Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Brace Yourself! Geoff Brace Takes His Third Swing

He's taken two mighty swing and has had two mighty misses. Will his third attempt at Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners succeed? I'm talking about Allentown resident Geoff Brace, who is set to announce his campaign for Lehigh County Commissioner on January 28, 2013 at the West End Youth Center (848 North 20th Street, Allentown).

I've known Geoff since I began blogging, and he has always been interested in County government.

He first applied for appointment to an at-large vacancy in 2010. Commissioners chose Bill Hansell over him. Barely.

Then Geoff decided to run for the job in 2011, when four at-large seats were up for grabs. He finished a distant 7th (17,153 votes), as Republican won every seat.

Will the third time be the charm? He's running for a district seat this time, as opposed to an at-large seat, and one that includes a retiring Democratic incumbent, Dan McCarthy. Also, the pendulum appears to be swinging in the direction of Democrats. So I rate Geoff's chances as very high.

Brace will be joined at his announcement by State Representative Mike Schlossberg, former State Representative Jennifer Mann, Lehigh County Executive Bill Hansell and Lehigh County Commissioner Dan McCarthy.

“I am excited to bring my campaign for Common Sense to the voters of this district,” remarked Brace.

Jenn Mann is now in it for the money. After getting special tax breaks for the wealthy inside an Allentown business district, she's suddenly left a safe seat at the state house to become an ... a-hem ... consultant. Her successor, Schlossberg, is a Pawlowski toadie who distinguished himself on Allentown City Council mostly by being undistinguished. Once a nice guy, he's become arrogant

So I'm no fan of two of Geoff's supporters.

But I am of current Lehigh County Commissioner Dan McCarthy, who recently announced that he will not seek re-election to his District seat in Center City and the West End of Allentown.

Brace was born on the West End where his late-grandfather was a dentist. Brace and his wife, Sara Jane, are homeowners in Center City Allentown.

Brace now works for State Representative Schlossberg. Lucky him!

That's a step down from his previous experience managing successful non-profit organizations, including the Pennsylvania Downtown Center and Kutztown Community Partnership.

“As commissioner, I will bring my experience serving the people, helping small businesses grow and add jobs and supporting revitalization across Pennsylvania,” says Brace.

Despite the endorsement of Money Mann and Rubber Stamp Mike, Brace will likely be the best of all candidates seeking district seats in Lehigh County this year. In fact, he's one of those rare gems often overlooked by voters. though he's in this for all the right reasons.

Plus he's got a cool name. Geoffrey. Sounds like he belongs in the House of Lords with Wellington.


  1. The guy is another Schlossberg in training. Please, nohing to see here just move on.

  2. No, he's not like that at all. Geoff is certainly left of center, but he thinks. More importantly, he listens.

  3. You are blinded yet again by your incessent need for a mancrush.

  4. And you seem to be awful concerned about mancrushes.

  5. Bernie, you are the best. I love your nickname for Jennifer. Money Mann is very appropriate!

    JOHN M

  6. Commentary on national TV last evening stated the Ds are destroying the national R party. Here is but one example of D unity. This guy got a great job with Ms. Mann, now
    Mr. Schlossberg and perhaps soon the county.

  7. Geoffrey is also the name of the Toys R Us giraffe.

  8. This is exactly what lehigh county government needs' more Democrats and more people who work for our Allentown leaders.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  9. All I needed to know is that Pawlowski appointed him to some board or commission at the City.
    Pawlowski doesn't just go out and find the best and brightest to stock City boards and commissions.

    Brace is obviously a member of King Edwin's farm team being groomed as a candidate for any office that can be had. I'm skeptical of his indepedence and who he would really serve.

    P.S. I knew Money Mann when she first ran for office and I really liked her and hoped the best for her. Like so many others, who get to Harrisburg or DC she evolved into party loyalist and self-serving politician.

  10. THis guy is all about the public $$$$. Dispite Bernies, affection, that is the MO on the guy. Anon 6:13, you win the BINGO.

  11. Me, I'm sticking with the wacky right wingers in Lehigh County and their poor little rich girl boss.

  12. I will stick with the "whacky right wingers in Lehigh County" thank you, and I would gladly trade them for the machine politicians/rubber stamps we have in Allentown. And by the way,I doubt anyone would care to argue which is the better governed entity.

    Scott Armstrong

  13. Geoff is a good guy and family man who has this crazy idea about serving the whole community and not being locked into a political ideology.
    And Scott, I know a devoutly religious Sciense teacher from Oxnard California who really needs a job. Could you or one of your colleagues on the ASD Board give her an interview?

  14. I'm with Scott. Those "wacky right wingers from Lehigh County" are a barrel of fun!
    Between those ideological whack jobs and the clowns in Allentown that section of the Valley is really fungooded.
    Between a rock and a wacko hard place!
    It's crazy

  15. Chris,

    I don't do the hiring at the ASD and because of the PSER's (pension obligations)it will be some time before we hire anyone.

    Scott Armstrong

  16. This guy is part of the Pawlowski team. Like Scholoss and Mann and the others, he is to move on with the piublic tit firmly in his teeth.

    He will be a Pawlowski
    representative at the county level.

  17. He is the Lehigh County version of Steve Barron. Hell, look at the guy, they could be twins. They even talk the same way.


  18. "good guy and family man"...Oh no not another good guy and family man! Are people so bad now that good guys and family men are now qualified candidates for County Commissioner? Maybe 20,000 or men from Lehigh County are suddenly fit for public office.

  19. Does he wear a kilt?

  20. Oh my God! I can't look at ths guy anymore and not see Steve Barron. You are right, he looks just like him.

  21. Is this guy a Democrat? Great! Another fucking Democrat in Lehigh County running for office. The fucking Republicans deserve to be bitch. Because of this I am joining the Whig party.


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