Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two Things About King Edwin

1) In the banana republic known as Allentown, Edwin Pawlowski is, as blogger Michael Molovinsky has called him, Mayor for Life. All he needs is a frickin' uniform.

2) If he ever tries to run for election anywhere outside of Allentown, he'll be eaten alive.


  1. Your buddies Sal and Kraft were there cheering with Fleck. Callahan was no where to be found. That is why labor will not back Callahan for Executive.

    Word is Glenn Reibman will be un opposed in the primary. If Stoffa tries to stop Reibman he will get crushed by the voters.

  2. You should point out that Molovinsky ran for the mayors seat and only received 3% of the vote. He is extremely biased.

  3. Read Morning Cal story on the King announcement for third term and taking full credit for the n.i.z. that will turn Allentown into a city that provde jobs and entertainment. I thought that Sen. Browne was the person behind the State Legislaion that created the N.I.Z.

  4. @3:28, then he should also point out that i ran as an independent, against a former republican mayor and a democratic machine. between them, they spend close to $400,000. actually, 3% is typical for an unfunded independent. furthermore, i received no coverage from the newspaper. i'm not biased, i'm truthful; how about you?

  5. Bernie, Is there a possibility that Councilwoman J. Eichenwaldwill be challenging Ed in the Primary. She can win.

  6. In one recent day into night several Allentown residents shot. All the arenas in the world will not erase visitor fear.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Bernie, Is there a possibility that Councilwoman J. Eichenwaldwill be challenging Ed in the Primary. She can win.

    5:40 AM

    As fine a woman as she is, she will not win against the current mayor.

  8. Anon 3:28, you received 0% of the vote. And seriously - get some sleep.

    I'm glad Ed's staying to see his arena get created. I want him to have to live down the agony of seeing the inactivity downtown once the thing opens. The chickens will come home to roost on this downtown debacle, and I personally would like to see Pawlowski sitting in the hot seat when that happens.

  9. Isn't our mayor going to run for governor? I would love to see that,let's get the whole state moving forward.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  10. I thought there was a strong republican party in Lehigh County. Do you mean to tell me that the Republicans can't find a solid candidate to run for mayor of Allentown?

  11. Edwin couldn't win the burbs. He can never win statewide, the suburbs kicked his NIZ!

  12. True there is only a split disfunctional GOP in the valley. But, even if the party could cleanse the radicals it would be tough to get a candidate for mayor. In 2001 the GOP ran one of the most qualified candidates ever against an empty suit (ROY)and lost to the party line votes. It's much worse now. The GOP has no chance in Allentown.

  13. 2:28,

    Since Pawlowski delivered on the temporary jobs to unions, Kraft supports him. His support is short-sighted and I have told him that.

    Sal would like a NIZ of his own so he supports Pawlowski, but I don't think he'd support him for long if he knew for certain how poorly Pawlowski has treated minority merchants.

    Actually, Pawlowski should be trying to emulate Sal.

    You mention that Callahan was nowhere to be found. Where was Reibman? Taking a nap?

    Also, this post has nothing to do with the NorCo Exec race. But Reibman will be oppossed. It is almost certain that Callahan is running against him.

  14. **Construction Jobs for the Building Trades Union to be exact. Yes I support Ed Pawlowski, and Yes I was there as a member of the Lehigh Valley Building Trades. It's my job, Unlike ANON 2:28 am who has nothing better to do after the bars close than to troll here.

  15. And Ken, I have told you that it is short-sighted for you and construction unions to support King Edwin over jobs that will be gone before they know it. I know they need work, but this is not the answer.

  16. Molovinsky, You could not be more biased. You run a blog called Molovinsky on Allentown and do not even live in the city of Allentown. You are a bitter old man that is opposed to everything that this administration does. You would think that you would have got the message in 2005 when 97% of the electorate told you to shut the hell up.

  17. Where does Ken Kraft live? It sickens me that non-residents want to have political power over residents. We have to live here!!Maybe Ken Kraft's union will get some union jobs, but the City is failing and every day more and more middle income residents are fleeing. Allentown has to address the very real problems forcing its productive, home owning, job holding residents out of the City. Getting union jobs should be the lowest priority.

  18. 10:59, 97% of the electorate did not vote, and they certainly did not tell MM to "shut up", although you'd certainly like that. I suspect that if 97% of Allentown's register voters showed up at the polls, Pawlowski would not be Mayor. We are all aware that MM does not live in Allentown. He was only born and raised there and only spends most of his day there. But he has no right to speak while Easton Mayor Sal Panto and Bethlehem union agent Ken Kraft does. Makes sense to me.

