Local Government TV

Friday, January 13, 2012

Meg Holland Resigning as Bethlehem Controller

I have no details. The Morning Call has a few.


  1. She is too busy with her Bank that she owns.

  2. Or, maybe she's tired of the games being played by the Administration!

  3. This is a shame. She has more integrity in her little finger than all the people on the second floor combined.

  4. Wow..Di Giancento would be a shoo in if he ran for it now..I wonder if he's interested..

  5. Now the city has no class at all

  6. They thought they bought a Controller. Once she saw the nonsense, she probably decided enough is enough. If indictments ever come better to be long gone.

  7. If this is true it is a loss for the city. Meg Holland is a great person and she will be hard to replace.

    Thank you Meg for being the controller

  8. She wanted out before they all go to jail!,and by the way-her sister owns the bank-not her!

  9. No Holland family member owns a bank.

  10. Seamus should run. He'd have to move from Hanover Twp. but he's been thinking about running for political office and he's aleady part of the team.

  11. Seamus has his own baggage if he runs.

  12. "She wanted out before they all go to jail!"

    just keep up that mental masturbation...

  13. These people are so corrupt that they actually believe they can continuously break the law (local state & federal) and not get caught and go to jail. One of these days our collective "mental masturbation" will become a perp walk on channel 69 news.

  14. I couldn't take the pay cut


  15. Listen I post just to try and add some balance, if you prefer to have a one sided conversation on here thats fine I can stop.


  16. Seamus, your comments are welcome here. I like different views, so long as things don't get personal, and ask readers not to attack each other, especially anonymously.

  17. I don't mind the attacks as much as the lies. Someone is pretending to know me (though I'm quite sure you really do). making statements about me having "baggage" is just asinine. but we can't be responsible for what other people say. I look in the mirror and like the person I see, not perfect but always dying to do my best.

    Thanks Bernie


  18. A loss for Bethlehem. Sorry to see her go.

  19. Seamus, Don't know you, and your identity is irrelevant to me so long as there are no personal attacks.

  20. I agree Bernie, keep it above board Seamus.

  21. On a different subject Bernie...ask some folks that attended the PA Dems State Comm meeting this weekend about Walt Garvin's drunken rant at the LCDC's party. Good stuff.

  22. Is there any truth to the wife of a Mayor hitting a pedestrian with her car and the police covering it up?

  23. I think you will find truth.

  24. I've heard the rumor and am unable to substantiate it, one way or the other, at this point.

  25. I was with her most of the day. Completely false! where do people get this shit. I wonder how people sleep at night after making up complete crap about other individuals. Start with your own backyard first people.

    and as far as my "baggage" run an pop report on yourself and I'll gladly put mine up against anyone. The worst I have is one speeding ticket in my life and that was when I was 18 on my way to State College.


  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. If you want to attack someone, especially someone who holds no office or a "civilian" like the Mayor's wife, you'll have to sign your name.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. It is curious, Seamus spent the day with the Mayors wife. Yet Semaus isn't in the Callahan Clan. Seems like Joe, I mean Seamus can't keep his stories straight.

  30. "Juliet," You're going to have to use your real name to make this kind of accusation. Otherwise, you are no better than the people you complain about.

  31. Quite the opposite Anon. I fully admit I align with Callahan. I don't think there is a "crew" or a "clan" though. We have like minded people that chose to spend time together, but who doesn't? We do all agree and disagree on many points as anyone does. I don't understand why people think there is some magical powers that direct things. We are al just people stating our minds and doing the best we can.


  32. didn't make accusations. just asked questions

  33. You asked questions that assume facts. Those facts are a personal attack against a "civilian." You need to identify yourself before you can do that. The fact that you won't do that should tell you something about yourself.

  34. holier than thou ohare stikes again. what a onesided joke you are

  35. Sorry, but I won't tolerate cowardly anonymous personal attacks at someone who is not even in office. Go figure.

  36. You can't win Bernie, we always think your too hard on us, now others are saying your too soft. Guess thats the life of a public figure


  37. Seamus,

    If you're so proud of your opinions and your connection to the Mayor and his flunkies; why don't you just use your real name? If the only thing you have EVER had in your past is a speeding ticket on the way to Penn State; what are you so afraid of?

    Yours truly,


  38. Not sure what it has to do with Meg, who will be sincerely missed. I work for a one of the major companies in the area and sit on charitable boards and so prefer some anonymity. My politics should not get in the way of my efforts unless I chose to run for office.

    In reality most people know who I am at this point anyway. My pen name is one that people do actually call me after all. I have also had quite allot of press recently because of my charitable work.


  39. Bernie, you assume Seamus is not a public figure. You don't know that. Someone could call themselves "Fred", would that make them not anonymous?

    Please, Seamus is a mole in the Callahan Clan. His intimate knowledge of the insidious power structure inside city hall is pretty evident.

    Someone stated he works for a building contractor in the area but I tend to doubt that.

  40. Please, I work for a fortune 500 company anon and have for 20 years but my charitable work is what I’m most proud of. I have stated many times that the mayor has been a friend of mine for 30 years (Jr. High School) and am absolutely involved in conversations about relevant issues and was part of his congressional run. None of this is a surprise, but who cares who I am, this is getting laborious. Either read my words or just pass them by when you see them, it’s your option I really don’t care. I’m just offering a differing opinion and in some cases the logic behind the decisions that are made. You don’t have to agree or disagree, it’s just my words no one else’s.


  41. and I use the same pen name for continuity, nothing else


  42. seamus obviously has a inferiority complex as he is constantly patting himself on the back as well as explaining his mere existence. thus he fits in quite well with the sick individuals who are the callahan gang of thieves

  43. Still think DiGiancento should take the post..That would be great..he's certainly no friend of the mayors..

  44. I am all for Dave going for it. Problem is he is one of the only non Callahan Clan people on city council. If he leaves they might as well just stay home and have the mayor give their votes, same thing.

    There are really no independent votes on city council that aren't controlled by Callahan.

    Hate to see that disappear. Besides Callahan is now talking about Northampton county and the Clan is putting together their plans. the city is already an afterthought.

    Luckily, there are some Bethlehem folks who are willing to fight Callahan from doing to the county what he did to Bethlehem. significant number of people are willing to work for anyone but Callahan.

  45. Seamus, you make that much money as a person hoping to become an executive at that large local company you work for? You can move into Bethlehem, keep your day job and still be controller or be on city council to replace Dave D.

  46. I agree, Seamus a/k/a JF, should really move out of Hanover Twp. and get himself appointed to Controller or to the open Council position if they appoint Dave D. His arrogance and blind acceptance of the progressive ends justify the means policies of JC and JK are not being used to the maximum capacity as a blog commentator and a wannabe executive at his large company.

  47. You can't win Bernie, we always think your too hard on us, now others are saying your too soft. Guess thats the life of a public figure


    Seamus, please for someone who knows all, you should know better, it's you're not your.


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