Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

NorCo Voters Express Displeasure With County Council

All three incumbents are in trouble. It is all but certain that Ron Angle has lost his bid for a fourth term. With 88% of the precincts in, Angle is down by 420 votes. It appears unlikely he will be able to make up that margin.

Before you claim that Gracedale and Angle's in-your-face style made this inevitable, take a look at the Council race being run by his arch-opponent on Council, Lamont McClure. With 76% of the precincts in, McClure is trailing his opponent, Matt Connolly, by 87 votes, even though Connolly spent next to no money.

Mike Dowd, known as Council's voice of reason, is also trailing Bob Werner by a scant 8 votes.

Is this a repudiation of Ron Angle? Actually, I think it's a repudiation of the entire Council, both those eho supported and opposed selling Gracedale, both those who support and oppose tax hikes.

One person who has remained popular, even through all the Gracedale hysteria, is County Executive John Stoffa. Perhaps voters think Council should spend a little less time playing games and a little more time listening to the Exec.

Source: 69 News Election Central


  1. happy with stoffa really. HAPPY DANCE STARTS NOW
    thanks mario for everything. lol lol lol

  2. Listen to Stoffa, didn't he want to sell Gracedale?

  3. LMAO. Angle goes down.

  4. Once again in Northampton County the people have spoken...they are sick and tired of all the big mouths and their so called political views...housecleaning time has finally come...ooh rah

  5. "Listen to Stoffa, didn't he want to sell Gracedale?"

    Yes, he did. But Lamont McClure wanted to keep Gracedale and was its most forceful advocate. He's in big trouble, too. So it's not Gracedale.

  6. The taxcuts first crowd all go down for BASD school board.

  7. I agree. Its not Gracedale. Its two people that needed to go - Angle and McClure.

  8. Lamont's attendance did him in.

  9. Actually, all three incumbents are in trouble, and that seems to be sending a message of general displeasure with County Council, no matter what their positions on the issues.

  10. All three taxcut firsters in Bethlehem City Council go down.

  11. Lamont's poor attendance did not help him, to be sure.

  12. If Stoffa had run for office today he would have gone down harder than Angle.

    I love how first you claim Angle will win and when he loses you claim it had nothing to do with Gracedale because Stoffa is still popular.

    News flash O'Hare, Stoffa is not popular. He would get killed in an election. I hope he runs, I beg hiom to run. He won't though. Others go under the bus for him but Stoffa just rolls on.

    This vote was a repudiation of the Stoffa/Angle kingdom and the rubberstamp council. McClure is collateral damage.

    Now time to celebrate freedom.

  13. Are you and Ron going to sue everyone and anyone to try to disenfranchize a number of voters to make Parsons lose?
    Calls of pervasive election fraud.
    People blocking the hoards Angle voters.
    Robocalls informing Rons voters that election day is tomorrow
    Parson supporters actively campaigning within 10 feet of the entrance.
    Speak of aquatic animals posing as lawyers?
    The mentioning of spraint and goons and unions.
    That is the M.O. isn't it?

  14. I certainly didn't vote against Angle strictly on Gracedale.

  15. Happy with Stoffa.....SERIOUSLY!!! If he was up for re-election he would be getting the boot along with Ronnie!

  16. Lamont won. 101 votes. Ball game.

  17. What was the Dowd race?

  18. According to County elections website, McClure won.

  19. Hard to see it as an endorsement of Angle.

  20. The Bulldog has been neutered. I am sure he will make a gracious concession speech. Class act to the very end.

  21. County site says it is a clean sweep for the D's

  22. No question this is a repudiation of Angle. But there's another message, and it is directed at all Council incumbents. Even if McClure has won, and I am unsure about that, it is just barely. So no, this is more than just Gracedale or even Angle.

  23. There goes Bernie AGAIN. You are in such denial. It is about your buddy RONNIE. People are sick of HIM and now he's gone. Celebrating will begin. Hopefully the end of you also, you were a big part of his downfall!

  24. The "unofficial" results on the county website seem accurate. County council will be changing dramatically in the next year. A net gain of two D's which make the council makeup 5-4 R's. Cusick should keep his presidency and even gain creditability in 2012 with his nemesis Angle gone. Lamont was VERY lucky and cannot take his district electorate for granted any more. The real shocker was Dowd. An analysis of his upset loss will be fascinating. Don't think it was just Gracedale. And unfortunately that pandering panda bear Barron rode the coattails of his party. Luck trumped talent tonight.

  25. DOWN GOES ANGLE! DOWN GOES ANGLE! DOWN GOES ANGLE! With his trainer O'Hare tossing in the towel as well as his cookies.

  26. "Is this a repudiation of Ron Angle? Actually, I think it's a repudiation of the entire Council."

    Excellent justification for your buddy's loss, Bernie. I was wondering what you'd come up with...

  27. The lawsuit over his Father's will was a factor

  28. Just a guess... but... the greatest liability angle had was Bernie. So angle lost. Want more proof, Bernie praised Dowd, Dowd lost. Bernie attacked McClure, and McClure won.

    Another guess too, but you will delete this post since you know it's the truth.

    Angle only has one person to blame, and it's you Bernie. Are you proud now?

  29. It was. I heard that from a voter myself. Ironically, Ron never knew anything about the Will having been re-written, or re-written again, until after his father had passed away. And his explanation of his relationship with his father as a business relationship, is simply untrue. Ron loved his father, and visited him nearly every day. But he has a heard time saying that to himself, even though it is obvious to those of us who know him.

  30. Ron Angle loved his father even as he poked his feet with a knife and kept his special needs grandson from being in his Will.

    Keep denying until the end O'Hare. I am sure Oh No Joe Owens will back up all your crazy analysis.

  31. Loved his Father . Yea sure . r.o.f.l. happy dance now

  32. Gracedale was clearly the issue. Every candidate win or lose said it in the ET today. Angle himself said it. Clearly you missed the boat on this one Bernie.


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