That's the kind of damage we bottom-feeding bloggers can do.
Believe it or not, I was there again Wednesday. Producer Mike Schlossberg wanted to do a show on Gracedale, and was able to see the Gracedale Goons in action for himself. They packed the audience, along with LV Labor Council Recording Sec'y John Weiss. He's one of the union dudes who was handing out "Elect John Callahan" flyers at an October "Save Gracedale" rally. His union president wife is one of the petition circulators who claimed to have obtained one signature every 35 seconds on election day. Even Judge Baratta was forced to conclude she had gone too far.
Ron Angle, teamed up with me on the Sell Gracedale side, brought two friends. I had asked a few friends to come, too, but forgot to tell them what time they had to be there. I told Ron it looked like we were heavily outnumbered.
"What do you mean, we, you widow-hater," snarled Angle.
Uh oh.
On "God's side," as he always claims, was none other than Fake Rev Mario Martinez. As he sat in the make-up chair before the show, this Phony Preacher kept repeating "Angle is Satan, Angle is Satan."
Alrighty then.
The Fake Rev was joined by USW union boss Jerry Green, a genuinely good person who seemed embarrassed to be there.
Things got out of hand pretty quickly. When the Fake Rev started braying about "widows and orphans" at Gracedale, I interrupted to point out that there's no orphanage at the County-owned nursing home.
That brought hoots and hollers from the Gracedale Goons, who can abide no contradictions. But I wasn't done. I pointed out that, contrary to his constant claims, the Fake Reverend represents nobody and that he got his ordination papers from a Cracker Jacks box.
The Gracedale Goons screamed and yelled throughout the show, trying to shout down Angle or me whenever we made a point.
To their credit, Jerry Green and Ron were fairly subdued, but I pretty much acted the way I act here. Except this time, I had my enemy right in front of me. I pointed to audience members who padded Gracedale initiative petition numbers with duplicate signatures, and noted the pervasive election fraud from this mob.
After the show was over, one of the Goons started poking at me, and he was ushered away. Mike Schlossberg wanted to have Michelle Young escort me to my car because she's the toughest person in the room, but I declined. I did go out a side door, which put me at the far end of the parking lot.
They were all waiting for me by the front door, and when they saw me, started yelling again. But I got in my truck and followed Angle out of there as they continued to prove that the moniker "Gracedale Goons" is very apt.
I doubt the Fake Rev wanted to pray.
Although this show is scheduled to air on April 4, I honestly don't know if it will make it past the censors.
Union - No.
1 you have no friends to invite
2 you ran away AGAIN?
I am the one who followed you out of the fire hall after you gave the finger to that little boy.
I asked you to tell me when you where going to confront the goons so I could be there. You did not tell me of this event or I would have attended.
I am not affiliated with those people so I don't know their plans.
What I do know is, it appears you are a coward, you did run to your car at the firehall and you ran again tonight. I will catch up with you some day to chat with you. You can count on that.
What I did was act like an adult. You should try it sometime. I stopped fighting in playgrounds when I was in third grade.
At the firehall, on my way to my vehicle (a truck and not a car), I actually stopped to talk to someone. You could have confronted me then or at any time before I left the place, but you can't even identify yourself.
Why can't Stoffa tel his own lies. Having a crook like Angle and a disbarred alky like you defending the sale of Gracedale says a lot.
Stoffa has no guts. You and Angle were left to spread the lies. point is no one buys your lies anymore. Also businesses that are Chamber members are being solicited about sponsoring a TV show that continually features the only Lehigh Valley elected official to be condemned by both the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League. That's Ron Angle, an equal opportunity anti-smite, bigot and all around hater.
Vote to keep Gracedale 60 to 40%
Reality Matters
You claim Stoffa has "no guts" and can't sign your name.
Hey, nice deflection there O'Hare. Why not stick to tje topic. You guys have bullshitted on Gracedale from day one and the folks are on to you.
From your bogus consultant to your bogus tax increase. Once people took the time to do the research it was obvious that Angle/Stoffa was selling a crock of shit.
