Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Michelle Obama To Host Racist Rapper For Poetry

According to The Daily Caller, First Lady Michelle Obama has invited rapper Common to a poetry reading on Wednesday night. "I hold up a peace sign, but I carry a gun," he states in his poem. Because he has an Uzi, he can "walk like a warrior." He also states, "I got the black strap to make the cops run." Of former President Bush, "Burn a Bush cos’ for peace he no push no button."

Common is opposed to mixed marriages by the way.

He sounds edgy and gritty, but he's also a racist who advocates violence. Instead of bringing us together, a person like this just drives us apart.


  1. And the difference between him and a Tea Partier is?

    Oh right. He's black.

  2. Give it a rest O'Hare.

  3. Hey moron 2:21, one difference is that I'm sure he or his kind would use the power of the government to confiscate your property for themselves, you won't find a tea partier doing that.
    (But he's justified! Racial opression and all that!)
    just saving you some keystrokes

  4. Michelle and Barry are racists. Before Barry joined the Church Of Pathetically Poor Golf Skills, where he attends each Sunday, they licked Jeremiah Wright's ass as he spewed hatred from his pulpit. For all his Sunday Golf Worship (with 100,000 men and women in Afghanistan), spies report the asshole still can't break 100. Fore!

  5. Blacks should be ashamed of members of their race like common who encourage violence.

  6. The difference between Common and a Tea Party member is that one can provide many quotes from Common that firmly establish his racism and the fact that he encourages violence against white people.

    I guess the Democrat party has a tent large enough to welcome racist folks like Common but when it comes to their fellow US citizens who support the American Dream and promote self-sufficiency - sorry, they need not apply.

  7. As George Bush once said, "the soft bigotry of low expectations". We allow this kind of bigotry because it comes from blacks.

  8. "I'm sure he or his kind"

    I hope "his kind" is a reference to people who think like him, and not to people who look like him.

  9. Why is anyone surprised? Let's all remember Ms. Obama was the one who was "finally proud of her country". We don't need no nasty white guy president's because we are going have the ascension of his majestic self, Barack Obama.

  10. "We told you so" would be such an understatement...

    But we did.

    Reverend Wright, Sotomayor, Van Jones, this guy. How many more examples do you need?

  11. I'm not much of a Common fan, but I know he's generally considered a pretty thoughtful and socially-conscious performer who's come a long way from being an angry youth, not a "gangsta rapper" who glorifies violence. He was also pretty funny in "Date Night," and he definitely wasn't the worst part of "Terminator Salvation" (which was a horrendous movie).

    Anyway, these lyrics don't seem to advocate violence any more than the 2nd amendment. The people have a right to defend themselves from the government; that's a message should probably speak to the tea-party.

    The "uzi weighs a ton" line is also a reference to a Public Enemy track from 1987 in which the conceit is that the rapper's weapon is his words, so "uzi weighs a ton" is meant as a boast that he's not afraid to speak truth to power.

    The interracial relationship stuff I have more of a problem with, although the Daily Caller didn't offer much evidence of that claim. I think what he's talking about is how some successful black men accept the pedestal that white women were put on in the racist past and now chase them as status symbols. So I don't think that's quite the same thing as anti-miscegenation laws, based on some idea of racial purity.

  12. CT -

    Not too many of us who believe in the Second Amendment are rapping (or talking) about making "the cops run".

    We also don't advocate for releasing cop-killers (Mumia Abu-Jamal), or name our daughters after Black Panther murderers (Assata Shakur) currently living in exile in Cuba and recognized by the FBI as a domestic terrorist.

    As to interracial relationships, I don't really care what twisted reasoning he uses to justify being against it. Maybe, just maybe, the color of who one dates should be left up to the two people involved.

    I think that this is just another example of the left-wing kooks the Obama's have chosen - and continue to choose - to associate with. That's who they are.

    No amount of apologizing and twisted explanations can change that.

  13. This piece of shit racist also called for Bush to be killed. It's good to see a left-wing kook called out. Right-wing nuts are routinely called out. This posting alone is a dog-bites-man story. The Obamas have been race baiters since their early days in that church of hate. It's no surprise Michelle likes this garbage.

  14. Michelle's vicious racism is only surpassed by her hypocrisy in promoting health and fitness. She's overweight and insists upon packing her rolls into those clownish, ill-fitting clothes. A previous Urban Dictionary definition of fat girl syndrome is spot on. What a hateful phony. What a disgusting first "lady."

  15. I was going respond to the original post, but, you know, now I don't even want to bother. Sorry BOH, that thoughtful discussion is out of reach for so many, it does a disservice to your efforts as a blogger. No, I am not being snarky, I really just said something (sort of) nice.


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