Local Government TV

Monday, March 12, 2012

What's Good For the Goose ....

Ohio State Senator Nina Turner, in an effort to demonstrate the absurdity of pre-abortion ultrasounds, has proposed legislation allow Viagra to be dispensed only after a man has seen a sex therapist, a cardiac stress test and a notarized affidavit of impotency.


  1. the government should get out of our lives

  2. Anon 6:41 No the government should not get out of our lives as long as people are asking them to pay for things in our lives.

  3. Funny, my insurance plan pays for people to get their stress test AND for viagra. Looks like I'm paying for things that other people need. Remove them, or add birth control.

  4. women should have the right to make certain decisions that affect their everyday lives or have an effect on their everyday lives. Here's andexample. During a very stressful pregnancy (for medical reasons not of our own making)my obstetrician told me that I may give birth to a child that was mentally retarded or maybe even a living vegetable. My husband and I made a decision that at any time during that pregnancy, should the doctor (through testing of the fetus) tell us that this would be the case, We made a decision that we would have an abortion. It was our decision and not someone else telling us we had to give birth to a living vegetable. Until you walk a mile in our shoes, don't dictate what is good for me or my family. This gal is right on. Let's pass laws that will heavey burdens on other peoples lives

  5. 9:40 you are a murderer and you know it. It's why you struggled with the decision to kill your offspring in order to not be burdened or embarrassed. It wouldn't have been a problem if you truly believed it was just a mass of cells or a puppy or kitten or something. You'll be haunted by your sin, and you should be. Those who held slaves as property thought they were progressive, at the time. Turns out, they were evil incarnate. And so are you.

  6. This is what I hate. People start calling other people murderers and then claim they know they are murderers, too. That leads to all kinds of hateful activities ... including real murder.

  7. FREE abortions are a Civil Right!

    Re-elect Obama!!!

  8. As I understand it, an ultrasound is necessary prior to an abortion to accurately determine the age of the pregnancy. If an abortion is performed too early (4-5 weeks), they may not evacuate all the uterine contents. This can lead to an incomplete abortion and/or infection. I believe they need to wait until 6 to 7 weeks. A transvaginal ultrasound is performed (what some people have called "rape", unbelievably) because it gives a better image as to what is going on in early pregnancies. Later, the abdominal ultrasounds are performed.

    While I do believe that you are ending a life with a termination of pregnancy, I also believe that only three entities are involved: God, the soul of the mother and the soul of the child. If you are not one of those entities, then mind your own business. Anon 9:40, I am so sorry you had to go through that. That is a heartbreaking choice, one I'm sure you wish you didn't have to make, but grateful that it was indeed a choice that you and your husband could make.

  9. I'm outta birth control pills.

    Help me Obama!!!

    (P.S. ... I don't wanna pay my mortgage, either)

  10. political parasitesMarch 12, 2012 at 12:30 PM

    All married men fall under this catigory espicialy the ones with yelling screaming women. As long as the don't waste the viagra on there wives this is a god givin right. The double standard that has preceeded us all.

  11. "only three entities involved"

    Use public taxpayer money, then the taxpaying public is officially involved.

    And that makes the public's opinion extremely relevant.

  12. I don't need viagra or a stress test, therefore my health insurance plan should pay for others to have them. That is the logic of the radical right and tea party.

    9:40, you don't have the guts to post your name. Bernie, those kinds of comments should be tossed the scrap heap. Feel free to toss mine there too.

  13. I have a solution, Go to spencer's and buy a clothes pin and cork!!!!!

  14. 12:30 Anon:

    I'm the 11:41 AM Anon. I definitely do NOT think the taxpaying public should be paying for other people's abortions. I'm sorry, I should have clarified that in my initial post.

  15. We can abort our way to prosperity as long as we follow the Planned Parenthood model and make sure non-contributing minority populations are kept in check. Allentown could have saved millions if they didn't have to pay to kick out the unwanted in order to make the arena a reality.

  16. The taxpaying public WILL be paying for abortions.

    And my contraception, too, because $ 3,000 is ridiculous and I am going broke.