The "Chamber" changed its' name to try to fool the rest of the people it didn't under
"The Chamber of Commerce"
largly anti-labor pro corporation
not to be trusted
You talk about orphans and claim I am bullshitting when I speak of declining reimbursements?
What I did was act like an adult. You should try it sometime. I stopped fighting in playgrounds when I was in third grade.
You are the one who said you were going to confront those people. I don't want to fight with you I want to introduce myself and tell you to your face what I think of you and Angle. If I said the things I want to say in here you would delete them. BC there is only one side to the story, yours.
We will meet soon. And like I said you ran to your vehicle, I don't know what you drive, and couldn't see it from the outside entrance. I saw no one outside. I just heard a door close and an engine start. And THAT IS THE TRUTH. Something you are not familiar with.
Anonymous coward, You had every opportunity to confront me that night or at any of a number of public meetings since that night. You claim you tailed me in a comment on another blog, but don't even know I was driving a truck and not a car. Give it a rest, psycho.
There are adult orphans living at Gracedale. One in particular has been there for over 30 years. That patient has "Downs Syndrom". I know of 3 other adult orphans currently living there, they each have mental issues and could not care for themselves. When those people spoke of orphans they didn't mean children. Years ago people actually would drop them off and leave, when they could or would no longer care for them. I am curious to see how you responded to that statement on the show. I certainly hope you didn't make an ass of yourself, speaking without all the facts. I can't reveal those peoples names due to privacy laws, you do realize that. Look into what I said, those are the cruel hard facts.
You claim you tailed me
More lies, I never said I tailed you, I said I came outside, you left, end of story.
Gimme a break. An orphan is a child who has been deprived of parental care and has not been adopted. What you are speaking of are adults.
I will provide you as much information on these "orphans" circumstances that I can, without breaking any laws. I will speak to my supervisor and determine what I can share. I don't work tomorrow, however I am on the weekend shift Sat/Sun. When I find out the details I will post them. Maybe you having a law background are using the legal definition, however, I think the term was used correctly in those cases. I'll try to post on Saturday night or Sunday night. Good night.
"More lies, I never said I tailed you,"
Yeah, you did. You claim you followed me to a restaurant where I met Angle. I deleted your comment and ten you claimed to have made the whole thing up. Let's face it. You are an anonymous coward afraid to even identify yourself, and have avoided many opportunities to speak to me.
One quick note. I think the Down Syndrom patient has been there since they were a minor. I am not sure however 12 years old may have been what I heard. If that was the case under oyur scenario wouldn't that constitute being deprived of parents and not adopted?
Good Night
Unless they are children, they are not "orphans." Look at any dictionary.
" I think the Down Syndrom patient has been there since they were a minor."
Illegal. Try again.
"They both met up later, as I think someone might have tailed them"
This is a portion of the post you deleted
I have them all
and all of your responses
you exhibit poor
reading comprehension
O'Hare is the classic "angry drunk". These are so-called rehabilitated alcoholics. In reality they are still angry, bitter people who have unresolved psychological problems. O'Hare gloms to other sociopaths like Angle, as they share the same traits. Exaggerated sense of self, poor social skills and a strong underlying insecurity due to unresolved insecurities. They disguise these traits through over the top bravado as often evidenced by Ron Angle.
O'Hare can hardly help himself as he is a sick individual who has no desire to improve his lot in life.
Concerned Citizen
Orphans grow old, too old for childrens homes. If they are mentally deficient or ill and can not take care of themselves where do the go?
I think some could be in the County home. Not sure though.
It is worth checking into, lord knows you won't get a honest answer from the guy in charge in here.
What I did was act like an adult. You should try it sometime. I stopped fighting in playgrounds when I was in third grade.
Is this the same adult behavior you displayed when you bilked your clients? Just asking.
"Orphans grow old, too old for childrens homes."
And when they do, they are no longer orphans.
Anon 2:16, Thank you for proving my point.
