"Hi Bernie."
"Hi Craig, I mean, Your Honor." At that point a thunderbolt flies up my ass.
Meanwhile, back on earth, ordinary mortals were confused about filling his seat. They decided on two, completely different, elections for the same seat. At the same time.
First, there's the special election. What makes it special is that voters elect someone only to serve out Craig's unexpired term. That only lasts until the end of the year. Party bosses, instead of the unwashed masses, get to pick the candidates for the special.
Second, there's a completely separate election for the next two year term. We still get a say in that one. There's a primary and general election and independents can get on the ballot and everything.
Still with me?
In the special race for Craig's seat, Dem party bosses picked Cory Miller, an unknown college student as their sacrificial lamb in a Republican district. The GOP elite liked Marcia Hahn, a seasoned state house staffer who worked both for Craig Dally and Len Gruppo. Naturally, she trounced hapless Miller with 76.2% in the special.
But that's only 'till the end of the year. What about the election for the two year term beginning in January? Hahn easily defeated Nick Sabatine (2768 - 1094) in the Republican primary. Her margin of victory is something of a surprise to me for two reasons: (1) GOP rank-and-file were upset at how she was selected as the Republican choice for the special election, against the wishes of a majority of the committee people in her district; and (2) she was a no-show at a candidates' night with Nick Sabatine.
OK, so Marcia has won the Republican side of the ticket, but what about the Democrats? Believe it or not, Democrat Cory Miller failed to garner enough valid signatures to get on the Democratic ballot. But Democrats did cast 662 write-in votes, so I figured he just got on the ballot that way.
I figured wrong. They're doing the official count over at the elections office. I've been informed confidentially that, with two or three precincts to go, the official count shows that Hahn has already captured over 400 Democratic write-ins.
She has apparently already won both elections. Isn't that special?
Smart competent politics. Good for her.
Yes it is (special that is). Congradulations to Marcia! All her hard work and focused determination produced an excellent result.
That district doesn't much like Democrats.
Bernie, Permission to Change Topic, But Only Slightly.
Yesterday's Reading's radio broadcasts included news that
the city's mayor used sewer funds for other expenses without the knowledge or approval of city council. Sounds a little like the events you address closer to home. Perhaps it's something in the Keystone State's water?
Who can figure the R's in this district? Sleepwalkers, all.
Jealous? Hardly. More like flabbergasted that a candidate who articulated no positions or signature issue, and who avoided the opportunity to do so in a public forum can be elected by a party whose core principles and positions were CLEARLY articulated and held by the opponent.
But jealous works if your mind is only capable of the superficial and incorrect analysis of the comment.
Money talks,
and casts votes too.
Nick, I am a super voting republican. I got 4 pieces of mail from Marcia and 2 pieces from you. Her mail outlined her priorities. Your mail outlined your priorities. She called my home and visited my home in person and I was able to speak with her personally. I voted for Marcia because I felt she had a good understanding of the district and I got a feeling from her that she was genuine in her intention. She won you lost. Now we can watch what she does for 2 years and if you don't like what you see then you can run against her again. Ain't America great?
Four fliers, two calls and a door visit from Marcia. I was very clear on her positions. I liked Nick as well. We had a strong choice. I chose Marcia. The sour grapes are unbecoming.
Just what are her positions? When I spoke to her, she did not offer a defined position or plan on anything.
Lower taxes? That's like saying "I support breathing" when you are speaking to a captive, Republican primary audience.
Nobody likes sore losers. True Rs remember The Gipper's 11th commandment, and they didn't fall for the black helicopter Perot stuff.
This isn't sore loser stuff. It is a comment on the state of the Republican vote in this district. She won, she'll likely get my vote, because I believe I have a responsibility to vote and she will probably be the best available candidate.
But I'll come back here and eat my words if she ends up doing anything of substance and not turning out to be a clone of her boss. I'm betting on school visits, DMV assistance, ribbon cutting and recognition proclaimations, not calling out the criminals in Harrisburg and taking on the financial mess.
Well it must be a comment on the democrat vote in this district as well since Hahn unofficially won the democrat primary with over 500 write in votes. I think Bernie needs to change his headline to "Hahn wins three elections in one day!"
That Cory Miller seems like he can BS his way through anything, huh? Well...almost anything!(belated) Congrats Marcia!!!!!!
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