Local Government TV

Friday, January 04, 2013

Pawlowski Puppet Arcelay Embellishes Political Past

Ismael Arcelay
Who calls a news conference, but won't answer a few questions? Ismael Arcelay, who announced his candidacy for Northampton County Council yesterday, outside the courthouse rotunda. He claims to have a five-point plan, and one of them must be ducking questions. Aside from two questions, one from The Express Times' Tom Shortell and one from yours truly, he couldn't stick around. Ironically, just moments before, Easton Mayor Sal Panto had lauded Arcelay as a person who is willing to listen.

In addition to Panto, Vice Mayor Ken Brown, LV Labor Council President Gregg Potter and members of Mike Fleck's campaign machine were on hand, setting up a portable podium that Ed Pawlowski must have lent for the occasion.

Ken Brown stated that Arcelay would add some "flavor" to Northampton County. Driving that point home, Panto claimed that the County needs more diversity. I see. Gee, how would these guys feel if I said they should vote for me because I'm white? Ethnicity and race should matter a little less than being qualified for the job.

Now Arcelay indisputably has a great smile. He probably beats everyone in that category. But when it comes to Northampton County government, he leaves a lot to be desired. He couldn't even speak off the cuff. He instead read from a carefully prepared statement, and then bolted as I began to ask questions.

I have some problems with this guy.

Arcelay a Pawlowski Puppet

He has obviously been recruited to run by Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, in an act of vengeance against Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan. You see, Callahan dared question a special tax zone in the Queen City, and developers like J.B. Reilly and Pawlowski have had it in for him since. Knowing that Callahan plans to run for NorCo Exec this year, Pawlowski has attempted to turn Easton against Bethlehem by raising former Exec Glenn Reibman from the dead, and getting him in the race, too.

In a bizarre ritual at the Life Church, Arcelay and Pawlowski lured the Sultan of Swaptions from his do-nothing job at the rest home for defeated politicians, the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Comm'n. With J.B. Reilly's funny money, along with Reibman's own considerable warchest, Pawlowski will spread his tentacles east.

Pawlowski's campaign manager, Mike Fleck, is working Arcelay's campaign. Fleck is reportedly working for Glenn Reibman, too.

Though it's pretty clear that Arcelay is nothing more than a Pawlowski puppet with a great smile, he incredibly insisted - three times - that he's an independent voice.

I asked Mr. Independent how he can reconcile that with having Pawlowski pull one string on his right arm while Gregg Potter's union dudes pull another string on his left.

That question got Gregg Potter all lathered up. He jumped into the fray, insisting that he was not there as the President of the LV Labor Council but was supporting Ismael as a "citizen of Allentown."

"You're here as a resident of Allentown to promote a Northampton County candidate?" I asked.

Potter claimed I was interrupting him, so I asked him to please go on, but he refused.

When I asked Arcelay to confirm that Pawlowski is the person who encouraged him to run for office, he ducked the question. "Mayor Pawowski is in Lehigh County. I'm sure he is going to support me," Arcelay stated. "He represents Lehigh County and this is Northampton County."

Arcelay Embellishes Political Past

Though he's a Pawlowski puppet, part of Arcelay's five-point plan is to promote "open and honest government." But at yesterday's news conference, he displayed how little he believes that by embellishing his stint as a member of Bethlehem City Council. He claimed to have served a four-year term, having been elected in 2001. He makes that claim on his webpage, too.

The truth? He was appointed, not elected, to the job in 2003, not 2001. That's when James Delgrosso stepped down to become an Interim Mayor. After that, Arcelay was selected by party bosses over Jim Gregory to run against black activist Esther Lee. He managed to beat her and served for two years.

But in his first real election - in Bethlehem that would be a Democratic primary - Arcelay lost in 2005, finishing 6th out of 7 candidates for four open seats. Undeterred, he ran again in 2007. This time he finished dead last among seven candidates for three open seats.

