Local Government TV

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mezzacappa Ejected from Easton Gun Store

The "God Hates Fags" candidate for Northampton County Council, racist Tricia Mezzaccappa, is upset about her ejection from an Easton gun store this week, where she was trying to get signatures for her nominating petition. She emailed her complaint to Matt Vollers of The Heritage Guild, which appears to be some sort of shooting organization. For some reason, she copied my attorney:

Thank you for calling me tonight to discuss my ejection from the Easton gun store. I certainly do appreciate the time that you took to address my concerns that I sent in last week's email. As you know, ejecting a republican from a gun store for circulating a nominating petition is congruent with ejecting a democrat from a soup kitchen. I really need to find those live republicans Matt, and it sure is hard to do. In Northampton County, there are few republicans, and even fewer who answer a knock on the door. I appreciate your follow up call and offer to allow me to handle (and fire) any weapon in the store, free of charge. I also appreciate your knowledge as an NRA instructor, and placing your trust in me, to properly handle (and fire) any weapon in the store. It is a big responsibility, and I am grateful. Very likely, I will return to buy the 22, (even though I said I was never coming back) and when I am feeling particularly strong, I will fire either the desert eagle, or the S&W 500 series revolver, wearing nothing short of 6 inch stilettos (just like last time). As an aside, John is a pleasure to deal with, and I will most likely buy my next firearm from him, but not the manager...definitely not the manager.

In the meantime, if you would like to let me circulate those petitions on Sat. March 8 at 8:30 am (when the line is nice and long) in the parking lot for 30 minutes, please let me know. My guess is that I could grab about 20 signatures in 30 minutes. My deadline to file my petitions is 3/12/2013. My goal is 20 per day , every day until the deadline.
Thanks again,


  1. I voted for John McCain in 2008 based on Sarah Palin's her stunning looks and fashion sense, Mezzacappa could be elected to both County & W.Easton councils for the very same reason.

  2. A woman in stilletos and a handgun, hot is not a good enough word. Jelaous Bernie?

  3. At first 250 signatures seemed quite doable but for an individual with no support system I can see how it would be taxing to hunt that many people down and get them to sign. Do they have to submit anything other than a signature such as address or contact info?

  4. How pathetic she is and dangerous as well. Will she ever get the help she needs? "She ain`t right!"

  5. Can you imagine her getting signatures and her gun hitting the ground and going off hurting a petition signer ? She can stick the heel in the bulet hole to stop the bleeding.

  6. The O'Hare hate patrol is out in force. That you Johnny Stoffa?

  7. 6 inch stilletto's, a Micro Mini skirt (& don't forget to shave ;-),
    Shall Fuzzy Wuzzy have any hair?

  8. Clinton, which Stoffa hack are you?

  9. heritage Guild is a very upscale gun store and firing range.

    I've shot there several times. Great place.

  10. It's sad to see what happens when someone who has coasted on her marginal looks realizes she won't be able to do that for much longer

    Aging without anything more meaningful in your life than a close full of knock-off hooker heels must be a bitter pill to swallow

    "Mr Skeffington", anyone?

  11. anon 12:14, 12:27,

    TM is a woman?

  12. Stilettos are always trumped by an Adam's Apple. Yikes.

  13. When is the next chapter in the libel saga going to be released, I feel things did not go well for you and Ricky Orloski.

  14. Bernie it's time for you to GET A LIFE and stop hounding this woman.

  15. "When is the next chapter in the libel saga going to be released, I feel things did not go well for you and Ricky Orloski"

    The next chapter is being written by Judge Beltrami and I will release it as soon as I get it. The libel case is going very well, thanks to her.

  16. If Matt Vollers had done any background information on Mezzacappa before talking with her, he probably wouldn't have gotten involved and would have ignored her email.

    His support may come back to haunt him one day. I can see it now... "Did you really help this woman improve her aim?" the reporter asked Voller outside the courthouse.

  17. Gun Control is....Being able to hit your target!

  18. "As you know, ejecting a republican from a gun store for circulating a nominating petition is congruent with ejecting a democrat from a soup kitchen." She probably dropped a few f-bombs and threats that day.

