Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What Message Does This Election Send?

Democrats swept Northampton County Council, but Republicans swept Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners. Dems kept their stranglehold on Bethlehem, but Republicans dominated in Bethlehem Township. In a nasty West Easton Borough Council race, a Republican candidate who spread lies about her opponent was easily rebuffed. But in Bethlehem, a smear campaign against Tony Simao worked.

Of course, I'm disappointed to see Ron Angle, Steve Salvesen and Mike Dowd lose. I'll have more to say about those losses later. Right now, I'm having trouble finding a theme. I do not see this as a Democratic or Republican victory. I do not think Gracedale played a big role. But I'm operating on four hours sleep.

So how do you explain the election?


  1. Give Trish a break man, shes just not into you. You are a crazy stalker.

    By the way it was ALL about Gracedale you dumb dick. If Stoffa had been on a ballot he would be back on his sofa where he belongs.

    Make all the excuses you want O'Hare your classless opinions are as bad as Angle's classless concession and snarks against Scott Parsons. One thing about Angle is he may have money but he has no class, never has, never will.


  2. the less than rank amateurs Gracdale Goons brought down the Angle Stoffa house of cards in the primary and in the general elections

  3. Actually, Northampton County would be better off if the new County Council offered to buy out John Stoffa's last two years with his salary and benefits in return for his resignation.

    We could then have a special election while an appointed County Executive fills in until after the election in November.

    The sad thing about all of this is Stoffa's incompetence is still in charge of the county.

  4. In retrospect if Ron would have accepted the non-binding unofficial4000+ signatured petition.
    He would have won.

    Had he not embarked on a witch hunt with challenges to the official petition.
    He would have won

    Had he not taken $3000 from the prison people then tried to hurry the vote
    He would have won

    Had both of you not appeared on the TV demonizing a possible "fake reverend" in front of TENS of TENS people who didn't tune in to here your hysterical rants
    He would have won

    Had he not done (you fill in the blanks with his private problems aired in public courts and forums)
    He would have won

    To a lesser extent due to the low unique viewership in here. Had you not attempted to systematically slice and dice any and all of the goons, unions, opposing viewpoint holders, women, children and defenseless puppies.
    He would have won

    Maybe you can use this as a learning experience.

  5. You don't have a theme not because of 4 hrs sllep, but because you can't believe that angle of all your bosses lost. You all should have listen to all those crazy people. But then again maybe they're not so crazy,they pulled of the upset of the centry.

  6. It is not about Stoffa in general, it was about voter dissatisfaction with incumbents they viewed as idiots. They identified with Barron as a family man looking out for their interests, and saw most incumbents as self serving fools. I think McClure got a warning. But My Friend Steve Barron got a pat on the back. I know you disagree, but I respect your right to disagree, and know Steve for the good man he is. And in contrast to to the anons, I sign my name.

  7. Chris kudos to you
    However in here your friend is run up a flagpole for the following;

    Speech inflection
    Union supporter
    Kilt wearer
    Do nothing / know nothing (in his position)
    Asbestos hater
    And is known as
    Barron Von Footinmouth

    Pretty mature stuff huh?

  8. Stoffa is next and the crap is about to hit the fan. So whose left for o'Hare to suck up to?

  9. Chris is an O'Hare azz kizzer. It was a repudiation of everything Stoffa stands for. False information, secret deals, fuzzy math, lawsuits against taxpayeers, incompetence and a lack of imigaination and discipline.

  10. In West Easton their were no lies spread, and nothing was rebuffed. See the womans blog, and its quite clear Ms. Gross threw a ball of fake fire at her opponent and then could not provide a single solitary detail to back up a smear that was started by Bernie O'hare himself. I came on here and saw a totally bogus uploaded form that looks like it came from a cracker jack box.

    Ms. Gross would be best off to do herself a favor, and just out with it. STRUCTURED WORKERS COMP SETTLEMENT FROM BEATING AT KIDSPEACE AND SSD.

  11. While the rest of the country moves red/right, Norco remains blue at it's core. It's why the county is such a disaster. Same shit, new flies.

  12. Please leave Stoffa alone.

  13. it's simple ...when the people who elected you to office to represent them are ridiculed and demonized for there opioins and aren't taken seriously by their representatives it's time for them to go ...angle and dowd showed little if any respect for the people they were sent there for.... angle's self interest and dowds lack of integrity did them in ...i voted for them both in the past not this time around ....dowd sits like it's his god given right to be there and showed zero backbone several times angle just plain has n't any respect for anyone who disagree's with him as though he's the only one with a brain...thier actions swayed me the other way

  14. "While the rest of the country moves red/right, Norco remains blue at it's core. It's why the county is such a disaster. Same shit, new flies."

