Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adam Waldron Running For Bethlehem City Council

From Friends of Adam Waldron:  Adam Waldron, a Democrat, is pleased to announce his bid for Bethlehem City Council. Adam is a third-generation Liberty High School graduate as a member of the class of 2002. In 2006, Adam graduated with a degree in Business Management from West Chester University. As a full time college student, he began a residential painting business to fund his education. Upon graduation, Adam moved back to the area to continue painting homes in Bethlehem and throughout the Lehigh Valley.

Adam’s family proudly owned a small business on the East Side of Allentown called Balloons for all Occasions from 1983 to 1999. At an early age, the fostering environment gave Adam insight and experience how dedication, fiscal responsibly, and great customer service can lead to a successful business. He continues to use the lessons he learned from his parents in his business today. If elected, he will apply these principles to his work on Council for the City of Bethlehem.

Adam believes that Bethlehem needs and deserves clean and safe neighborhoods, where all residents can enjoy the beautiful history of the city. Additionally, accessible and efficient city services coupled with financial accountability are important issues to him. Adam’s passion for Bethlehem and dedication to creating a more responsive and efficient government, are key to his motivation for running.

“Bethlehem needs strong independent businesses to be the keystone of its neighborhoods. My fresh perspective and small business background would be a great asset on Council as the city continues to grow.” - Adam Waldron

Adam is a proud resident of West Bethlehem with his wife Melissa – a Biology teacher at Liberty High School. Together they coach girl’s volleyball at Liberty High School and for Quickset Volleyball Club. The couple also actively competes in local half-marathons and triathlons. Adam and Melissa enjoy walking the neighborhoods of West Bethlehem with their two dogs.

Political Contributions can be made to:
Friends of Adam Waldron
511 2nd Ave
Bethlehem, PA 18018


  1. At least he will be elected rather than appointed. Appointed administrator's have NO accountability, nor the impetus to be held accountable, to the constituency they "allegedly" represent. Ceasar would not approve an outsider controlling "The Purse"
    Remember....it's ALL about the Power-of-the-Purse....& whom control's the size-of-the-Pie as to whom get's it-or-not.
    Politic's is a RIGGED Game.
    It take's Money to make Monies, ya know! We are too poor-to-compete-with-chicannery. I hope he WIN's!

  2. I hate to distract you BOH----but meanwhile the largest city in the Valley is sinking fast. Might we trouble you to comment on the collapse of the Queen City's political culture?

  3. A city police cruiser was just crashed and destroyed. Nothing to see here! Nothing happened! Vote Callahan!

  4. endorsed by Geeting. nuff said.

  5. Callahan is under sealed indictment. Game Over.

  6. I am tired as a Bethlehem resident of all the liberty high school alumn on city council. What gives?

  7. Good ole' boyz club.

  8. Allentown? Rome burns. Nothing to say here- you can read about it in Jennings West Ward News---oh wait, that won't be mentioned at LVRambling. What's a wee bit o censorship amoung friends ?

    ( Good luck Adam. Your a good man.)

  9. ...


    What happened with the police cruiser? Was a Callahan family member involved? Will we ever find out? What is the real story here?

    This is at least the second tax-payer owned police cruiser destroyed in the Callahan years. Will we get the full story on this DEVELOPING SCANDAL?

    P.S. It wouldn't be a scandal if he would just come clean about the first crash.


    1. What a nutcase. What are you smoking. I'd like to try some of that.

      Don't be jealous of Callahan because he has accomplished more in 10 years than you will in a lifetime.

  10. At least he will be elected rather than appointed. Appointed administrator's have NO accountability, nor the impetus to be held accountable, to the constituency they "allegedly" represent. Ceasar would not approve an outsider controlling "The Purse"
    Remember....it's ALL about the Power-of-the-Purse....& whom control's the size-of-the-Pie as to whom get's it-or-not.
    Politic's is a RIGGED Game.
    It take's Money to make Monies, ya know! We are too poor-to-compete-with-chicannery. I hope he WIN's!

  11. Breaking News: Alan Jenning to buy Morning Call. Jennings's to be owner and act as Editor.
    " I never get enough press" says Jennings,"and one just can't trust an editor to get it right. So it's a perfect fit."

  12. Whats to cover in Allentown? Snooooooze.


  13. Bernie,

    Let's have some insight into Corbett and his gas tax increase and job killing performance as Gov.

  14. Who gives a shit about Allentown?

  15. Let's stick to Bethlehem. They're crashing more police cars than The Blues Brothers movie.

  16. Bill White's story on Barron Von Footinmouth is now posted on the MC website. WORST CONTROLLER EVER!

  17. I was really interested in this guy when I read in the Express Times that he wasn't a teacher and was a small business owner. Then I read here that his wife is a teacher. Forget it, no further interest.

  18. I was into this guy, but as soon as he mentioned his wife is a Teacher, I lost interest. No more teachers and spouses of teachers on City Council!!!

  19. @ "Anonymous said...
    I was into this guy, but as soon as he mentioned his wife is a Teacher, I lost interest. No more teachers and spouses of teachers on City Council!!! 11:19 PM"
    Why??? Are Educator's with an Education engauged in a Nuclear Family Unit at odds w/ with Party Politic's? Is it believed that Husband's & Wives are not the one's whom control the spondulix of Politics???

  20. Three times some bonehead has to tell us he won't vote for Adam because he's married to a teacher?
    ( I agree. Who cares about Allentow? Wasted words. Why bother?)

  21. OMG can this clown find a razor for his horrible facial hair? My wife just threw up in her mouth when i showed her the picture.

  22. I am not concerned about his facial hair. Nasty people.

  23. "Who gives a shit about Allentown?"

    You are more than welcome to write whatever story you think i appropriate and send t to me at BOHare5948@aol.com. I was up yesterday at 5:00 AM and went until 11 PM. Much of that time was talking to people, going to meetings and writing. I am one person and can't be everywhere. I slept 8 hours last night.

  24. It's seems like council could benefit from the point of view of a young person. Small business owner, college education, blue collar worker, and a solid beard. I am all for a fresh perspective from a person who knows what it is like to work for a living. Seems like a real challenger to the typical council member.

  25. The guy is already ten times more qualified than the other Callahan.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. I thought Morganelli Jr. was running ... I saw it in the paper.

  28. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


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