His repeated claim that he was elected in 2001 is simply untrue. If he can't be honest about his own political career, how the hell can he bring us "honest" government?

Whose Economic Development?

Another disturbing feature of Arcelay's campaign is his emphasis on "economic development." That's usually an excuse to make developers like J.B. Reilly richer in exchange for a few campaign dollars. What's even more disturbing is that Arcelay's campaign manager, Mike Fleck, also acts as a consultant for businesses looking to get a leg up. For example, he's the reputed consultant to Manhattan-based Ruckus Brewery, which is on the inside track for a tax-financed NIZ deal in Allentown.

Under the reign of Edwin Pawlowski I, economic development is code for helping out developers and their "consultants", not real people looking for jobs. How convenient that business consultant Mike Fleck can wear another hat as political consultant to Arcelay!

Jamming God Down Our Throats

As if all the above is not bad enough, my final problem with Ismael was in response to a question from The Express Times' Tom Shortell. Suddenly, Arcelay began talking about introducing a "faith-based component" into human services. What this usally means is some form of evangelical Christianity, and that presents all kinds of constitutional problems.

So as a candidate for Northampton County Council, I'll pass on Ismael.

But he does have a great smile.

Noon Update: Izzy Arcelay Forced to Resign from Human Relations Comm'n in December! Conflict of Interest! - You can read the details in The Reading Eagle. So much for "open and honest" government from this phony. My thanks to reader Kevin C.


  1. You really know how to ruin a guys party!

    ( If you feel like digging a little deeper in his past statements you'll find more embellishments and even some out right deception.)

  2. I have danced both salsa and samba with Mr Arcelay at Club Jungle and he as done nothing but impress me with his latin swagger. Perhaps if Mr. O'hare would sample some hispanic flavor he would acknowledge that white isn't always "right"

  3. That's certainly true, but you must have made Izzy just a little dizzy.

  4. Liar, liar, pants on fire!

    Weird Monkey ( kinda funky )

  5. Bernie, was Reibman at the announcement? Did any other possible candidate names come up?

  6. Reibman was not there and Arceay only talked about himself.

  7. Of course he couldn't speak off-the-cuff. Are you kidding? Dude digresses from the script and he's in big trouble!

  8. I have to think that if more than five Democrats run for the five seats, Mr. Arclay may have problems. This is a big county and running for county office is more involved than the city. City name recognition and county name recognition are two different things. Who knows, I guess it depends on who and how many people run in the primary. If any more established county people run, it could pose a problem for him. But who knows. Maybe he will do all right. The speech sounded bland and boiler plate.

    I get the sense he may not be very clear on what county government really does. He better get better at speaking off the cuff, there are some good old BS'ers out there in the county.

  9. You're not going to tell us anymore about the bizarre ritual at the Life Church?
    Come on man have a heart,fill us in, please.
    This stuff is just so unbelievably weird.

    Ya couldn't make this stuff up.

  10. Actually, I did make that part up. I was going to have Lady MacBeth Pawlowski poised over a cauldron, stirring in bits and pieces of Angle's nose and Stoffa's missing hair, to make Reibman magically appear from his rest home at DRJTBC. But that was going too far.

    I was going to have the Fleckster as a Renfield, begging Pawlowski for a caterpillar or at least a worm.

    1. Hey bernie just a shout out to ya,
      Was that before the federal grant check was written by loue belitary for loue beletary when he was head of alentown economic development that fat fleck helpped hide or after that fat fleck was a used car saleman and i am sure it was not gilboy because us ford men would not fall for fat flecks salesmanship skills.

  11. I think even Ron Angle could beat Arcelay and even Republicans don't want Angle.

  12. I'm surprised Sal would use up even a modicum of political capital supporting this lame guy. I sure hope Ed is giving him something significant in return.
    That had to be one painful news conference for Sal.

  13. ishy was a loser in bethlum. he only got selected as a token He'll be a loser now. Can't believe Sal fell for this BS.

