Local Government TV

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Childrens' Crusade Against Cancer

Thirty-six children will be diagnosed with cancer today. One out of five of them will die. The CureSearch Walk is an attempt to reduce the forty thousand children being treated for cancer today to zero. On October 14, over five hundred people gathered at Bethlehem Township's Municipal Park, for the second year in a row, to walk for a cure. Among them were approximately twenty-five children wearing green medals to symbolize that they are fighting and surviving. They raised $91,000 to fund children's oncology trials at 180 hospitals, including hospitals here in the Lehigh Valley.

Bailey Seibert, age 7, along with her dog Coco, is one of "Ella's Fighing Tutus."

Here are some other of "Ella's Fighting Tutus." They look like they just finished the caber toss at the Celtic Classic.

Palmer Elementary teachers and students walked in honor of cancer survivor and fellow walker Sammi Zupko, age 7.

Cancer survivor Ryan Glose, age 9, decided to run and was in the leader's pack.

Though Isiah Kressler Wood is just two years ago, he applauds his fellow fighters and survivors.

As walkers winded their way though Municipal Park, Lehigh Valley Lacrosse players stopped their game to applaud some real fighters.

CureSearch's Kelli Very claims the LV walk is among the very best of the 90 that have been organized throughout the country this year.

For more pictures, check out my Facebook Album.


  1. Oh so wonderful. hope this continues until and unless everyone is free from cancer


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