Local Government TV

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Are Birth Control Users Sluts?

According to ABC, this is what radio entertainer Rush Limbaugh said about a thirty-year old law student who testified before Congress in support of government subsidies for contraceptives.
“So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”

“Three thousand dollars for birth control in three years? … They’re admitting before congressional committee that they’re having so much sex they can’t afford the birth control pills!”

“What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We’re the pimps.”
Limbaugh is apparently unaware that birth control pills, which are prescription only, cost between $80 and $100 per month. They are also used for women who have excessive cramping, bleeding or ovarian cysts. This was one of the points made by the law student. Limbaugh's remarks are obviously both uninformed and misogynistic. House Speaker John Boehner has also called them "inappropriate."

He has refused to apologize.

Some advertisers have begun pulling their ads, according to The Moderate Voice. Reddit has a list of his remaining sponsors.

Why not let them know how you feel?

In addition to Limbaugh's sponsors, why not also contact Newtalk 790 WAEB? Here's two phone numbers: Studio: 610-720-7900 - News Hotline: 610-439-1092. You can also email Program Director Criag Stevens at craigstevens@clearchannel.com.


  1. Is this really an issue!

  2. Captain James T. Kirk.March 3, 2012 at 2:05 PM

    I'm a slut !

  3. Me, too. But yes, I do think we have an obligation to condemn these kinds of remarks.

  4. This woman is just another victim with her hand in the taxpayers pocket. That is the issue. If we ignore her this will be something else we get to pay for. Should we also pay for the cigarette afterwards or the bottle of wine to get them in the mood? She made a fool of herself. She is an example of the erosion of society. This is her business and we should not have to be reminded of how little respect some people have for themselves. as a parent and grandmother this certainly is not something I would be proud of watching and hearing this public display. Rush is not so wrong. Me paying so that others can have safe sex is a little like prostitution. Someone else gets to pay for her to play. And they clapped for her. Hold on to your wallets folks. Soon tho there will be nothing to hold in your wallet. It just never stops. The flood gates have been opened for the taxpayer to pay for everything the victim crys for. Whatever she is called, she invited it. I wouldn't be so quick to defend her and I am a woman. If the shoe fits....

  5. No, Rush is not so wrong. Yes, we have an obligation to condemn his remarks. His basic premise is completely valid...imho. The way he presented it was wrong, mean, and hurtful....in other words, classic Rush. But in this country, he's allowed to say it.

  6. Bernie,

    “Condemn these kind of remarks”? Why start just now? Why not two weeks ago when congresswoman Maxine waters called Republicans “Demons” at a public event? Why not every time Bill Maher said very offensive comments on his HBO show? Why not when Al Gore called President George Bush a “traitor” ? Why not when Rosanne Barr said “wealthy bankers should be guillotined” if they didn’t give back a higher percentage of their earnings? I could go on…
    The point here is the selective nature of outrage. Our public discourse has become very ugly, it is a shame to many “fair minded” people only call it out when it is done by someone on the political right.

    Scott Armstrong

  7. Ah the teabaggers are out in force with the "yeah but", comments.

    Look in all honesty the issue of government mandated heath service is a legitimate debate. As to the government mandating certain procedures and or medications, one can have a serious and responsible discussion.

    What Limbaugh did was use his National platform to tell middle school jokes(ie,aspirin between the knees) and make light of a serious subject by publicly humiliating a young law student. She could turn around and say he doesn't understand since he couldn't graduate from college, despite his fathers pull. She won't
    because she is just an average person making her case.

    Can he say it, sure. He has made millions catering to the most base elements of our society.

    But since every Republican lawmaker grovels at this feet and seeks his love and forgiveness, to compare his remarks to some goofy liberal Democratic congressman is nonsense.

    If you baggers want to know why you will have four more years of Barack Obama, it is not that some of your core concerns aren't valid, it is that you all fawn over clowns like Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Riley who feel every issue has to have a victim that they tear to shreds in the middle of the Colosseum to the roaring delight of the mob. Most citizens, particularly independents are disgusted by their actions.

