Me? I was the same asshole you read here. I'm not running for anything and don't care whose toes I step on. I was there primarily to expose the Fake Rev as the phony he is, and to stop some of the garbage being spewed. The Gracedale Goons lived up to the moniker I've given them. You can see the video of the Business Matters show concerning the fate of Graceland here.
The new owner has plans to make Graceland profitable, as you can see above.
Bizarro World
That would be the only place Angle would look normal. He would be council president again on Htrae.
You on the other hand would not change.
Rom Angle and Bernie O'Hare on a panel to defend the Angle/Stoffa decision to dump Gracedale. That in and of itself shows how desperate the dump Gracedale crowd has become.
No experts or rational people can defend the decision to dump the seniors at Gracedale so they get Angle and O'Hare.
Green did want to be somewhere else. Antone forced to sit on a panel with those two clowns would have been as offended as Jerry was.
I was confused. Did Rev. Martinez ever tell you why, he was asking you if you were serving Satan? Was it because you had a different opinion than his?
I find that unusual for a man that claims to be a professed Christian to ask such a question. Most especially, because if you were serving Satan, would Satan or any of his minions have a conscience and tell the truth? And what would anyone gain by asking such a question?
That question truly amazed me. He appeared to be prejudiced by asking such a question. I didn't see any love in that question. But then again, maybe it was tough love.
A person can learn from a good teacher, just as much as a bad teacher. I learned a great deal by watching that video.
Peace, ~~~alex+
Actualy you were the biggest goon on the panel,constantly straying from the topic trying to fight your battle w the ''fake rev''while an audiance member called you a fake lawyer.there was a limited amount of time to speak,of which gerry had none of,,all because you spent the majority of the time discussing irrelevant garbage.STICK TO THE TOPIC..The only thing Angle looked liked next to u was mabe remotly thinner
Sorry Bernie....the show was a joke! I was hoping to find out some information and all I saw was name calling by you. Not sure why you think possibly exposing a "fake reverend" had anything to do with the issue of Gracedale. VERY DISSAPPOINTED in what I thought might be an informational show that constantly had the topic changed by you. If I had to rate sides during that show.....I would have to go with "Pro Gracedale" and no sale because I felt the issues on the Angle/O'hare side truly lost focus and became a personal attack constantly on Mr. Martinez which was a BIG turnoff!
Dissappointed in Northampton County
That was quite a nasty looking "lynch mob" in the audience. Are they a local chapter of the Grey Panthers?
Your use of the phrase is truly laughable. Beware of the vicious, violent mob rope in hand roaming the countryside looking for that large side of beef to hang to the nearest tree if they can find one sturdy enough.
You also seem fixated on the term "fake reverend." That suggests that there is a viable distinction between fake and non-fake reverends.
The only person acting like a demagogue unfortunately was your repeated rantings of your misplaced and laughable characterizations. Put your mentor in the front of this terested, involved group of citizens and all of a sudden a mob becomes the voice of the people.
Sanctifying Grace......
Did you ever think the reason Mr. Martinez asked Mr. O'Hare if "he served satin" could be because of his ongoing actions against people! It is really as simple as that. I have never seen someone be so brutally hateful towards people as Mr. O'hare and for that fact Mr. Angle also. You should know this by being on this blog.....He has tried to antagonize people in public to get them to lose their temper and that is exactly what he was doing on the show. He, on this very blog, attacks so many people that I am surprised no one has sued him. You call yourself "Sanctifying Grace" and you can't see Bernie O'Hare for the slanderous, bullish person he is and then question Mr. Martinez's question. WOW I think you need to take the blinders off!
I was very impressed with the show. Angle and O'Hare made some great points and so did Jerry about the 3 top hats on the county payroll.
That sure is alot of overtime for those 3 nurses. I have heard that most nurses wont apply there because of the problems in management.
Mr. Martinez has earned himself a seat in the back of the bus. Shameful! Actually with those credentials, he should be pushing the bus.
Of course you were Brenda!
