Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Patch - Whitetail Deer Classic, Where Pols Stalk the Hunters

It may not be held at the Waldorf, but the Whitetail Deer Classic is fast becoming Northampton County's version of the Pennsylvania Society Dinner. You can read about this crazy shindig - where booze, guns, hunters, politicians and deer heads intersect - at Easton Patch.


  1. As a sportsman I attend this annual banquet. Yes Ron Angle wins something every year. They give out over 300 prizes so the odds are in his favor. Remember this, those politicians attending know what that banquet can do for them (including Seyfried and all those other has beens you mentioned). There are close to 30 gun clubs in the County with close to 30,000 members. One letter bad mouthing an anti gun candidate from this group could be devestating to a local politician. We don't ask for anything more than respect and for the politicians to support sportsmen, not with tons of money, but with their votes on pro gun and pro hunting issues. By the way, where were the democrats?

  2. bo enjoyed the butt kissing and the booze. must have, he mentioned it twice

  3. Seyfried, Heckman and Panella are three of the so-called has been current and former office holders.

    Let me guess, you wish a new exciting young pol like Steve Barron, John Callahan or Pawlowski attend.

    Give me the "has beens" anyday!

  4. I agree with anon 8:51. Jerry has been involved in running sportsman events for years. Ron H another Democrat and longtime member and friend of the sportsman club, is an ardent second amendment proponent that has argued the position with members of his own party. He told me he doesn't hunt anymore but enjoys target practice and still does quite a bit of fishing.

    So while some folks for some reasons can't fathom any Democrats supporting individual gun rights both Jerry and Ron do.

    This is where the media and political parties can confuse people. I know some Republicans that automatically get NRA support, yet they wouldn't know a chamber from a trigger. Then you have Dem's in the Lehigh Valley who are strong supporters of individual gun owner rights.

    We need to do our homework before we vote. I pick the man not the Party.


  5. I wondered who it was that was taking pictures of Ron Angle with a cell phone. We thought he brought his own private publicist to the event. Now I realize it was you, Bernie Ohare. I'm really sorry you couldn't see the good that is created at the Banquet you attended. The Youth Field day Program and The Northampton County Junior Conservation school just happens to be the recipient of most of the funds that were raised that night. Thousands, and I repeat thousands of youngsters have gone through these programs learning about our environment, enjoying the outdoors, hiking activities, preserving our heritage, boating safety, fishing and yes even hunting. Why would you knock people who give of their time and talents to help kids and then praise people like Ron Angle who has been arrested for shiplifting, taking campaign donations from people who he may have to vote on their building projects, gone to court over his fathers will which he is being accused of forging, and the list goes on. Mr. ohare, all of the people you saw working at the Banquet are volunteers. Unpaid for their services. Contrary to what you think of Gerry Seyfried and his cronies or has beens, we thank our lucky stars we have them has beens and cronies.

  6. Excuse me? I enjoyed myself thoroughly, and love the event. It's my second year there.


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