    Also check out Bernie's remarks. Contraceptive medicine is used for more than having sex. Grow up and try to learn the lesson our mother should have taught you. Just because you think it, doesn't mean you need to say it. Not every though in your head is a golden nugget of wisdom, in fact we are lucky if 5% of what we think is worth saying.

    Grow the Hell up!

  8. The use of the term "teabagger" proves my point of ugly discourse.

    Scott Armstrong

  9. If we can't have birth control paid for by insurance, then let's only be fair and drop all coverage for Viagra and Cialis.

  10. Dent did not go on record to admonish Limbaughs comment.....
    I wonder if his wife ever used birth control?
    He does have that Golden lifelong Healthcare we afford him at no cost. So I'm sure its' covered....no copay for you Chally

  11. dipshit Anon 3:47 said: "every Republican lawmaker grovels at this(sic) feet"

    You have a twisted view of our country. Please grow the hell up.

    Bernie continues to attract a population that includes a large percentage of goony whackos. I love it!

  12. dipshit Anon 3:47 said: "every Republican lawmaker grovels at this(sic) feet"

    I say - You have a twisted view of our country. Please grow the hell up.

    Bernie continues to attract a population that includes a large percentage of goony whackos. I love it!

  13. Limbaughs a shock jock...the latest excuse
    He is only a shock jock when he makes these types of comments
    the rest of the time he is "The Oracle" of the GOP...
    funny ain't it...

  14. Well, he is a "shock jock." He is aiming for outrage. His argument ("it makes her a slut, right?") makes absolutely no sense, but it doesn't matter - he's only trying to invoke anger.

    However, Rush would go away completely if we simply ignored him. He is a total idiot - I have no idea why anyone would spend time listening to him. It scares me that his listeners can vote.

  15. Young law student? A 30 year old political operative. If she's going to get in the kitchen she better be ready for the heat. Limbaugh's on point but perhaps he could have used other terms.

    Funny, when liberal heroes make inappropriate comments, the left's silence is deafening.

  16. Rush must have read my post:


  17. Your boy Dent has not called on Rush to apologize. Nothing like leading from the back.

  18. You can criticize Dent for many things, but leading from the rear is not one of them. In the last election cycle, as Callahan ducked questions and ran from issues, Dent was out front. He weighs in on every major issue. I am sure he would tell me what he thinks about this, too, but i did not ask. there are no condemnations from Jackson Easton or Rick Dougherty, either, but I would not all them cowards. Your comment is a cheap shot and illustrates why Dent wins. People are not as stupid as you think or as you are, and can see thru partisan hate.

  19. This woman embarrassed herself and there will always be many who see that. Just because they choose not to speak up doesn't mean they are agreeable to people like her. A certain amount of dignity is more desirable then the show she put on. She was talking about sex nothing else. Yes many have chosen to use contraceptives but never believed someone else should pay for their pleasures. Too many of you have your hand out otherwise you'd understand how so many taxpayers feel. We should pay for abortions for all drugs and next will be liquor for the unfortunate alcoholic. Guess the ones on this blog who think that want others to pay for their party time.We can not afford you. Get a better job and buy your own sex toys etc.

  20. Gruntled, Losing advertisers will make things like that happen.

  21. Yeah, realities of life are a bitch. Still, ya gotta say he was over the top.

  22. Yo Scott, you guys came up with the teabagger deal with you silly comparison to the Boston Tea Party. Hell, one of your hero's Glenn Beck even sobbed it. Next time wrap those tri-cornered hats in aluminum foil before you dream up some goofy name.

