Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

AFSCME Funding Gracedale Inititative Campaign

AFSCME District Council President Tom Tosti and Local Prez Ellen Weiss have filed "independent expenditure" reports indicating that they are providing the dough for all those illegal Gracedale signs and T-shirts.

They've purchased cell phones ($370.90), rented an office ($2,000), as well as buying T-Shirts, yard signs, flyers and placards ($3,302.20). They have failed to report the use of the toll-free number or the union manpower being paid to go door-to-door. They have registered no committee.


  1. not certain, but don't think you need to report volunteer man hours.

  2. I would still like to know who pays for the shrimp and steak cook-outs that are given to Gracedale employees in the Gracedale lunchroom during working hours free of charge. Even Gracedale employees that are not on the clock come in special to eat the "free" steak AND shrimp.

  3. Bernie...give it a break!!! The voters will decide on the 17th. Unlike you and MAYBE your dozen or so cronies, people in NorCo want to keep it county owned. Lehigh County was thinking about selling Cedarbrook but decided to try to make it work. If Lehigh County could make such a turn a round in a matter of months with a new management company, WHY CAN'T NORTHAMPTON COUNTY?! Why, I'll tell you why, because Northampton County has a County Executive and a couple of council members that seem to take the EASY route out on everything! In the past year.....WHAT HAS THIS COUNCIL AND EXECUTIVE DONE FOR NORTHAMPTON COUNTY? It has been nothing but scandal scandal scandal with your help.

  4. Anonymous 7:31am I think you must mean GraceLAND employees not GraceDALE! Yes, Gracedale has cookouts, but if you saw these cookouts and looked closely you would see they are for the RESIDENTS and I can guarantee there is NO steak and shrimp. GET A LIFE and STOP THE LIES!!! and NO I AM NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF GRACEDALE, but I am there almost daily visiting my mother!

  5. not surprising.

  6. dj you stop the lies. and stop covering for them. i have been to the cookouts. people should be ashamed of themselves how they make pigs out of themselves. and these cookouts aren't for the residents. they are on county time. no residents allowed. even employees that aren't working come in special for them. i never partook in them because they are obscene the amount of food that is spread out. not to mention all the time wasted away from the residents. you have no clue what you are talking about. you only see what they want you to see. the next cookout should be coming up very soon. pay attention.

    disgruntled employee

  7. 7:43- Let's not forget: Lehigh County = 16% tax increase.

  8. "not certain, but don't think you need to report volunteer man hours."

    This is correct, but these are not "volunteers." There's a Morning Call picture depicting a well-compensated union prez and a well-compensated union agent, neither of whom reside in Northamptn County, knocking on doors in Northampton County during business hours on a weekday.

  9. "I would still like to know who pays for the shrimp and steak cook-outs that are given to Gracedale employees in the Gracedale lunchroom during working hours free of charge."

    Can you please contact me? BOHare5948@aol.com. 610.533.7379

  10. Anonymous 7:43AM
    What did Council and Stoffa do? Nothing other then a year without a tax increase. Your buddies want to change that to the point where we will be looking at a possible 15%- 30% tax increase while keeping a possession that constantly goes into the red. Now that's a great idea---NOT

  11. Bernie, I read Steve Barron's letter to the editor today. I was told that the guy is the top fiscal expert in the county. Is this true.

    The individual I spoke to said that Mr. Barron has researched county finances for years and knows more about county operations than either Stoffa or Angle.

    I really never heard of this Barron guy except in passing. How long has he been in office? what are his credentials?

  12. Baron was previously an underwear model for big and tall Speedos.

  13. UGH the only sight more frightening is Barren in a kilt.

  14. Hey disgruntled employee maybe you should get a new job if you don't like the one you have

  15. Most of us who knocked on doors and made calls were volunteers..No pay, just work...Bernie, who friggin cares about all of that bullshit, honestly? We'll see on the 17th..If the folks in the County support the Gracedale initiative it means they expect their taxes to be increased to pay for it..If they don't support it , it is because they don't want an increase..It's that simple..If Council doesn't raise taxes if the referendum passes, then they are idiots..We are talking about $1.00 a week per taxpayer..I think we can afford it..

  16. Most of the signature collectors were paid and are dishonest. That is why karma will let you win at the polls; then lose your jobs. In union terms, I guess that's called victory. And yes, I want fries with that.

  17. EXCUSE ME Mr. Ohare, the union prez is not a paid position! She does all her work on HER time, she holds a full time position at the home, and spends many hours of her presious time doing union business.. she is not a paid employee! So get your f--- facts straight!

  18. Anonymous 5:12pm GET A LIFE, most of the people that were collecting signatures don't work for Northampton County, Gracedale nor the union, its called working for something you believe in; no pay required!

  19. most collectors were paid! wow i missed out on something! didn't get a red cent!

  20. WoW Bernie, you and your anonymous friends really must have nothing to do then spread false rumors and build up your HATE BLOG.ABSURD

  21. There is no need for a tax increase. Pure scare tactic by Angle/Stoffa. properly run Gracedale will put millions in the county treasury.

    Stoffa is already sitting on $60 million of my taxes, that is more than adequate to handle the county. if not he and his incompetent crew should leave and let professionals run things.

    A bunch of incompetent goofs being lead around by the nose by the teabaggers.

    Remember, no tax increase necessary. if he proposes one he is being deceptive or need the cash for something else???

    That is the dirty little secret the Stoffa gang has been trying to keep secret of over a year.

    The One!

  22. "most of the people that were collecting signatures don't work for Northampton County, Gracedale nor the union,"

    As a person who scoured the 507 petitions filed, I know this is pure bullshit. Almost every circulator was an AFSCME member and Gracedale employee.

  23. Read what I wrote. I referred specifically to a union president and union agent who were photographed going door-to-door by the MC. Thse were Gerry Green and Tim Rehrig, and they are both paid union officials. As for you, Ellen, we all know that AFSME gave you the money for that office rental, T-shirts, etc. That was not your money. I also happen to know that you tried to pull a fast one with the circulator petitions and you were caught. It's thanks to you that 2,700 signatures wee invalidated.

  24. Instead of scouring Gracedale petitions, spend some time scouring your own reputation and maybe get one of those fast food jobs and repay the clients you screwed when you were disbarred. But then, you probably couldn't handle real work.

  25. O'Hare has to stay penniless "officially". That way when Angle and Stoffa use him to attack and smear innocent people, they are insulated and won't get sued.

    No one will sue O'Hare. Other then some torn,skid marked underwear, he owns nothing.

    If not for Angle and Stoffa the guy would be living in a box.

  26. 8:56, 9:09, Why are you so afraid to identify yourself?

  27. people get nasty and cranky when they're about to lose their jobs due to greed and poor decision making. this is to be expected. i'll know i'm having a bad day when i wake up and realize the best lawyer i could get was otter. and so it goes.

  28. anon 11:58, Barron is the county controller. he fancies himself the new Boos Tweed of Northampton county. he comes up short in most area's.
    He brags about how he has got the better of Stoffa and Angle but i have never seen that happen.

    If you can catch his performance on Business matters with Ron Angle. Angle had him for lunch!

    He hasn't graduated to big boy pants yet!

  29. The One
    Go to council meeting and ask McLure where that $60 million is located. You have not been paying attention to that stuff called the truth

  30. Bo why nothing on the west Easton project that was approved,how much is that going to cost.Here comes the payback to Abe and crew for the campaign donations.$$$$$$$$


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