Local Government TV

Friday, January 04, 2013

Reibman Says Good-Bye to DRJTBC

From what I'm told, Glenn Reibman spent his last day at the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Comm'n (DRJTBC) last week. He had been their Director of Power Naps. This former NorCo Exec, who imposed a 70%+ tax hike over two years and promoted a swaption that ended up costing us $25 million, wants to pad his County pension.


  1. Where can I apply for the open position?

  2. Are you qualified? Can you sleep with your eyes open?

  3. Will Mr. Roboto get another pension as a parting gift from the Land of Political Hacks? Has the Rev. Dud replaced him at the feeding trough?

  4. Believe it or not, under the rules in effect at the time of his retirement, you only needed 5 years to get a pension.

  5. Bernie, This stuff will rocket your web sight like crazy!!!I can not wait. I Will see you personally soon ,Pete.

  6. Let's see.....Reibman gets a pension from the School district where he was employed as an alarm clock, he gets a pension from the DRJTBC because he was employed there for more than 5 years, He gets a pension from the County because of his being on County Council and County Executive, and he is probably old enough now for Social Security. Just how many public teats are on that cow?
    Enough is enough. He will never get elected. Not because of his public pensions, because he was the worst Executive we have ever had. An administration bogged down with scandal and reckless spending. Unfortunately, there is no one in the wings ready to step up. Taxpayers beware. Brace yourselves because it's coming.

  7. Bernie... on February 1st 2012 one of your headlines was Reibman Out, Dowd In, at DRJTBC.

    So what happened to this story?

    Oh wait your source like so many others provided you with facts and BS you published without verifying because you hate Reibman. I wonder if this appointment required him to resign so he could run for office.

    Anyhow just thought it important that sometimes your posts are BS.

    This is the link so people can read what ya wrote a little less than a year ago....


    Bernie can be wrong as proved by his own blog. How ironic!

  8. 8:43 anon.......You're right to a point. Stoffa is the biggest procrastinator to ever hold office in the County. His inability to make decisions cost the County MILLIONS on the Reibman swaption. They share the title as "The County's worst Executives. Both of these guys treated their employees like crap. Thank God for Unions.

  9. Actually, this is accurate. As I told you, Reibman is out, and he will be replaced by Dowd.

    All you did is prove that I was right.


  10. Callahan will kick reibman's butt staight jersey

  11. bernie,will allentown council pres.julio guiridy get promote to reibmans position.

  12. Bernie
    Not a word about Mr. Brennan?

  13. I am not going to write a post about Joe Brennan's sentence. I have nothing to add to what has appeared in both of the dailies. In a comment to the post that preceded this one, I said the judge had no choice. House arrest would have been inappropriate.

  14. Rev Dowd rumored to get Reibman's position that isn't needed. How disgusting - moving from one government hack to another. If this happens it should be challenged .

    I also hear that the rank and file employees there haven't had a raise in 4 years yet these non-working positions still exist. Horrible. Just horrible.

    And if this is such and important position in the Administration why don't they report to Morrisville at the DRJTBC Headquarters. If they are need in this district then why isn't this position in the other two districts? Someone needs to ask these questions.

  15. I have deleted several anonymous personal attacks directed at John Stoffa. This post has nothing to do with him and he is not running for Cty Exec.

  16. Reibman will never get elected to the position. The only reason he was ever elected to any office was because of his Aunt Jeanette's name recognition. Most new voters don't know or remember her. Besides Glen was an obnoxious, "do it my Way" person and should pack it in.

  17. your next county executive may very well be Mayor Brown of Bangor

  18. If the pension issue os pushed, there are plenty of current county elected officials we can discuss.


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