Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Judge Baratta Dismisses NorCo's Home Rule Challenge to Gracedale Initiative

Reading this decision is like reading monks from the Dark Ages, trying to decide how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. I'll have more to say later.
Judge Baratta Dismisses NorCo's Home Rule Challenge to Gracedale Initiative


  1. Great....we get to hear the disbarred attorneys version over a judges! Thanks but no thanks....I'll just take the ruling and be satisfied!

  2. I prepared an exquisite letter to the editor of the express times that gives Mr. Baratta a whole hearted bitch slap for this decision. But knowing I would have to publish my real name and seeing the ridicule, stalking and terrorism that BO has dealt with, I am actually afraid to.

  3. Anon 6:56, Thanks for pointing out the typo. I fixed it.

  4. "I'll just take the ruling and be satisfied!"

    For those of us who aren't, next stop is Commonwealth Court.

  5. Brenda,

    I think that's just their way of telling me they love me.

  6. thanks Bernie

    I go into cyberblogs when I have some free time. I am new to yours. Most of the time the comments are so amusing, its a fun way to pass free time

    Its a cool way to let out some steam when no one can see you

    Is the county council able to reject his decision and move forward with the sale anyway? Sounds like they can

  7. I go into cyberblogs when I have some free time. I am new to yours. Most of the time the comments are so amusing, its a fun way to pass free time

    Bernie thinks Bernie is cool

    "Bernie and Bernie up in a tree"

  8. Um, anon, if you are trying to provoke me to telling you who I really am you can forget it. No , I am not BO. I am female but my name is really not brenda

  9. Anonymous 8:10 love it.....probably true. Bernie's alter ego. Hahahaha

  10. It perplexes me why you trash this blog with punches at this man or anyone who agrees with him

  11. I see Mrs. Stoffa and Mrs. Angle are on the computer.

    The reason Bernie gets blasted is because he uses bias, anger, fear and hate to attack people. he uses the same traits to defend his mancrushes like Angle and Stoffa.

    The facts regarding Gracedale have never had a true or fair hearing on this blog.

    This blog is really anything Stoffa and Angle want it to be.
    But you already know that don't you.

    Rick Kerns

  12. No, what i believe is that this blog actually has nothing to do with Gracedale. It has to do with the fact that Mr Baratta just drop-kicked the entire election process straight out of the courtroom window, and we as voters must drop-kick him off the bench. His decision has left a miserable looking scar on the faces of every northampton county taxpayer.

    I may actually knock on his courtroom door and ask him if it will be OK for me to vote twice on this matter and entourage all of my NJ friends to the polling place so they can vote too.

    I will follow this appeal. I think he will be reversed.

  13. ANd new to this blog, I have seen no bias, anger, fear or hate employed by BO. I have only seen this by many of the anonymous posts who wont identify themselves.

    I am not Mrs stoffa or Mrs Angle...I am Miss

    You really want to know dont you?

  14. The facts regarding Gracedale have never had a true or fair hearing on this blog.

    The facts are that counties are getting out of the nursing home business. Private sector reimbursement rates are higher.

    Can't wait for COAFSCME's mailers on the referendum! We'll hear all about odor, bedsores, restraints, urine and feces in private nursing homes. Against these tactics Stoffa and the taxpayers will most certainly lose and the unions will win. Joe Owens nailed it. This is not about patient care, it's about public sector union wages and benefits.

  15. "Is the county council able to reject his decision and move forward with the sale anyway? Sounds like they can"

    Brenda, County Council has to either adopt the Gracedale question as an ordinance, or it goes on the ballot as an initiative. I believe Council has 60 days to make up its mind. But if it rejects the question, it goes on the ballot ... unless there's an appeal.

  16. Brenda, What this cybermob is doing ... anonymously ... is shouting you down. They can handle no opinions but their own.

  17. Anon 9:32...possibly very true. But I dont think even half of the petition signers will show up to vote, and most people who do vote dont want a tax increase.

    I did not know that private sector reimbursements were higher. I do know that the rates are based on acuity level and that private facilities tend to accept more complex patients.

