Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Dem Sweep or Rejection of Northampton County Council

On the surface, the four County Council District seats are a Democratic sweep. According to the unofficial tally on the County web page, it's Democrats Ken Kraft (52.56%), Bob Werner (50.76%), Lamont McClure (50.66%) and Scott Parsons (53.56%). But it appears to me that voters are sending another message,

Sure, voters rejected Ron Angle. He had a terrible year last year, not only because of his bombastic style, but because of various court rulings that went against him. On top of that, his own Republican colleagues on Council deposed him as Council President. And yes, his pro-sale position with Gracedale definitely hurt.

But Gracedale's most avid defender on Council, Lamont McClure, has a scant, 108-vote, lead. If Gracedale is what dominated the minds of voters, I'd expect him to do much better than that, especially against an opponent who spent no real money.

Then there's Mike Dowd, who has very likely been Council's most liberal member, as well as its voice of reason. He went down by 138 votes, if unofficial results hold up.

What do Angle, McClure and Dowd have in common? They are all incumbents on a Council known for its divisiveness, but no so much for getting anything done. It has been a Council that more or less has ignored, and at times, has been downright disrespectful to County Executive John Stoffa.

Charles Dertinger, a Democrat who incessantly threw monkey wrenches in Stoffa's way, went down two years ago. Now Angle, Dowd, and perhaps, McClure. Incumbents all.

This vote has little to do with Gracedale, and is by no means the exaltation of one party over the other. I might be mistaken in speculating that people are upset with the way Council has treated Stoffa, but the vote clearly is a repudiation of the incumbents.    


  1. Boy are you full of it.

  2. Face it Bernie, this has nothing to do with Stoffa if he would be up for election he would loose too
    Blame it on the wanta be Gracedale sale .

  3. Although Barb seems like a nice lady, she will be replaced next election. Unless she morphs.

  4. This was all about Gracedale. O'Hare can't bring himself to say the obvious because it is a repudiation by the voters (a second time) of the Stoffa/Angle plan to dump Gracedale.

    People that had not voted in years came out in the spring and now again in the Fall to voice their opinon.

    Miks Dowd, Liberal, conscience??HaHaHa that mouthpiece for the chamber is a fake Rev who wanted to dump Gracedale to fund his masters Health Department. Oh well back to the Drawing board.

    Power To the People!!!

  5. Your dreaming Bernie. Happy Dance Now. lol lol lol.

  6. We have not lost yet, we won every battle put before us. Stoffa is next. a Gracedale goon.

  7. Well Bernie, I gotta disagree that Gracedale didn't play a role. Those who reside at Gracedale alone probably gave McClure his margin of victory..His district sucks for Dems, mostly townships,yet he keeps managing to get a win. Certainly his two opponents have run pathetic races but that being said, that district should have gone Republican, but for Gracedale...Seth Vaughn did well in his district probably cause he sent out mail saying he supported Gracedale ( whatever that means) So I have to agree with the Call, Gracedale was the deciding issue..I'Ve heard the Gracedale folks are having a "Dance on Angle's political Grave party". Are you going?

  8. Gracedale was huge, end of of story (remember McClure barely won last time too).

  9. Nanana, nanana, hey, hey good bye!!! thats' all i have to say! :)

  10. For once, I agree with you in part, Bernie. This had nothing to do with Gracedale. If it had, McClure would have won by a much bigger margin. This had everything to do with Ron Angle being a pompous mouthpiece. His appearances in the Courtroom over the past year solidified his defeat, as did his backroom deals, or at least the appearance of them. As a Republican, Dowd was just guilty by association, and that is unfortunate, because I think he honestly listened to the issues at hand.

    But today is a new day. I'm anxious to see how the new Council can work with this County executive. Let's not forget...there's still a Director of Administration position open. If Ron Angle gets that vacancy, then this just solidifies what the people have been thinking all along.

  11. Angle as Director of Administration? His Republican colleagues on Council rejected him as Council president..You really think they'd support him as Director of Administration? Seriously, what are you drinking? Most of the remaining Republicans are already on notice ( that's you Cusick) for supporting privatizing gracedale..If they ever supported Angle for Director of Administration they would get crushed in the next election..Even Stoffa has enough problems with his ridiculous endorsement of Salveson and Angle, which fell flat...Angle as Director of Administration??Right, what a way to really piss off the incoming council..