  14. Fleck is said to be the major power broker in the Lehigh Valley.
    Allegedly, without Fleck you can't win.

  15. Hey Sal didn't fall for anything. It only takes 30 secounds to see this cat doesn't have anything going for him. Even scripted he's lame.
    Sal was a willing player.

  16. @4:43
    Thanks for weighting in Mike.

  17. Ishy probably salsa danced your wife into his penthouse sweet and now your bitter. Stay out of the latino community if you don't want your women to get swept off their feet.

  18. Izzy is going to do to NorCo parks what his boss has done for Allentowns parks.

  19. Bolivar Martinez said...

    I have danced both salsa and samba with Mr Arcelay at Club Jungle and he as done nothing but impress me with his latin swagger. Perhaps if Mr. O'hare would sample some hispanic flavor he would acknowledge that white isn't always "right"

    1:13 AM

    So all a candidate needs to do to win votes is dance.

  20. Another retread to continue the dysfunction of Northampton County. If elected he would bring absolutely no value to Council and will only be a puppet to the Allentown Mayor.

  21. Surprised Sal would support this guy.

  22. I'm surprised you did't bring up why Mr. Arcelay resigned his position on the PA Human Relations Commission. It seems that the Commission pressured the Reading School District of hire a "director of diversity and equity." Guess who one of the applicants to the job was? Ismael Arcelay.

    The Reading Eagle has a story about it:


  23. Mayor ed wants to do for northampton county what he:s done for allentown.

  24. If you feel like digging deeper into his past statements you will find EVEN MORE embellishment and maybe even some more outright deception.

    The tip of the iceberg. Let's see how the MCall covers this. They are aware it doesn't end here.

  25. Your cultural insensitivity is apparent and needs to be corrected. Don't worry this is common to everyone in the dominant culture. You just need to be retrained. The good news is we can help.

    Allentown School District Administration

  26. The Lehigh Valley's paper of record,The Morning Call, has had this story for two weeks and sat on it,
    Now they have to explain why.

    I'm not in the know at the Express Times, but if SOMEONE on their staff doesn't review the Reading Eagle every day ............???

    Our little valley and it's instutions have become a real joke. Arcelay is just one of many punch lines.

    You bet there is more.

  27. "Surprised Sal would support this guy."

    Sleazy Sal? Really? Bawhawhahahahaha!

    All of Forks Township

  28. Sal better get ready for when the other shoe (s) drop. He's your guy now Sal. You vouched for his credability.

  29. Since there are five positions open, hopefully Sal will back four good candidates. Why would Sal piss off four other County Candidates by supporting only one? There are other good names out there and I'm sure they will be coming out of the wood work soon enough. Arcelay isn't one of those good names. He is a hanger on that has gotten to where he is by having a hispanic name and playing the race card to the fullest. Sorry, he doesn't win in a County widr race.

  30. Don't overlook playing the Jesus card. That's a BIG part of his public act . ( His private beliefs are his own business.) He is Mayor Ed full time Jesus rep. Highly questionable in a goverment position where ones religious beliefs are not supposed to convey favor.
    Everybody in Allentown knows this.

  31. "Fleck is said to be the major power broker in the Lehigh Valley.
    Allegedly, without Fleck you can't win."

    Stay tuned for my take on that situation. I have to talk to a few people first.

  32. Kevin C, I had no idea, and thank you for this story and link.

  33. Fleck is very good. He's not indispensable or infallible. No one is.
    He also knows this one is quite an uphill battle, but, his boss Ed really wants this. He really wants his guy Izzy positioned in Northampton Co.

  34. Fleck was a helluva paper boy ... err ... marketing exec. He used to put mine inside the storm door for me. And I'd tip him a full 20 cents per week. His dumpster diving career sputtered over legal problems, but he's a real go-getter, otherwise.

  35. Like him or not, make fun of him if that makes you feel good about yourself ...,.. but underestimate him at your own risk.