  19. I live in Bethlehem, however many of my members Live in Allentown and raise their families there and grew up in the city. They are the people I represent when I go to a meeting for Allentown, they are the ones who will be working on the jobs that Ed helped to get started. And THEY expect me to be there for them for jobs.

  20. Let the riff raff continue to coagulate in 3% Allentown and enjoy their paradise.

  21. Greetings:

    I wrote the following in response to Bill White's request for comments about the Mayor's announcement for reelection.

    For the record, while at one time I thought about running for Mayor, I have no desire to do so. I know my limitations and the stress in my life that I do not wish to exacerbate, win or lose (probably lose). Still, it would be nice to find a thoughtful individual who knew how to balance competing interests while demonstrating financial and social policy acumen.

    Michael Donovan, Former City Councilman


    While I have been in favor of the NIZ project from the beginning when I served as a member of AEDC, the Mayor has left me disappointed on many fronts, both during my tenure on City Council and since departing.

    I have become disillusioned, also, on the purpose of the NIZ and what it could have accomplished beyond the enrichment of a few select benefactors.

    His idea of not raising Real Estate Taxes in a rational manner has been irresponsible and one reason we are in the financial mess we face (the pension issue simply exists - how one gets out of it is another matter). Each year he pulled a rabbit out of his hat. Each year the city's financial position deteriorated. Only I and the former controller would draw attention while we were in office to what was happening and suggest workable strategies to right the ship.

    The Mayor and his cabinet never established nor articulated public policy that focused on people in this city. Everything - yes, everything - was about buildings, and while such efforts to manage or produce new physical capital is a vital component of development, both human and social capital strategies are equally important. We never heard anything about the implementation of community policing; community organizing was unheard of or barely supported; the NIZ is all about buildings and nothing about training and education or community; same with the waterfront initiatives.

    He has been vicious in his retaliation against those who are in disagreement.

    He has taken actions (like the water/sewer strategy) without executing appropriate ways to include the community in the discussion, which eventually forced the need for a referendum. He broke every rule in the book concerning modern methods toward reaching community consensus.

    The Delta Thermo project was equally dictatorial.

    Those who admire or support the Mayor are looking at investment in buildings. Why? A review of comments in papers or blogs (Mcall and others) suggest a "hope" that somehow demographic change will reverse merely because the skyline changes, and an Allentown of the past will return. Things that were said to me over the years by many certainly suggested subtle racism and "classism."

    When I first met the Mayor, I saw a bright person who seemed to understand what a city manager would understand about running Allentown. As years have passed, I lost both trust and faith in his leadership and managerial abilities.

    The criticisms about his faults and failures are just as real as the buildings would be if and when they are completed. It is too bad that Allentown does not have someone who is willing and able to face him.

    There is a need to discuss human and social capital policies in this city. The school department and the city's government are both responsible. A truly innovative and competent leader would be taking the steps to be more inclusive in his or her governing style.

    I could go on. I have been fortunate to know many different government officials over the years. This is also true of senior managers in both private and public organizations. Allentown's Mayor does not earn a very high rating from me as a leader or manager.

    Ultimately, this city will pay the price of his almost delusional view that he is a great Mayor and potential Governor.

  22. .... Democrats arguing with Democrats is not robust political debate. Mike Donovan is as much of the 3% problem as Pawlowski.

  23. 4:14PM

    Who said I was a typical Democrat? I am not.

    Though liberal with a definition that some conservatives do not begin to understand, closer to an independent, and what I see in party politics throughout the region, I would say that is part of the problem. Both sides.

  24. Mike's willingness to even publicly criticize the mayor sets him apart from every other prominent Democrat in the city.
    Prediction: no Democrat will challenge Ed.

    Scott Armstrong

  25. Ken Kraft, As you know, I like construction unions and do not put them in the same category as public sector unions, for many reasons. I think you have every right to advocate for them in Allentown, even though you don't live there. And I think MM has every right to advocate for Allentown, even though he does not live there.

  26. Michael Donovan, I saw your comments on Bill White's blog yesterday, and am grateful to you for sharing them here.

  27. Oh, cut it out.

    Despite Scott's Stockholm Syndrome and Mike's circuitous protestations:

    Donovan, Pawlowski = same poop; different flies.