    Do you even read the news? Dems took alot of seats this election. Even in Republican stronghold Montgomery County. Wake up and smell the coffee. Tea Party and Republican braggarts did not win this election. This is reality. Stop smoking the tea leaves.

  15. Stoffa should hire Angle as his next Directer of Fiscal Affairs and Dowd as his next Director of Administration. Both have incredible experience to lose.

  16. anon 7:19 ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! Look at the election polls. People don't trust nor do they want them. GET REAL!

  17. I can tell you this much- I voted for whoever did not want that bicounty health department. Don't know about the others.

  18. When elected officals oppose the will of their voting base..they court disaster. Even if they stand on factual ground in their own minds, they can and will incur the wrath of the voters at some point. I'm not in favor of the squeeky wheel theory but Gracedale was Ronnies Waterloo. Even after the election is over and you become a duly elected representative of the people..you still have to hear what they are telling you and adjust as need be. It is not a political sin to change course during the journey. Power to the people.

  19. 1 1/2 years ago my father got up in front of NorCo begging them not to sell Gracedale. The topic eventually pursued into one of the biggest mud slinging battles brought on by your friend, Ron Angle in Northampton County. He refused to listen to what his constiuents were saying. He and YOU made it a topic about unions. I became involved due to the fact that my mother was a resident of Gracedale and my father was a lifelong resident (82yrs) and worked in Northampton County his whole life until retiring. I became their advocate! For the past year Bernie O'Hare, you resorted to name calling, picture taking and smearing me on your blog just because I no longer resided in Northampton County and was involved with this issue. I was being an advocate for both my parents and YOU can only hope someday when you are weak and frail, you have someone to stand up for you. Although my father has since passed, I will continue to be an advocate for my mother. I hope this election sends you a message because IT IS ABOUT GRACEDALE!

    Donna Barney aka Kunkletown Kook, Gracedale Goon, Union Thug, etc.etc.etc........

  20. There is no doubt in my mind that Gracedale Goons like you, who do not even live in the County, think it is all bc of Gracedale. But if that were so, McClure's victory would have been bigger. While Gracedale probably played a part in what happened, something else is going on.

    I do know this. People like you will be insufferable for the next two years, until voters send their next message.

  21. Looking for another message, because the clear one that was sent did not suit your fancy.


  22. It was about Ron Angle, that is why he lost big time especially with the help of you. Happy day in Northampton County.

  23. I'm usually not one to gloat, but you and Charlie’s brand of politics took a beating. The pendulum swings of course, but this was a clear rebuke. One vision for the city of Bethlehem won big last night and it’s Callahan’s.


  24. von Footinmouth is still an unqualified POS. He's perfect for the county.

  25. I think its an anti-incumbent message. If you define broken as ineffective, Gov't for the most part is broken. Time to toss them out.

    In Nothwestern Lehigh, the whole slate of reform candidates won over an intrenched school board. It goes on from there to each County

  26. Justice and sanity finally prevails. The biggest winners are the NorCo residents.

    Happy to see Angle out, no one will miss him. Except maybe one.

  27. "One vision for the city of Bethlehem won big last night and it’s Callahan’s."

    That, of course, is just plain silly. The "vision" that one is a subsurface anti-gay message. Hope you're proud, Seamus.

  28. "I think its an anti-incumbent message. If you define broken as ineffective, Gov't for the most part is broken. Time to toss them out."

    That's what I'm beginning to think. It is bigger than the specific issues.

  29. unfortunately , i just couldn't cast my vote for dowd or angle so much mud slinging and arrogance toward the voters. mclure did win but i do think that was a warning signal to do better. i do think he takes the time to listen to the taxpayers and always show's respect...it matters.

  30. The average timeline for the District 4 voter, as I imagine it.

    Scott: I am asking for your vote.
    Voter: Why?
    Scott: read Lehigh Valley Ramblings
    Voter: Sure.

    Scott: so read the website?
    Voter: Wow that Bernie guy is a jerk, I'm voting out angle and dowd.
    Scott: Good, you will vote for me?
    Voter: Sure, don't know you but that Bernie guy is evil and anyone that hangs with him must go.

    See Bernie, you were very influential in the this election.

