Local Government TV

Monday, March 12, 2012

Creepy People

Yesterday afternoon, some of the Gracedale crazies planned a protest right outside my home. It's interesting that these whack jobs would know exactly where I live, and would actually make arrangements to meet across the street. I guess it was intended as a not-so-subtle "We know where you live" remark. All in good fun. And they wonder why I think they smashed my truck cab window. After losing a claim for attorney fees in Commonwealth Court, this vindictive bunch now wants a County Council investigation, too..

Is this what the Gracedale issue has become?

Well, yesterday, at the time of this scheduled protest, I was on the Nor-Bath trail, enjoying a sunny day and a much more crowded path than what you see above.

No creepy people there.

Except me.


  1. There was no planned protest. Get over yourself O'Hare. Just because you are a Dent facebook buddy, you are not that important. People were telling a joke. You overinflated ego only wishes people cared about you that much.

    You really crave attention. Want a pity party. We can get pizza and clowns. Heard Ron Angle isn't busy.

    Good Grief man, grow up.

  2. Can't we all just get along!!

  3. One of the "bigger" crazies was at the SANDS Friday eve.....They must have been looking for you there too!

  4. It's a shame its had to come to this.

  5. I read the comment it didn't mention you, just some sort of war protest.

  6. Please let's get real. It's very obvious ... and creepy. It was a "we know where you live" attempt at intimidation from very spiteful people who have gone from discussions of Gracedale to pure hate.

  7. No, I am reacting the way any normal person would react when people who hate him talk about meeting right outside his home. It's creepy.

  8. You constantly go on about were you live. You also research and go into great detail about people you don't like. You love to point out details to people.

    You have already deleted numerous posts explaining how crazy you are. Another bullshit pity me from you.

    Pot meet kettle.

  9. Yeah, kind of like "we know where you live" got deleted off of the goons blog. POOF!

  10. "You constantly go on about were you live. You also research and go into great detail about people you don't like. You love to point out details to people."

    Actually, I don't. I stopped posting about my specific location long ago, and did that precisely bc attempts were made to intimidate me.

    I certainly do a great deal of research about the subjects of my post, but do not ever post about their specific address unless it is pertinent to the subject of the post. For example, in a series of 2010 posts about Mayor Pawlowski's mancave, I avoided using his specific address out of respect for his personal privacy and security. I never have suggested meeting outside the home of someone I'd like to intimidate.

    As I pointed out in my headline, this behavior is downright creepy.

  11. Don't know the facts here in this instance but..the Gracedale issue has been settled by the electorate..for the time being. Why is that initiative group still pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with that institution? Just because you won that question does not mean you have carte blanche to do as you wish supposedly in the name of the people..what people? You don't represent me or my ideals. Scott Parsons is my duly elected representative and if I have a concern I will contact him not some vigilante group who assumes way too much. Time to back off. What credibility you did have is rapidly slipping away. Careful somebody doesn't wish you into the corn field.

  12. Fundamentalist christians are the worst. If you ain't one of the flock..you are the Devil incarnate. Sick stuff and glad they are not my representatives in government and I will push back wherever I find them pushing their wacky theology especially politically.

  13. After reading the Gracedale blog it seems the meeting was set up because there was a anon poster who was attacking one of them as being a spy and up to and including you . They think it was you Bernie. I tend to agree, you do try to stir the pot on things.
    BTW ...How many ass cheeks did you count yesterday?

  14. Let's see now. I've been accused of being about 1,000 people now, including people who subsequently outed themselves. If you do read that blog and have failed to realize they are bat shit crazy, there is nothing I can do for you.

  15. Bernie, just so you know, all gracedale people were not involved in the "meeting" you were talking about. I am an active union member and I wasn't informed on such a meeting. I would have been there! You are paranoid! get over all of this bs. Everyone who you sent summons to have your address! if you didn't know that already!!!!

  16. Look, asshole, It makes no difference whether they have or don't have my address. It does make a difference when idiots make "I know where you live" comments. That is what is troublesome. It makes an even bigger difference when union thugs like you (and you've just earned that name) defend this attempted intimidation, instead of condemning it. If you can read their blog, and not walk away disgusted by all the hate, then you need to check yourself into Muhlenberg.

  17. And many, many people feel this is a hate blog. You publicly attack all kind so people. You delete and censor things that don't make YOUR point.

    You want sympathy for attacks on you when your blog is either attacking those you don't like or agree with and praising or covering up for those you love.

    If you want to stop the hate, start with yourself.

    When county council has its investigatory meeting looking into misappropriated funds for your lawsuit against Gracedale you will be under oath and we will see if you can not perjure yourself.

  18. Let's see. you have sued me for att'y fees twice. You have already attempted to surcharge Stoffa. You have been bounced out of Baratta's court twice. You have been bounced out of Commonwealth Court. Otter has already asked the DA to investigate, well over a year ago. Now you want to use County Council for your witch hunt. Do you realize how frickin' nutty you sound? You've gone from Gracedale to a war against a person who does not even hold public office. Because I am willing to say what I think, I've been vilified, threatened, am subjected to litigation aimed at me personally and now have to put up with people making "we know where you live" comments. Guess what? I'm going to continue doing what I do.

  19. Bernie,
    Welcome to the civil war between the public sector zombies and the real people. I would get some guns handy. The police are all union zombies now too.

  20. I have deleted several comments attempting to justify this attempt at intimidation. I will not allow such comments unless you identify yourself and provide your address.

  21. You have every right to delete crap. It's your blog and you owe nobody anything. Your disclaimer is very exact in it's wording. Make people identify themselves or delete them. Harsh..yes..but effective. Call the cowards out into the sunlight! Have the courage of your convictions.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. If Bernie knows who you are..that's cool by me otherwise go hide behind your Mom's skirt. As a public offical..I don't hide.

  24. Dave, that is not "Mark", but a lying coward.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.