    These are my Civil Rights and I demand them now!


    (oh, and please tell the Rethuglicans to end their War On Women immediately)

  17. Its crazy to me that people are up in arms about taxpayer-funded abortion. The Hyde Ammendment is 36 years old!

    The government does not pay for abortions. Its been illegal for 36 years.

    If the learning curve timeframe for anti-choice activists to understand the law, to understand the issue at question, and to develop an informed opinion based on accurate facts is over 36 years long....

  18. All money is green and the Hyde Ammendment has been scoffed at by clinics since it was first passed as window dressing. They use their funds as they see fit and never liked the Hyde stuff very much. It's been 36 years and those who view abortion as a beautiful sacrament are still naive about the way money is doled and spent. No learning curve will fix them.

  19. Capri at 2:27 PM, why would you use the term "anti-choice"? Does that mean you would be labeled "anti-life"? There are a lot of choices: abstinence, adoption, or carry the baby to full term.

  20. You mean to tell me Planned Parenthood doesn't receive any government funding??? Planned Parenthood doesn't perform abortions?

  21. Insurance plans are not federally mandated to pay for Viagra.

    The analogy is false.

    If one believes the act of abortion is murder (as it was prior to the discovery of the clause in the 4th Amendment which was written in invisible ink), then it is entirely appropriate to label one who engages in that act "a murderer".

    9:40 makes another salient point:

    Why struggle with the decision? If it isn't a person, there is nothing to consider or wring your hands over. Why, it is perfectly natural to cleanse the womb of anything that doesn't belong there, isn't it? Why fret?

    Safe, legal and rare? Why rare? If you're not killing, why do you need to limit it?

    Retarded? Vegetable? Gay? Wrong hair or eye color? Which reasons are valid? If it is not killing, any and all are valid, right?


  22. 11:11 a.m. Not 9:40 a.m. who was the subject of the 11:11 a.m. response.


  23. Clem, insurance plans are not federally mandated to cover abortion, either.

    In the STATE of Washington, the legislature was considering a STATE mandate that insurance plans cover abortion, but the legislation did not pass the STATE senate.

    I've already mentioned the Hyde Ammendment of 1976 in this thread. I suppose this is a time to mention the Hyde/Weldon Amendment of 2011 passed light of the Affordable Care Act. The Hyde/Weldon Amendment explicitly forbids federal funds from being disbursed to federal, state, or local governments that mandate abortion coverage.

    Also on the question of why I use "anti-choice," it is because I believe that the decision of what to do with MY body, should lie with me. It should be MY choice.

    The government should not be able to make personal body decisions for me, nor should my employer, nor you, my doctor, my husband, my parents, nor any other person or entity.

    I believe that those who believe they should dictate their religious principles into my own life are oppressing my freedoms.

    I believe that the conversation would be a non-starter if this was an issue that directly affected men's bodies.

    I believe that being pro-choice is not incompatible with being pro-life, but that being pro-life on a personal level doesn't mean that other women should be forced to give up their right to choose for themselves.

    If you do not believe women should be allowed to choose for ourselves what is right for ourselves, that you are "anti-choice," and you are just another agent trying to oppress and control women.

  24. Does the baby that you are aborting have a choice? Why are you dictating your views on a defenseless baby? That seems oppressing?

  25. So what you are saying is that Planned Parenthood doesn't receive ANY federal funding?

  26. Is the government oppress a person's freedom, when it say that you can't shoot anyone?

    Isn't it my freedom to shoot who ever I want to?

    Why then is the government oppressing my freedom to shoot people for what ever reason I want to? The government is telling me that I can't express my freedoms in any fashion that a taxpaying adult wants to?

    That is barbaric. That is communist. That is oppressing.

  27. I get it , Abortions are immoral but capital punishment is okay. How about shooting in self defense?While your at it Clem,Your casting your seed on rocks isnt cool either.Istnt that what your bible says.

  28. Capital punishment is executing a person found guilty of a crime. Aborting babies that are innocent are not convicted criminals. Self defense is self preservation. Fighting in a war is just like a police officer that uses lethal force.


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