  31. oh please Simeao was not winning anyway. Like I said before I didn’t want it out because if anything it made an unknown candidate a known. The sexual orientation meant nothing, judgment of posting nude photo's certainly does. Yes, I am proud that your anti incumbent faulty logic did not prevail everywhere. Only where your guys lost...talk about trying to make yourself feel better. Wake up take the hit regroup and come back to fight another day. It happens in politics…..


  32. Keep telling yourself that, Seamus. Maybe you'll convince yourself, but not me.

  33. Anon 8:59,

    The reality is that many people are very unfamiliar with county government, and blogs like mine only reach some of them. But that is slowly changing, and people like you don't like it. You would prefer that voters wallow in ignorance.

  34. I think in Lehigh County it was a case of superior candidates and superior organization with a superior work ethic and drive.

    The Republican slate raised a lot of money, worked hard, and got elected--- the commissioner candidates, the DA, and the controller.

    The Dems, by contrast, didn't really do anything.

    There is also almost always a Republican voter edge in turnout, but between those two factors, that's the reality in Lehigh County.

  35. Bethlehem is a strongly Democratic City filled with thinking residents. Tough to make the case that Callahan has not mismanaged, because it is pretty clear that he has, but he's term-limited anyway.

    I think the message is that we're not willing to elect Republicans in the City as a rule.

    And I'll say that this slate of Republicans wasn't particularly objectionable. I'm a typical bethlehem Democrat.

    I thought the Simao/Carroll mailers were fair, and they didn't come off as Tea Party kooks.

    I just think that people love Donchez, are growing to like Willie, and we're ok with how our city is run generally....Despite the recent events, we still like our city and are generally OK with the status quo there. We feel safe in our downtown, and we don't really think our taxes are too high.

    That's the message in bethlehem, I think. When people really love their community, it takes more than this to rock the boat.

    The same could be said for Republicans in Wyoming....they'd also be slow to elect a Democrat because they are happy with their current circumstances.

  36. Gracedale was certainly an issue but the scant margin of victory for McClure suggests that the voters of District 4 just couldn't hold their noses one more time for that petty, vicious tyrant who was truly an embarrasment. An isolated act of fraud could be explained and perhaps overlooked. A simple google search reveals a 20 year plus history of abominable behavior. You for some reason choose to ignore or excuse his conduct. The days of advancing private grudges (hmm Archie DiIsidore comes to mind)under the guise of good government are over.
    This petty tyrant has finally been undressed and the voters have had their say. Get out. Go away.

    Look on the bright side, the moral cretin can now spend more time tending to the needs of the elderly and infirm simplying their estate planning by relieving them of their property.

  37. Every candidate in the County Council race said today that Gracedale was the reason. Even Angle himself. Read the article in the Express Times.

    Seems to me that the candidates would be a little more in tuned with why, or how they were defeated. Just a guess.

  38. Gracedale is just one item that became all blown out of proportion and everyone fixated on it. All of the other items that the council works on year after year just got forgotten and thus never covered. You'd think that the future of Northampton County all hinged on Gracedale. If it was sold or shut down, the county would just fall into some abyss.

    It's the typical sensationalism that the press goes after. Nobody wants to report on everyday proceedings because it's boring, even though it affects the majority of the residents. So, take one topic and turn it into something huge. If that topic is something that senior citizens can connect with, then you got it made because they are the ones that always get out to vote. Since Angle did not agree with this group, they voted him out.

    Since the election is over, we can get back to the Michael Jackson trial and the Kim Kardashian divorce.

  39. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Why does this election have to have a theme? In a few months, everyone will be hating the elected officials regardless of the elation today. It's the system.

  40. I've just been given another theory and am looking into it. This one may be the real reason.

  41. The message is that Norco is full of losers who need someone to do for them what they are incapable of doing for themselves.

    "Save me, feed me, govern me, give me SOMETHING, and I don't care what kind of sleazebag you are."

    The re-election of Barron is by far the most telling. By every account, he is an incompetent failed-the-bar exam tub of goo who spends his days politicking instead of doing his job.

    Yet, the beggars with a vote think somehow, some way, he will get something for them. And the trough feeding union machine behind him knows he will bend and do their bidding at every turn.

    They are the weeds in the lawn of life. They multiply, choke out the healthy grass, and leave one ugly looking landscape.

    No other way to explain it.

  42. "They are the weeds in the lawn of life. They multiply, choke out the healthy grass, and leave one ugly looking landscape."