    Don't tread on that"

  23. Bernie I knew Rush Limbuaugh
    And you sir, are no Rush Limbaugh
    Usurp much?

  24. How could anyone say that Limbaugh's attack was even close to being accurate? Sandra Fluke was talking about how the use of birth control helped to suppress the breakout of ovarian cysts for one of her friends but that the costs were totaling over $100 a month for the pills. She wasn't talking about whoring herself out and asking the money to pay for it. Birth control helps to regulate the menstrual cycle -- it's not just for people who want to sleep around.

    Perhaps the public discourse would be a little less vulgar if we maintained a focus on the details of what we are discussing and not try to demonize everyone who disagrees through unnecessarily broad generalizations.

  25. My wife and I happened to watch this young woman's testimony before the Congessional Committee. I saw nothing offensive in her testimony. Even when she was asked a question that she could have made a disparaging remark about people with different views (I>E> Republicans) she commented "I don't want to go there".
    How would you feel if you went before your local government body and commented an issue pertaining to County or City Government. That isn't a license to call you an idiot or a terrorist.
    Lets say it the way it really is. Rush Limmpbaugh is a Radio Whore selling himself for 40 million dollars a year to any pimp stupid enough to listen to him.

  26. Rush, beck et al know one thing and one thing only: money. As rush loses advertisers, he apologies bc he knows he can't afford to lose them. Lose enough advertisers and suddenly his platform isn't so valuable to stations and he starts to get dropped. But rush knows this so he's aplogized and will find a way to walk this back so the account representatives can sell his ad slots. Rush is a businessman first, second amd third.

  27. FYI. Rush issued an apology that was reported on this morning.

  28. If the pill is used for a real medical condition then by all means it should be covered. Used for fun, then pay for it yourself as many have in the past. Have you noticed how some will ask for anything? If woman are so concerned about their rights then they should realize they need to pay their way along with men. What's next? No wonder healthcare keeps going up. Rush was rough on her but I am sure it was out of frustration for all of the handouts. You all condemn him but I'll bet many are 1/10th as smart and make pennies compared to him. Don't think you have ever been offered a talk show are anything else. Jealousy is ugly.....

  29. Bernie,

    Sorry but do the math. Rush apparently knew how much the pills cost since the pills would cost between $2980 and 3600($80-100/mo times 36).

  30. Gosh, where do I even start.

    Maybe I'll start by saying that I am disgusted by the men & women who feel that they are entitled to comment on another person's sex life - to assert that a woman who is sexually active is a partying slut who deserves to be disparaged and called a whore. What is wrong with you? I hope to god none of you have daughters, granddaughters, or other women in your lives who will internalize your hateful shaming. The shame is not on a woman for talking about sex (even though the particular woman in question didn't even do so). The shame is on you for spewing this misogynistic, backwards, judgmental vitrol and further perpetuating a rape culture that says women should never have sex or be empowered to consent to it, and anyone who does is already a dirty slut.

    This entire issue is preposterous. The only reason we are even having a debate about whether employers should cover this is because it is viewed as a "woman's" issue (though in my experience, men also benefit from the use of contraceptives).

    Could you IMAGINE if Christian Scientists or Jehovahs' Witnesses were a church as large as the catholic church, and wouldn't provide health care coverage to employees for vaccines or a blood transfusion? Even these are inadequate comparisons, because in truth, there is NOTHING in our society that men are shamed about the way that women are shamed about sex. Men will never have to doubt that their health care needs will be covered or not covered because of some judgmental harpies and religious zealots trying to impose their beliefs onto others regardless of whether they share that religion. There is NO comparison for men. If that's not an indicator that this is, at its core, an issue of sexism and the ongoing oppression of women, I don't know what is.

    I'll also just say that its especially funny that the anon at 8:34 this morning had something to say about women's equality and needing to "pay for it" because just this week, the US Census reported on average wages by level of educational attainment. Guess what? (spoiler alert: women don't make as much as men, SHOCKER). That means that women with the same education, in the same field as men, are making less. Talk to me about paying for my health care expenses on an out of pocket expenses when I'm being payed equally.