    I had not thought about all of the bed sore propaganda, but you are probably right

  18. Amen to that. Public sector unions are just-add-water Democrats. Obama turned the UAW into said same and just awarded the GM rats hundreds of millions in bonuses while the company still owes taxpayers (9% without jobs) billions.

  19. i think Brenda is Peg Fararo

  20. Bernie O'Hare said...

    Brenda, What this cybermob is doing ... anonymously ... is shouting you down. They can handle no opinions but their own.

    Yup, don't fret and please don't be afraid to send in that letter to the editor. Cyber bullies are pretty much paper tigers. Being able to express themselves anonymously here is sort of like how some drunks get "beer muscles" and start to act tough after two beers. In real life I haven't seen too many get in front of a county council or school board and ask for higher taxes. Here it's just sick twisted sport.

  21. nope not Peg. Most people dont know who I am....only those in the pathetic little town that I live in who will attack, flame throw and ruin anyone who has a different opinion than them. I live a pretty quiet life and generally do not blog.

    But I had to see this for myself, and the flame throwers are alive and well

  22. "who will attack, flame throw and ruin anyone who has a different opinion than them."

    There for a minute I thought you were describing Angle.

  23. Yes, they are. Over at Flamethrower Central, you'll learn that Angle is a tyrant, I am a sidekick, Stoffa "does not look well these days," and, of course, Jesus is on their side.

  24. Wayne, thanks for the encouragement and many chuckles from your last post. I would love to send in my letter to the editor but two bad things might happen with that.

    First, the perception will be that I am a callous, heartless person with no compassion toward the elderly which isnt true...but that will be inferred because I oppose the judges ruling

    Second, good old Owens may just toss it into the garbage can. I once wrote a letter to the editor that was a thank you to the wawa employee who personally returned my wallet that I accidently left on the counter, cash and cards intact. When it wasnt published I called to ask why. I had the unfortunate experience of getting Owens on the phone who then began a loud nasty tirade that was so useless I had to hang up the phone.

    So I probably wont send it.

  25. Talking about Angle..Just saw in the call that he took $3000. from that prison group..If it was anyone else who did that, you'd have their head on a platter..looking forward to your blog about that tomorrow..bad! bad! bad!

  26. wow. dirty. dirty. dirty. and we're not talking the relatively venal sins of $250 and $500.

  27. I've already written an article about contributions to Angle and the pernicious influence of money on campaigns, which is published here.

    Want me to write it again and include the GEO contribution?

  28. Brenda, send it to the Morning Call. You don't have to subscribe to the paper to have a letter published. In fact you can do it all online:

    MCall Letter to the Editor form

    As for what would people think, wouldn't those who really know you know better?

  29. That land baron Angle crossed the line AGAIN by taking $3 K in campaign funds from a company attempting to do business or exert influence from the county. He has become the evil "pay to play" politician that BO claims he despises. Bernie, you have trashed King Edwin numorous times for this blatant carpetbagging, now lets see your defence of the Greenback Hornet.

  30. Yes Wayne but then everyone on this blog will know who I am. There are few who will take a public swipe at a judge, and this letter really does it and does it well. I know there will be letters for days to come praising the man and probably none as direct as mine , condeming what he has done.

  31. I'm not defending it. I condemned Angle a few weeks ago for $500 from Eckert Seamans and $1500 from Ramzi Haddad. Had I know about GEO at that time, I would have condemned that, too. I have consistently opposed "pay to play," and it makes no difference to me whether it is Pawlowski or Angle. But none of this has anything to do with Judge Baratta's decision.

  32. Brenda, If you decide against sending it to the newspapers, send it here and I'll publish it as a separate blog if you like.

  33. Dear Brenda,
    Are you crazy? No bias, no anger, no fear!!! you weren't there, so I guess you have no idea... Get your facts straight! These men are not even human. And you don't the the employees at Gracedale..This is a direct hit on them. They don't deserve your statements. You aren't much better than BO or RA!! you must be a tea bagger too!!!