    If you need some landscaping work, I would be happy to bring my union brothers and sisters over to make it look nice again. Since the election is over and we are ALL finished voting we have some time on our hands.

  43. How proud of his group Seamus will be when Bethlehem goes bankrupt and the state has to take over.

    One gets the government one deserves!

  44. "just think that people love Donchez, are growing to like Willie, and we're ok with how our city is run generally....Despite the recent events, we still like our city and are generally OK with the status quo there. We feel safe in our downtown, and we don't really think our taxes are too high.

    That's the message in bethlehem, I think. When people really love their community, it takes more than this to rock the boat.

    -9:32 AM"

    You guys have a lot of Greeks and Italians in Befwum? Because that's exactly how they think over there. Even in the face of economic disaster, they still think "But the cafes are sooo nice!"

    THINKING residents? There's a word for them, but "Thinking" is not it.


  45. Thank you for making my point. I do my own landscaping. No overpaid, overstaffed union thugs required.

    Good news for you, though. The education unions will keep pumping the ignorant into society, indoctrinating them from their entry into the trough feeding system, that overpaying someone else with borrowed money, coupled with voting for people who promise to give you shit purchased with other people's money, is the only way to stave off the end of the world.

    Plenty of make work projects for slacking, and useless new union staffed programs for the sheeple, just ahead!


  46. Clem come on over and enjoy the amenities, no hard feelings..


  47. There seems to be a patern here.

    You love angle, he lost.
    You love dowd, he lost.

    You ridiculed barron, he won.
    You ridiculed mcclure, he won.

    Your friendship is the key here, and if bobble-head isn't smart enough to distance herself from you, you will bring her down too.

  48. Hey Clem,

    I'm anom 9:32. It's funny that you say that. I am half Greek and half Italian.

    But I think that a lot of the Bethlehem that I know thinks like I do. The average person in bethlehem thinks life is pretty good.

    Christmas is coming, we put our manger up in front of city hall and nobody complains....our downtown is beautiful and we'll all be hitting Christkindlmarkt soon.

    If you sit in our restaurants on main street, you see a lot of people talking about current events and college students.

    We're very different from angry suburbanites forced to stop in Allentown or Easton for gas and walk past a pick of thugs who look like homeless criminals in order to pay.

    We're just not angry republican material. That's why the republican city council campaigns didn't resonate with me and many like me.

    And I'm a democrat who voted for Paul McHale and then Charlie Dent.

  49. One thing for sure---with the dems in control now--TAXES will RISE and Spending will increase

  50. It was nothing more then people who are frustrated with everything. No message other than you didn't do anything for me lately was sent. Gracedale did play a little in Northampton County to the hearts and minds. That is about it on that though. I think politics moving forward is going to start being like sports management. If you don't win early, you are out. Incumbents use to have an easier road, but now it is more difficult because of the worlds situation, not just our local situation. Democrats and Republicans alike will be targeted. The message that was sent was simple. CHANGE. Who, what, why and how are all irrelevant. People are more uneducated today in politics then they were before because they don't care, but they want change so that it provides hope. Most times it is misplaced trust that provides a false hope. Either way, people are desperate these days, so hope is all they need, and change tells them that they might have a chance at it.

  51. one of the messages is what a good night Walt Garvin had.

  52. If the movement was anti-incumbient, then all of them would have lost, regardless of the Bernie-math-thingie he keeps doing to the vote count. His math failed in counting signatures on petitions, it fails again counting votes. It appears the truth is, is all about the friends you keep.

    With friends like "old kiss-of-death O'Hare" and "Bobble-Head", the incumbent R's had no chance. Maybe if Angle disavowed bernie, or bobble-head, he would have been seen more as a person and less of a tyrant.

  53. The "new theory" bernie was handed will of course have something to do with fraud. The voters sent a message. The resaon your boys lost is the same reason you can't accept or understand that loss to day. But keep swinging at shadows it is entertaining.

  54. Just to clarify, I did not have an anti incumbent message. My message was just that people would have to see you do something tangible. That is why I said incumbents would have a more difficult road. Complacency is no longer acceptable. There are plenty of incumbents that are valued, but not all. Many incumbents over the last two years took a bad rap. Some deserving and others who were not. That is why I made the sports analogy. People could not relate to Angle or Dowd. I believe they were thought to be self serving and not county serving. Just an opinion.