    On a final note, Bernie, I just want to note that I refrained from calling out any of your individual commenters as assholes in my response (even though I read a familiar line about getting in the kitchen and taking the heat that made my stomach turn), since I know that kind of thing is frowned upon, but you better believe that as I read through the thread this morning I thought a giant fuck you to a whole bunch of them, and I hope one day, in my lifetime, women are in a position of power to rectify the ill treatment put upon us by people who think just like they do.

  31. Miss Fluke is hot! I'll pay for her pill!! Where do I sign up?

  32. Sex is to between only a married man AND woman and for the purpose of procreation, period. Birth control is not moral. In the thousands of years human civilization, we have lost our way in the past 40 years. Its a shame it has had to come to this.

  33. Capri, As I indicated in my post, many women must take contraceptives for medical reasons. I would also hope that any normal, red-blooded woman would consider the use of the pill if she is involved in a relationship and does not want to get pregnant, and I would want the government to pay for it. It's simply a lot cheaper than having the government pay all the costs associated with raising a child being reared by parents who lack the means to provide basic needs. Any other view is short-sighted, penny wise and pound foolish.

    As for Limbaugh himself, this is by no means the first tie he has made this kind of remark. Back in 2009, I posted some of his pearls of wisdom. As I said at the time, "If Limbaugh is indeed the voice of the Republican party, it will continue to implode."

  34. Word to that, Bernie.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. If you want to attack me, fine. If you want to attack one of my readers, you'll have to identify yourself instead of being a coward.

  37. "I want the government to pay for it"


    No wonder we are what, 14, 15, 16 Trillion Dollars in the hole. But, who really cares about that. 25, 26, 37, 38, 49 ... the out of control spending will never stop. Americans have Civil Rights, don't ya know.

    Glad to see Homosexuals are being mocked by Progressive Liberal Democrats with their standard "Teabagger" insults, again.

    I love naked Hypocrisy --- but why wasn't it aborted at Taxpayer Expense?

  38. once again the majority will agree that taking "wealthy" people's money by force to buy contraception for others is good and right, despite the FACT that this is textbook theft, and despite the fact that thse isndividuals might disagree on a moral basis.
    An don't call them "selfish" for taking this position. Their motives are not relavant' because It's theft, pure and simple.

  39. Although I would support a government subsidy of contraception, I must make clear that the student chastised by Limbaugh was not asking for that. She instead asked that employers and insurance companies be required to make this part of their medical insurance. This is eminently reasonable, and actually makes fiscal sense.

  40. no wonder you don't think God exists. You think you are God. At least He can take the truth.He's going to have a lot of fun with you one of these days.

  41. The issue should not even be debatable. This is just another example of government over stepping it's bounds.

  42. Women on birth control only become skanky slut hosebags wben they ask me to pay for theirs. If I'm not made to pay, it's not one bit of my damn biz.

  43. This woman is a 30 year old who has been a Woman's Activist. She knew the policy of the school but choose to go there and isnt it funny that she comes forward now? I am a woman who believes I have the right to buy my own birth control pills and did so on a very limited budget. Grow up and exercise your right to buy whatever it is that you want. I have the right to not want to pay higher premiums to cover this. If it is for medical purposes I agree it should be covered but that' s it. I never looked for a handout for such personal things as many others who believe in personal and private responsibility. We can not afford what is coming.

  44. I refuse to pay for men who can't get it up but my policy still forces me to pay a premium for other men to get that pill. Clearly, not being able to get it up is God's will. Why should i have to pay for that pill.

    That was all over the top sarcasm of course but it is the only comparison we can make on this subject. Men get little pills that allow them to get it up. Women are told that their medical desires are second class.

    As a guy, this makes me shudder.

  45. Why should we pay for men or woman to play? Men should buy their own Viagra. Let's do away with this instead of compounding the expense. Medical conditions aside. Why are men so worried about this? Too much estrogen I suppose. Find a good testosterone supplement and anti estrogen supplement and let woman figure out their own issues. You will be a better man and less caught up in these soap operas.