Thank God for the Gracedale Goons! There is finally a group of people that aren't afraid to stand up to people like you and Ron Angle.
Why watch.....I have seen Angle enough on that show ranting and acting like a lunatic. Your "Gracedale Goon" stuff is really starting to get old Bernie. Time to find other people to pick on!
Where are the Pinkerton Men when you need them?
I would like to ask alot of these idiots in person if they realize that CORPORATIONS, generally are the ones HIRING PEOPLE! some of these union whacks are such idiots they don't realize they are talking down the same people that give them a pay check. You can't be anti labor and pro corporation, because corporations employee everyone, what a bunch of schmucks on here i tell ya.
I would like to ask alot of these idiots in person if they realize that CORPORATIONS, generally are the ones HIRING PEOPLE! some of these union whacks are such idiots they don't realize they are talking down the same people that give them a pay check. You can't be anti labor and pro corporation, because corporations employee everyone, what a bunch of schmucks on here i tell ya.
Very un- well thoughtout post
If you did any reading on the matter, you would find out you are wrong.
The "Chambers" newest plan is to allow school children to work unlimited hours.
Sounds good?
Not when the pay is lower than a full time worker or taking a much needed job from an adult.
Prehaps when you are replaced at McDonalds you will understand.
Listen....you better get off the internet your needed at the counter
Ding....fries are done
Anonymous 1:20.
What in gods name are you talking about? a conspiracy underfoot to reinsitute child labor on a national scale? I think not,I may be a well qualified French Fry Technician, don't be jealous because I beat you to the job.
Your post, besides making no sense, and not at all addressing the fact that Corporations indeed employee the majority of workers in this country, you should probably share a bunk in Gracedale with the "orphans"...
Anonymous 1:20.
What in gods name are you talking about? a conspiracy underfoot to reinsitute child labor on a national scale? I think not,I may be a well qualified French Fry Technician, don't be jealous because I beat you to the job.
Your post, besides making no sense, and not at all addressing the fact that Corporations indeed employee the majority of workers in this country is foolish. You should probably share a bunk in Gracedale with the "orphans"...
Your post, besides making no sense, and not at all addressing the fact that Corporations indeed employee the majority of workers in this country, you should probably share a bunk in Gracedale with the "orphans"...
You do realize that it works both ways, right? Corporations need labor and consumers to exist.
Truly mind-blowing what Fox News has done to the nation's understanding of basic society.
Bernie, this is the most entertainment I've had since Jackie Gleason was on TV.
The level of side-splitting stupidity exhibited by these commentors is absolutley stunning.
Keep it up!
Anonymous 1:20.
What in gods name are you talking about? a conspiracy underfoot to reinsitute child labor on a national scale? I think not,I may be a well qualified French Fry Technician, don't be jealous because I beat you to the job.
Reality Matters
What does the missus call you--old softie
Outstanding photo, as usual, Bernie. This one's particularly good, though.
Reality Matters
What does the missus call you--old softie
U.S. Chamber: State labor laws cost jobs
By Scott Kraus (The Morning Call)Published: March 4, 2011
First, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce asked President Barack Obama to a create a friendlier environment for job growth. Now the organization is asking the states to do the same.
The Washington, D.C.-based pro-business group issued a study Wednesday that blames state labor and workplace laws - including regulations it says cost Pennsylvania 36,210 new jobs - for preventing new companies from launching and existing ones from hiring more workers.
It was released as labor issues are making headlines, especially in states like New Jersey and Wisconsin, where newly elected Republican governors have gone after unions in the hope of cutting government spending. Both states also landed with Pennsylvania in the bottom tier of the chamber's report.
"Many of the factors mentioned by the study include challenges facing Governor (Tom) Corbett in the short-term," he said.
Pennsylvania, the report noted, goes further than the federal government in guaranteeing severance pay for workers whose companies abruptly change ownership; making it harder to exempt white-collar and sales employees from overtime pay; providing more reasons for which employees can take leave without risking their jobs: and limiting to four the number of hours a minor may work outside of school.