    The man is an exceedingly capable political operative.

  36. He is clearly a political operative, i.e. hack. How capable is debatable.

  37. Why is anyone surprised that Panto would be at a presws conference for this individual. Sal has always been a team player and that is probably the reason. As for Pawlowski, its no secret that Ed tried very hard to convince Panto to run for Exec and Panto is staying put in Easton. And he is doing a remarkable job in the city. I am glad he isn't running for Exec becasue I wold be afraid he would win. Sal has been there for other candidates as well and Arcelay must have asked. But on the otherside I have also heard Panto compliment a number of Republicans - even some on County Council. In the end the voters are smart and poltical endorsements from other office holders hold little weight when voters make their decision.

  38. Yo---- the mayor and Kenny Brown said they thought a little flavor would be a good thing.

    Be careful what you wish for .......

  39. This is hilarious..If there are more than five candidates, Arcelay will have a tough time coming in the top five. From my understanding , there will be many candidates..He has no county base and knows little of county issues. It's very, very doubtful he can win..However, to say he's a Pawlowski plant is just silly..For what purpose??? The only one Ive heard trying to handpick Council candidates is your buddy Callahan.
    That all aside,many of those expected to run on the Dem side, like Heckman for instance, need no help from Callahan to get elected. Callahan will have his hands full in the primary anyway....In the general, at least three Dems will win...They wont need any one pol's help to do so. They'll have the support of the Gracedale folks and the unions..Callahan wont matter.
    Nor certainly would Pawlowski if he were involved..So again, it's just stupid to think he's involved trying to get involved in this race for machivellian reasons.Arcelay is probably just a friend..A friend who has little chance to get elected...

  40. This is the same joker the king palumpa directed me to after being assualted by the kings mancave remodeler¿ This was after being laughed at by the kings capt Mould¿


  41. Fleck fancies himself more important, then he really is. Besides Pawlawski, which of his candidates have won.
    I heard he was fired from a Congressional campaign in western pa, after taking most of the money he raised in fees for himself. Heard Rendell was involved in getting him removed.
    Many see him as the new Severson. Some local pols are using him for campaigns. I heard Donchez will be using him, also heard that Reibman is using him.

  42. The two biggest dopes in the Lehigh Valley, his Honner and Flecky who couldn't even sell a used car to his mother at Gilboy.

  43. With money playing more and more a part in even local races, political consultants are a way of life. I can't fault a candidate for getting a consultant. The point is to win.

    It is like hiring a lawyer. Most of those guys would sell your mother but when you need one, you need one.

  44. Sal indicating support for county wide candidates provides Forks Township residents with an invaluable resource for determining whom NOT to support. Sal's stain is still fresh here. His endorsement serves a powerful reverse purpose. That he endorses the lying and sleazy should surprise exactly nobody.

  45. Like um or not--- he's got Mayor Ed to where he is today.call um dopes---- all the way to the ballot box and the bank.

  46. @1:08

    You are overlooking the power and importance of the church affiliation. That can't be over estimated.

  47. I would like to address the individual from Forks Township. Apparently he wants to blame his misfortunes in Forks on Panto and his service to the Strausser group. I had nothing but positive experiences with him while he was working in Forks Township. He handled himself professionally at all meetings and always followed up with homeowners who contacted him. I believe if it wasn't for him there would have been many more problems. Since when do we blame employees for their employers actions. Sal did a lot to make the projects he worked on in Forks better, especially Riverview Estates where I live. As for the trees, if it was Sal's decision then fine but judging from what I know of him and his actions in the city and at Riverview he was not the decision maker. In Riverview Estates alone Strausser must have planted more than 600 trees. Sounds like nothing more than sour grapes and this guy gets on Panto's case every time.

  48. I'm sure Sal feels burned. Burned but not terribly shocked. His buddy asked him to stand up for a losing horse. Could have been worse for Sal and he will most likely distance himself before the next inevitable wave of revelations comes out about this candidate.