  55. Heres a theory to chew on the 08 election was like an american idol competition and the 12 election is so far turning out like Dancing with the Stars.Our culture is getting to be sad.A great case for apathy.

  56. "How do you explain the election?"

    A re-arrangement of deck chairs by contemporary products of the educational system.

    The entire ship continues to sink.


  57. Your good 1:14 from 12:44

  58. I think the people were sick of Angle. I think we can all admit that he is intelligent and good for the taxpayer. Like him or not, no one knows county government like he does.

    Dowd - Well I think he got a bad deal with Werner riding Sal Panto's coat tails in the City Wards. Turnout may have been low but Panto's landslide reveals he got his people out and they more than likely pulled the straight ticket without knowing anyting about the county races.

  59. In Lehigh County, dismal Allentown voter turnout did not offset turnout in the Townships. We will have buyer’s remorse in due time.

  60. This Election is pretty simple to explain. The areas that had decent candidates, who worked and had functioning Democratic Committees went Democrat and others didn't. The Lehigh Valley will vote Democrat on most ocassions if the candidate is qualified and works hard. Also, PA important races like Montco. Commissioners and PA Superior Counrt also went to the Democrats. Overall, great day for democrats but must be a good candidate, who works hard and have a decent party structure.

  61. "And I'll say that this slate of Republicans wasn't particularly objectionable. I'm a typical bethlehem Democrat."

    I disagree. I'm a typical Bethlehem Republican who was mortified by the behavior of Simao and his running mates. Does uploading images of yourself on porno websites mean anything anymore? It's not about being gay and never was. But they tried to make it that way. He and Caroll have a problem with Republicans and conservatives like me who actually care about the image of a public figure. That's why I didn't vote for them.

  62. It's simple. When more Democrats vote, e.g., Northampton County, the D's win.

    When more Republicans vote, e.g., Lehigh County, the R's win.

    Look at the vote total per county for the appellate courts. That is a straight party vote.

    Got it, Bernie?

  63. Babs is next.
    I called Parsons 56% in May
    wanna bet?

  64. Walt Garvin was very effective in keeping a homosexual off Bethlehem Council. He is a hero. Walt Garvin is the county's best defense against homosexuals in public office. Walt Garvin is a heterosexual sentry with sharp Gaydar and he's not afraid to keep sexual deviants out of city politics. Garvin should be given a key to the city. Nice work Walt. Yeah. Nice work.

  65. easton's gonna get their taxes jacked now. assholes who pull the lever like sheep deserve the high hard one. and oh! the stabbings and murders and drunk cops! clean and safe. yeah right. Kabul is safer than 7th and pearl after dark. pow pow pow!

  66. There is no science to interpret how and why people vote the way they do..it is too emotional an issue to be pinned down with logic and reason. The entire gamut of human responses goes into the act of casting a vote for one person over another. It is irrational by definition. Voting is highly personal and is done in private for good reason. Not one of us has to qualify our choices or explain them..to anyone! We can even lie about what we did behind that curtain and no one will ever know the truth. Don't fret over analysis of this event..it is an event unto itself and all we can do now is read and react as needed to the new political landscape that has been created. Power to the people..sweet Democracy.

  67. I love the new Angle ideology. "He was ways 'great"'for the taxpayer". What bullshit. The guy wore out his welcome just like he did in every other elected office he was in. Just like in every radio staion he worked for before they fired him.

    He is a psycho whack nut job. He talks a good game and he says he knows more about the county then anyone else, all bullshit.

    He argues better than most and people now see that for what it is not knowlege but just arguing. He is always right and people that agree with him are right, if you disagree with him you are wrong.

    He is as worthless as the spineless Rev. Dowd the people dumped and the hopefully soon leaving Stoffa who cooked up last years bs budget with Angle.

    The smoke and mirrors are gone and people can see you guys for what you are, fakes and frauds.

  68. Let me start by saying that I am NOT an Angle supporter. The reason I can't support him is because of his antics and his talking down to everyone that doesn't agree with him.

    Angle lost because of his endless antics and personal problems with the Courts. If the battle was strictly who knows County politics, Angle would win in a landslide. I have never met anyone in Northampton County with more knowledgeable than Angle. He, unfortunately, acted like a complete idiot far too many times and that overshadowed everything else.

    I am a union County employee but can be objective.

    I can't wait to see who Thierry (sp) latches on to at the meetings.
    I don't think she ever voted against Angle. I could be wrong though.

