Local Government TV

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Is Obama Anti-Israel?

This is a thirty minute film, much longer than I usually post here. You can read about its pro-Israel producers on The Cable.

President Obama recently asked, during an Atlantic interview before his AIPAC speech today, "Why is it that despite me never failing to support Israel on every single problem that they've had over the last three years, that there are still questions about that?"


  1. Are you saying we should vote for Romney (ugh), Gingrich (more ugh) or Santorum (dog shit)?

  2. No. I am asking whether his policies are anti-Israel.

  3. Bernie,
    Yes his policies are anti-Israel. And don't forget his meeting with the Prime Minister. His anger was etched on his own face.

  4. most pols really don't care. they just want the campaign donations

  5. Is Obama anti-Israel?

    Who was the clown who told the Israelis they needed to return to pre-1967 borders?

    Who was the clown caught talking trash about Netanyahu on tape with Sarkozy when he thought the microphone was off?

    That's right, Clown King, himself, 0-bama.

    Why is GITMO still open???

  6. Yes, that's right. Why is GITMO open? And why has 0-bama not cut the national deficit in half, as he promised to do by the end of his first term.

    Yes, if YOU believe that Israel can trust 0-bama ... I might start asking questions about the massive list of broken campagin promises.

    Why does 0-bama want Israel to return to pre-1967 borders?

    Whose side is Barack Hussein Obama's side really on?

    Decide for YOURSELF but live (or die) with the consequences.

  7. I find President Obama to be something even more disgusting than dogshit, if that is possible, Anon 10:07.

  8. Gitmo is still open because we need places like that to contain fanatical idiots that want to kill you.

    But I do agree the president is a liar and a fool. So what's new?

  9. Obama is niether pro- nor anti-Israel. He is pro-pandering for votes, He is pro-dancing between his lies and policy shifts.

  10. the level of discourse on this thread is just breath-taking. whatever is the Algonquin Club doing without you folks?

  11. Reading the treabggers comments on President Obama and foreign policy is like sitting with a room full of monkeys whacking away on typewriters.

    These guys make for some entertaining posts.

    Just a thought for you chimps, "what should he do?" Bomb Iran? Tell Israel to do what it wants(since it will anyway). Gee, What would President Romney do??

    I remember when the general's told President Kennedy he should blow up Cuba. When Kennedy asked what the Soviet response might be, say in Berlin, the generals said the Commies would do nothing. Fortunately President Kennedy used common sense and strength plus diplomacy to prevent WWIII.

    Another reason why America doesn't want another crop of Chicken Hawks running the White House.

    Keep in mind what a brilliant move going to war with Iraq was.

  12. I believe the far majority of Israelis do not trust the O. He had all the answers until he had to make the decisions. Stayed in 2 wars added troops couldn't close Guantanamo and so on. He deserves to be fired. And it won't just be teabaggers.

  13. What an unhealthy relationship that a tiny little country can have such influence and impact on the US. Even the slightest questioning of what is in the best US interests by a US politician is somehow deemed "anti-Israel", or worse, if not aligned with AIPAC's stances.

    Regarding Iran, we've been down this road before. In 2004 or 5 Secretary Rumsfeld had personnel game out options against Iran.

    Ironic that the US helped Iran with it first nuclear program under the Shah. Additionally ironic that all the Israeli-US saber-rattling played well for Khamenei in this weekend's elections.

    Diplomacy appears to have worked for the time with North Korea's nuclear program (another part of the famed "Axis of evil"). Yet, Iran is no N. Korea, and drooling to abandon diplomacy for conflict with Iran is flirting with a larger regional conflict, renewed terrorism, and disruption of the world economy that is still fragile, let alone unforeseen blowback. One can only pray for cooler heads to guide us through this rather than the hyperbolic campaign rhetoric that has a disconnect between a mythical "one strike" scenario with the more likely reality.

    Truth be told, the twists and turns of the US relationship with Iran is older than Irael's modern existence.

    Final thought, with a 15 trillion dollar debt (which is a topic unto its own) is the US really in a position to be hungry for another unfunded potential war?

  14. George Bush said we should honor the 1967 borders.... WTF
    Was he wrong too?
    "The Jews start all the wars"......Mel Gibson said that,
    I am beginning to think he is the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  15. In 1994, the nations of Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty, settling such issues as security and political boundries. In 2010, the nation of Jordan discovered uranium within the confines of their border. The Jordanians respectfully requested the assistance from international governments to produce nuclear fuel for their electrical power plants. Israel objected and the United States refused to assist Jordan in their request. If this is how Israel and the United States treats their friends, it's no wonder that they have enemies.

  16. Enough of the hate, please. Is Obama anti-Israel, yes or no?

  17. I love how you pose the question. It's analogous to asking, "Are you with us, or against us?" or "Is it black or white?". Obama is not anti-Israel. Hopefully, he is the first one that does ask some tough policy questions first before making an independent decision. If such decisions are independent of Israel's policies, does not make anti-anything. It's called diplomacy for a reason.

  18. My aunt lives on the upper west side of Manhattan and is a limousine liberal. She is surrounded by self-hating Jews who, with her, love Obama for his Israel stance. Obama is both anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. And his supporters love this about him.

    Rs earned their bigot stripes long ago with Millard Fillmore and the Know Nothings. While the party has markedly changed in its view of Catholics and Jews, memories are long and Rs have never enjoyed the support of these groups.

    Obama can hate Jews and Israel, and still get most Jewish votes. What are they going to do? Vote R? The election for Weiner's seat indicates that maybe they finally are.

  19. anon 7:33, i wish you were correct about the change in jewish vote, but i'm afraid you're not. despite questions in 08, and red flag indications such as rev. wright, obama still got 78% of the jewish vote. weiner's behavior was too embarrassing to overlook. i'll be pleased to see obama get less than 73% come november.

  20. I really don't care what someone posting at 3:47 AM thinks about how I posed the question.


    FC Hapoel Tel Aviv vs FC Maccabi Tel Aviv


  22. Anyone wishing to watch the exciting BIG TEL AVIV DERBY can find the free satellite link and directions how to access the match posted at MOLOVINSKY's blog ...

    ... kick-off is at 1:45 EST.

  23. I am an American not an Israeli.

  24. Ich bin auch Amerikaner auch.

    Und FC Hapoel Tel Aviv gegen FC Maccabi Tel Aviv war ein ausgeszeichnete Spiel!


    Nicht wie eine langweilige Rede von Obama.



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