Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Morganelli Asked to Refer Gracedale Complaint to AG

Below is an email I sent to DA John Morganelli, asking him to refer my complaint about Gracedale Election Code violations for consideration by the Attorney General. Although I consider John an excellent and accessible DA, he is notorious for his failure to lift a finger when it comes to Election Code violations. And since this is an investigation into unions, he can't be fair. In the first few months of this year, they've already given him $26,500.

"In his capacity as Solicitor for Northampton County's Elections Office, Chris Spadoni has referred a recent complaint to you concerning Election Code violations. Since October 25, an AFSCME toll-free number has been used to influence the outcome of the Gracedale initiative. The cost of this land line, and the person answering at the other end, is obviously in excess of $250. Yet no political committee has been formed. In addition, there are numerous campaign signs and placards that fail to disclose, "clearly and conspicuously," who paid for them. The purpose of this email is to request that you refer this matter to the Attorney General, and at your earliest convenience, and for two reasons.

"1. You're in bed with the unions. - According to your most recent campaign finance report, you are sitting on a campaign warchest of $178,317.54. In a race with no opponent, you have raised an astonishing $57,420 in the first few months of this year, more than most hard-working people earn in a year. Even more amazing, at least $26,000 of that money comes from unions. There is simply no way that you can conduct a fair investigation into what is obviously a union-funded effort. You'd have to agree that, even if you could be fair, there would always be a perception of partiality.

"2. You've dragged your feet on past complaints. - In 2007, when Brian Monahan was running for District Judge, you refused my repeated requests to investigate vicious mailers directed at him that failed to disclose who paid for them. We would later learn that the person who did this was your own political consultant and friend, Tom Severson. It took you six months to refer the matter, and that only happened after Republicans conducted a news conference in the courthouse rotunda.

"I would appreciate if you could confirm now, and not six months from now, that you have referred this matter."


  1. You are a brave man Bernie. I admire your courage .

  2. After next Tuesday, your nuisance suits will be over.

    The State AG will handle this as all other authorities have handled your complaints.

    Denied and dismissed!

  3. Morganelli is a bitter little loser who steams everyday at his repeated rejection by voters outside of NorCo. He's a political nothing going nowhere. He grows more bitter each day. I laugh at the vision of him sitting in a cheap hotel room outside Pittsburgh waiting for a phone call from a sugar daddy that never comes. And then he drives back empty handed and more bitter. What a loser.

  4. Morganelli - the perfect union puppet

  5. Put his e-mail up on your blog

  6. How do you judge someone "Excellent" when that person willfully denies enforcement of the law. In the case of Severson, that effort was specifically self-serving.

    Accessible, maybe. But Excellent?

    That is a stretch, at best.

  7. Bernie,

    Stop crying already..At best , even if their is some sort of violation of election procedures here ( not that anyone gives a damn but you) there will be a small fine that can and will
    be paid by the parties involved..So in the end Bernie, it all is bullshit..I, too, applaud your courage, lol


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