frame is too and the cost is slanted toward the lease. Ask Ron Angle about lease v purchase

  56. Furthermore Reibman is to blame for this mess. He should have built at Gracedale and given the current county complex over to the courts before he added on. If Callahan or Brown are smart they'll ride the Gracedale horse all the way to victory

  57. "McClure has been mentioned as a possible Exec candidate, and has told different people different things. He could win with a negative campaign portraying Reibman as corrupt, Callahan as incompetent and himself as the "Savior-of-Gracedale. But he'd need a lot more money to go dark."
    Welcome to your dark-Savior-of-Gracedale.

  58. 12:07, You can give a second and third opinion. I n addition to the LANTA problem, which is not so easy, there are problems with infrastructure and the simple reality ids that Gracedale is not the center of the county as far as population density goes. That would be Bethlehem Tp. Then there is the problem with building anywhere. It would take two years if the County was lucky. More likely five. In BT, all the approvals have been granted. It is just waiting.

  59. 11:58, What on earth does your comment have to do with this?

  60. 12:07 check out the ridership numbers for the bus that currently stops at Gracedale. LANTA is already losing money on this route. Why the heck would they consider expanding service? And the roads in and out of there are atrocious. It is fine if all you need to do is go to work for 8 hours and go home. But for caseworkers and other DHS workers who need easy access to highways Gracedale is even a worse location than Bechtel or Wolf. The arguments against a DHS building at Gracedale are compelling.

  61. Disagree. Seems to me that ridership would increase and thus LANTA would not lose $$ on the route,duh! Gracedale is no where near a worse location than Wolf or Bechtel and try the traffic around Emerick. At best I would hope the council waits to hear what the next executive thinks

  62. 5:00 pm Why would the hell would LANTA INCREASE their pathetic 7 runs a day to Gracedale when no one else rides that route to go anywhere else? I have seen that bus going north in Nazareth with ZERO passengers aboard. The route that goes to Emrick is between the two largest metropolitan areas in the county, stops at the community college and the hospital. Which route now or anytime in the future do you think will offer the most frequent trips? DUH!

  63. Not the issue with my mind set, establish services with NO BUS SERVICE AT ALL.!Make them come in with their relatives in the Lexis.

  64. When there is no Honor amongst theives,there is no Honor et. al.

  65. Other than the fact this will not increase or inmprove services for people, and is an uneeded and overpriced monument to the past, this is not a bad idea.

    Why are people so worried about bus routes, since most people don't come into the buildings for Human Servcies anyway, ah!! DUH!!

  66. With the most Incarcerative mentality in the world, We, the convicted, outnumber Law-abiding citizens. You might not want to make "Salvation" the unattainable Human Service....lest we revert to our animal-selves.Mono-Theism & Multi-Culturalism don't work with dissimmilar mindframes. We all didn't land on Plymouth Rock ya know....Law-is-Sacred....the difference between Law-Abiding and Criminality .....is 1 Infraction. Did you speed today? Majority Rules.....Put it to a Vote!

  67. Totally unnecessary, so it will pass county council.

  68. The three-dollar piece was a United States coin produced from 1854 to 1889. The $3 gold coin’s value was intended to tie in with the postal system. The three-dollar coin was minted in small quantities, and was never widely circulated.{Lutocracy} Authorized by the Act of February 21, 1853. The three-dollar piece was .900 gold and .100 copper for a total weight of 5.015 grams.It had a diameter of 20.5 mm with a reeded edge. Quantities were minted in Philadelphia each year of production, as well as in Dahlonega, New Orleans, and San Francisco in certain years. Proofs were minted at Philadelphia from 1859 to 1889, and only proofs were minted in 1875 and 1876. 2,592 proofs were minted at San Francisco in 1860, before being released. Proof specimens from other years are known.The total quantity of coins minted each year ranges from 20 in 1875 to 82,324 in 1878. Today, any specimen has a value of at least several hundred dollars, and the most valuable is the unique 1870S, worth $1,000,000.
    In a pedantically centralized homogenation schema, We the people; fall through the cracks of Admistration....due to our Diversity-of-needs.Saliency,Prudency & Germaneness are needed here. Please? Will Trillion Dollar Coins pay for "Our" services???

  69. I thought the building was called The Government Wolf building? Is this correct? Thank You.

  70. Of course the Stoffa gang is right about the numbers. These are the guys that wanted to build a $186,000 a space parking deck and claimed Garcedale would result in a 30% tax increase this year.

    So of course County Council should buy into all their math. What a fricken jo9ke. Enjoy spending our tax money as a going away present for your your buddy Stoffa. I hope getting your names on a plaque ies wrth it. What a bunch of maroons!

  71. @ "Peter J.Cochran said..." What the hell do we need to have a $70,000,000 price tag in human services to whom? Please justify why so much"
    "While it may still be objected that moron parents are likely to have imbecile or idiot children. There is not much evidence that this is the case. The danger is probably negligible"....Will there be a Staff Psychologist on duty to determine Mental capacity/compentency? Will there be adequate funding to FULLY meet the needs of-the-constituents? These are tough times...& We are needy peoples.Thank You-in-kind.


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