Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who's Got the Dirt on Upper Mt Bethel Tp?

Judith Henckel chairs Upper Mt Bethel Supervisors
To their credit, Upper Mount Bethel Supervisors have corrected a violation of the Sunshine Act. A week earlier, at a poorly attended meeting, they reorganized without allowing public comment. Not even from Ron Angle. That led to an Express Times Turkey and a stinging rebuke from Editor Jim Deegan. Even their own lawyer told them they screwed up.

So at last night's meeting, Supervisors did it over. But this time, instead of the usual two or three bobbleheads in the peanut gallery, there were 32 angry dudes, with about 64 teeth, and they all had something to say. The parking lot was full of their pick-up trucks, each of which had a gun racks. Dressed in NASCAR and Marine caps, they had read the news accounts, were unhappy, and wanted the Board to know they were unhappy.

Ron Angle, who does happen to live in Upper Mount Bethel Township, managed to speak about 400 times before the night was over. It didn't really change any votes, but it certainly was entertaining. Enough hot air came from that little meeting room to heat the entire Lehigh Valley for the rest of this Winter.

Doors to a men's room and ladies' room are right inside the meeting hall. This was a long meeting, but not one woman felt the need to use the facilities. For the guys, it wa a different story They were in there nonstop. And the acoustics were such that it was easier to hear the rush from someone's urinary tract than to hear Chairman Judy Henkel's soft voice. Since the sound of rushing water is supposed to be relaxing, this is probably a good thing.

Let me give you my take on some of the Supervisors.

rest rooms conveniently located
Judith Henckel - She is Angle's political foe and is probably among the worst Chairs I've ever seen. She is completely unable to run a meeting. But I like her and consider her a good Supervisor who cares about her community and puts in the time. She took quite a bit of heat for her stand on environmental issues, but she believes in something.

Larry Hallet. - This Supervisor, in his 80's, is concerned about Dirtgate - a Township practice of giving free topsoil to just about anyone who asks for it. In fact, it's even codified in an ordinance adopted 12 years ago. But under that law, only one or two loads is permitted. Not forty. According to some Township residents and Hallet, as many as forty loads of topsoil went to one residence in the Saddle Ridge development. Former Roadmaster Gerry Geake agreed that may have happened. But he disputed Hallet's claim that as many as 1,200 loads of topsoil have gone to preferred residents. "Only a fool would believe that," says Geake.

We need a few more fools like Hallet, if only to make sure everyone is doing the right thing.

The value of each truckload is unknown, although some place it as high as $500.

Gerry Geake - He's under a cloud of suspicion as a result of charges of sexual harassment made by a female employee. He's also a recent convicted drunk driver, and is the Supervisor most closely identified with the growing "Dirtgate" scandal. Need I say more?

Yes. I consider him their best Supervisor. He should probably be Chair. He is extremely knowledgeable about Township issues and basically keeps Henckel from going too far adrift.

He did serve as Roadmaster but voluntarily left that position when the sexual harassment charges were made. Last night he explained that was his decision, even though Angle reminded him he is innocent until proven guilty. He stated that he would stay away until the investigation is complete and will not ask for back pay either. He remained calm as accusations flew back and forth last night and never lost his cool.

Bob Gerwig and Joe Batillo were the quiet ones, so I'm unable to read them.

At last night's meeting, a Connecticut transplant told me it was the worst public meeting he's ever seen, so we've got that going for us.


  1. ... there were 32 angry dudes, with about 64 teeth, and they all had something to say. The parking lot was full of their pick-up trucks, each of which had a gun racks. Dressed in NASCAR and Marine caps, they had read the news accounts, were unhappy, and wanted the Board to know they were unhappy.

    Funny as that is (I get the humor of it), you certainly know how to insult and stereotype multiple groups of people in one sentence. I'm surprised that the farmers, hunters, race fans, veterans, and those who don't own a toothbrush haven't been roasting you. At least you were nice enough to say they know how to read. Guess that 5th grade education paid off, eh?

  2. The motley crue in UMBT can henceforth be referred to as "Bernie's Baggers", the surliest crop of tea party members this side of the Wissahickon!

  3. Joe B. is Angle's boy!

  4. 7:47, I actually like people from the Slate Belt, including those at last night's meeting.

  5. Joe Batillo. This poster (read ass-clown) Thinks half the people in the area are Angles boy, or puppet. Just check some of his (or hers) past posts. Or maybe its just guys named "Joe"?

  6. Joe Battillo is a great guy and a strong republican who is being pushed to run for county council.

  7. Even though I belong to that reviled sub species...the "renter"...I may have to stop in at one of these meetings. I live in UMBT and it might be fun. And enlightening.

  8. If that woman can deal with Ron Angle, God Bless her. As one local said, Angle is the biggest shitstain on her twp. and the resaon most people view us as rubes.

  9. UMBT politics is less than genteel but it is the real thing and what you see is what you get. Might as well get to the point and stop dancing around the crap on the floor...right? Good job Bernie. Come back any time you need a dose of down and some times dirty political drama.

  10. That's mu third trip there. It's definitely a different world than the rest of the County, but I liked it.

  11. Has anyone checked into the outhouses/wildcat sewerage systems on Pennsylvania American Water company property in this township? Anyone sick yet?!?

  12. To whom it may concern: Pennsylvania American Water (Company) (based in Hershey P.A.) is/has contaminated/ing the PUBLIC DRINKING WATERSHED between North & West BANGOR by allowing houses to EXIST and/or OPERATE within the waterShed, replete with a vehicularly traverse-able, plow maintained roads, POSSIBLY for the timber clearcutting activities apparent by the full woodsheds 4 ALL the houses up str...eam (& the empty spaces/lack-of-trees). THEREFORE, it is MY contention that; the houses are releasing RAW SEWERAGE into the PUBLIC water supply in Violation of the P.A. & FEDERAL SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT. Please contact Faith Saritzski @ Country Classics Real Estate if interested in buying a home there. Is anyone sic from this YET?

  13. Clinton, Wouldn't these homes have to have a sand mound or other type of septic?

  14. Spruce Spring Lodge has 3 well covers/turkey mound & there is an outhouse type building @ another house

  15. So as I hear, residents of Ridge Road in North Bangor P.A. are having potable water "Issues" i.e. sedimentary intrusion, fecal contamination,low/no water/pressure, backflow, sporatic interruptions obstensibily from wells of lenny zito (zete) approved by Judge Smith? coupled with TOXIC WASTE deposits left to remain by Bangor borough in a Quarry hole, as well as the Toxic waste dump above grade of the pumping quarry to treat sewerage across from Capital Auto Parts of East Bangor P.A., before release into Martin's creek (or recycled insitu)as well as the Demotech reclamation by the D.E.P. @ E.B.D.
    Does clorophorm sterilize E. coli bacter? Anyone sic yet??? Zito, Martino & Karasek

  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_fluoridation_controversy

    What if.....hypothetically speaking.....

  17. Has anyone ever heard of Jon Oliver Nelson??? Seens 2 B a vestige of Water Company Politik from days of yore. Most of the "new" (20 years or so) houses in rural Bangor Aquifer have NO city sewerage a.k.a. Wildcat sewerage contaminates/tor's as well as several Military Munition Depots. Anyone Know?

  18. What is Diptheria


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