They are seriously considering making an unlimited workday availible to minor children.
Maybe thats a good thing in your world.
Hell we don't need no education
and Daddy don't need no job
On the positive side, who knows, there could be
a child "title search" prodigy
in Helen Krumps 8th grade class that would be happy to do the job for minimum wage.
keep yuking fryboy
‘U.S.’ Chamber Of Commerce Funded By Top Offshoring Companies
U.S. Chamber of Commerce campaignWhile it tells the American public it cares about American jobs, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce actually works to send jobs overseas on behalf of its corporate members, which include some of Asia’s top offshoring companies. Its secretly-funded $75 million political ad campaign attacks the “anti-jobs record” of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Jerry Brown (D-CA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Alexi Giannoulias (D-IL), Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV), and others.
The Chamber has repeatedly sent out issue alerts attacking Democratic efforts to encourage businesses to hire locally rather than outsource to foreign counties. The Chamber has also bitterly fought Democrats for opposing unfettered free trade deals. The Chamber’s anti-American jobs agenda serves not only the profit-seeking of right-wing corporate executives in the United States, but also works to send jobs overseas to the following outsourcing companies, who are some of the dozens of foreign corporations that pay member dues to the Chamber of Commerce’s 501c(6) account, which is used to fund its political ads:
– InfoSys, Bangalore, India (at least $15,000 in annual member dues): “Infosys is the ‘Best Outsourcing Partner’ according to the Waters Rankings for the third consecutive year.”
– KPIT Cummins, Pune, India ($7,500): “Strategic global networking, together with industry-proven practices & processes, give KPIT Cummins a cutting edge in the realm of outsourcing.”
– Patni Americas, Mumbai, India ($15,000): “Patni, the world leader in IT outsourcing and business process outsourcing provides offshore software development, global sourcing, custom software development, and a vast array of product engineering and IT services to companies worldwide.”
– NIIT Technologies, Delhi, India ($15,000): “[L]eadership in the area of outsourcing.”
– QuEST Global, Singapore ($7,500): “QuEST is a leader in the engineering services outsourcing (ESO) space.”
– Rolta, Mumbai, India ($7,500): “Rolta’s global footprint and track record along with its capable off-shoring model gives it a unique positioning in this large market.”
– SKP Crossborder Consulting, Mumbai, India ($7,500): “SKP’s core outsourcing practice is managed out of a fully equipped, spacious premises based in Pune with access to facilities in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi and Bangalore.”
– Tata Group, Mumbai, India ($15,000): “[W]orld-class solutions in outsourcing – business process outsourcing, application outsourcing, infrastructure outsourcing.”
– Wipro, Bangalore, India ($15,000): “India’s biggest destination for U.S. offshoring.”
In its “American Free Enterprise” campaign, the Chamber says that there is no “greater or more important” policy challenge “than creating the 20 million jobs needed in the next decade to replace the jobs lost in the current recession and to meet the needs of America’s growing workforce.” Perhaps the Chamber should actually start working toward that goal of creating jobs in America, instead of promoting the offshoring agenda of its foreign sponsors.
I'll put this back up all night if I need to as I don't sleep
"They are seriously considering making an unlimited workday availible to minor children."
That doesnt appear to be what the Chamber's report says at all. It seems to me that they are saying that Pennsylvania's requirements, which are on TOP of the existing FLSA requirements, are some of the most onerous in the country and that it is costing the state jobs. Many states dont have the additional requirements and yet they dont have a epidemic of 8th graders doing title searches.
Well I heard today exactly what happened at the taping
You should br proud of yourself Bernie and Angle and the producer.
It's the producer's fault that you behaved badly? I'll bet that make up artist is to blame, too.
I wasn't there however I don't know those people I heard from someone who was.
I'll use the term
However feel free to change to
"rope a dope".
I know you would anyway.
You know what went down I won't go into it, as you would delete it. A couple of great humans you and Angle are, yup, the producer too, who was complicit with your shenanigans.