  28. The arena proect is as stupid as Stoffa's needless building and Kraft supports both.

  29. 5:26,

    Good one! I'm bonding with my captors.

    Scott Armstrong

  30. I love you, Scott. But, yes, you are.

  31. Dear 5:26pm

    People like you represent one of the reasons I did not run again. Tired of the weirdness that affects the politics of this city and the Valley. Rational public policy? Cannot find it.

    Both parties are filled with people more interested in their power rankings than what is accomplished for hundreds of thousands of people. We see this at the county and the city level.

    If you are not able to discern differences, that is your problem.

  32. .... said the guy from one-party, 3% Allentown. You can't make this stuff up.

  33. But you do when it suits your agenda. You'll attack Donavan and MM simultaneously bc you're a cRaZy hater.

  34. Michael:

    Let's take your statement about Pawlowski caring "only about buildings" and actually examine it. The fact is that TODAY, there are OVER 4,000 COMMITTED JOBS in the NIZ. These are not $7.25 an hour minimum wage jobs; they are doctors and lawyers, accountants and bankers, young entrepreneurs and cutting-edge technology companies. These are jobs that cities across the country would LOVE to have.

    If you possess even half of the rudimentary economics knowledge you profess, then you would know that the economic implications of those thousands of new, high skill/high wage jobs will be tremendous for the community as a whole.

    Community Policing? You don't think that a 25%+ reduction in crime over the past 6 years is impressive? The FBI's Crime Stats don't lie.

    And let me get this straight: you don't like Pawlowski because he DIDN'T RAISE YOUR TAXES and INSTEAD USED THE RESERVE FUND built up by INCREASING EFFICIENCY and ELIMINATING WASTEFUL SPENDING? Are you insane? You are living proof that there are miserable bastards in heaven.

    Regarding CD: It's convenient that you forgot the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in New Markets Tax Credits just awarded to CACLV in order to develop additional community and social programs, both in and out of the NIZ. You don't think the Mayor had something to do with helping Alan Jennings acquire those credits?

    At the end of the day, a city IS buildings. You can have all of the social policies you want, but if the infrastructure isn't there, the jobs won't be either. That means BUILDINGS. Without them, sorry, no jobs. Without jobs, sorry, no community. Without community, sorry, no social policies.

    Although, if I wanted to find someone to manage my village of wigwams, I'll call you.

  35. And Bernie:

    Who cares what you think would happen if 97% of Allentown's electorate showed up at the polls? For the record, 10,745 people showed up the last time Pawlowski was on the ballot (2009 Municipal). If everyone in Allentown is so unhappy with the way things are, they should vote. It's not Pawlowski's vault that people don't do their civic duty, nor should it be held against him. It's absolutely incredible the lengths people on this blog will go in order to blame him for something.

    And if Eichenwald runs, she'll lose and she'll lose big. Her 50 friends in the "Stop the Water Lease" will not be able to carry her to victory over an incumbent mayor who has brought over a BILLION DOLLARS of economic development to the 3rd largest city in the Commonwealth.

  36. And Bernie:

    Who cares what you think would happen if 97% of Allentown's electorate showed up at the polls? For the record, 10,745 people showed up the last time Pawlowski was on the ballot (2009 Municipal). If everyone in Allentown is so unhappy with the way things are, they should vote. It's not Pawlowski's vault that people don't do their civic duty, nor should it be held against him. It's absolutely incredible the lengths people on this blog will go in order to blame him for something.

    And if Eichenwald runs, she'll lose and she'll lose big. Her 50 friends in the "Stop the Water Lease" will not be able to carry her to victory over an incumbent mayor who has brought over a BILLION DOLLARS of economic development to the 3rd largest city in the Commonwealth.

  37. !0:57,

    You sound like an Union Puke that is scared she will run because she might give your guy a good contest. So instead you shout her down. I like every time A-town is mention, it is the 3rd largest city in the Commonwealth. I think a few cities in the Commonwealth would like to take you to task on it ...

  38. @10:49 wigwam line was pure gold

  39. 10:57,

    As you are undoubtedly well aware, democracy is dead in Allentown. The 2009 Municipal race proves it. In 2009, there were 63,806 registered voters in Allentown. It took just 7,908 of them - a scant 12.4% - to elect Edwin Pawlowski to a second term as Mayor. In a one-party town, that election was a mere formality. In fact, the only reason to bother is so that political consultants like you could dun city vendors and unions for campaign contributions so you could pad your own pockets.

