At last night's graduation ceremony for Freedom High School, I had the privilege of working with Dana Grubb. He's a great photographer. I'm not. I was hoping to pick up some pointers. Also, he knows everyone, and that helps when you're trying to gather information.
What did I learn? Some things just can't be taught. I will continue doing what I do now, taking hundreds of pictures, and hope that one or two are OK.
loony toons
You've been working with Dana for a while. Let's face it, it's where ya got your best Callahan stuff when he was running for Congress.
Actually, I got practically none of my Callahan material from him. Sorry.
Really? You can be trusted too, right? Did Mark Stewart write that last comment for you?
I don't attack people anonymously like you.
Dana's a great guy. Pretty simple.
Yes, he is. And I love his photography.
Dana is a great guy..I'm just surprised he risks his great reputation by hanging out with you.
Dana is a straight up good guy. Bernie, before you sell your soul, if you haven't already, to the Callahan klan for his county executive run, talk to Dana. He will give you the straight and skinny on the Callahan way of doing things.
Callahan makes Reibman look like Mother Theresa.
Dana sure knows the score about the Bethlehem gang. He learned first hand the way they are.
If you want to know what a Callahan run Northampton County would be like ask Dana.
Here's a hint, want in? Bring your checkbook.
Money talks. Ethics walks
grubb got screwed.
Joseph got paid off
Morning Bernie, no politics, just photography, grandson graduated from Temple, magna cum laude with photography and script writing, would enjoy having him meet you.
Wow! I would like to meet him.
I hope you realize that Dana, had to be fired by the Mayor because he got into a fight at City Hall.
That was not good behavior.
Neither is an anonymous attack.
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