I imagine you should know the answer already. Its painful and sometimes deadly to be a change agent.
I have my share of battles scars. O'hare and Angle are the only 2 people who see the facts for what they are. The County is going broke, towns are broke and the state is broke.
Angle and O'Hare dont pansy down to the business as usual agenda. We need more people like them.
Comments posted by Henry Schaadt have all been deleted. Schaadt was emailing me pictures of dead Nazis a few weeks ago, and a person like that is not welcome here. Of course, he might come on anonymously, but he is not welcome and everything he signs will be deleted.
"No experts or rational people can defend the decision to dump the seniors at Gracedale so they get Angle and O'Hare."
I understand that both Lamont McClure and Steve Barron were asked, and refused, to sit on the panel. They were unwilling to speak in a setting where they cannot control the message. And the Fake Rev found that out the hard way.
Bernie, you give yourself way tooooo much credit!
Mr. Angle and Mr. Brown conducted themselves like gentlemen. I wish i could say the same for you and your rev buddy.
Bernie, I keep seeing references in your posts to "Graceland." Spell checker run amok, or are we planning to ship the residents off to Memphis? :)
Ron Angle and a Union President prove to be the normal ones in a conversation.
Sounds like the punchline to a joke.
Alan, I''m using the word Graceland bc it has become surreal.
after viewing the tape of the program i didn't hear anything new, the only thing that seemed to be going on was personal attacks by you and angle about religion .. where i come from there isn't one chruch better than another and frankly you both came off looking bad. it was an irrational arguement that nobody should listen to anything martinez said because of his beliefs,his religon had nothing to do with the issue at hand . i just didn't quite get it. jerry green acted like an adult and we got to hear very little from him because you were to busy arguing he was a fake rev etc.... one could only conclude that the only two people acting like a lynch mob were both you and angle.
I have my share of battles scars. O'hare and Angle are the only 2 people who see the facts for what they are. The County is going broke, towns are broke and the state is broke.
and yet we pander to the wealthy through unfunded tax breaks
or in our case
let the monies be spent financing the private sector (Abe). (Steelstacks)
I think there are too many misplaced priorities
I think you should look into some of these before you comment
overall you looked bad Ohare
physically and your personnal attacks on the fake rev
you lost all credibility
confusing the issue with your disdain of someone because they didn't meet YOUR criteria of what it is that makes someone a reverend
that won't fly with most people
why not take it on the road with
charlie sheen
Help he! I haven't left the building! I'm jammed in a room with three disco fans, the union goons are feeding me dog food, and some nurse supervisor keeps ordering enemas whenever I ask for a peanut butter banana sandwich.
Anon 1:25
Spoken like a bright blue dem!
The point your missing is that Graceland earned its place in the back of the bus
We get a tax break from the casino, not a hike. Do your homework.
" Bernie O'Hare said...
Alan, I''m using the word Graceland bc it has become surreal." Just like B OHaRe
where have you seen the break brenda ? because i've yet to.
Brenda, Yes all are broke. Ed Rendel left us $4 billion in the hole, now obama adds to it. I could care less of scars. It's time our elected officials do their jobs in stead of robbing the county. If Angle/Ohare sell Gracedale that $$35 million will be gone in a heartbeat.
gracedale deserves to be in the front of the bus!!! it is one of the county's finest asset's every measure should be taken to save it. with proper management it will bring in money , angle himself admits poor management under stoffa brought us here.
bernie... the Nazis looked better than you monday night
We get a tax break from the casino, not a hike. Do your homework
"bright" blue dem here
with an exception, yes I am bright but not a dem...once again you open mouth, insert foot
how much tax relief did you get from the casino
prehaps you don't realize the steel stacks are not the casino
it is like when you didn't realize judges were elected
we are using funds that were designed for infrastructure investment ONLY to facilitate a private sector endeavor
how much of this fabled tax relief are the steel stacks going to produce for you
Excuse me Brenda
The casinos were shoved down our throats by the person you people so affectionatly refer to as
"fast eddie" .