  12. I agree and disagree with you. I agree that it's another "throw out the incumbents" vote but it also has a lot to do with Gracedale because Gracedale is part of the frustration the taxpayers have. Faced with a 10% tax increase to protect inflated 6 figure salaries of union workers that lack a 2nd grade level of English (as evident from the above comments) the public is frustrated in general with everyone and everything: Gracedale, the goons, the politicians, etc...they want to make it all disappear and their only weapon is throwing out all the incumbents...which won't make a difference...now you'll have newbies inheriting the same exact problems only they'll have a learning curve.

  13. I wanted Gracedale sold and think it will become an even larger money pit with the drunken spending gang back in charge. But this was all about Gracedale and typical Democrat constituencies in a very blue county with two urban sheep centers in Bethlehem and Easton. It was surprising Rs ever took control. The world of NorCo is back on its axis. Democrats deserve credit. Hold on to your wallets. This is going to hurt.

  14. I heard Gracedale supporters were handing out cards with your website on it, and look what happened after the People read your site. Angle Lost, Dowd Lost.

    Your junk you write about here was more effective tossing republicans than any democrat mailer. Good job, you should get a promotion in the democrat committee now.

  15. Then thank the Gracedale Goons for making my site more well read.

    The truth s that not enough people know what is really going on at a County level.

  16. Screw county issues. School districts are far more powerful and costly. Nazareth has had something like 12 consecutive tax increases to cover ever-increasing spending in a district with declining enrollment. There's no end in sight. Chris Miller should make it entertaining, but the taxing and spending will continue unabated.

  17. Dear 7:36,

    Does being a complete moron bother you tea bag idiots at all? Six figure salaries by people with second grade level of English? Are you serious? I bet you are..You trailer park Republicans kill me..You sit around all day guzzling beer while watching Fox news..Then you rant on about how unions are destroying this country? Have you read the recent Morning Call articles about what's going on at Amazon? Ooops, I forgot, reading is only for those with an IQ above 10..Sorry

  18. Bernie for a long while it was Ronny,Ronny,Ronny now what, no more bulldog what will you do now by your own admission now you say the big three hardly got any thing done i am sure you will have some sarcastic remark to make about this post but remember we told you so.

  19. Ron will no longer be on council but you can be assured he'll be a spectator and watchdog making sure the newbe's stay in line; however, it will be to no avail so be prepared people -Taxes will increase and spending will be out of control. Any saved money will be gone before you know it.

  20. Its amazing how Stoffa, Angle, and Dowd could not see that the Gracedale issue would be their downfall. A first grader would see that. Voters want to know that they will be one day taken care of. If you do not take care of them, they will vote you out. Gracedale is all about taking care of people.

    PS: I am not a union goon or anyone affiliated with Gracedale.

  21. Dear 12:21,

    If taxes go up it will be because they were kept artificially low for years..Even when the Dems were running council , during Stoffa's days, they did not increase taxes.
    Now, they have no choice or ,of course, they could do the tea party dance and let government go completely to hell..If money wasn't taken from Gracedale's budgets in the past to pay for other departments when modest tax increases should have been used instead, we wouldn't have a Gracedale "issue" right now. The people voted overwhelmingly to keep Gracedale private, now it's time to do it and do it right already..Geez

  22. bernie; just go pound sand, your boy lost and now you and him can go lay across some more train tracks together. have fun as lossers will be lossers.

  23. What the fuck is a losser?

  24. anon 5:14, you are!

  25. Is Walt Garvin a terribly effective Chairman or what ?

  26. 5:14

    He meant FLOSSER
    Bernie had spinach stuck between his teeth.

  27. No anon 7:15 you are a fucking LOSER

  28. man what an i doing wrong, i've been an union employee fo many many years and dont make any where near a 6 figure salary! must be the adminstration there that makes that kind of money, since i am on of the highest paid "union" employee there!! so get all your facts straight. i also have a higher degree than a 2nd grader! you people make me sick!


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