Sounds very impressive, doesn't it? But is Justin Simmons, a conservative Republican who wants Karen Beyer's job, being sincere?
In addition to his own campaign web page, he's set up another two sites just to attack her. One is called Beyer Proof, and lists her travel and car expenses, piously stating, "It's time to make our politicians accountable." The other one, Office Expense Report, pledges that "This is where I will account for every one of your hard-earned tax dollars that I spend."
That really sounds great. But if Simmons is all about accountability, where the hell are his campaign finance reports? Neither his 6th Tuesday nor his pre-primary is available online. If he's all about accountability, why aren't they there? The election is just one week away and we don't know whether he's really his own man at all.
Karen Beyer, who has been pilloried as a servant of special interests, managed to get both of her campaign finance reports posted online. She has listed the special interests that support her. If Simmons were really sincere, his reports would be there, too. Internet-savvy Simmons, if he really cared about accountability, could have posted those reports with the state or on one of his three web pages. He's about as accountable as Ed Pawlowski, and is just trying to grab a few votes.
He is another great guy and honest to the core. Naturally you hate him. Maybe if he had a major developer build 4X8 signs for him or sued a parents estate he would have value in your universe.
It's good to know you are against him that certifies his character.
Too young. Period. I looked at his site and he seems obsessed with stalking his opponent. Haven't we had enough of these types of "politicians". Think what he will be like in 10 years. Scary.
About four years ago on a freezing winter Saturday morning, we met Justin at a Republican meet-the-candidate gathering. Although still a college student, he was dressed in business suit attire, complete with an American flag lapel pin. He didn't hesitate to outlined his future political plans, including a run for public office. And now, here he is.
Haven't we had enough of these types of "politicians". Think what he will be like in 10 years. Scary.
7:16 AM
Oh, and like Beyer isn't?
No, Beyer is not like Simmons. She was a grandmother before she first ran for state office and accumulated a wealth of experience from her work and volunterrism.
Simmons is running for office right out of school. Unlike many of the young local pols, he does no volunteer work and has done no real community service. He claims that, unlike Beyer, he'll be accountable. But I see her finance reports, while his are hidden from public view.
Bernie -
Are you saying he hasn't filed his reports as required by law?
No, but instead of e-filing, this supposed Internet-savvy youngster filed a paper report that requires a trip to Harrisburg for anyone who wants to see it. He has 3 different web pages and can't e-file? Come on.
his own man? Isn't he getting backed by Elmer Gates? Nobody is their own man when they get backed by Gates. They are prisoners of his ideology. No wonder he won't efile. He doesn't want that little diddy getting out to voters.
Anyone his age who is Republican has to have something wrong with him.
I have a soft spot for young go-getters. I'm glad he is running, and I am impressed by the number of signs he has in actual voters' yards. That means he likely went to their door and sold himself.
I know how difficult that is to do. I agree he should be e-file savvy, and having Elmer Gates as a supporter does mean something.
With turnout in the state looking to be generally low, he might have a shot at Beyer. I pulled up the R turnout stats over the last statewide elections for that district and I think I will be watching this one.
Everybody knows Elmer Gates is financing him. This is one time Elmer's money is not going to win. I think Elmer may be losing his grip.
Elmer Gates,Now theres food for thought.
We agree Justin must file his expenses. It will harm his creditability. If he is hiding his expenses now, the future will be only worse. What would Gates gain from Simmons winning? Hasn't he retired from the business community? If someone from Justin's campaign reads this blog, tell him to file today. He's looking dishonest! We're actually considering voting for him, but he must be above board.
As usual, O'Hare is spewing scurrilous falsehoods. Simmons, a candidate for Representative in the General Assembly, had no reason to file a 6th Tuesday Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Report. No candidates for General Assembly are required to file that report. O'Hare is attacking Simmons for having the audacity to follow state law!
As for e-filing, it is the Department of State's responsibility to upload campaign finance reports to its online database. Paper reports are received by the Department of State and are entered into the online database; when they are posted, they appear identical to the e-filed reports. Claiming that Pennsylvanians will need to drive to Harrisburg (paper reports are also filed with the candidate's home county) to see Simmons report is just another one of O'Hare's idiotic lies.
Ahhh, now we see the kind Justin Simmons. I never said he was required to file a 6th Tuesday Pre-Election report, but noted that Karen Beyer did so, along with her 2d Friday pre-election. She e-filed so that the public could view who was contributing to her.
Simmons ignored an opportunity to be accountable to the voters. he failed to e-file his 6th Tuesday pre-election. He also failed to e-file, which means that most people will not know who contributed to him until months after the election.
If he has filed in a county office, it is only a courtesy copy. The real report is in Harrisburg, and i don't know many people who have the time to visit either Harrisdburg or the county courthouse during the workday.
Essentially, Justin, you have failed to be accountable. You have three web pages. You could post your report on at least one of them, couldn't you?
Again, you continue with the lies. Simmons was accountable. He filed the report that he was required to file and filed it in a timely manner. The Department of State does not want 6th Tuesday reports from General Assembly candidates; if it did, General Assembly candidates would not be explicitly exempt from filing.
The report filed with the county is identical to the report filed with Harrisburg, and e-filing has nothing to do with the report appearing on the DoS website. The notion of a "courtesy report" exists only in your demented little mind. You are trying to fabricate scandal where no scandal exists.
Mr. Suimmons or Julian or whatever Simmons acolyte you happen to be:
If Simmons erree interested in being accountable, instead of argiung here, he's post his finance report on one of his three separate web pages so voters could see the $1,000 that Gates gave him.
I am trying to create accountability. You and I both know nobody has time during the workday to travel to H-burg or a county seat. Do the right thing. Put your report on one of your three web pages.
You wouldn't know accountability if it crawled into your hovel above the Army/Navy store. Your refusal to take responsibility for your false attacks here demonstrates that. Your spurious claim that Simmons is hiding his support from Gates is particularly obnoxious, considering Gates wrote a letter to the Morning Call endorsing Simmons' candidacy. That's pretty blatant disclosure if you ask me.
From the Department of State website:
"Where does the information in the database come from?
The information in the Campaign Finance Reporting database comes from campaign finance reports filed with the Department of State, Bureau of Commissions, Elections & Legislation. Reports can be filed on paper, diskette or CD, and over the Internet. Information from reports filed on diskette/CD and over Internet is loaded directly to the database and is available for web searching within hours of receipt. Information from reports filed by paper must be data entered, and is usually available for web searching within 72 hours of receipt."
Simmons' report should be online no later than tomorrow, just in time for you to dream up more scurrilous charges against him. We all have our political heroes and villains, but most of us stop short of outright worship and downright lies. You have no self-control or self-respect. It's cost you your credibility, your livelihood, and your family, and yet you've learned nothing. You're hopeless.
Ron Angle is the most crooked politician in the Lehigh Valley and Ohare loves the guy. John Stoffa had a developer put up huge election signs and never noted the in-kind contribution. The developer is in line to get a nice fat County lease.
To the friends and family of Justin, people know all about Ohare. He has a few demented camp followers but as long as honest people keep checking his work and calling him on his bullshit you will be fine.
Bernie is a few cans short of a six pack. Read his blog as entertainment and not news and you will be fine.
The Love Bug
Gee,Love Bug,What makes you think your preaching to a choir,I dont like jusin either
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