Local Government TV

Monday, October 15, 2012

PoliticsPA Notices Deely Disaster at DeSales

Giving State Rep. Justin Simmons an up, PoliticsPA explains: Justin Simmons. "One of Dems’ top 2012 targets, Rep. Justin Simmons (R-Lehigh) appears to be on a roll against public school teacher Kevin Deely. He picked up the endorsement of the Easton Express-Times, launched a new TV ad, and by one account (with video), he cleaned up at a debate Monday night. He looks like he’d have given Mitt Romney a run for his money on the debate stage."

Deely said during the debate that he loves his job as a teacher. "Education is one of the best things a person can do," he argued. If this is so, then perhaps that's what he should do.

Just don't ever let him teach debating.


  1. union pukes most always lose to real men

  2. Real men never use the term union pukes but nancy boys do!

  3. Followed Simmons these past two years and have only seen honesty
    and a commitment to serve.

  4. Simmons will win, by about 8%. Hahn by double digits. Emrick will lose a close race.

  5. Great passion from Justin.

  6. 2:04,

    Isn't that cute. after weeks of training by your handlers you managed to recite a new union slogan. your mommy must be so proud

  7. "Simmons will win, by about 8%. Hahn by double digits. Emrick will lose a close race."

    I'll tell you, I've seen no Capozzolo fliers.


  8. This is like saying John Kerry is better tha OBUMA!

  9. I saw the tape of the debate. Justin Simmons destroyed Deely.
    I have met Justin on several occassions.His Knowledge of policy is incredible , his passion unsurpassed ,Honest to a thread.
    Only left wing kooks and greedy teachers will vote for Deely. I agree with Bernie ....Simmons will win by 8%.He deserves reelection.

  10. Could you imagine Kevin Deely in a republican controlled House???He would be irrelevant ! Not sure what the voters are looking at here?
    Any one even remotely close to Pa Politics knows Deely is a PSEA union Hack. If he were elected he would get nothing done in Harrisburg with his reputation.
    Simmons is the clear choice as our State Rep. and by the way....what a performance by Simmons at the DeSales Debate.He cleaned Deely's clock! Undecided voters should view the debate .They would clearly vote for Rep Simmons if they did.

  11. All the firm PSEA timber cashed out and retired years ago after negotiating contracts that protected their money and left future teachers to widespread and massive layoffs. Grube and Grucela and Panto and Chris Miller all slopped, collected big, and retired, leaving a disaster in their wake. Deely is a shadow of PSEA's former professionally thuggish effectiveness. That, and too many bong hits.

  12. Bernie--time to get Justin out of your mouth. Are you a volunteer or a paid member of his staff?


  13. It's said that History repeats itself....McCarthy is with us !

  14. The difference in these two candidates and two campaigns was evident at the Coopersburg parade on Sunday Simmons had a team of 12 people two cars one a truck with signs and kids throwing candy and another orange car that they made look like a pumpkin, 2 dogs and a baby. Simmons was passing out candy and shaking hands the entire parade route. And Deely had a table on the side walk by himself waiting for people to come to him. Guess he has been watching kids run for student council and thought if he set up a table in the cafeteria and looked cool people would vote for him. He even is dumb enough to post a picture on his website with himself and a dem committee person standing with him acting like he is talking to her. Really? Hey Bar need to do a better Job recruiting this guy is a joke.

  15. The parade seems to highlight the philosophical differences between the two candidates one believes you need to work for it and the other thinks he can sit on his ass and let it be given to him . Simmons by 20.

  16. I am neither but consider Simmons' debate performance perhaps the best I've ever seen locally, and I've seen quite a few of them. Deely was clearly out of his element and was eaten alive. Overall, I have been impressed by Simmons in his first two years. He keeps his constituents regularly informed, has actually authored legislation, and actually listens to people.

  17. Hey hey hey. 11:14 To be fair Deely just moved here, he didn't even know about the Coopersburg parade until they closed main street.

  18. Bernie O'Hare said...

    I am neither but consider Simmons' debate performance perhaps the best I've ever seen locally, and I've seen quite a few of them. Deely was clearly out of his element and was eaten alive. Overall, I have been impressed by Simmons in his first two years. He keeps his constituents regularly informed, has actually authored legislation, and actually listens to people.

    11:29 PM

    Hear this everywhere in Coopersburg I go. Folks say Simmons opens his office if someone needs help on a Saturday or even at night and he's hosted
    tons of special events, town halls, public service informational gatherings, coffees,
    and incredibly, he returns constituent phone calls, according to neighbors. Not bad, not bad at all.


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