Local Government TV

Friday, January 04, 2013

Merry Frickin' Christmas

Dick Haber, who is a miserable bastard, sent this to one of my friends. I got coal.


  1. Bernie this is a lovely self-portrait

    1. No this is not a portrait of BO, if you are the kings spanish speaking leasion this is a picture depicting you as you were hired for allentowns king to speak with forked tongue selling the latino masses false hope. By the way I did not need a spanglish speaking interpretor when he directed me to speak to you.

      Did the kings mancave remodelor give you the $500,00 campaign donation so you could scim before putting the left over to his personal account¿

      The local latino rep

  2. The judge in Lehigh County threw out the deal cut between the prosecutors and Joe Brennans lawyrers and sent himn to jail for at least 90 days or up to 23 months. I think she did the right thing considering the severity of the crime. What is your opinion?

  3. If only Joe had gone green!

  4. Guys must check this http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2Mk28q/www.gay3ty.com/in-2013-reuse-of-calenders/

  5. 3:43, The judge had no choice. The sentence is mandatory, and Joe offered no compelling reason for house arrest.

  6. Hey BO that looks like most allentowns king's court jesters excluding only jennette¿
    Can you photo shop that to be sitting in the chairs in allentowns counsil chambers as well as some of the other underlings¿


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