Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mezzacappa Meltdown Picked Up By Express Times

The Express Times has picked up on the Mezzacappa Meltdown at West Easton Borough Hall last week. According to Easton police, she threatened to take Council President Kelly Gross to the river and drown her. She also threatened to punch the Borough's solicitor, used the word "fuck" between 10 and 20 times and ripped information for the public from a bulletin board inside the building.

Mezzacappa was recently granted a license to carry firearms. Although he has very limited discretion, I have asked Sheriff Randy Miller to consider revoking that license because Mezzacappa's actions last week demonstrate she is a threat to public safety.

We don't need tougher gun control laws, but we need to start following the ones we have.


  1. I've read your posts and the Express item. It's pretty obvious this lady need professional help or one of the famous drug cocktail you perscribe. I just hope something, or someone, is able to stop her before she hurts someone.

  2. Her right to the permit has not been impacted by this incident. She has the same rights yuou and your bagger friends have.

  3. Thank you, Mr. Schlener. Now go beat up some women.

  4. Anon 1:22 I thought Mrs Mezzacappa was a bagger too? Makes me think Bernard is not in the bag with all of the Tea Party, so to speak.

  5. And by Easton Patch.


  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Still obsessed with the "bagger" thing, eh?

    Yeah, Limited Government and Low Taxes --- what radical extremism.

    At least "Baggers" aren't wife-beaters ...

    PS - Good to see the impeached Bill Clinton (real hero to women everywhere) speaking at the Democrat National Convention.

  8. She is a danger to herself and other, The signs of her rage show major anger.Only a matter of time until she uses her gun and shoots someone. The NC Sheriff should pull that permit and Easton Police need to take her weapons.Make a joke of the situation 11:11, Easton Police must be tired of this womans outrage and should be asking the Sheriff to do his job NOW!

  9. Yes, read that article in the Express about this woman. This is really scary that she can carry a fire arm. She does not sound very stable & if I were Kelly, I would be very afraid of what she might be capabile of doing.
    Sounds like a time bomb ready to go off & authorities wait too long to do anything about it.

  10. all the councial members be carry a gun, she is one crazy person!!! Kelley better be careful.

  11. Again we turn a blind eye to someone who should not be carrying a gun. When will we learn. For those so foolish as to worry about her right to carry maybe you have not had tragedy that hit home and maybe you never will. For me as a believer in the 2 nd amendment I also can use my good sense. This girl is an accident waiting to happen.

  12. She is 43 years old? She looks like 73 years old!

  13. At the very least, perhaps those she threatened could obtain a PFA against her.

    The threats were very clear and made before others.

    This isn't gun control, it's public safety.

  14. Unfortunately, a PFA can only be obtained against a family member or an intimate partner.


  15. The Sheriff is afraid to do his job, because he is appointed!

  16. The Sheriff is not "afraid" to do his job. He has little discretion in a "shall isssue" state. You know this and are playing games, Deputy Bachick.



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