One of the BRIGHTEST BLUE DEMS to be found. So you now embarce this Democrat boondoggle hidden tax on the poor and stupid?
Yes as property owners we receive Homestead act relief,
I got about 200 last year while my school taxes increased 300+
No one seems to complain about school taxes, especially the "dim" bulbs among us.
They just fear a tax or the mere prospect of an increase to care for the poor and elderly.
tsk tsk
"babe in the woods"
After watching the video, it is very clear that you, Bernie were only there to make personal attacks on the "fake" Rev.
I personally don't believe the fact that he is or isn't a Rev. has anything to do with the Gracedale debate.
On the side, the Rev. only seemed to bash you. Seems as though the should would have been much more productive with out the 2 of you there.
Neither of you, or no one on the panel was able to present any facts one way or another.
Could it be the debate has become so personal that we have forgotten what the problem is??
gracedale deserves to be in the front of the bus!!! it is one of the county's finest asset's every measure should be taken to save it. with proper management it will bring in money , angle himself admits poor management under stoffa brought us here.
2:43 PM
Hmmmm, a giant inflated rat earns you a seat in the front of the bus?
I get a little over $200 from the casino tax relief
And yes, I agree the schools are the worst offenders of tax increases.
As everyone cries" our poor students and our poor senior citizens, save them all,"
my big fat ass gets one step closer to falling out my front window permanently. It just has to stop.
Again i will say i am proud in the way that Mr Angle and Mr Brown conducted themselves. It was refreshing, I did not care much for the Jerry Springer act between Bern and the rev. I think i kind of understand Bernies roll is to mix it up a bit . I just wish the Parties involved came up with a solution that was best for everyone . Thats all I ask for
If someone can explain to me why the taxpayers in Northampton County need to fund the care of a few individuals at Gracedale I’ll change my mind and vote to keep it open.
Let’s be real …. Blockbuster filed bankruptcy and closed, Zayre’s was losing money and closed, Bennigan’s and Steak & Ale were losing money and filed bankruptcy and closed, Circuit City was losing money, filed bankruptcy and closed. People want government to be run like a business – Gracedale is LOSING money. Time to privatize or CLOSE THE DOORS.
Let’s be real …. Blockbuster filed bankruptcy and closed, Zayre’s was losing money and closed, Bennigan’s and Steak & Ale were losing money and filed bankruptcy and closed, Circuit City was losing money, filed bankruptcy and closed. People want government to be run like a business – Gracedale is LOSING money. Time to privatize or CLOSE THE DOORS.
I guess you are new posting in here
all the reasons for keeping it have been laid out
all the scare tactics along with an iota or so of truth has been presented, look back in the archieves
nothing any of the pro Gracedale crowd says will sway you as it appears you have made up your mind
look at it this way
soon it will be warm again and you can persue your hobby of picking wings off flies
and excuse me however those analogies are pist poor
I loved the show and Angle and O'Hare swept the floor with those other guys. Ron just wanted an answer to a very simple question. Why not take reasonable concessions for 3 years and they will keep the place open??
That reverend is the biggest fake phony fraud that I ever saw.
That big fat slob from the audience wasn't much better. He reminded me of one of those troll dolls that you pull the string and they repeat the same thing over and over again.
Get rid of all regulation and all government; then the "real" reverends will operate the country like a business.
Wackadoodle paradise.
@ 6:15..You talking about Bernie in your last paragraph?
That big fat slob from the audience wasn't much better.
So your mother was in the audience?
@ 8:55 Mom jokes are a sign of weakness and sub-level intelligence. Try to be witty like the fella who commented before you.
9:05 PM
is that a racist comment?
and I think that ass deserved it
@ 8:55 Mom jokes are a sign of weakness and sub-level intelligence. Try to be witty like the fella who commented before you.
Oh I'm sorry
here let me exchange it
once again please accept my apologies
So your sister was in the audience?
Angle doesn't want answers. His questions are bogus and intended to inflame.