  69. It's been infrequent, but Barb has voted against Angle a few times.

  70. Babs against a GOP challenger
    she is history
    Babs vs. a generic Dem
    65% 35% Dem wins
    She seems like a nice person
    I actually spoke with her at length a while back
    we live close by
    I think her fault is she is a sheep
    Maybe she'll morph into someone with independent thoughts and ideas.
    Like I said she seems like a nice person.
    Nice won't win her another term.

  71. Anon 6:49 you are kidding right? Panto's budget for next year has already been presented to Council and it has no tax or fee increase. Get your facts right. You and the other part of the 20% refuse to give him any credit. That was your candidate's problem -- he continued to paint the same doomsday picture for Easton that you are with out anything based in fact. Our residents are smarter than that and didn't succumb to his "platform." Oh BTW, what was his platform?

  72. I'm reading this stuff for the first and last time and I wonder why any of you bother to come back to argue with this O'Hare guy's complete bs.

  73. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  74. I guess Karen Dolan is right after all! If you are a minority you can't be elected to city council.

  75. I have known many past and present Northampton County elected officials. I know Angle and have talked to him. He is no more or less knowledgable than most of them. In some cases he appears less knowledgable as he is very opinionated.

    He is very forceful in his opinions. He, like many people, use the facts that work for him and ignores those that don't.

    He and Stoffa wanted to dump Gracedale years ago. After a few years together they had the votes and the "facts" to make their case. They didn't.

    Angle's knowledge is based on, "I will yell louder than you or I will cal you a prostoitute or some other foul name". He has made himself a celebrity or carnival barker and is no longer an effecive public official.

    He has attained the star staus of a local Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashisan. Congratulations. Let the rest of us deal with the knowledgable peole, of which there are plently, and do the couties business.

  76. Nobody but an idiot would deny Angle's knowledge of county government. No less a person than Bill White himself has stated that Angle knows the ins and outs better than anyone else he's ever seen. And he's right.

    In a few months, the people will discover that ... the hard way. Without him there, things will deteriorate. But go ahead and try to justify it.

  77. Wow, if Bill White says he is the best it must be true, haha. Fact is I know a lot of folks who could debate Angle on county issues and day of the week and twice on sunday. The caveat is each staement must be fact checked. Angle says things with authority and people say,"he sure sounds like he knows waht he is talking about". Do a fact check and it turns out, not exactly. It isn't waht he knows and it isn't what he says but how he says it.

    The county did well before Ron Angle and it will function quite well without him.

    Want a hint to why your boy lost. The kind of staements you guys make about how no one will survive without Ron Angle. The third person referneces Angle makes, his totally classless concession. Do you really not know how nuts all that sounds.

    Things in Northampton have been deteriorating for the past five years, what is coming is the truth about the Angle/Stoffa smokescreen. You and your ahole buddy Joe Owens will work hard to cover your asses but the people know the truth and voted accordingly. The coming storm is on their shoulders. The hope is the new council can now get to work and try and help the county recover.

    Good luck guys you will need it. Angle/Stoffa have really screwed things up.

  78. "I'm anom 9:32. It's funny that you say that. I am half Greek and half Italian."

    FYI Clem is Ron Jr

    Bill White eats his way through Musikfest so I guess he is a person who can judge these important things like Ron being an expert on anything and everything.

    How about talking in the 3rd person


    And Bill has flip flopped on the Gracedale issue.

    Do you know the column I refer to?
    It was published in the last 6 weeks

    Very nuancy <<no such word

    see if you can find the comment I refer to

  79. The victorious Deformed Team in Lehigh County plus Eckhardt and Roman did not attend yesterday's Commissioner meeting.

    Please dock Eckhard's and Roman's salary ... Can't take off for rest

    The current 5 members of the Commissioners attending the meeting on first reading considered a bill that would raise the property tax ratio from 50% to 100% ... In effect lowering millage by half and doubling property values for 2013.

  80. If Bill White said it was going to rain bite size candy, Bernie would turn his umbrella inside out.

  81. The entire "Angle knows more than ayone" is hillarious. He yells louder than anyone but "knows". I just love the re-writing of history.

    Let the bullshit continue.

  82. Seamus, you did use it, let's be honest. The dozens of emails you recieved were not from dozens of differnt people telling you that they found a nude picture of a gay candidate. They were from your inner circle, reacting to the initial email sent out by Rechutti and sent through you. BTW, how do you now justify the 150 cops in light of your bragging of being responsible for 157?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.