    PS Trees again. Folks do care about trees.

  49. One thing for sure Fleck better repair his stock with the Rendell insiders. They are aware of his back stabbin behind the scenes bullshit during Sams run.

  50. I thought pantos boy was running? What up with that sal?

  51. If memory serves boh ---- your Allentown readers were pretty clear this guy was a bad apple.

  52. You are correct. There were no accolades for this guy when I've written about hi before.

  53. I heard tjhere are 10 people running as Dem's

  54. Vote for izzy and get bizzy!

  55. Fleck is an important player, in the civil courts system. If not for him stiffing; former girlfriends, campaign managers, and other random people, how would lawyers put food on the table?

    Had it not been for Panto pounding him in the 2007 mayoral primary, Fleck could have lost to Gary Bersch! (Who claimed an address he wasn't living in until after the primary. Fleck was his tenant at the time, then Fleck moved to his current home). Trust me, anyone at CACLV can tell you, Gary is not the sharpest knife. Neither is Fleckster.

  56. There you go again. Under estimating the guys talent. If I was him, I'd be happy with that.

  57. Fleck is the new Mike Soloman and Bernie you are said to be going after izzy like you do Julio becasue they are Latino. That is what has been said.

  58. 2:36
    Complete nonsense.
    Good try in attempting to paint this as something it's not. Julio and Izzy share one primary thing in common.
    Your a race baiter, asshole. Pure and simple.

  59. At least Julio doesn't hide behind Jesus.

    In Izzy's case he was resoundingly rejected on his home turf in Bethlehem on several occasions. That would suggest Latino voters are just one more constituency that have got his number.

  60. Lest their be no misunderstanding, Sal is hated more in Forks than AIDs, al Qaeda, and having to pay a commuter tax to visit the murderous hell hole he laughingly calls clean and safe. Sal is and was a hated and spiteful pariah. And now we act surprised that he associates with the sleaziest of the sleazy? Please.

  61. underestimate fleck at your peril. he is a tireless worker. in life, working hard is half the battle

  62. @5:56
    "murderous hellhole....", Stay in the burbs, dimwit, everyone will be happier that way.

  63. Izzy is a shinning star of sub-mediocrity, regardless of ethnicity.

    Julio's background in the pension scandal, his lap dog political positions and his shameful contempt for the people and the process in Allentown's clearance sale of their water speaks for itself.

    And I thought it was because they were both guys that O'Hare had a thing for them?
    ( Look how the Irish behave on this site.)

  64. "murderous hell hole"

    The store owner was only stabbed yesterday. Anybody can deal with stabbings. The guy will survive.

    Nobody was murdered in Easton in the past several days. Stay in the suburbs.

  65. 10 Dems are running? That's great. Hope we end up with a good balance of different ideologies and rational people who can work together. I hope we elect a group of independant thinkers. Wish I could give it a go myself, but my kids need me, family first Best of luck to all running, keep it honest..

  66. Not a stellar beginning.

  67. Not a single murder in Easton this year.

    January 5

  68. Thwe Sal job seeker should run. The guy is getting desperate.

  69. Not a single murder in Easton this year.

    January 5, 6:20 PM

  70. If your purpose in making this completely OT comment is to show you are an asshole, you have succeeded.

  71. Bernie,

    Is this the same man that made a big stink that Bethlehem Vo-Tech needed a minority representative on its board, this past summer?

  72. I'd Have to research it, but Arcelay made it pretty clear that people should vote for him just bc he is Hispanic. I understand and admire his attempt to empoer his own ethnicity, but it really is bigotry. That would be no different from me telling people to vote for me bc I am white.it appears he likes to play that ethnic card when he is the beneficiary.

    He has no interest in county government and has never attended a meeting, at least not within the last ten years. There are other candidates like Gerry S, Deb Hunter, a woman whose name escapes me, and Randy Galioti and Seth Vaughn, who at least attend some meetings.