You did well. It'll make great TV. You;ll look like the voices of reason as opposed to the crazies.
yup, you did good. Can't wait to meet you.
Do not copy and past news accounts here. That is unfair to the person who wrote the story and did the work. Post a link to the story, which incidentally has nothing to do with this post.
Excellent article in the Morning Call about how one of the original authors of the Northampton Home Rule Charter agrees with Judge Baratta's decision.
Bill Hansell stated that the referendum clause was for exactly a Gracedale type of issue.
More informed sources again hitting the Angle/Stoffa gang conspiracy of lies.
In the article Angle again lied about the need for the big tax increase, That bullshit has long since been discredited.
Sad that Northampton Counties policy towards the sick and elderly are in the hands of a couple devious, bitter old men like Angle and Stoffa
Truth Over Lies!!!!
and Ohare
let us not forget
My mom's sick and elderly and living in the same house she and my late father bought in Easton for $9,400 in 1961. They paid off their house in seven years while raising six kids. Now, she's being taxed out of her home of 50 years because some greedy unions (exploiting a particular group of old folks that does not include my sick and elderly mother) can't find honest work at market prices.
I guess that's what the goons want. They bankrupt old folks who then lose their homes. Then, they're sentenced to die among strangers while packed four-to-a-room, worshiping photos of Samuel Gompers and Ceasar Chavez in order to understand the importance of their miserable deaths to the overall mission of organized labor.
My mom is sick and elderly and wants Gracedale sold.
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Anonymous 5:44am
Your situation is exactly why Gracedale SHOULD NOT be sold. If she is already sick, unless she has tons of money in the bank, and I mean TONS of money! (average privatized monthly cost is more than $7,000 dollars monthly), privatized nursing homes are reluctant and don't accept people with low $ assets. Gracedale has been the safety net for those who are turned away from privatized homes!
Do yourself AND YOUR MOTHER a favor.....check out the local nursing homes and see what your mother could afford, then go visit the ones she can afford oh yeah...then figure out how long she will be able to stay there while her total assets are being liquidated! When you visit...tell them that your mother has no assets and that they will more than likely be paid by Medicaid......See if they welcome you with open arms then! You see, PRIVATE nursing homes CAN and DO turn away anyone they feel will not add to their bottom line figure/profit! IT TRULY IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!! After you have gone to all the other PRIVATE nursing homes that your mother would be able to afford, make GRACEDALE your last stop. Your decision will be easy!
With a more scrutinized management team and Stoffa stopped from sabataging Gracedale; Gracedale can/will once again be able to make money or at least break even!
I am amazed that people like you have in the past never cared if senior citizens have continued to pay higher SCHOOL TAXES so your children could have BIGGER and BETTER, but now that a tax increase MAY be necessary to help the elderly, you turn your back!
Mr. Angle, Mr. Stoffa and Mr. O'hare, on this blog, continue to use their scare tactic of a "BIG tax increase". So OK
IF a tax increase would be necessary to keep Gracedale from privatization...the $50-$100 a year paid as a safety net won't seem so bad to know that there will indeed be a place for your mother to go if needed!
So instead of being blind to the whole situation and believing things on THIS BLOG, do exactly what I said above.....you will see for yourself that keeping Gracedale from privatization will be doing the BEST thing for your mother!
Maybe his mom wants to stay in her home and not be a burden to the rest of us like Barron's granny and family is.
You say a tax increase is now necessary to help the elderly? Now we've entered the bizzaro world. The mom in question IS elderly and doesn't want her taxes raised! How about helping her and the majority of old people in the county who still pay taxes and want to stay in their homes until they die?
No. You want them to be taxed out of their homes so you can warehouse them in Gracedale to keep the public sector union movement alive via the government subsidized route.
Greedy and heartless.
Anonymous 10:05 AKA BERNIE!!!