  46. Teabaggers are homos??? Eyes left....there they oops you are. Get real.

  47. George Will on ABC meet the Snuffleupagus:


    "Republicans want to bomb Iran, but are afraid of Limbaugh".

    I fired my 9mm sidearm into my thigh to make sure I was not dreaming. Hurt like hell--now I'm off to the ER. But George Will did really say that! lol

  48. Disgraceful headline Bernie. Limbaugh never said 'birth control users are 'sluts'". His point is when someone wants to be 'paid' (with either taxpayer, an employer or univeristy money) to have unlimited sex then it's not a stretch to use the word he used. At least he didn't call her a C**T like Bill Mahr has called Gov. Palin. No liberal outrage about that. No calls for HBO subscribers to bail out. Just a chuckle from the Liberal Media.

  49. Bernie,

    We must question whether we want to grant the government the authority/power to mandate what sort of health care business/private industry/small business... must provide their employees. This speaks to the soft tyranny the founding father wished to preclude when they wrote the declaration and the constitution. We would be wise to heed their considerable wisdom. In the case of the greater good the head should not be overruled by the heart.

    Scott Armstrong

    Scott Armstrong

  50. ...besides: when an insurance company pays you for something that happens all the time (in her case apparently every day) it is not called 'insurance.' It's called a 'planned purchase.' Do you go to your homeowners insurance just because you 'want' a new roof? Or do you go the them when an unexpected occurance damaged your roof? How hard it that to understand in the 'gimme gimme' society of ours. And the girls is a freakn liar to boot. She claimed to be a 23 year old law student when she's really a 30 year old leftist political activist.

  51. And don't you just love how these liberals threaten America by saying if we don't provide "free" birth control they will saddle us with raising their babies. Maybe if they would just stay the hell out of the saddle we wouldn't have this welfare society we enjoy today. OK,I'm done.

  52. I am just as outraged, perhaps even more, when someone on the left like Keith Olberman or Bill Maher, makes one of these idiotic statements. But you don't defend one person's idiocy by saying others are idiots, too. If it is wrong, it is wrong.

  53. One was a political comparison, if clumsy. The other is just a personal attact for the shock effect. The "C" word is no long very shocking, is it?

  54. 7th advertiser pulls out of Limbaughs show.
    As reported by FOX news this evening......
    How many does.... I mean how many did he have in total?

    George Will has all but given up on 2012 Presidential Election...today his column says for the GOP to concentrate on the House and Senate races....as if LOL....
    You guys have overstepped your imagined bounds....see ya

  55. Oh .... and this, and other blogs like it are the cause.....see ya

  56. We would do well to remember that commentators like Limbaugh are paid for their opinions, not to be correct.


  57. Bernie O'Hare said...

    Although I would support a government subsidy of contraception, I must make clear that the student chastised by Limbaugh was not asking for that. She instead asked that employers and insurance companies be required to make this part of their medical insurance. This is eminently reasonable, and actually makes fiscal sense.


    Bernie -

    Asking (and expecting) employers and insurance companies to pay for something is even worse. What right does Ms. Fluke, you, I or the President of the United States have to do that?

    To a greater point, why is this story being driven by the national press? Could it be they'd prefer not to focus on the failures of the President in terms of jobs, gas prices, economic policy, energy policy and foreign policy?

    Wake up!

  58. 9:53 AM--I woke up b/c of this story. When I learned of the intent to strip women of a basic health care treatment, I got off the sidelines and started circulating petitions for any candidate who feels that every health insurance policy include birth control. The right chose to pick up the culture wars. time to reap the punishment of that decision.

  59. 10:05 - Nice try.

    No one is taking anyone's contraception away from anyone.

    The Democrats are trying to create a wedge issue that simply doesn't exist. They also want to force others to pay for services they mandate and expect people to believe that it doesn't cost anything.