  73. How dare someone run who doesn't go to AHY meetings. That's outrageous bullshit!
    Really hard to beleve.

  74. It is hypocritisal to feign an interest in county government and attend none of its meetings. We already have one Lamont McClure. Come to think of it, callahan has attended more county meetings in the last 8 years - at least two - than the goose egg laid by Reibman.

  75. Callahans record is a disgrace if he thinks people should take him seriously in a run for the executive seat.
    Incredible content for the public process, and for the public.
    But hell, two is a lot better than zero.

  76. contempt not content--
    Pardon me.

  77. contempt not content--
    Pardon me.

  78. Callahans record is a disgrace if he thinks people should take him seriously in a run for the executive seat.
    Incredible content for the public process, and for the public.
    But hell, two is a lot better than zero.

  79. Given everything the county has given to Bethlehem over his term as Mayor, Callahan should have been to council more than two times.

    You are really reaching on that shot.

  80. Not reaching, Just being honest. That's two times more than Reibman. In fact, Reibman played hooky from most of his Council meetings as Exec.

  81. No, that's not it, or he would have stopped coming when the indictments started coming. He just couldn't stay awake.

  82. Get this, someone recently heard izzy say he will be the top vote getter in the primary becasue Fleck is running his cmapaign.

    Now that I want to see!

  83. Just like in 2003 or 4 he was boasting he was going to be the next mayor of Bethlehem. Bernie you must find the Op Ed piece written by a Rev.Q., an izzy surrogate making this contention, it's precious.( M Call)
    Pawlowski has this goofball all puffed up and self important.

  84. Just like in 2003 or 4 he was boasting he was going to be the next mayor of Bethlehem. Bernie you must find the Op Ed piece written by a Rev.Q., an izzy surrogate making this contention, it's precious.( M Call)
    Pawlowski has this goofball all puffed up and self important.

  85. Rev.Dowd never had the guts to stand up to Ron. He decided from day one to capitulate to Ron and did everything he could to avoid Ron's wrath. Another phony hiding behind Jesus,slightly more discrete and upscale, just as phony

  86. There is a lot more to uncover about this man. He made wild claims about his resume when he ran for Bethlehem city Council. And that is just a small part of it. Keep digging.

  87. Is the Life Church paying for Flecks services?
    Or is Mayor Ed paying?
    Follow the money.

  88. Great point about "vote for me, I'm latino". What nonsense!

    If anyone else made that type of grab for office....

    Hopefully, people are paying attention.


  89. Stay tuned----------- there is more fun coming.

  90. I swear that these pile on's resemble a high school football game. Izzy is a great guy. Back off.

    He is personable, intelligent, educated and community-minded. A class act.

    He is bi-lingual, has experience in local government and works well with others.

    He is exactly the type of person you want on county council.

  91. Everything you say may be true. But no matter how many languages he speaks (and I am bilingual myself), I could never vote for a guy who embellishes his political past and is involved in an obvious conflict of interest. Sorry.

  92. He's a phoney and has been next to useless these last years in Allentown.
    Ask around.
    I do appreciate his Mom's dedication in writing in.

    ( I'm bilingual also, so what?)

  93. Dude is a vacuous empty suit who hides behind his religion and his ethnicity.

  94. This picture of Izzy kind of looks like Mark Mazziota.

  95. Irish isn't a language Bernie. It is a condition.

  96. Izzy's ethical lapse and disregard for protocol while on the state human relations commission are par for the course.
    Like someone suggested earlier, ask around Allentown. The man's the court jester at City Hall.
    He has no leadership ability and virtually no understanding of County government. He will be a train wreck. Though he might bring some humor in his own bumbling way.

  97. "he is exactly the type of person you want on County Council."


  98. Unethical. Phony. Loser. Slow learner. King Ed's dupe. Shoud I go on?

  99. Then he really looks like Mark Mazziota!

  100. " Follow the money."


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