Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Morganelli for Lt. Guv?

Although Northampton County DA John Morganelli is downplaying speculation that he is running for Lieutenant Governor, the other names mentioned - Brad Koplinski, Mark Smith and Daylin Leach - are virtual nobodies. He's been building up a warchest, and is sitting on $260,000 right now. Not enough for a statewide race, but not bad for starters.

Morganelli comes from Bethlehem's south side, where he made friends as a boy that he retains to this day. One of them is Bob Donchex, who is currently running for Mayor of Bethlehem. Another is Frank Flisser, the Clerk of Northampton County Council.

Not all that long ago, Morganelli invited Flisser to have lunch with him at some swanky Easton restaurant. His treat.

While eating, Morganelli told Flisser he invited him to lunch to commemorate their 50 years of friendship.

Whether he runs or not, or wins or not, Morganelli is one of those rare persons who make friends for life. Not many of us can say we even remember our childhood friends.


  1. John's a great guy and would be a great LG. With that said, Leach is certainly not a nobody, he's like a hero to some progressives and the leader of the Senate Dems campaign arm. With that said, he'd be an awful LG nominee when we're likely to nominate a SEPA guy.

  2. Sounds incestious to me. Who the Hell only hangs around with people they met as kids. Very Bedlam.

  3. Bernie, people on another blog said you tried to knock a woman out of a motorized cart, is that true? Seriously dude, I hope it hasn't come to that.

  4. Morganelli is a hard working DA it's probably a highly stressful job and he has been at it for a long time, being a lieutenant gov would be a nice way to end his career of public service.

    @2:51 Don't be silly bringing up that non story Peggy is just fine.

  5. 2:51, You folks are pathetically reduced to fabrications designed to cast me in a false light. What a sad and twisted group you have become.


  6. he should stay as da.

  7. When a local candidate floats a trial balloon about running for higher office run, it's big news.

    For John Morganelli, it's Wednesday.

  8. Why would you advocate empowerment for a person whom advocate's Probation-for-Paedophile's?

  9. Leach will run for congress when Schwartz announces that she runs for governor. Leach will be the best organized of the candidates for that campaign. Statewide, he's got a bigger profile than John.

  10. According to Research, Women are:
    1.) Better Problem Solver's
    2.) Handle Stress Better
    3.) Intuitive

  11. Have the contaminated soil samples from the Arena plot been refractaly spectrometered yet?
    Who will admit they "Screwed" up?

  12. Here's the Top 10 list of influential Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governors.

  13. I am surprised that Morganelli has never ran for Congress. LV Democrats have had some terrible candidates for the 15th district, with the exception of Callahan, who picked a terrible year to run as a Democrat.

    I'm not sure if Philly Democrats still hate Morganelli like they did a dozen years ago. He opposed the nomination of a Philly judge to the federal bench and his opponents made a racial thing out of it.

  14. If Easton is is a Home Rule Charter....what the hell does Philly & Kennsington have to do with local Politic's? Crime & interstate transport thereof. Philly is a Jurisdiction all-of-it's-own. Replete with non-reciprocal Law's of it's own. Our "Original" capital-of-U.S.A

  15. Bernie, can you tell me what you know about did the da ever look into the so called stoffa gate or gift (whatever) issue is talked about at the other blog?

  16. Stoffa-Gift is not over, even if the D.A does nothing the COAF will take matters to small claims court for emotional distress. Frankly I'd be in favor of going on one of the televised court shows, I'm partial to Judge Mathis but will accept Judge Judith Schiendlin under certain conditions.

  17. Are you anti-semetic?

  18. Morganelli was a poor statewide candidate in 2008 and I don't see what would be different six years later.

  19. Barack Obama was a bad Congressional nominee Blanker, he did ok when he moved up. Morganelli's job as LG would be to aid the nominee however he can in the election, it's a much different race than running against an incumbent AG. Presumably Schwartz or Sestak will carry the Philly vote out for him in the fall, something he didn't do as AG nominee.

  20. Gee, that's nice. Friends and gubmint work for life.

    Seriously though, I'll bet most people remember their childhood friends. Mine and I have a hunting camp for over 25 years, and we travel hours so that we, and our families, can remain close. I don't consider it a great and noble accomplishment. Why, when a pol does something ordinary, is it somehow extraordinary?

