Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why I'll Appeal Judge Baratta's Gracedale Ballot Ruling

We all know that the Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, bowed out of the Gracedale signature challenge yesterday. I plan to fight on, regardless whether Judge Baratta rules in favor of or against the County on the Home Rule Charter question.

My decision has nothing to do with Gracedale. Over 500 people signed their name twice and got away with it. Another eleven hundred signatories were not even registered voters. Another thousand signatures from two witnesses who, by their own testimony, filed 38 false affidavits as circulators. Finally, over 1,400 signatures come from a witness who would pass out as many as 15 of them at one time.

I consider this appeal something of a Hail Mary, but Baratta's ruling sets a terrible precedent for elections in Northampton County. He has winked at what amounts to election fraud, and has ignored testimony from the Registrar. I believe Judge Baratta called it as he is saw it, but I also believe he completely ignored his responsibility to preserve the integrity of elections in Northampton County.

Larry Otter, who represents the Gracedale Initiative Committee, is already hitting me u for $21,960.25 in attorney fees, in an attempt to discourage an appeal. He's going to have to wait.


  1. Nice strategy of Angle bowing out to avoid any more political damage but having you continue the battle for him. That makes two battles he retreated from. His illegal alien prison and dumping Gracedale.

    Do you really think this third rate 'smoke and mirrors' act by you and Angle has fooled anyone. This still carries the malodorous stain of that evil gnome all over it.

    The fact is the judge listened to all your bullshit and ruled it for what it was and is, bullshit.

    Just because you repeat it ad nauseum doesn't make it true.

    The names are good, the financial figures Team Stoffa are throwing out there are bad and justice will prevail.

    You, Angle and Stoffa keep performing your little whiny piss and moan contest.

    We will just continue to let the people have the final say.

    We The People

  2. Keep up the fight! If the signatures are improper we all don't want them counted

  3. That battle is over, the signatures stand. Maybe you should take your fight for your brand of freedom to Iran. Seems suited to their ways.

  4. bo, do u enjoy being a loser?

  5. Keep going Bernie.....the only thing you are doing is running Ron Angle more and more in the ground. Everyone knows that he is still behind you with this appeal but is trying to salvage any votes for himself by saying that he won't appeal and is supposedly backing down.


  6. The judge didnt want the bad publicity. He's elected, right? Sounds like He's deflecting to the Commonwealth Court to let those 7 judges make the decision he should be making. Very shifty.

    "we the People" I find your posts to be inflamatory. You and your group have made the whole Gracedale issue personal, which has now made it disfunctional. Start putting your money where your mouths are, and put the union contract out to the voters.

  7. Whats wrong, did the Citizen group pass a bad check to Mr. Otter? Or is he doing it "pro-bono" and changed his mind?

  8. You and Angle have a valid argument and every right to file against the Gracedale Union fat paycheck people.

    He has no right to get a dime in attorney's fees and will fail miserably in that argument if he tries.

    I think you have a real shot at getting a commonwealth court to side with your argument as it is valid.

    I think what the previous poster said about the Judge is 100% correct.

    He doesn't want to buck the vote or even 15,000 valid voters on this one. He has no balls to base his decision on law but rather his next retention.

    Please don't give up on the taxpayers Bernie, keep on trucking.

    You've lost the battle but will win the war.

  9. Morning Bernie, I have and always will respect the right to agree to disagree, but with regard to Mr. Angle reversing his stance on Gracedale, he is now counting votes with Scott Parsons as an opponent. Mr. Parsons is a scholar and a gentleman. Carol

  10. Another election ploy keep backing off Ronny boy,Icertainly hope the people of your district really see what you are now a bullshiter not the so called bulldog that Bernie tries to make you out to be.To the people of his district get out and vote and please remember what this so called bulldog has done so far. I hope you people see its time for a change

  11. "Maybe you should take your fight for your brand of freedom to Iran."

    Actually, the brand of freedom which allows just one person access to the courts, is very American.

  12. "he is now counting votes with Scott Parsons as an opponent. Mr. Parsons is a scholar and a gentleman. Carol"

    ... and a Democrat :-). No question that part of Ron's decision is political, but there's something else going on that I am unable to discuss publicly. In any event, I talked Ron into joining me, he needs a break from a year of incessant hostility and I will continue to pursue this matter,

  13. I know what is isw

    you want me to share?

    I'm not bound by WAM

  14. Oh sad, the Baratta decision is now final. The article says that the county must accept or reject it at the next meeting. Hmmmm, not sure what this means.

    Since the citizens group is so hell bent on keeping the place, why didn't county simply let them run it on their own for a defined length of time to see if they could manage without county funds?

    No funds for capital improvements either. Sink or swim and the results dictate the need for a sale or no sale. I am sure that would satisfy both sides because honestly, this has spun too far out of control.

    I am just not convinced the referendum will pass, and when it fails, more mayhem will ensue

  15. Anon 2:02,

    please share with the rest of us!!!
    do not hold your cards so close to your chest, sounds like you hold 4 Aces. All in read them and weap.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. If you want to attack one of my readers, you'll have to identify yourself.

  18. The secret news you are all waiting for is.... Bernie is having Ron Angle's baby. The child's godfather will be John Stoffa.

    The Stork

  19. This is not exactly what I call witty repartee. It's more like what I'd expect to hear in some middle school.

  20. Maybe if I make a donation to Ron Angle's campaigh he will support my issue.

  21. Maybe if I make a donation to Ron Angle's campaigh he will support my issue.


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