    We should all know better. Seen the latest projections for what ObamaCare will really cost. Not what we were sold a couple of years ago.

  60. Hey all you fathers out there. What would you think if your daughter was out there testifying about her sexual prowess. I find it difficult to understand that she had the "balls" to go public about her actions. I guess money still rules.......

  61. I think Obama called her up to ask for a date.

  62. Not reading all the comments because I don't have time. But $100 x 12 does not equal 3k.. It should also be mentioned that this girl is also in law school at the behest of public $, she is not paying her own way. I struggled through law school to, but 3k for birth control, and your testifying in Congress? What on earth did you think was going to happen??

  63. I thank the teabaggers fro giving the women's vote to President Obama. The more you folks spew your irrational hate the more you marginalize your poor old Party.

    By the way new episode of Doomsday Preppers this week.

  64. This woman enrolled in this school with the intent to make this her issue. Stay out of religious institutions and basically anyplace with policies you disagree with. Where the hell is Planned Parenthoo? If they are not responsible enough o use what is already there including rubbers. What makes u think they willl be responsible enough to take a pill everyday that they did not pay for. Woman with medical issues won't forget but the others, get real. People pay more attention and take more care when it comes out of their wallet. This goes for all things. find a plan that works for you and leave others alone.....

  65. and the broad wouldn't even accept an apology. must be too busy planning her next government sponsored orgy

  66. Crispus Attucks said...
    and the broad wouldn't even accept an apology. must be too busy planning her next government sponsored orgy

    The apology came after the advertisers left, I wouldn't accept it either. He should have issued it the next day. What did he do double down. 9 advertisers and counting, and speaking of counting I guess he wasn't counting on this type of response.
    After he gets done with this I would really be interested on the views he has told the GOP to take up on Iran. Whatta guy....gotta love him......oooops

  67. Master Norman BatesMarch 5, 2012 at 8:16 PM

    To answer your question
    Yes I do think all women who use the pill are sluts....
    whats that mother?
    They are evil and tease us with their slutty ways
    Yes mother I'll be right there
    They dress with short skirts and no bras that makes me uncomfortable
    They paint their lips like harlets and put on fancy smelling parfumes to arouse our senses.
    OKAY, OKAY, I'll be right there, mother.
    They all need to be taught a lesson
    Yes mother your tea is ready.

  68. The teabaggers are swinging away like crazy!

  69. "and the broad wouldn't even accept an apology"

    There's no need to disparage women.

  70. After four failed marriages for the Rushbo, the teabaggers should seek out another man to give them advice on women's health issue's.

  71. This woman is a Democrat Party activist poised for running for some office (a Joe the Plumper equivalent if you will).

    Limbaugh's language was rough but so is the political mischief that creates the impression that somehow women are being denied their 'rights.'


    Contraceptives are available at Target for $9 per month. I didn't check Walmart. They are available free by mail from Planned Parenthood or you can walk in and grab a bunch for free.

    This is a trumped up issue and yes, Limbaugh fell into the trap by making absurd statements to counter an absurd position.

    Does ANYONE sincerely believe that we as taxpayers have a duty to provide $3000 over the college career to students for their contraceptives? Good God.

    What has happened to intelligent discourse? With all the REAL problems this country faces, THIS is what Congress is holding hearings on?

    Throw them all out! Soon! And this idiot President along with them.

    Oh, and Bill Maher, who called Sara Palin the c word and impied she was a prostitute? Fire his ass too.

  72. Thank you anon 10:08 for handing the female vote to the Democratic Party. We couldn't have done it without your help.

    Old White guys Rule!!

  73. This woman and my woman friends won't be voting for democrats. Also everyone apoligizes after the fact. She's an activist with a cause. She no one special. Hope she doesnt get another apology. She is a 30 year old woman public ally displaying herself on the issue of sex not just health. She is on a free ride and has the guts to ask for more. This is the gimme mentality and is disturbing. She should have picked a different school but as usual the libs just want it all if others pay for it.


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