Local Government TV

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Pure Evil

This was taken near Rome, GA, and was forwarded to me from someone who saw it at The Fox webpage. If I've ever seen anything look like pure evil, this would be it.


  1. Bernie I beleive you are mistaken. That is the actual Fox News logo. I agree about the pure evil part.

  2. Bernie,

    Where's that EX-Staffer!!

  3. Glad we don't have to put up with tornados!!

  4. The writer of the book of Genesis tells us that the Creator saw what he had accomplished and remarked that it was good. He did not say it was perfect. We live on a violent planet that can destroy us in an instant yet leave a baby standing in a field all alone and the family gone. Evil? I would not venture to say that of Creation. I am in awe every day.

  5. Now bo the all knowing and all seeing claims that GOD is evil

  6. Dave, we are finite and lack the ability to comprehend the infinite. So I do not presume to understand, but if anything looks pure evil to me, it's that pic.

  7. so you do openly say that God is evil. Figures.

  8. It is a terrifying photo..no doubt about it. I would be diving for cover at the sight of an approaching storm of that magnitude. We are fortunate to live in an area that is not overly susceptible to horrific storms/twisters/tornados.

  9. Turns out even local Fox News stations lie.


    Was a 2008 Volcano eruption from South America cropped. Still an awesome pic.

  10. Love it. Not the first time Fox has fudged. they showed the same crowd for a couple teabagger rallies trying to hype the crowd numbers.

    You just can't trust that Rightstream media!

  11. So it is not from Rome, Georgia. Rogan has it right. Wow!

    I agree, though, it looks evil and it looks beautiful all at the same time. I picture the South Park Satan character coming out from behind that thing any second now...

  12. O'Hare you should use it as the logo for your blog,

    "Lehigh Valley Ramblings-Pure Evil"


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