    As for his talent and politics, my observation and experience begs the question "Why, other than where he is from, would you vote for him for LG?" The soft on pedophile thing is just creepy. There are other things, like using his power to pound on Angle for political reasons, and still others I won't go over for the umpteenth time again here. But those attributes may be just the ticket to carry him bigtime now that blue is the official state color, and in a state where "a great way to end his career of public service" is actually in the equation.



  22. So we're picking Lt Gov candidates so they can be helped by the top of ticket, Rich? Its supposed to work the other way. He lagged Obama all over the state in 08, not just Philly.
    And don't forget who it was that beat him: Corbett. A guy from Pittsburgh where this projected ticket will not have anyone. Morganelli hasnt been tested in Norco in a long time. But assuming the conventional wisdom is right that he's really strong inthe Valley, its still a very big state.

  23. "Anonymous said...
    Gee, that's nice. Friends and gubmint work for life.-Clem 11:48 AM"
    Lucky Luciano was Empowered by the gubmint to guard the dock's. Cosa Nostra still control's NORCO politic's. Don't believe me?

  24. Blanker, I'm assuming that we're nominating Schwartz or Sestak, and we're going to fare far better than 2010 in the collar counties around Philly. I'm also assuming their relative strength as a candidate on the whole will help them in Pittsburgh. Corbett in 2008 was a much stronger nominee than he is today, and his hand-picked AG got killed in many places he had been strong. Morganelli though would help a Philly-based candidate outside of Philly, especially up here in the third largest area of the state.

  25. On your next trip to class in Harrisburg ask some random Dems about Morganelli. They wont know the name, unless they remember the big loss. Whats his first step to turn the tide?

  26. Bernie did not kick me at the Mclure announcement but I suspect he did intentionally pass gas several times when walking by my scooter, it had a sweet and lite fragrance with hints of anise, tumeric and Arby's big montana melts. If it were marketed as a Glade plug in I would have one in every socket.

    Peg D

  27. Good one! You Go Girl!!!

  28. Blanker, his first step is to enter. If no one remembers, it can't hurt too much. He already has more money than Conklin did in 2010. His big loss in 2008 was still single digits, so it's nothing like 2010, and this is a very different kind of role.

  29. Premature Maschinations are unlikely to prevail in this current Investigatory atmosphere.
    Moranelli is tainted with the illusion of an air-of-impropriety, at odds with being a LawMaker, Judge, or Investigator. Impartiality is a MUST for Public Servant's. The NORCO Investigatory Process is still underway. The Fed's cuaght wind of it all, & are keeping silent....for now.
    You should change a Horse mid-stream if it will protect your Dividens/profit's. This is a business venture....you know. Losing MONEY is unacceptable!

  30. The battle for governor is not Sestak vs Schwartz but McCord vs Scwartz. Sestak gets a free pass for re-match with Toomey. He did very well in an awful year and Toomey's extremism may finally sink him.

    John would never really want LG-ribbon cuttings are not his thing. It would be a way to build a war chest for anything else--Auditor General, Senate, Guv. John never ever likes to be 2nd fiddle.

  31. Shame he can't play a strativarius.
    His political career is in abeyance until vindicated by the Grand Jury Investigation of NORCO Political Structure
    Read: Federal Rico Predicate of Collusion w/ Organized Crime

  32. I hear the office of Pope is vacant. John's a Catholic. What the hell, right?

  33. Papal Infallibility is NOT retro-active. Missed the boat on that one. Club Fed...more is likely.

  34. I'm in Pittsburgh and just spotted John hanging around the lounge in Marriott with an empty money bag and a long face.

    Womp womp wommmmp.

  35. A lot of oblique allegations here.
    How about being a little more clear for us ignorant folks seeking to be educated?

  36. He's running he's been fishing out on LinkedIn for consulting advice

  37. Okay, I know this is putting the cart before the horse, but let's just say he wins. Who would make good candidates for the DA's position? And does it really matter if they are a Democrat or a Republican?

  38. Steve Barron for DA. He's unqualified, but it's never stopped him.

  39. @ "Okay, I know this is putting the cart before the horse"
    It's not over until the Fed's unseal the indictments

  40. John Morganelli should be Pennsylvania's Attorney General. He is about the only Democrat who actually honors his oath of office and our laws. Lt. Gov. would not utilize his expertise unless he is doing this as a step towards running for Governor.

    Leach? Surely this is a joke.

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