Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today, the Planning Comm'n; Tomorrow, the World!

Look out everyone! He's b-a-a-a-a-c-k. In a close, 3-2 vote, Ron Angle was named last night to a vacancy on Upper Mount Bethel Township's Planning Commission. He's certain to use this as a stepping stone in his evil plans for world domination.

Judy Henckel, who apparently prefers salamanders to Angle, tried to have the vote tabled because there was no letter of interest. Angle responded by tearing a sheet right out of my notebook, then walked up to Supervisors with a three word letter. "I live here."

It was spelled right, too.

Earlier that night, Angle told Supervisors that he has 32 years of government experience, wrote the Township's zoning ordinance himself, invented the "one good acre" concept and is very close to finding a cure for the flu.

After the vote was over, there was so much commotion that people had to ask who voted against Angle.

It was Judy Henckel and Bob Gerwig.

"You two just wait and see what happens when you have something before the Planning Comm'n," joked Angle.

At least I think he was joking.

Henckel then asked Angle if he'd like to serve on the Parks and Rec Board, too. "That's too much," he answered. "I'm semi-retired.,"

According to Fake Rev Mario Martinez, Angle is related to Satan in some way. I think they're first cousins, but Satan denied it.


  1. Bernie, Ron Angle has often been described as among other things a farmer. Can you speak on what types of farming or livestock Mr. Angle dabbles in and the amount of acreage under cultivation. Just curious, thanks.

  2. Ron Angle always has between 40-50 cows and about 10-12 sheep. That alone keeps Ron and his wife pretty busy. He also has a fairly large orchard. Most of the crop land is leased out to other farmers. I don't think he grows crops.

    He does consider himself a farmer. Archibald Johnston considered himself a farmer, too.

  3. I knew Archibald Johnston, Ron Angle is no Archibald Johnston.

  4. Thanks, anyone calling him a "fake farmer" probably has a few tomato plants in the back of their half a double at best.

  5. "I knew Archibald Johnston,"

    Considering that Mayor Johnston died in '48, you must be pretty damn old.

  6. 12:40, It's his passion. Not mine, to be sure. But he enjoys spending a day baling hay and those cows alone keep him pretty busy. His wife Sharon takes care of the sheep. They love her.

  7. Johnston was a great and intelligent man. He was a true visionary. Ron is simply a bottom feeder who stole his property from confused old people. Please don't utter Johnston and Angle in the same sentence ever again. Archibald rolled over in his grave after seeing that comment!

  8. Its good to know that the anti-semetic bigots are now represeneted on the Planniing Commission .

  9. Yes, Mr. Reibman, Whatever you say, Mr. Reibman. Now go back to bed.

  10. So you approve of anti-semetism. Find it amusing do you? How nice for you and Angle.

  11. Whatever you say, Mr. Reibman. And it's "anti-Semitism." You should know how to spell the names you hurl at people or you sound like an idiot.

  12. Oh Bernie... the people who you think are Glenn Reibman. You'd be shocked if you ever really found out who the anonymous trolls really are. You are hated much more than you know!

  13. Whatever you say, Mr. Reibman. I'm sure you can be many people. Now please catch up on your sleep.

  14. Yin and yang..Bernie is also respected by many..so it's a wash! Bag the hate and discuss the issues as an adult.


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