Maybe you need to read the paragraph again.....from anonymous 10:54am because you sure are twisting things. They state as below
"Mr. Angle, Mr. Stoffa and Mr. O'hare, on this blog, continue to use their scare tactic of a "BIG tax increase". So OK
IF a tax increase would be necessary to keep Gracedale from privatization...the $50-$100 a year paid as a safety net won't seem so bad to know that there will indeed be a place for your mother to go if needed!"
"Bill Hansell stated that the referendum clause was for exactly a Gracedale type of issue."
Bill Hansell was a paid consultant,not Thomas Jefferson. I have no confidence in what he is saying now, assuming he is even being quoted accurately.
Bill Hansell? Didn't he just vote to raise taxes 16%? No thanks.
dj needs to relax. Commonwealth Court isn't even taking arguments in the appeals. It a done deal. Barrata's decision will be affirmed, the unions will win the vote, and the taxpayers lose $35 million.
Oh, and Angle will be re-elected.
If Bill Hansell was NOT an author but was a paid consultant. That headline is inaccurate. But Hansell cannot explain why the plain language says that the power or referendum does not extend to the budget. He calls this plain language "not playing by the rues." Is he nuts? That's what it says.
I went through those boxes myself. There's virtually nothing in there shedding any light on this topic.
On the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Waist Factory fire-a story equating unions with goons
Just imagine a world where businesses and corporations make the rules-
Oh that's right just read the news.
-see the W. Va coal miner deaths or the Oil rig disasters
Bernie, you said you went through the boxe's yourself, did you happen to see the tapes ??
Now this man is not trust worthy
either, I forgot only the 3 stooges can be trusted.
First we had Watergate....Then came Obama medicalgate....and now Berniegate......
Bernie, where are the missing tapes? You had access to them.
I went thru the boxes and saw lots of tapes. I never tried listening to them, but looked for written statements concerning the framers' intent. There really was nothing that related to this specific provision of the Charter.
Hansell was a paid consultant, but was NOT an author of the HRC. His recollection NOW is contrary to the clear language THEN. There is no statement from him, back in '78, to indicate that the power of referendum would extend to a capital project like Gracedale. I suspect his recollection now has more to do with his own view on public nursing homes than the plan language of the charter.
As for the accusations of theft, you can add them to all your other accusations. I will add that I am a member of the public, and have no greater or less access to county documents than anyone else. These unfounded accusations just diminish you.
So this is the situation. One of the Charters authors agrees this is exactly the situation the referendum envisioned.
Angle continues to claim we need an 18% tax increase that would generate at least $14.7 million new dollars a year to fund at most $6 million dollars a year as determined by the Stoffa paid consultants.
The County claimed Gracedale would cost $6 million in 2011 and only funded half or $3 million. Now the numbers are coming in at costing maybe $4 for the entire year. Another Stoffa gang blunder.
There is a box of files on the Home Rule Charter that have been taken by Stoffa and locked in his office. O'Hare is given the opportunity to rifle through these important documents.
The tapes with the information relevant to the case are now missing.
Wow. You guys are amazing. Based on that information if any of you had any ethics you would arrest yourselves.
You are lucky you have the wacky baggers sharing exaggerations with you.
The truth is no sane person believes or trusts the Angle/Stoffa regime.
Truth Over Lies!!!
Truth over Lies??? Where is your "truth" coming from? The archive boxes relating to the HRC have been open for review by the press for two weeks now. if there was substantial evidence that the initial intentions of the charter authors were to allow referendums on budget matters it would have come out by now. You are grasping at straws.
My mom's sick and elderly and living in the same house she and my late father bought in Easton for $9,400 in 1961. They paid off their house in seven years while raising six kids. Now, she's being taxed out of her home of 50 years because some greedy unions (exploiting a particular group of old folks that does not include my sick and elderly mother) can't find honest work at market prices.
I guess that's what the goons want. They bankrupt old folks who then lose their homes. Then, they're sentenced to die among strangers while packed four-to-a-room, worshiping photos of Samuel Gompers and Ceasar Chavez in order to understand the importance of their miserable deaths to the overall mission of organized labor.
