Local Government TV

Monday, October 04, 2010

VFW, Armed Services Ranking Member, Endorse Charlie Dent

At a Saturday news conference including the Ranking Member of the powerful House Armed Services Committee as well as a platoon of about twenty veterans, LV Congressman Charlie Dent announced his endorsement by the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ Political Action Committee (VFW PAC). He and Congressman Buck McKeon also set the record straight concerning some vicious mailers distorting Dent's record on veterans. One includes a photograph of a soldier with blood streaking down his face. Another shows a soldier holding a prosthetic device.

VFW's PAC issued its endorsement to Congressman Dent “based on (his) strong support for veterans, national security and defense, and military personnel issues.”

Dent has voted to increase spending on veterans’ health programs by 64.3 percent since 2005. He has also voted for every appropriations bill for veterans since his election to Congress.

"My opponent would have you believe we have actually cut that funding and taken away their Tri-care and taken away their benefits," said Dent. "It's simply outrageous."

“I’m immensely proud to receive the endorsement of the VFW PAC. Supporting out troops and our veterans is one of the highest obligations I have as a Congressman, and has remained among my highest priorities,” Congressman Dent said. “To be once again endorsed by the organization that so fervently represents our fighting men and women, both in the field and when they come home, is a great honor.

“My principal opponent in this race has not been so clear in his priorities. He’s been distorting my record, and frankly, in many cases, is just completely untruthful about my record, particularly as it relates to our armed services and our veterans."

"My opponent has not been forthcoming on any of these major issues except to send out attack pieces to try and condemn me on obscure procedural votes from years ago, suggesting that somehow I've not been helpful to our veterans.

"He even went so far as pictures of our troops with blood coming down their face, suggesting that I've not been helpful. A fellow holding a prosthetic and saying I've not been helpful and basically saying we're cutting their funds."

"Nothing is further from the truth."

Congressman Buck McKeon, who will chair the Armed Services Committee if Republicans gain a majority in the House, said this about Dent. "I am the Ranking Member of Armed Services, but he has been to Iraq and Afghanistan more than I have. ... We're in kind of a silly season now. People say a lot of things, and it's unfortunate. ... When people get behind, they do this sort of thing."

"I know that Charlie's working hard to ensure that the men and women returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan get the care that they need. Charlie's been working with the Veterans' Addiction program run by Treatment Trends in Allentown; PTSD, which is a big problem, one of the many challenges facing today's vets; and this program will enable the implementation of a community-based, drug and alcohol addiction and PTSD treatment center dedicated to serving veterans and their families.

"He voted for and is a strong proponent of the new GI Bill. This gives veterans that have served since 9/11 a full, four-year education. ... Charlie's a strong voice on common sense, national security priorities. He's opposed bringing terrorists, detainees, to this country for trial. That's one of our victories that we had, even though we're in the minority."

Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX), unable to attend Saturday's news conference, nevertheless condemned Callahan’s attack ads in a written statement: “The baseless attacks against Congressman Dent are an outrage. As a seven-year Prisoner of War in Vietnam, I find his opponent’s attacks offensive and untrue. In fact, I voted the same way Congressman Dent did. The reality is a vote for Charlie Dent is a vote against Speaker Pelosi and the out-of-touch, off-course White House. This Administration wanted wounded warriors to pay for their own care. Charlie Dent knows better than that and stood up against the President's absurd idea.”

Going back to the mailer containing a photograph of a soldier holding a prosthetic, Dent notes that "my opponent supported the health care law. And that health care law will raise taxes on that prosthetic - it's a Class 1 device taxed at 2.3%.

"He's going to raise the tax on that wounded warrior's prosthesis. He's gonna' raise it on his wheelchair and make it very difficult for him to get that wheelchair. He's going to tax wheelchairs, prosthetics. They're taxing bandages and tongue depressors. They're taxing bedpans.

"But most of all, my opponent John Callahan is taxing our patience."

In addition to Buck McKeon, Saturday's news conference was attended by several retired colonels, a retired Coast Guard Admiral, and a doctor who has done four tours in Iraq. Two of Dent's staffers are also Iraq war veterans.

Amazingly, the local papers skipped a news conference called by two U.S. Congressman, even though there was pizza. Blogger Chris Casey, himself a veteran, states that "it really bothers me that young men and women regularly put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms, and the main stream media so cavalierly dismisses the opportunity to be a truly "FREE PRESS."


  1. Using a bloodied soldier to make a political statement is beyond the pale. What was Callahan's involvement in this mailer? Will he condemn its contents and apologize to Dent and all Veterans for its use? Horrible.

  2. Callhan used it as a campaign mailer. He has to take responsibility for his action. HE IS THE CANDIDATE and has to approve of what is done.

    Of course most of his campaign is based on denying resposnsibilty for his action for the past few years.

  3. Although I'm not a Charlie Dent supporter (I support Towne for congress), I find that mailer EXTREMELY distasteful. IMO, this race isn't among Dent, Towne and Callahan. It's between Dent and Towne. Callahan is not a serious candidate.

  4. @8:58 - I agree. I have been involved in campaigns in the past. The candidate has direct approval on mailers. Callahan had final say and if he did use offensive photos (i havent seen the mailers), especially of soldiers and veterans, he should definitely be called out for it and asked to at least explain the point. A bloody soldier sounds extreme, even for politics.

  5. Guys-

    The mailer was designed, paid for, and mailed by the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee's action arm, PA VICTORY 2010. I am sure that the Callahan campaign was aware of it, but I am not convinced that they had a clue how detrimental it would be to their cause. It had an opposite effect on the voters they wish to appeal to.
    I can't believe that they consulted actual veterans before doing that piece.
    It was truly offensive to most veterans

  6. "The mailer was designed, paid for, and mailed by the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee's action arm"

    I understand paid for and mailed, but usually campaigns design them and provide the content themselves. Have you actually checked this out with the Callahan campaign? Why would you let the party mail something out without your approval? That would be reckless.

  7. Chris Casey is correct. Callahan's campaign is not directly responsible for that mailer. I suspect he had the final say on this ad, which makes me want to take a shower, but can't be sure.

  8. anyone have a link to this mailer online? i'm a registered R so i guess that's why i didn't get one.

  9. I considered asking for a copy, but if I scanned and uploaded it, wouldn't I just be drawing more attention to it?

  10. The mailer is certainly eye catching. I received one this week. I found the mailer to be extremely offensive. Nobody in their right mind would condone such a mailer.

    Who was targeted for this ad? Was it supervoters, all registered dems in specific zip codes...how were the recipients chosen?

    Yet another reason to vote Towne. I wholeheartedly agree w/ naomi 9:32 AM - Callahan is not a serious candidate. This mailer is proof as to why.

  11. Monkey Momma, I can only say I rec'd no such mailer. I get very few of them for some reason, even though I am a super voter..

  12. If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound....the tides turning....

  13. The mailer in question was accurate and portrayed the truth. the truth hurts, when it is your guy who screwed up.

    The mailer was a good piece of information on Mr. Dent's record.

  14. It's pretty much a blatant lie and voters know it. Especially voters who are veterans.

  15. Johnny Casino should know better. THIS..is not the issue to go after Chuck Dent with. I personally called him when the Walter Reed story broke and he was all over it and gave me two follow up calls on his take and the progress that ensued to correct those horrific conditions for our wounded warriors. Boehner's boy has other issues that I take exception to but this ain't one of them. I'm a vet and he has done what he could for all of us. Move on to the next sound bite.


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