  34. Hey Brenda don't feel bad. I don't care what your last name is.

    Harry Balls

  35. The beer muscled cyber bullies got some reaction in the form of cookies comb

  36. Hell Bent = Palin speak

  37. I dont even know what a tea-bagger is. Here is the letter

    The recent decision of Judge Baratta to allow the Gracedale question on the ballot has left a miserable looking scar on the faces of all northampton county taxpayers. Where else in the world is a flame throwing special interest group allowed to buck their agenda onto an election ballot? The answer is nowhere Mr. Baratta. Allentown State Hospital never appeared on the ballot. Hagedorn State Hospital in NJ, again, not on the ballot. In your decision, you have just literally required a permission slip signed by the voters for a government to sell off an asset. This precedent you have set is not only bothersome, but also frightening. The petition process was flawed and contained upwards of 3,000 invalid signatures. Will you allow me to vote twice on this issue and bring all of my NJ friends to the polling place to have their vote? Regardless of profitability or lack thereof, governments need not compete with the private sector. Excellent patient care exits in privately run nursing homes. We elected a county council to make the decisions that need to be made. That is why they are there. If the county voters are disappointed by council's decisions, they can vote them out of office. When a judge is so fearful as to crawl underneath his bench in his own courtroom to avoid emotional upheaval and bad press, the citizens he serves should be fearful of him. I hope you are appealed and swiftly reversed at the Commonwealth Court. A disgrace!

  38. Ah, more attempts to shout someone down by anonymous cowards.

  39. Me neither Brenda, frankly I don't give a damn or a shit what your name is. I think you are a plant and Lord knows O'Hare has had his share on this blog.

  40. Brenda, I will post your letter. It's too bad you did not send it to the papers, but I understand.

  41. I agree there have been "plants" on this blog, from the Longoons to the Gracedale Goons. Which one are you?

  42. The judge seems a little conflicted about "strict" vs "loose" interpretations...

    He cites a PA case, and says "If we understand our Supreme Court's decision...the authorizing legislation - in this matter the Home Rule Charter - should be narrowly and strictly contrued."

    Yet, shortly thereafter in a footnote he says, "we reject the argument that the framers of the Home Rule Charter took the time and energy to create Article XI..." and then goes on to broadly and loosely impose on the "framers" what they may have thought.

    Pesonally, I a have mixed feelings about keeping Gracedale. However, when I strictly read Article XI (which is solely whether this should be on the ballot), I do not see how this does not relate the budget, capital programs, or appropriations. Quite honestly, I don't undertand how the earlier megabonds could have been referenda either.

  43. Lighthouse,

    The megabond ($111 million) was never the subject of initiative and referendum.

    The open space debt ($35 million) was a matter of initiative, and that is because it is specifically authorized by the Debt Act, which would preempt the Home Rule Charter. Without that authorizing state legislation, it would be illegal.

  44. So why can't Gracedael b epart of the Debt Act?

  45. No referendum is authorized under the Debt Act for an asset like Gracedale.

  46. Bernie, it's Owens. Sorry to post as "anonymous" but your high-tech sign-in process is too much for me.
    Thanks for pointing out the comment from "brenda," who made up some story about interaction with me on a letter to the editor.
    It's fiction.
    I have never heard that story from anyone.
    It does not surprise me that she doesn't want to put her name on a letter.
    Thanks again.

  47. Bernie, it's Owens. Sorry to post as "anonymous" but your high-tech sign-in process is too much for me.
    Thanks for pointing out the comment from "brenda," who made up some story about interaction with me on a letter to the editor.
    It's fiction.
    I have never heard that story from anyone.
    It does not surprise me that she doesn't want to put her name on a letter.
    Thanks again.

  48. It does not "extend" to the budget? What a joke he is!
    If this matter does not extend to the budget, what does??

  49. Hey Owens
    Your painfully thin low tech paper has been discontinued in my house
    and in everyone elses' I can convince to do so.
    Keep up the bad work

  50. Owens is in the bag for Stoffa. Hell, they practically ran his campaign.
    Now they must support every lamebrain idea he has.


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