    There is no democracy in Allentown. It is instead an urban growth regime in which politicians and select business leaders co-opt each other. Developers like JB Reilly want to get richer. Pols like Pawlowski and Guridy have their eyes on the next office. They take car of each other, but the governed are neglected. That's why nobody will go to Allentown once the sun sets.

    You really should be ashamed of yourself bc this is not what the founding fathers envisioned.

  40. " Her 50 friends in the "Stop the Water Lease"

    I thought that was 4,500 friends. I guess there is no ballot initiative this Spring.

    If Jeannette were to announce, I'd support her in a heart beat.

  41. Then she should run. Why is she not? Because she knows that she will be destroyed. The local bloggers are always in support of the person not in power, hence why they are bloggers, "bottom feeding bloggers"

  42. I kinda' like being on the outside. It doesn't smell quite as bad out here.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. When you have the courage to sign your name, I'll allow your personal attack at Scott Armstrong. But you won't bc you are a coward.

  45. 10:49pm

    The most telling thing about your comment is the "reserve fund." This suggests you have no understanding of municipal accounting or economics.

    Let's just say that the Mayor has played charades for years, all to enhance his political aspirations. As the former chair of Budget and Finance, I can attest to this.

    As to the economics of buildings and the jobs associated with the NIZ, I did not dismiss them. In fact, I welcome the NIZ and what it can produce. I merely discussed the policies that favor the few who will benefit and the lack of policies governing opportunities for training and education that should apply to those who live here, not just those who will commute and leave their cars in brand new parking garages. In other words, you avoided that I support the NIZ, but not its execution.

    As far as I am concerned, crime has not been reduced and the school problems have not disappeared. I read the paper, and I hear the whispering about reality.

    Finally, if you have any knowledge of urban affairs, you would know that people comprise the fundamental component of cities. Yes, the financial resources released by the construction of buildings is important, even vital, but the knowledge and skills of the population is what contributes to the ability of a city to sustain itself. This Mayor has not demonstrated such an understanding, nor do you.

    I'll stand up to your anachronistic view of economics any day. Why? Because I understand the linkages among all three types of investment -- physical, human, capital. I understand the charade played by the Mayor with the city's finances. You are in love with physical capital and the few that get to enjoy the rate of returns provided by an exploited government.

    The cheerleaders for the Mayor all demonstrate feelings similar to what a developer said to me once, "we can't let the riff raff be on Hamilton Street." Single minded about who gets the benefits of government pork.

    I have made my comments. And will simply now watch you and others twist and turn to justify the Mayor's actions.

  46. Thank you for commenting here Mr. Donovan.

    Are you going to reactivate your blog soon?

  47. You who want to know Donovan's intentions should identify yourself.

  48. Bernie,

    If you don't know who made the comment at 9:36 am, you are definitely off of your game.

  49. 9:36,

    Are you serious? You are really going to fight over the internet? What is the worse you can do? Caps lock me to death? I ready for your fury of CAPS LOCK!!! BRING IT!!!!!

  50. Bob Lovett was a great candidate for mayor. He was also an abysmal campaigner, unfortunately, tho a darn good man.Wooda been a fine mayor. This democrats was happy to support him.

    Single party ideologically driven types like Scott have killed the Allentown GOP deader than a flounder flattened by a boxcar. Don't expect him to take any more responsibility for the sad demise of Republicans in Allentown than for Mike Fleck to take responsibility for the mayors shameful demagoguery.

  51. No, I am not going to reactivate.

    Let's just say I gave at the office.

    I have other things to worry about than a sick political system that lets really horrible people run the government.

    I still believe in inclusion, but one small problem. In this Valley, the word barely exists within both the business and political community.

    I'll stand by that statement.

    I'll stand by that the statement, and I'll say it again. I stand by that statement.

    It's a racist and classist and sexist region.

  52. Mike,

    I am not picking on you, I am just curious.

    Were you born here in the Valley? If so, where? If not, where? If not, when did you move here?

    You bring up interesting points, that I am just seeing myself now after moving out of the Valley.


  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Is bad ass kicked at motherfucking pieces shit flab as red as Tad S Tran ass bullshit and that is what it is.

  55. 1:03 AM
    Is that alcohol speaking?

  56. Mike did not run for two reasons. The first was because his wife left him, the second was because he obtained prostate cancer. This is not a huge revelation since he told so many people.


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