Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Eckhart Only Surprise in Lehigh County

Northampton County is full of surprises, but Lehigh County has been predictable. With the exception of 53-47% lead by Glenn Eckhart in the Controller race (which might have been a surprise only to me), all the other races are going as expected. All four Republican candidates appear to be sweeping the Commissioners' race, Sheriff Ron Rossi is staving off a challenge by Andy Roman, Reichley has a comfortable lead in the judicial race, and DA Jim Martin is absolutely crushing Ed Koren, with a 66% to 34% lead.

Koren's challenge likely increased the Republican turnout, making defeat inevitable in all the other County-wide races, save for Sheriff. 

As convincing as Republicans may be County-wide, Democrats are in control in the Queen City. Amazingly, a 91 year-old Democrat is several hundred votes ahead of the nearest Republican in the City Council race. And despite his knowledge of finance and, more importantly, his independence, Lou Hershman is fading in a Controller race against a Pawlowski puppet. 


  1. So reichley gets to suck the public teat for another 10 years- fools.

    Hear callahan is at staples getting more rubber stamps

  2. Donnie boys political hack buddy jobs should be job one for this new commissioner group.

    Look into the old union hack he has hiden there. The rest will fall into place.

  3. All the dumb lehigh county voters deserve the government they are about to receive... This race illustrates the point, simple message + lots of money from special interest = election victory

  4. Greetings from the PEOPLE's DEMOCRATIC CITY of ALLENTOWN, O'Hare.

    Just wait until Chairman Pawlowski's PALACE of SPORT is finally constructed, the long-awaited arrival of Utopia is right around the corner.

    You'll see, you can eat Humble Pie then.


  5. "Democrats are in control the Queen City."

    Empirical evidence that they are incapable of learning anything. Every election pulls them further into the abyss and, yet, it continues.


  6. Money talks ... But can they govern fair and balanced ... N0

  7. Which of the Cunningham hacks will the new commissioners go after first?

  8. Very few people in this world are truly all around good, let alone in politics. Glenn Eckhart is a good man. Congratulations to a great man, Glenn Eckhart!

  9. Agreed, 7:35 post. I had the great pleasure of working with Glenn during this campaign and he showed me he is a very hard working, dedicated, devoted person. I KNOW he'll do well in his new elected position. The voters got it right!

  10. He is a good man, but is as political as Barron. Also, somebody should buy him a calculator

  11. Barron has claimed with his win it shows he can beat anyone. He is a humble boy.


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