Northampton County Exec John Stoffa and developer Abe Atiyeh have teamed up to present a combination treatment center and work release facility, but zoners have adopted a "not in my backyard" approach all along. It makes no difference that the proposed site is in the middle of an industrial park, nearly a mile from the nearest home, and in an area zoned for treatment centers.
Why does Stoffa want this so badly? He answered that himself. "We have four people in a cell, four bunk beds, a commode and a hopper, and it is disgraceful the way we treat our people in our jail."
There's another reason, too. Money.
Nearly seventy percent of the inmate population in Northampton County end up returning there, because for too long, they've been warehoused instead of receiving treatment. Stoffa would like to reduce that recidivism, not just because it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy, but because it will save the County money. 67 cents of every real estate tax dollar, whether it's Lehigh or Northampton County, pays for the cost of prosecuting and warehousing criminal offenders. If that number can be reduced, it will ease the burden on taxpayers everywhere, even in Bethlehem Township.
Stoffa would like to close the Civil War era portion of the County jail, which will save oodles of money in overhead for utilities and personnel. In fact, the cost of this new treatment center is expected to be roughly equivalent to the savings realized by that closure.
But Bethlehem Township's zoners have shown an arrogant disdain for the County. Their rejections of the proposed treatment center have been remanded by Judge Franciosa twice. The second time around, he reversed them and approved the treatment center. Their sole function now is the imposition of "reasonable conditions."
I doubt they know what that means.
I've seen this kangaroo court in action twice. What appalls me most is their treatment of Warden Todd Buskirk, who was asked to address security and public safety back in September. Zoner Gary Brienza, who was melodramatically tossing papers and slamming the table all night, decided to cross-examine Buskirk about his decision to step down as Director of Corrections. Brienza attempted to embarrass Todd, a class act, with needless and irrelevant questions about the real reason for that decision, which never was a part of the record.
Of course, they also silenced my flipcam.
"Where the hell are 'ya?" a voice message on my cell phone boomed when I stepped out into the muggy Bethlehem air after a relatively pleasant zoning hearing in Christmas City last night. I was driving through Bethlehem streets, ignoring the recently adopted cell phone ban that is supposed to save one life so it's worth it.
The person on the other end? You got it. It was the Northampton County Bulldog. Stoffa finally took the leash and collar off Ron Angle last night, and apparently, it wasn't pretty.
"I've been to over 5,000 public meetings, and I've never seen a bigger circus," Angle told me.
I only got bits and pieces because Angle's cell phones never work right. He drops too many of them in cow shit when he goes out to feed his animals. But between the static, he tells me zoners went into executive session right off the bat. They promised to come out at 7:30 PM, and at 7:40 PM, Angle started pounding on their door.
That angered ther kangaroos, who hopped out of the room with their boxing gloves. Chairman Steve Szy supposedly told Angle (now remember, my sole source is Ron and no one else) that he had thirty seconds to speak, and as soon as he approached the podium, Szy told him he was done. Did Atiyeh threaten to sue them, their wives and their unborn children? Probably. He got to speak, too.
Ron had a good time, and will probably be in a good mood for today's Finance Committee. But to get the real scoop about what happened last night, you're going to have to read The Express Times and Morning Call.
Then Solicitor Larry Fox told everyone that the public should stop coming to their meetings. Huh?
Apparently, some Township Commissioners were present, too, and even thy are embarrassed at the ZHB's arrogance.
I went flying over there, arriving close to 9 PM. But by the time I got there, all I could see was the back room where zoners were discussing their "reasonable conditions." I could glimpse one kangaroo's head. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.
My kind of meeting!
The Zoning Board left the room while Angle was speaking. It was the greatest thing I have seen in years of government. The Northampton County Baboon was left stuttering and stammering at the podium.
Bethlehem twp. zoners deserve some sort of award for that one.
Atiyeh also promised Stoffa he would not charge him for 4X8 signs if he wants to run for another office.
3 AM Troll, You weren't there. They weren't handing out unemployment checks.
Heard that Angle walked into their chambers and interrupted their private meeting and had to be escorted out.
Its amazing how people in power act when they are now on the other side of those who are in power making decisions that affect them!
O'hare- you weren't there either. How do criticize someone else for not being there?
Bethlehem Township isn't Nicaragua because Nicaragua doesn't have ticky tacky aluminum sided split levels too close together filled with white trash people.
They will delay as long as possible and I see this going back to the judge again. This ZHB is doing the will of it's constituents and that is the bottom line. Not in their neighbor hood is the rally cry. So much for compassionate conservatism!
Good for Bethlehem Township!
"O'hare- you weren't there either. How do criticize someone else for not being there?"
I made clear I wqas not there and relied on Angle as my sole source. The 3 AM troll falsely implied he was there.
Will this not be a publicly bid project?
Are there not other agencies who provide this service?
I'd think it would save the taxpayers money if county would go direct to the source and eliminate the middle man and in this case, politically connected Abe Ayiyeh?
This is a permitted use in this zoning district, not by right but by special exception. The ordinance is clear as to what they had to do, there were 3 things the first two were provided by the applicant during testimony and the third one was for the zhb to impose reasonable conditions related to the public health, safety and welfare. It does not matter whether you want it or not it is a permitted use, it should have been moved along at the first meeting much less the third. These guys including ring leader Larry Fox really have no clue and just continue to cost the taxpayers thousands and thousands of dollars on something that will be approved.
"In fact, the cost of this new treatment center is expected to be roughly equivalent to the savings realized by that closure."
If it is only a wash at inception, it will far exceed what is saved in short order. We forgot this, we could not have foreseen that.
Such is the reality of estimated savings on government projects.
I think it's fitting that the treatment center be in Bethlehem Township. When I went to Freedom High, all the stoners and "druggies" as we called them back then were from Bethlehem Township. They used to get in fights with the Puerto Rican kids bussed from the South Side. Sometimes the police had to be called in and would stand on the roof at the beginning and end of the day.
I made clear I wqas not there and relied on Angle as my sole source.
That was the first problem.
Since that time, I have read the ET account and have spoken to several people who were at that meeting. Angle's account is accurate,
Angle is a master political grandstander who was grandstanded in return, ah the power of Karma.
Bernie why do you always attribute comments you disagree with to some mysterious vestige, such as the 3am troll. The facts are the facts. Abe Atiyeh, the Rajah of Rezoning is well-know for his shenanigans, Angle needs no introduction and even those of us that supported John Stoffa must admit that he has been a major disappointment.
This is a big issue and there is no doubt that Bethlehem Twp, is playing the game but they are not the only game players. Many of us wish you would try to be a bit more objective.
The Tock
1) There really is a 3 AM troll.
2) I make no claim to objectivity. If you want that, read a newspaper. I can claim to be honest and I try to get my facts right. But I have a POV and I will express it here.
3) Speaking of objectivity, you have condemned Atiyeh and Angle while knowing very little about what happened and without talking to the people who were there.
2:18 AM........<<<<<<< That was the time of the post you accused of being the 3am troll. It was no where near 3am.
Wrong again!!
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