He asks if people are willing to have their taxes increased 18% to save Gracedale. The overwhelming answer seems to be no. Of course the question itself is bullshit.
An 18% tax increase would bring in about $15 million in new county taxes a year. Even the fake consultants Stoffa hired painted a worse case Gracedale scenario at $6million a year. Why are the real numbers (as per Stoffa) and Angles numbers so far apart? That's a question.
Why does Angle have to lie when asking questions? There is a second question.
The old bullshit about money and taxes failed the simple math test and the simple knowledge test. The new tactic of the "four to a room" non-issue is also a massive fail. No one ever mentioned it as any problem in 50 years until Angle/Stoffa needed a new hook for their con game.
Bottom line is this year Gracedale is on course to spend less than Stoffa and Angle predicted. Keep in mind, that is despite Stoffa and Angle doing everything possible to have Gracedale fail.
Better a fake Reverend than a fake crisis intended to dump the county's seniors. At least the fake reverend is harmless. Angle/Stoffa and their fake "facts" will hurt people.
Vote for Truth, vote To Save Gracedale and Dump Angle/Stoffa!!
brenda said "angle himself admits poor management under stoffa brought us here." Don't forget Angle was there the whole time... its called passing the buck.
It's hilarious that any person of any religion calls another person of some other religion "fake." Newsflash. It's all fake. Oh wait, your religious leader is for real. He was ordained from god himself. A ship of fools.
That sure is alot of overtime for those 3 nurses.
So hire some new nurses and cut their overtime. Um, duh?
The most salient point from the show was when Angle was challenged on the fact that Gracedale did in fact MAKE MONEY. He was like Curly getting slapped around by Moe.
Just think how fast the county will squander that $35 million dollars if they get it
Last time I looked, I did not vote for B. O'hare to my bidding for me. So why is he even involved in this except just to be nosey, and perhaps have a finacial interest?
Did you vote for the Fake Rev to do your bidding? Is the union giving his phony online church money? You accuse me of having a financial interest, but I don't make online solicitations for money.
back door politics... thats you
I see. So are you saying that money is being funneled to the Fake Rev via his fake church?
why do you claim people opposing the sale of Gracedale a quote "Lynce Mob"??? and goons?
I could care less about Martinez, the people of NC should be the factor in the sale , not one person ie rev martines, or B. OHare
I don't call every person opposed to the sale a goon or member of a lynch mob. But as the show makes very clear, there is a lynch mob mentality of goons led by a Fake Rev who tell lies and inflame passions instead of dealing n the truth.
dude, this "fake reverand " stuff is getting to you. this isn't about Martinez, its about Gracedale... how many times do I have to say it?
It most certainly is about the Fake Rev, who has lied and inflamed passions instead of telling the truth. That is very much part of the story.
that is your opinion yes, now let everyone else be heard
What's this fixation on fake reverends? Is it equally objectionable to be a real reverend for a fake religion?
How do you differentiate between fake and real religion? The number of advocates? The empirical proof that the tenets of one religion are in fact true as opposed to all other religions?
Focus your critical faculties on was is truly fake.
By the way, did the Host disclose the fact that he had made a political contribution to Angle (the person who never seeks to inflame passions.)
It's called deflection. the so-called "facts" for selling Gracedale have been proven false. O'hare and company have tried every goofy argument he Angle and Stoffa could think up and they have all fallen flat.
All O'Hare can do is deflect and pray for his bagger buddies to agree with him.
What you all fail to point out when you speak of the top three paid Nurses that work at Gracedale is that 2 of them are Supervisors that are NOT PART OF THE UNION...BUT ARE CAREER SERVICE EMPLOYEES (MANAGEMENT)..meaning who is responsible for overseeing the amount of overtime they are allowed to work. The other Nurse was President of the RN/Socialworker Steelworkers Union whom has now retired...Not part of the AFSCME Union worker.....we would be shocked to earn half of what these people were allowed to earn and yet we are referred to a the Union Goons and Pigs..You all need to get your facts straight.
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