My mom is sick and elderly and wants Gracedale sold.
She is being taxed out of her home by property taxes "school taxes" not county taxes, if she can't afford a nominal 5-6% county increase maybe it is time to sell. There is no 20% increase necessary to keep Gracedale. don't let the fool you
Thief Thief
give me my tapes back
un f'n believable
BERNIEGATE, I like that.
Bernie enjoy your freedom while you can. /////
Gracedale does not necessitate a tax increase. The Stoffa drug addict lounge does. So the game is to blame Gracedale, sell it and take the money to open the drug addict lounge.
Since the lounge is 100% county money after old man Stoffa leaves, the county will have to pony up millions of more tax dollars in future years.
It is sad that the infirm and elderly of this county are the pawns in the Angle/Stoffa con game.
Give back the tapes O'Hare. Someone needs to contact the State Attorneys General office to begin an investigation of this tawdry affair.
Justice Now!!!!!!!!
What exactly makes them "goons?" It is because they disagree with you? Is it because they believe in democracy? Is it because they are not on the same page as Angle/Stoffa?
If they are "goons," they ought to have a criminal record. Show the criminal record, or apologize !!!!
dump the joint!
A "goon" is not necessarily a criminal. It is a thug hired to intimidate or harm opponents, or a stupid or oafish person. I call this particular group goons for the reasons I state here. Last week, during the taping of Business Matters, they demonstrated again hy they have that moniker.
and you know they were enticed and duped to behave badly by the producer
you and Angle bring out the worst in people
what was the posturing and the gesture Ronny Boy gave prior to taping
that should be shown on the program
too bad it wasn't taped
you talk the big game of not acting like a 3rd grader except when you think no ones watching
funny, someone is watching
you are poor examples of humans
I'm not one of the goons
so forget about lumping me in with them
however if the end justifies the means I will work with them on the periphery
I am an individual who has your numbers
and will not rest until you are out of the countys business via the ballot box
I don't care how much of my money and time it will cost to rid the county of Angle and you along with him
color me a
concerned citizen of NorCo
I know nothing of the sort. I saw nothing from Angle at all, who was unusually subdued. I saw nothing from the producer encouraging them to behave badly. I only saw him plead with them to be quiet.
You are actually worse than a Gracedale Goon. You will condemn Angle and me based on evidence you don't have from a show you did not attend. And unlike those Goons, who have to identify themselves at meetings, you are a coward unwilling to accept personal responsibility for your libels.
Bernie is proud that he gave the finger to a cancer ridden boy at a Gracedale concerned citizens meeting. he is proud he leaves his fly open to expose himself at county council meetings.
Afterwards he and his benefactor Angle and Stoffa go to the diner and have a good laugh about it.
sounds like GOON behavior.
Anon 3:16, are you fantasizing? Gross, unsubstantiated images...
Bernie.....you are such a liar!!!!
Ask your bud what kind of hand gesture he gave to one of the goons prior to the show. You I guess were getting spackle applied to your face at the time. Then get back to me, and tell me what it meant.
Also prior to the show the producer instructed the audience. Ask him what those instructions were. You don't need to because you already know, it was a setup....you lie.
gracedale goldbricks are an embarrassment to the memory of those who forged the labor movement 100 years ago.
Anon 7:23 is an embarrassment to a;; those who struggled so hard to make a decent living. Now, only to have it given away by dummies that can't see union busting activities by the wealthy class who enjoy watching the little people fight over the table scraps.
I am sure they are very sad.
Laughter is the best medicine
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Excuse me, but many of those of us who want Gracedale sold are by no means wealthy, but are tired of being shackled by public sector unions.
your definiton of goon!! sounds like you are the goon!!!!!
As per Bernies request this is a link to the Chamber of Commerce sponsered bill in Maine.
Reducing minimum wage increrasing hours and ultimately killing jobs for adults. All coming to a state near you.
Good working people
Beware the Chamber of Horrors
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