Local Government TV

Monday, January 16, 2012

Corbett Budget Freeze to Be Targeted by Human Service Providers

On Tuesday Morning, 11 AM, a group of local human service providers will protest Governor Tom Corbett's budget freeze. They will do so outside the entrance to Lehigh County jail, to draw attention to a budget that increases corrections' spending while reducing the spending on human service programs designed to prevent people from making criminal mistakes.

Among those who will be speaking are Northampton County Director of Human Services Ross Marcus, Northampton Community College's Iraida Rosa and LC Children's Coalition Chair John Reynolds.


  1. Hey Bernie I know you know former HS Dir. Ron Heckman. I overheard him talking about this in one of Bethlehem's clubs and he was saying this will be the greatest policy and fiscal challenge facing Pa counties in the coming years.

    Do you think he was overstating it?

  2. Good for Corbett. Got to start somewhere.

  3. Corbett is following the lead of the Repubs in Congress. The only cuts they are making ar ethe ones that affectr America's most needy. Where are the campaign promises for smaller and leaner government? Less state cars? Smaller legislature? and on and on and on. It was all just verbage. there is no plan!

  4. I believe Corbett is targeting the people who have no powerful lobbyists to protect them.

  5. "designed to prevent people from making criminal mistakes"

    So, they will be lecturing against th impending arrival of the $ 160 million dollar Allentown Arena, a deal being pushed by Pawlowski and his Democrat lapdogs???

  6. the needy have alan jennings. Most have made their own bed thru their own mistakes or think it is their right to live off the government.

  7. There's no more money. It's been in the papers.

  8. Mental health consumer
    This is just the lust of more, the gov is now in the bissiness of home ownership. This is by takeing from those that can be manipulated easily with no recourse because they are expendable and just plain nuts. Most are like children with little understanding of there surroundings.

  9. When Corbett ran he said he would eliminate 17,000 state owned vehicles. That we had no business owning those cars and trucks.
    He got that number correct however failed to mention 14,000 were State Police vehicles. The others PennDot maintenance.
    So if you see a trooper running next to your moving vehicle on 22 your must still pull over.
    And please if we do get snow this winter be kind enough to plow and salt the highways for the Good Guv.
    I wonder how many of these vehicles he has actually gotten rid of? I know he made a big tado about junking Rendells 1992 vintage bus. It was not used any longer as it was broke down for years.
    We was robbed....Yogi

  10. PennDOT was disastrous at snow removal during the Rendell years. Interstates were shut down three times and investigations into stranded motorists were announced and supressed. Rendell promised firings and delivered none. Corbett could cut half of PennDOTs trucks and nobody would notice. Most states are going to private contractors to get the job done effectively - the opposite of Penn DOT.

  11. Ask Michelle Young about Penndot as her husband is a head honcho there. funny how if though she benefits from public money she condemns it. Funny.


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