    "Very likely, I will return to buy the 22, (even though I said I was never coming back)" All bc she thinks she got over on good ol'Matt.

    "wearing nothing short of 6 inch stilettos (just like last time)" First of all, LAST TIME? No wonder Matt's having her back. lol

    "not the manager...definitely not the manager" BC the manager disagreed with Mezzacappa.

    "In Northampton County, there are few republicans, and even fewer who answer a knock on the door" I wouldn't answer the door either!

    Word on the street, Ms. Mezz had about 50 signatures last week. She might be able to pull this off.
    However signatures are one thing...votes on election day are another.

  19. We reserve the RIGHT-to-REFUSE-SERVICE to ANYONE!

  20. Democrats and soup kitchens huh? Doesn't she realize that she will need some Democratic votes to win? This gun owning Blue Dog cringes at the thought of her on Council.

  21. I really need to find those live republicans Matt, and it sure is hard to do. In Northampton County, there are few republicans, and even fewer who answer a knock on the door."
    The GOP (Grand OLD Party)....won't even endorse Her.

  22. "In Northampton County, there are few Republicans..."

    Does Tricia Mezzacappa ever tell the truth about anything? There are approximately 70,000 registered Republican voters in Northampton County. That's a lot of Republicans. For example, the new Yankee stadium, in NY, holds about 50,000 people. Citizens Bank Park, in Philly, holds about 43,000 people. Those 70,000 registered Republicans would fill Coca Cola Park, in Allentown, 8.5 times. The 250 signatures Mezzacappa needs to get on the ballot amounts to less than four tenths of one percent of the registered Republicans in the county.

  23. "Does Tricia Mezzacappa ever tell the truth about anything? "

    I can tell you that when she was in Court on Wednesday morning, she falsely told the Court that Ron Angle had been served with her latest stalking complaint. Puzzled, the Court put her under oath, and she repeated a number of lies. I suspect there will be consequences for her false swearing.

  24. Peter J.Cochran,U.S.Army 'Lieu. Ret"February 28, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    Bernie, Heritage Guild is a gun store with a 15 yrd range inside.They have high quality firearms and some of the very best in world . The support staff is really very good.This is why they showed her the door.She is an amateur and they probably don't want to associated with her Caliber,get it? Most people that shoot on premises are new shooters and the staff are some old shooters that oversee them.A lot of New Jersey tags in parking lot.

  25. God help us if she gets on the ballot. I know so many people who vote by party, without researching the candidates.

  26. Tanks for filling us in on the Heritage Guild, Peter. From what I've been told, now is a good time to be in the gun biz.

  27. Peter J.Cochran,U.S.Army 'Lieu. Ret"February 28, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    Bernie, Heritage Guild is a gun store with a 15 yrd range inside.They have high quality firearms and some of the very best in world . The support staff is really very good.This is why they showed her the door.She is an amateur and they probably don't want to associate with her Caliber,get it? Most people that shoot on premises are new shooters and the staff are some old shooters that oversee them.A lot of New Jersey tags in parking lot.

  28. Sorry as I'am as a computer operator I am not any good . However this is not what I do anyplace for a living. I'm like a new shooter with a new Glock and can't articulate the set trigger for single action .Most serious shooters I have known for years Democrat ,Republican or NP are very articulate people. They live clean lives,they donate their blood they pay taxes and send kids to college and don't own radar detectors because they follow the rules.They would never tolerate this woman for any reason politically.

  29. President ObamaIS THE GREATEST FIREARMS SALES PERSON in U.S.History.Good night I go to bed I go to work at 5 am so I can pay for bums like next door who stays home on fat ass.

  30. Clinton Oxford, We can all read the definition of perjury. There is no need to list the statute verbatim. And please knock off the off topic nonsense.

  31. No problem Mr. O'Hare. My intended point was simply Ms. Mezzacappa would have committed perjury under oath, not false swearing. I respect your blog and defer to your Administrative Directive. My sincerest apologies. My bad.


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