That's what Bethlehem School Board member Ron Amato publicly stated during a five-minute break at Tuesday night's budget hearing. Though surrounded by teachers and principals, no one gave him a detention. Not even a demerit. Amato was visibly upset by proposed cuts to the school district's athletic department. Nothing is sacred as board members and administrators alike review a $207 million budget that could entail a 6.17% tax hike.
Laid out by Director of Student Services Dean Donaher, these cuts include the following:
* Reducing Middle School Cross Country and Field Hockey to two teams, one from Northeast/Nitschman and the other from Broughal/East Hills, saving $4,368.
* Reducing the Middle School coaching staff in soccer, softball, cheerleading, basketball and volleyball by a total of three assistant coaches, saving $20,440.
* Reducing the High School coaching staff in football, basketball, wrestling and track by 2 1/2 positions, saving $23,712.
* Combining the two High School Athletic Directors into one position, saving $56,174.

"What thought was put into this?" demanded Amato, wanting to know other extracurricular activities were ignored. He noted there are two band directors, two glee clubs, two choruses, two school plays. "This is just the start of the elimination or deterioration of our athletic program," he lamented.
"Would Anthony Gonzalez be going to Pitt on a full athletic scholarship? Does his family have money to send him to school? Probably not. I think that's discriminatory against our minority group," concluded Amato. Earlier that evening, board members were told that colleges award an average of forty athletic scholarship each year to Bethlehem's two High Schools.
Director Eugene McKeon observed that the Middle School level is "where you need the most help, at that level." Echoing those concerns, Director William Burkhardt stressed the importance of athletics.
"Next to academic preparation, which obviously is our highest goal, the thing that gives kids a reason for being in school, ... is that you got to put kids with adults who care about them and will do productive things with them, keep them off the streets, have them in worthwhile clubs and organizations. This would be one of the most ill thought out reasons to save $50,000. I know that's not politically correct because we should save two cents if we can. We're in the business of educating kids. That's our job," he noted. "Please don't count on my vote for these kinds of things."
Athletics make up $1.6 million of BASD's proposed $207 million budget.
In addition to athletics, School board member Aurea Ortiz questioned a 617:1 student-administrator ratio at Liberty High School as well as its larger class sizes. Dr. Persing promised to find a way to add reduce that figure without increasing taxes.
The school board will continue its review of the Budget on Monday night. Budget details are contained at the school's web page.
Burkhardt a former Bethlehem principal and teacher just perpetuates the status quo. He has family throughout the district. When the Hell will this incestuous relationship of former teachers and Administrators getting on School Boards end? Every year they increase taxes and claim a victory because it could have been worse.
The time is now to go the way of New Jersey and have mandatory approval of school budgets by voters.
These Directors are the same insiders that year in and year out listen to the kids and coaches who love the new uniforms, artificial turf and the Taj Mahal schools that fuel the egos they continue to fund.
If regular working people speak up they are threatened. I am sick of hearing another sobbing cheerleader or basketball player complain.
You want sports and bullshit, sell hoagies. The people have had enough.
The Tock
i love high school sports, football in particular. but the amount of money that's spent on them far away exceeds what is needed to provide a well-rounded educational experience.
F'ing taxpayers. Selfish, greedy SOBs.
That is the only conclusion that can be drawn, right?
Thanks...and now we know why Moncman left. We were led to believe it was family related. He ended up at Wilson HS within weeks.
While programs for children are on the chopping block, BASD is not collecting it's fair share of property taxes (350K)from the Sands Casino because of a TIFF.
Question: There is outrage because there is a 617 student to one administrator ratio?
What is the administrator to teacher ratio? Why do we need so many administrators? Pay teachers, not administrators. They still have Phys ed, right? then cut all the sports. Let the teachers teach skills that will contribute to the community, like reading, Math, and yes even the arts, like theater. But make all sports booster funded and voluntary. Very few kids ever make it to the professional level, and we should stop funding it as if they will.
Priorities are backward again- sports first, learning second. Did anyone ever think that the kid listed could have possibly gone to college on an academic scholarship if the priorities were changed?
Question: There is outrage because there is a 617 student to one administrator ratio?
Do you think that ratio is too low? Wow.
You could cut ALL sports and same 1% of the budget.
Burkhardt has little room to speak, just ask him about "Teachers dating students" and "Principals children getting away with sexually harrasing female students" there he is an expert.
Tony K
How bout this.... combining all Liberty and Freedom extracurriculars and I mean all, into one. That is one football team, one band, one science club, one swim team, one cheerleading squad, one drama club, etc... that would save money. Also, drop the names Liberty and Freedom and rename the High School system to Bethlehem Area High School with two campus'. Also, cut the teaching staffs and increase the numbers of kids in each class. Buses could be run between the two high school campus' for courses that may not be available at the other.
Stop pissing in the wind, thinking you can put out the Chicago Fire.
The long term solution is not in getting rid of extra-curricular activities. You can only go to that well one time. The real problem, DUH, is the salaries and pensions. Do not lay off a single teacher. Simple redistribute the money amongst them, and reform the processes by which you arrive at their compensation, and cap them.
You will have to deal with their extortionist unions, do everything within the law to shame your Directors, and the same for PA legislators to change the pension and strike laws. But, you have no choice if you don't want to have the same conversation every year.
It may make you feel like you are doing something considering cuts to athletics, music, and other EA.
Are you are really accomplishing is a kick of the can down the road.
Harrisburg legislators are all former teachers, good luck with that.
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